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Everything posted by gogoblender

  1. This is by far my most favorite thread here in the forum. I love seeing the pets, but more interesting is how each person is shown relating to it. I sort of think that each animal is a miracle, and I'm grateful for each day that Star (our cat) chooses to grace me with. Ayup she's a princes...but wouldn't have it any other way...and it really looks like you guys are that way too, what a fantastic community. Love you guys gogo p.s. Erling, that last pic of your dog...it's so ...noble looking, wow. You wouldn't want to loan him to us for a wee while would you ?
  2. I don't understand...how is this served...like... a bucket of goo? gogo
  3. Actually, if you guys wanna hear something funny, at work, they were supposed to have been giving away an xbox for christmas, but apparently all the xboxes were sold out... a bunch of itouches were sent out as gifts instead which was the one I won here: http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=6748 gogo
  4. Big hugs for you too from me, your touch is everywhere here, all the way from the beginning...but there's no escapin darlin... ...and noone can hold off the power of.... the gogo msns! muhahhaha remember claire the gogo magic words... During times of darkest need... When faith's light seems lost... When orcs are afoot... l o o k f o r t h e p I g g y .... *echo* *dramatic fade* gogo
  5. Bravo! This is so cool... I"ve never seen the end of the game filmed this way..it's VERY cool and a great way to entice others to make it all the way to the end of Underworld. Congratulations to everyone who made it to the for the filming of the wonderful finale. And for desert...Ascaron style...an easter egg. Perfect +++ gogo
  6. Woo hoo just bought a can of the stuff! man, buying coffee in the store's such a ripoff... it's like what, two bucks a styrofoam (whatever ) cup? lol.... jumbo tin of coffee today... five bucks...you only get like forty cups from it... helloooo brewmaster... anyone want some? free rounds...today only gogo
  7. What the heck is a chitlin? LOL...I can't believe someone posted about a food item that I've never heard of before gogo p.s. re: anchovies...shame, total, shame... lol, get yer gf to force feed them to you to you can enjoy em on pizza again. Sometimes when I'm in the mood for a good salt fix...it's 1800 go pizza... "extra anchovies please!"
  8. I thought he was a talented actor as well. So many in that kind of feel like pitt, cruise, whatever kinda bore me. In fact, its more the story line or editing that those kinds of actors fall into that more than anything else will hold my attention. I was always sort of interested in the kinds of lines that would come out of ledger's characters, he would make it interesting for me to look forward to what would happening next. Again, sad event this is gogo
  9. Oooh, Bless! I'll find out first if they really are going to use it seeing as invites are "hot" now... Thanks, I'll ask and find you. Cheers! gogo
  10. But you see? To me...that would be the part I'd walk away with...that feeling of being alone, with only the dog...and that knowing that every night could be my last. Gore hardly does it for me...but mind tricks like that can seal me in with nothing but a cask of amontillado... gogo
  11. Ahhh I could live in this thread forever.. Timo how exquisitely evil you are to have planted it here... "sigh" gogo p.s. heh, quite the xbox post you have there Zyther... from all the stuff they offer with gaming consoles, it seems like this is where these guys make all/most of their money from?
  12. The trailer's pretty scary...you don't think so? The scene where they settle down into the bathtub for the night, and you can feel their fear...just him and the only other thing that's his friend his dog, using a bathtub...almost like a linus and his blanket... you don't think that's scary? gogo
  13. aieeeeeeeeeeee...food poisoning's the worst...I've had something close to it, and it was like my insides were on fire, 24/7 Helgi, hold tight, it will pass, and then eat and sleep well after to recuperate your strength. In form for Sacred! gogo
  14. You just sold me on it. This movie just looks really scary. I was thinking the story line was gonna be beh...but so much about the film looks so creepy. gogo
  15. heh, Reuctantly you got answered by two peeps here pretty quickly and Gial is probably our foremost expert on Def... noone builds a Sold wallmounted defensive based like Wood Elf like him ^^ I just wanted to add that during the beginning of this game, the debates would range on which was better...resistance or defence. Turns out they're both needed, specially in higher levels. The def of course (monsters' chance to hit you) can be fiddled with if you're fast with your fingers and can dance out of a monsters way, stay far away or just be invisible all the time. Resistances though are pretty compelling (for me anyway) as the ability to just plain reduce damages by socketing more resistances can keep you alive as well. gogo
  16. guys, how do these invites happen? *sigh* yeah, okay *cough* so I played a bit *cough* yeah so I liked it a bit *cough* so...dagnabbit I played ten hours on the weekend... Now I want to give invites out to more peeps...how do we get more invites to give to others? gogo
  17. Which reminds me..time to sharpen me knives (sigh) where's a ginsu when you need one. Why, I'd just have to saw through an old rusty tin to get the edge back up rawr gogo
  18. Yay, EM! Good seeing you were able to free up some time, now, we just gotta hire us some artists, get your name back up on the roster and you're back in action . Welcome back Em! gogo p.s. your permissions have been adjusted again, and you should be able to see the entire board once again
  19. lol, not only does this thread get me all a giggle, but hearing it this morning live and getting a sneak peek of the video ( another kaching Dark moment ) was a treat. This is definitely one of the coolest Easter Eggs in Sacred, everyone should definitely do this and have a retro moment. gogo
  20. Hey...how'd I miss this Ike tale! Another Rip splat in this uni, ike and dio gratz on the take. Ike , your thoroughness and meticulousness is always insane. Good job here guys gogo p.s. Ike, you should add links to these hits in your guides? They're even better than movies, and really illustrate success with patience and craft.
  21. ahh, I see better the question now. You can definitely find drops of levels higher than 216, higher than level 250 in fact. But if what you're asking is...What is the highest level of item that a maxed level trading skill on a level 216 character can produce...oooh, interesting question there. And I don't know the answer, maybe someone else here who's done that can come up with some answers here for you. I'd be interested in know the answer to this as well gogo
  22. Wouldn't this depend on what you were simming against? A bunch of rips are indeed pretty formidable to just make a "win" against your planet almost impossible thereby saving the rez ^^ gogo
  23. Hi Jericho When you really get into this game, you end up taking trading, just because of all the possibilities it offers with helping your other characters out in your "family" Some peeps run a trader a few levels ahead to keep buying great stuff for their "real" toon who is a few levels behind and who can profit from all the goodies that can be bought. Trading is especially good for making sure your casting slots are in perfect form with the highest leveled possible items in there with the greatest number of sockets and socketables. gogo
  24. zomg, that's fantastic...right on ike! +++ gogo
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