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Everything posted by gogoblender

  1. Hey guys! We've slowly been moving pics from this thread into the SacredWiki: http://darkmatters.org/SacredWiki/index.ph...niques_Database I think most of the clear, higher quality pics were already transfered, but if you see some that were missed, please bring them in when you have time. Thanks for everyone's hunting on this thread, the mod team isn't going to update the first post anymore, as all the pics are now being referenced on SacreWiki instead. Cheers! gogo
  2. Oh, wow, the pic are fantastic. Claire, you must so proud...another level 216'er for you! A worthy accomplishment and ...an account to let your kids play with? Congratulations! gogo
  3. A big fat happy birthday to you Therion! You're probably one of the most generous and kindest peeps I've met on the net. I do hope you're enjoying the day, have received lots of cool progs for drawing, and, of course, lots of beers! My best wishes to you today. You're twenty one...practically legal all over the world...have fun and make it count. Happy Birthday! gogo
  4. Wicked! Ankh, I just checked it out..nice new digs you got goin ^^ Anything I've written up is yours for the wiki. (lol, for whatever use it's worth ) It's a cool project you have going, best wishes! gogo p.s. I think I wrote up a Dear Victim letter somewhere
  5. Ahhh, thank you Ari! The only thing that's left now is to find a Unique Template for each and every specific Unique that everyone likes. I'm going through what Genenut has used and Nihilith, it looks comprehensive and the pros/cons is especially nifty If we can get a blank one from that, we can then spam that template into all the specific indepth unique pages for each unique so that if anyone ever wants to pull out info from the unique stats and then fill out the template, the direction of "growth' exists. gogo
  6. Ahhh, Gene...come with a few of us as we take Windows out to the back alley to teach it a few lessons I'm sorry to hear about the problems, been there so many times myself as wel I could send you to a list of online dirty jokes for some laughs to keep the spirits high? gogo
  7. Nice seeing you back Seductive! lol, your posts always get that smile out of me with your energy. It sounds like you've got lots of stuff going but keep coming back here for energy boosts from us! gogo
  8. Hey guys! We were up till five am this morning and managed to get a decent formatting for the Sacred Uniques...a few hundred entries later and with some of Schot's magical graphical Wizardry, a new page has been created: http://darkmatters.org/SacredWiki/index.ph...niques_Database So what does this mean? Basically all the "slots" for almost all of the uniques in the game have already been created for you. Yay! Now all you have to do is find some nifty images which you can download from Uniques files listed on the SIF or from your ingame itself,. 1-take a great screen shot image of the item as well as a picture of the item superimposed over the ingames detail box (or if you can't get that pic superimposed on top of the stats item box...no worries...just get the stats box up and someone will come along and add the item pic at a later date . The goal is mostly to get the stats on the unique item boxes up so that we get a baseline of Unque pictures which we can edit after. For ideas and guides on how to get the best possible uniques image go here. 2-Get it hosted 3-Find the name of the Unique in the listing we've already set up for you 4-Stick it in...Voila! The trick is to make sure you stick in the code for the Unique you want to add in the particular classes item grouping index...and not in the unique page itself. For example, when you look at battlemage jewelry: http://darkmatters.org/SacredWiki/index.ph...le_Mage_Jewelry You will see that there is an index of all the jewelry of the battlemage with some pics already there and some that have to be filled in. Please make sure you add your pic to the index itself, while leaving the page that the unique leads to for the in-depth unique analysis template for more info, pics and hints/tips on what you think this unique can be used for or other things about it which you think can be interesting. Basically, each subgrouping of the battlemage uniques will have all the pics for it running down the page for a "fast" read with the original ingame pics. While a more indepth reading of that particular unique will spawn when we click on the name of the unique itself. I managed to finish making slots for all of the class uniques, but have not yet got to the All Class Uniques at the top of the page...hopefully I can get back to this page sometime this week to make more slots, or if someone has time they can do it as well. So if you've got a unique pic...please don't be shy...add it! If we can get a bit of help from everyone adding a small bit with these pictures, we will soon have all the unique pictures, and after that we can use the Wiki Software to spin out Unique listings in a million bazillion ways. Have fun guys! gogo p.s. highest level of uniques wins hands down, lol. So...if you put a unique pic up...excellent. However, if another pic comes along with a higher level on it which shows more range on it's mods, the higher levelled pic is the royal flush p.s. lol...forgot to mention...I didn't finish with the DE swords and blades because I couldn't figure out which ones were swords and which ones were blades! If someone can help out on that who uses a DE? Or maybe we can find some consensus on what is a DE sword and what could be a considered a DE blade? Thanks!
  9. wow! lol, how'd I miss this hit here...Blade good job! And a HUGE chunk of change for you in profit... Merry Christmas! gogo
  10. Your usual great work bhj! +++ The logo and color schemes are especially great. And those talking pumpkins are a great touch. Good job gogo
  11. zees spaghetti sauce http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?sh...mp;hl=spaghetti gogo
  12. Daaaaaaaaaay offfffffffff... (runs around like a madman) Enci, got anymore of that beer Timo sent you? gogo p.s. today's a big laundry day for me...you can only turn your socks inside out so many times you know
  13. Very cool Was this a one of a kind thingy...or did he maybe do a series? gogo
  14. Happy Birthday EM! Joyous beers and lots of hugs from your kids, wife and friends! Hope yer takin pictures for all of us Party hard gogo
  15. check out the glad section now...he's just updated every singe video there and in the dwarf Combat Arts too... http://darkmatters.org/SacredWiki/index.ph...tor_Combat_Arts I'm glad he's not using divx any more...yeah divx was a great cinematic experience, but vimeo has just more of a ..."video game" feel to it. And the Vimeo loads up super fast and has neat spiffy graphics gogo
  16. you should be able to edit it /frosty, but I just noticed that you have two accounts here at darkmaters, lol. So before I start deleting...can you just tell me which one you want to log into the wiki with? Frost elfguard or frostelf twin? Once you tell me, I'll reset your forum password here which will reset your wiki password as well, and leave you with only one account between forum and wiki. Cheers! gogo
  17. Your take on it sounds good. As a baseline, you're creating great ground for other contributors to add to regarding places in the game. You can use the lay out already there...or change it, as you wish. If you think you've got a better idea by all means add the knowledge. You can always edit after or, one day someone else may come along and help out. Usaually the formating that has the most "depth" while using the linking strengths of a wiki give great content display. Cheers! gogo
  18. Heya claire! I don't know what Schot's using, but I just googled, Wiki Hex Codes, does this link help? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors gogo
  19. lol, this Wiki's like the coolest online game ever. A few days ago I was hunting around on other game wiki's for hot table code...then found this one, and Brad helped with getting it going on our Wiki...problem was the alternating of colors was, at five am in the morning...just something that kept evading us. arrrrrgh Came back in early this morning form work at 3.30 and ... lol... Gial had stepped in and done a nifty description of the table and...sorted out the alternating colors. http://darkmatters.org/SacredWiki/index.php5/Skills Nice work guys! gogo
  20. Gratz on the hit Dick! Wow, PUrple A's takin beats from all sides... A nice hit here Dick...stay on guard though. Cheers! gogo
  21. heh, nice work there Epox. Getting to level fifty without any picked skills or stat points? Must have been some hair raising adventures. gogo
  22. Ahhh, Stargaze, VERY clever that..asking for unsalted to make sure they're fresh... great idea...and I do like the idea of salting them myself according to taste. And Outtatown, I do think there are cases of lack of salt in the body but in rare instances only...maybe after running a marathon? gogo p.s. I like the idea of using tabasco as an alternative salt source...but because It satisfies our taste buds that way...wouldn't it mean that it was high in sodium?
  23. The screen I'm using is a flat seventeen inch, and when I got it it was pretty cool and all...so I haven't been shopping for screens in a while...I was pleasantly surprised to find the prices for flats has really dropped...ninteen inch is almost a must have now with 21 inch good buys always there if hunted for. And yeah...it's a 21 inch I'll be looking for... it looks like more and more games are gonna start supporting widescreen...and that'll be killer. gogo
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