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Everything posted by Aegis

  1. Honestly, the only thing that has kept me from watching Kill la Kill is the fact that I would have to play some catch up after 18 episodes. If I was ten years younger, that wouldn't be an issue. Now, I'm busier, so catching up would be harder. But seeing an epic backstab followed by an epic beat down followed by another mom-daughter touching *ahem* moment followed by an epic heart ripping... plus Blumenkranz played in the background... GAH!
  2. That figure looks amazing. @_@ Now I just need to wait for someone to make a real Crescent Rose. ;p
  3. All of them are cute, but Lie Ren's 'haiku' cracks me up the most. Simple, to the point. >=3
  4. I don't eat guacamole often, but the few times I had them were very good. Meanwhile... Mr. Noodles for lunch. >> Gonna compensate for that one at dinner. :-P
  5. Huh... about three years since this thread seen life. Well, having seen some clips of the series, as well as listened to some of its music, I am sorely tempted to give Kill la Kill a shot. It is a series made from former staff of Gainax who were also the ones behind Gurren Lagann, so the art style and the wackiness are very similar.
  6. I came in here with a full stomach and I still salivate. @_@;
  7. Can't say I blame you, as Gantz is quite a long manga series. However, from what I briefly understand of the anime, which pretty much only covered a very small portion of the manga and then just ended it in a weird way, do make it a point to read the manga. For one, after 383 chapters, it has ended. For another, it does explain the point of the creation of Gantz and what the technology and weapons were designed specifically for. The anime in comparison had no idea what they were thinking since they were given only so many episodes and only had so many chapters to draw from before having to make up their own end game. You really do miss some important battles, some very important characters, and some very important development in the cast, particularly Kei. Claymore, despite the fact it has gone downhill in chapters, is another you MUST read. The anime merely covers the first arc, and gives a cop-out ending. I don't blame them for doing so, given the anime's creators only had so much to work with at the time. That being said, it is all the more reason you gotta read the manga as it gives a much more complete picture of the world at large, including the true reason for why claymores were created in the first place.
  8. Berserk, a name I haven't heard in a while. I haven't been keeping up with the series as much as I would like. Same with Gantz, a very trippy series itself, though I managed to get through much of it in the past. I still keep up with Claymore and Naruto, though both have gone downhill, Naruto moreso than Claymore. Latest manta I read was Dance in the Vampire Bund. Get over the fact that one of the main character is many centuries years old yet has the body of a little kid, and it is a good story.
  9. *checks age* 76. Fascinating. Live longer and prosper.
  10. Finally, a new pic for the year 2014! Long overdue request by someone from DA, Nightshade:
  11. This is, in fact, a vocal cover version to a remix version of a song: Having heard the original vocals, which happens to be a Japanese singer trying to sing in German, what a difference coming from a native speaker. On top of that, the singer still put her own spin on the song, which really made this one stand out from the original. I'd show you the original, but that one is difficult to find on youtube, copyright infringement and all. EDIT: OK, there is a way to compare. Original by cyua here The actual remix here
  12. Should remind myself not to look at this thread on an empty stomach. That meatloaf and rice looks... ;_; BTW, welcome to the forums, Marielle!
  13. The 'hot pan hot oil hot food' method is indeed known by a lot, but not by everyone. I once had a friend walk into the kitchen seeing the pan on the stove and asked if I was cooking air. :-P Gave him the simple response: "It's called heating the pan."
  14. gogo: More than happy to make them spicy. :-D Not always, though, as I don't always have the sauce or peppers on hand to do so.
  15. I've seen that bottle trick before via Yahoo done by an Asian woman. No matter how many times I see this trick, it still amuses me. =) Ugh, now I want eggs.
  16. This is the most comprehensive guide I've seen on aspect lores and their unusual effects on CAs. With all that information spread out throughout the wiki, it is good to see all that info put together in one post. Thanks for writing this.
  17. Nothing too complicated. Garlic salt and sugar plus corn starch and light soya sauce for color. As an addition for those particular pork chops, I added a couple of spoonfuls of Korean BBQ sauce. That sauce was of the Kalbi brand, meant for short ribs, I think, and is a tad spicy. Turned out well, though next time I ought a remove some of the other stuff or at least reduce it to bring out the sauce more.
  18. Yeah, while I don't consider combat discipline to be the most crucial skill to have and have at times threw other skills in its place depending on character class, I happen to think even less of speed lore for the very fact my SW can already hit hard and often without it. I consider the reduction in regeneration (especially at mastery when the reduction becomes 20%) when placed in a combo slot and damage boost all around to be more useful to me than speed lore's attack and defence boost. That, and I can live with the SW's awkward run speed along with the fact the hellhound can't decide whether to be a gorilla or a frog.
  19. Always cool to see someone come up with a jack, or jill-of-all trades. :-D Don't see guides around here these days, too. Looking at this, I was toying with the idea of dropping ancient magic for a different skill, either warding energy lore, concentration, or maybe constitution. WeL and constitution for added defence either to raise shields to higher level or health and take advantage of HP regeneration in combat at mastery, concentration to lower regeneration of CAs further and be able to, say, keep battle stance on at all times and change between buffs from your other aspects, be it bfg or cleansing brilliance. Bring concentration also to mastery and I would think the regeneration from keeping one buff on should be offset.
  20. Last I checked, the hp regen mods found on gear do provide health recovery during combat, albeit very negligible especially later in the character's life. Ultimately, whether it's in or out of combat, you are better off getting your in-combat hp regen elsewhere, be it through constitution mastery, CAs like goldenglade touch for the dryad, buffs like ancient bark and grand invigoration, or a combination of them all.
  21. All this time and no power, I can't imagine it, what about the water pipes and were there any pets? I'm happy to read that you're back in the juice Welcome back to digitalitis! gogo Given how I was out of the house for so long, the pipes were perfectly fine. Just in case, though, I turned the water off when I was out, and kept the taps running low when I was in the house. And I have no pets to worry about, so the only animals that were frozen in my house were the beef and chicken I kept in the fridge (heh). I guess because I was not in such a bad predicament even with no lights and all that I was not too worried about the cold. ;p Anyways, thanks, and happy shopping. XD
  22. After a couple of days of no power in the cold, was one of the lucky ones to get power back on last night. Nice and toasty. Currently with my parents who also got their power back, and watching Mandarin soap operas with them... sorta. =/ Ah well. Merry Xmas again. :-)
  23. Hope no one else got hit by an ice storm like I did, specifically the kind that has left us with no power for at least two days. Am posting this at a McDonald's on my tablet to get the WiFi. =3 All things considering, I've seen much worse, and things have been good considering. Got a gas stove to cook, for instance, and no one in my neighborhood has had their car or house crushed by trees due to all that ice. With that, grateful to have thick coats and a working car, Merry Christmas, Ancarians. =D
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