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Everything posted by enci

  1. So far so good Nappy seems to be busy building, I hope he’s behind in military techs. I’d suggest a maceman/catapult attack on him. We should kep Mansa on our side, he has contact with Nappy’s cities, if he converts to christianity we may be in trouble. I think we should switch to organized religion and pop a few missionaries to strengten Mansa’s faith. Then build up some infrastructure. Only Msytdale and Moscow should get library and market imho, other cities granary/forge/barracks only. Looking back to my last turnset: geeeeez what the hell was I smoking?!?! Should have let Moscow grow so we can whip it. And should have aimed for a wonder which gives great prophet points – and we even have stone for Chichen Itza. Argghh Oh well, it’s not a commerce heavy land, so we can use the extra research. Not sure I want to start another wonder We still have spots open int he roster. If Tim or someone else doesnt check in and grab the save, I’ll play later today. . . . nobody reported for duty and I couldnt resist another 15 turns down: Turn 1: traded calendar for junk techs and 60 gold with Vicky, the Dark scientists are researching Construction now. Also sold meditation to Alex for 180 gold – it wont help him much and we can use the money. Whipped unhappy cities. Turn 2 tempted to start Chichen Itza in Mystdale. Resisted and chose market instead. Great Library finishes, switch to organized religion as we’ll be building infrastructure for a few turns. Turn 4 missionary finished Turn 5 spreading the faith Turn 6 construction -> civil service Turn 9 The people of Kumbi Saleh realized the error of their ways and joined the Dark Empire. The city is on a crappy spot so I disbanded it Turn 12 Socrates the GS is born is Moscow, sent him to Mystdale to build an academy Turn 13 Taoism is FIDL, it was mansa (he’s the only one with philosophy), crap, he’ll convert Turn 14 civil service -> machinery, Vicky offers 20 gold for Currency. 20 gold:) what the hell is she thinking? Obelix was right. These Britons are crazy. Turn 15 traded wheat for Vicky for 3 gold/turn. cows for Alex 2 gpt <- feel free to cancel that he’s the friend of Napoleon and he doesn’t like us. But a coin is a coin. Set the capital to build Chichen Itza, hoping for a Great Prophet there. I’d rather have the city produce military (cause its closer to the would-be front lines) and build the wonder in St Pete but an engineer specialist has polluted the gene pool there. Alternatively we can ignore the Prophet altogether and capture the Christian holy city from Nap. as it already has the shrine built. Then we can convert to Christianity. No hammers invested yet, we can choose. Brain fart of the turnset: I started building a mine on the iron near Rostov before farming the wheat. No way the city can work on the desert tile. Built some catapults as we’ll need them to capture Nappy’s cities, we can send them to suicide attack for collateral damage. We NEED to capture some cities, or we’ll fall behind. I counted 7 French cities and we don’t have good looking land to settle. I really wouldn’t like to have tundra cities at this point. Mansa keeps settling near our borders. He’ll cut our empire in two. Machinery is due in 5 turns then we can start spamming macemen. We should aim for Nappy’s core cities. He has monarchy, meaning he’s one tech away from longbowmen at best – thats why I havent started building swordmen; swordmen vs longbows = fail. I may be too paranoid though. Not seeing his city garrisons doesn’t help either. After producing some macemen, maybe we can set research to 0% for a few turns, sell all our old techs to backwards civs for some coins, and use the money to upgrade our axemen to maces. Two archers in the south should be enough for barb watch. Bureaucracy is available, we can switch. And if we continue producing units we may even switch back to paganism cause org. Religion has a high upkeep. Theocracy would be sweet but I didn’t want to invest turns for it. Maybe we can trade for it later. Only Nappy has it atm Our scout is trapped. Nappy has popped his borders when I was looking around. Grrrr In other news: St Pete and Rostov will need irrigation very soon. And Mansa hasnt converted. Yet. Save
  2. Turn 1 Mansa wants OB, I decline Turn 2 zzzzz I dont think we can box mansa completely Turn 3 settled 4th city -> we’ll have a culture war. I was inclined to start a libarary for culture, but the city wont produce a lot of commerce, obelisk goes obsolate very soon, so I stick with granary Breaking news from herodotos: Turn 4 pyramids built by Nappy, met Asoka Archer in novgorod defeats barbs Turn 5 alphabet -> literature for Great library (so we can have a wonder for GP points), trade with the most backward civ for fishing Turn 6 OB with Vicky Turn 7 literature -> music for great artist so we can culture bomb, started GL in Moscow Turn 7 not much Turn 8 Vicky converts to judaism, it’d be nice to convert a civ to confuc. Turn 9 archer def. Barb Turn 10 trade for sailing Turn 11 settler finished -> worker Turn 12 mansa converts to confuc., nappy conv to christianity New city founded, starts granary Turn 13 moving units Turn 14 epic battles with barbs, music -> metal casting for forge. homer is born in Mystdale Turn 15 started a horse archer, with the barb trouble it’d be nice to have a mobile force dropped culture bomb , kumbi saleh is in trouble Mystdale and Moscow are at their happiness limit, micromanaged moscow not to grow, a mine needs to be built there. Mystdalw will grow, we can start the whipping there very soon We may need to reconsider mansa as our first victim, he seems to be our only friend, and we’re sharing the same religion. Save
  3. Ahhhh managed to get out of bed. Rejoice! How Im gonna make it out of the room let alone the house I have no idea Coffee pls I think undone: at least youre provided some notes. We’re given none
  4. Opening Credits: Haggard: Gavotta In Si-Minore Waking Up: Kreator: Death is your Savior First Day At School: Vintersorg: Vinterskogen Falling in love: Mournful Congregation: The Monad of Creation <- nice, funeral doom for falling in love, gj enci Fight Song: Blind Guardian: The Soulforged Breaking Up: Megiddo: The circle complete Prom: Torture Squad: Pandemonium Mental Break Down: Master’s Hammer : By the Mystery of Fate, Im haunted Driving: Windir: Sognariket Si Herskarinne <-wonder what it means Flashback: Cirith Ungol: Chaos Descends Getting Back Together: Violator: Artillery Attack Birth of Child: Saint Vitus: Bitter Truth Wedding: Judas Iscariot :I awoke to a night of pain and carnage Final Battle: Laaz Rockit: Shot to Hell Death Scene: Trollfest: Utmarschen Had to cheat, one song was a bit ermmm tacky for the boards standards
  5. There was actually one single thing I could do before statisctics exam: hoping for the best. I found all efforts to learn it to be in vain. My neck hurts, I have a headache and I think Im sick. Yesterday I had a free hour and a week moment and bought a ticket for tonight’s Therion show. Im gonna soooo hate myself tomorrow morning when I have to get up at 5am
  6. Turn 1 missed Judaism, started on archer in Mystdale Turn 2 met Bismarck Turn 3 iron hooked up Turn 4 archer ready, starting settler Turn 5 Mono -> writing, Mystdale is unhealthy Turn 6 zzzz Turn 7 mansa already has a city at our borders, he’s after our cows Turn 8 zzzzz Turn 9 writing -> priesthood for code of laws and conf, met Alex, thank god he’s far away busy day, met Cyrus Turn 10 open border with alex, he’s far away, and it helps with our relations, Im not sure about possible allies yet, so open borders with Cyrus too, feel free to cancel them, Turn 11 granary in Mystdale to combat unhealthiness Turn 12 priesthood -> code of laws Turn 13 zzzzz Turn 14 zzzzz Turn 15 OB with Bismarck Turn 16 granary- library Turn 17, found 3rd city with the uncreative name of St petersburg, one tile away from coast, now it doesnt seem like a good choice but oh well, we hook up 4 resources with it Turn 18 zzzz Turn 19 Stonehenge is BIDAL Turn 20 worker near Mysdtale is building a road, he’s needed in St Pete, he could hook up the cows en route Our scout has been running from barbs for a couple of turns now. Actually we have nice land to settle to our W, too bad its not good for commerce, its a more production heavy area with all these plains and hills. Mansa land ont he other hand looks yummy. Im not suggesting anything We still have a surprisingly big land to settle, the other civs must be very crowded somewhere. Confucianism is 3 turns away Im pretty sure we’ll get this one. We’re past 1000 BC, so 10-15 turns from now on. Screenies lost Save
  7. It may be too early to start the hype but I just can’t wait Arriving in theaters on May 22 Yay for the retro poster And Ford doesn’t look half bad for his age: The plot is still kept hidden, but it seems that Cate Blanchett plays some Russian girl and Indy will be hunting for crystal skulls <- big surprise there. Indy’s son is played by Shia LaBeouf Cant wait, cant wait
  8. I have a dream. I see coffees lined up on my desk Lovely sight. help yourselves I’ll try to muddle through this day somehow. Must survive cause Ensiferum is playing here tonight Now where did I put my plastic axe…..
  9. I’d really like to keep this game smooth and rolling so how about introducing some timeframe. Lets say the upcoming player posts if they are able to play their rounds in the next 48 hours. If not, then the next player is up. This way we can have at least one turnset played in every two days.
  10. for ganto one for me aswell and trying to survive this day
  11. Schot: we pass on the save and take turns playing. Technically an infinite number of players are possible obviously, but more than 5 could be problematic. It’d take too much time for one’s turn to come. The only way I can keep track of my turns is by writing a log so here it is: Turn 1. moved scout to reveal desert Turn 2. found copper outside our borders Turn 3 wheel finishes –> agri for pottery Turn 4 our scout eats some bears, barely survives, spends the next 9 turns or so healing Turn 5 Mystdale grows, micromanage for max production, want to finish warrior asap, so settler can be chopped Turn 6 Zzzzzzz Turn 7 hinduism founded somewhere Turn 8. finishes agri -> archery only 4 turns, and worker will be chopping anyway as warrior has finished, production set to settler, Mysdale is on max commerce meanwhile Turn 9 Nothing Turn 10 Zzzzzz Turn 11 chopped forest for 20 hammers Turn 12: met Mansa archery finishes -> pottery met the Napoleon the backstabbing Frog South of red dot, but I dont think his city is down there, if yes then all the better for us Turn 13 Zzzzzz Turn 14 chopped another forest, Al Gore is not happy, but settler is down to 4 turns Turn 15 scouts defeats wolves promoted to woodsman I, pottery finishes -> iron working Turn 16 Nothing Turn 17 settler finishes -> archer Turn 18 zzzzzz Turn 19 Moscow is founded, starts an archer Turn 20 found Masa’s borders, left turn unfinished for the next player The [Da.r.k] Empire: We have a lot of land to improve, another worker would be nice maybe chop rush it in Mystdale. I hope we have iron somewhere, if not, we should hook up that bronze in the desert and fortify an archer on the tile. We may have barb problema from the south, some archers and axemen for defence would be nice. As would be a third city. Oh and I forgot we dont have barracks so maybe I shouldnt have started an archer in Moscow Tim is up and the Save
  12. A [D.a.r.k] empire with Mystdale as capital Moved the scout and revealed 3 desert tiles in the radius of the 2nd city. Thinking of moving that city, my proposal: we can hook up that gold with a cow-gold city later maybe. Green city is one tile away from fresh water and coast, which I personally hate, moving it will mean losing the wheat. Suggestions? Definitely block other civs, we seem to be on the south-east edge of the continent (notice the scary jungle N of the green dot) I want to finish the warrior then chop 2 forests to hurry a settler and found the second city on or near the red dot. I dont think we should worry about military at this point, barbs usually dont appear until the 3rd city. We should consider researching agri and pottery, because our worker cant do anything useful beside chopping and mining, and I dont think we can afford to work on foodless plain hills atm. But as we lack copper seeing iron would be very nice too as it can affect city placement. I dont have access to a PC capable of running the game for another 2 hours, will either play later today or tomorrow morning
  13. Yay, a volunteer Welcome to our great scheme for world domination No expansions, no mods, 1.74 patch. It can be found here Ganto is comtemplating the opening moves, he may play today. Or not.
  14. I don’t get it. I do everything like this, and Jaquerie almost never teleports to Mystdale. He just stays in the tavern in Brock. Last time I managed to finish the quest, I waited more than 30 mins, then when everybody except me left the server, Jacquerie suddenly decided to finally leave the tavern. Next day he wouldnt move for an hour and I just gave in. Annoying
  15. Enci, how long does it stay up? We have ours up normally 1st December (but was away so hopefully this weekend) and only keep it up until the 12th day of Christmas passes so 5th Jan. Traditionally until the 6th of Jan (Epiphany) but usually we take it down when the tree gets too dry
  16. I wouldnt survive 10 minutes if the zombies were after me: 36 % but got 92% on the booze test. Im at the drunkard level. Not sure if its good...
  17. Ganto and I’ve been thinking of trying a Civ succession game for quite a long time, and now we’ve finally got round to actually start one aaand it’d be very very cool if others joined too, so everybody, time to dust off Civ. New players are also welcome, there’s no better way to learn. If you’re not familiar with succession games, it works like this: you play 10-15 turns, write a short report on it, post the save, next person continues playing etc etc The current roster looks like this: 1. ganto 2. enci 3. TimOfDoom 4. 5. *empty spaces, hint, hint* We’re thinking 20 turns each until 1000 BC, 10-15 turns afterwards And our first start: Difficulty is noble, we are Catherine of Russia on a large pangea map, every option on default. It means 8 other civ iirc. All victory conditions enabled. Game version is 1.74. and the save: My thoughts on the start: We are creative and financial. Creative means we can pop our early borders, we dont need to go for an early religion. Especially because we have a happiness resource and we dont start with mysticism. The financial trait makes those cottages even more lucrative, but I’d spam cottages on flood plains anyway. I’ve accidentaly moved the scout to the wrong spot, I wanted to reveal more of the surroundings, but I think we can settle on spot. Looks like a production heavy capital, but Im not sure we’ll have enough food to work on all tiles, I think we can support a population of 17-18 ( I may be wrong, I havent played for months), more if we farm the grasslands too. (As a rule of thumb I usually only farm the plains) We start with mining, so we could go for bronze working and chop-rush our first settler to grab a nice spot for the 2nd city – pangea maps tend to be crowded. I see only 4 forested tiles int he city radius, doesnt worth chopping a 2nd worker and then the settler imho. Or we can just go agriculture first. And…. ….. well, ok, I cant come up with any more coherent thoughts. ganto pls rename our civ
  18. strange customs you have… we dont have the tree up until Christmas eve
  19. Hey I think I have a Dragon Ring around that level, Im normally online around 9pm EST
  20. My sympathies Im having a surprise exam in an hour. Guess its too late to do anything about it, so I'll have a strong one. Anything will do
  21. My earliest memory is........ my grandmother being angry at me because I made a mess in the kitchen At school I was ...... the main distributor of homeworks, writing assignments, pre made essays, you name it My first relationship was..... in kindergarten and lasted until we moved to another country I don't like talking about..... my feelings My most treasure posession is ..... my necklace, I havent taken it off since I got it My father always told me to...... dont know, my father is not very talkative, never gave me big advice on life I wish I had..... an idea what I want to do after I graduate I wish I hadn't... had to wake up at 4 am this morning My most humiliating moment was..... getting very very drunk (…this part I cant remember …) and then my friends giving me a detailed account of the events My happiest moment was..... not sure I tend to feel any good moment as the happiest At home I cook..... rarely. My cooking skills are very limited, to say the least My last meal would be...... some steak My favourite gadget is..... my good old MP3 player I'm very bad at..... dealing with kids When I was a child I wanted to.... be an archeologist The book that changed my life was.... dont think any book have done that It's not fashionable but I love..... wearing bands t-shirts The song I'd like sung at my funeral is.... Dark Angel’s Death is Certain. But they will probably play something like Orion from Metallica. Duh My greatest fear is..... losing someone close to me. And snakes. If only I could...... control the weather The last big belly laugh I had was...... today when a professor told a joke about the Russian political system <-- you know you’re beyond any hope when you actually laugh at these jokes What I don't find amusing is..... elitist people I'm always being asked..... „Can you do this for me? It’ll only take you 10 min” yeah right talk about 2 hours instead Cat or dog..... dog At the moment I am listening to.... Varathron: Nightly Kingdoms I often wonder...... if I have forgotten something
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