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Everything posted by Erling

  1. couldent find any either.. http://www.sacred2.com/en/ice-blood/chars.html thats the closest I ever got -.- lol
  2. I WANT NOW... I fell in love with the BM once.. it looks like I migth do it again.
  3. im getting veery intrested here I feel like a 10 year old on christmas eve!
  4. I made a thread about this as the intrest in gw is rising, im sure there is an old thread like this but I made a new as the intrest is.. new? o.o Anyway, post pics of toons you want to show of, achivements you are proud... etc here (in pictures ofc) the toons I play the most; never decided for a main rly.. lol. Warrior: Deadly sweet spice Ritualist: Erling spicy ritual Assassin: Spice roal assassin Monk 1: Healthy spice Monk 2: Healing spice
  5. yay, when you get more into it I bet you'll buy eye of the north for armors, HoM and pve skills with titles pm me if im online at the same time as you (add healthy spice or healing spice to friend list by pressing 'n' ) and I'll gladly help
  6. Played for about 4-5 hours yesterday, tried an Elementalist/Monk. One of my friends told me it was one of best classes in the game. I never thought this. But I like the game so far. I might go out and buy it tomorrow (found Guild Wars Trilogy (Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall) for $50)). Max there is nothing as a best class soon 2000 hours played and still no main for me, hehe. which game did you buy? and what is your ingame name? I'll gladly help you trough missions. im free most of today edit: ohh its a demo trial thingy? lol I got 2 week keys for all campigns if you want them.
  7. bah, thought I migth be able to pop up this week, but im 9 levels to low I think.. darn
  8. active everyday add ''healthy spice'' or ''healing spice'' thats my two monks, they got the easiest names. currently in [ECTO] for UWSC farming I'll add you two aswell btw, characther name chaos?
  9. PAY .......that means I wont be getting this game! well that sux, gtting unsure here now... I'm on this page too. Yes, it's unbelievably beautiful. I'm not sure I want to get into the midset of a "subscribed' player. It's sort of important for me to feel that any game I buy stops there and now. Subscribing to a game is kind of a pricey thing not only for money but for time, cuz they're usually to amazing to ever drop. Pay to play per month? I don't think I'll be buying it either. Pity gogo you need to pay for a card.. like in xbox live ppl are gonna stay up all night to fill up the 300hrs when the month ends..? :/
  10. as nilihanth, you cant transfer stuff like that over... but you get something for your HoM tough.. so im using loads of money to get zhaisen keys for the zhaisen title and such -.- you guys should get back int the game for getting more titles aswell
  11. Chek it out at http://www.guildwars2.com/en/ !! for those who havent rly looked it up before now, its all about the races cooperationg you can be asura,norn human, charr and Sylvari; some wood elfy thingy for more info go http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2 *happy*
  12. Interesting I was hoping that the guardians can provide that much damage, this is why I tried to take at them. And... I sort of forgot I had a better Tanit's Collar which improves the DM with 0.8%... But that's irrelevant. Thanks for the numbers. I'll try to find a mob that can provide that much damage. 29,454.54545... -.- omg... 29,454.54545... is it like fun to play for you now? :/
  13. PAY .......that means I wont be getting this game! well that sux, gtting unsure here now...
  14. I have popped up from time to time but I was traveling around in the summer as I alwas do.. and I had some serius problem with passwords and such.. lol got a mark on the floor where I used to stamp my foot
  15. Amazing work Erling! Wow, I'm extremely impressed...kinda lost for words lol. Am on vacation in Maine right now so that's why I couldn't update the sig right away; this really made my day thanks a ton! Drinks all around ohh, lol allrdight, I thought it was something wrong with them well then im glad.
  16. I get it that its free to play, but im not 100% sure, and it says its air-combats and such release in september I think.. about 20th if I remember right oh and the newly invented nonexsiting abb PVPVE which means pve gameplay where u fight the other alligance if u meet them or something.. lol?
  17. bump, to get atleast some feedback; ryanrocker1217 (what do I need to change and such...) o.O
  18. yea know its been around for a while :/ hehe still looks cool tough btw, please chek out you're sig request thread and give feedback if it need improvements.
  19. yea NCsoft (the ones along with arenanet that have Guildwars) is soon releasing a new mmo! I think it looks quite fun, I think I migth buy it! http://eu.aiononline.com/uk/ introduction to the classes : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8E2IFbwO3w&feature=fvst looks at some vids at website to see how beautiful it looks and you can fly! many of the elements I liked with GW seems to be there to! beautiful graphics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8E2IFbwO3w&feature=fvst
  20. oooooow we stole a member..ish? well I cant help but think of dark and da as a family ^__^
  21. here is .. well two attempts to make what you asked for ^__^
  22. I'll give it a shot, give me a day, some rl concerns to take care of first
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