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Everything posted by Ryanrocker

  1. Bump, bump, ba bump! Release of Path of Exile coming October 23rd! Can't wait to see more of you ingame
  2. Thank god we finally got you over Game is incredible, and I am super excited for release!
  3. Looks like quite the interesting concept! I applaud you on the initiative and gameplay ideas here My only question is in regards to the actual production of the game. How do you plan to build it and what coding platform will you be making this on?
  4. Welcome to DarkMatters, enjoy your stay with us
  5. I don't see the SteamOS having any more or less of an impact on Windows than any console. You will still have a lot of developers coding in windows for Steam games. My understanding of the SteamOS is that you would be able to play all of the currently owned PC titles on it? Unless I've got that bit wrong? But even if you don't developers will still develop on their platform of choice and simply run SteamOS in parallel, like they do now for other platforms. Nope, you're entirely right. However, SteamOS is offering many more optimization benefits for gaming, so I suspect people will be running SteamOS more than Windows if they are into getting the best performance out of their games.
  6. He said he's played one in an FPS before God of War is a very popular game series that promotes the super violent graphics and nudity and still walks away with a 'M' rating every time. I agree that a Predator wouldn't fit the Sacred 2 atmosphere, but it could certainly have its place in an RPG
  7. Honestly, I think they may have broken the game with the drops I beat Inferno within 3 days of release because I just kept getting legendary drop after drop over and over. Not sure if this is the route they intended, but I certainly enjoy it more than PC
  8. The new Steam OS based off of Linux will be a heavy contender for Windows in the upcoming months. We should see a developer shift in focus going into 2014.
  9. Subscription model is dead? No way, no how. Final Fantasy XIV, WildStar, and now Titan are all current games that are making big bucks off the sub model. It's like paying for a phone service. They have to have revenue to keep up servers, and I'm more than happy to give companies my money so I can enjoy playing their game, which is being offered as a service to me. I know many others who share the same sentiment, and I don't think we will see the sub model go out any time soon.
  10. Hey there and welcome to the forums
  11. Yea, it's absolutely fantastic and addictive with all the new loot drops There's both HC and SC, but I've been really enjoying the relaxation of the SC. Yup, there's still paragon levels to 100 as well
  12. Loot 1.5 is already on consoles, and having experienced it first hand myself, I do have to say that you can play through the entire game with self-found gear
  13. Currently in the midst of setting up a multiboxing setup, due to the fact that the standard auction house has gone to shambles with the inflation and I have no desire to spend real money
  14. This is quite the deal, considering all the individual DLC puts the price point well over $100
  15. I'm a big fan of toughness mastery, especially with combined with the Revalation of the Seraphim (Celestial Set) you can grab up to 50% damage mitigation which is quite strong...unless you hang around alot in the Blood Forest, in which case I'd say spell resistance might help more.
  16. I'd throw Warding Energy out of the equation. Getting WE without grabbing RT Focus is quite underpowered.
  17. didnt know you had a CM seraphim,although did you use the exalted warrior skill for support? Yup, comboed Radiant Pillar with Pelting Strikes was the main concept of the build
  18. Quite shameful plug here, but I made a Celestial Dual Wield build back in the day if you'd like to check that out http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/16400-azrael-harbinger-of-justice/
  19. Ice right after the injury, heat after the first day or 2. Everyone's got a different recovery time for these things, so just see how it goes and as much as it might suck, give the foot some rest
  20. Official launch trailer out, and I think they did a fantastic job with it, especially if you love the way SE handles the writing
  21. I got my windshield Lost Fusion ride from this vendor I believe
  22. Episode 6 is out today, and it is by far my favorite. Action, comedy, interesting banter and backstory, and almost 8 minutes to top it off! Stuff is getting to RvB level soon, I sense it
  23. I wasn't suggesting that, simply bringing up the business model. I know many folks on our forums here dislike the subscription based model, so I'm just making sure they're informed about a potential game purchase
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