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Sacred 2 Enhanced Edition by Flix Sacred 2 Enhanced Edition (S2EE) is the continuation of my work on older mods such as Enhanced Spells and the Community Patch, of which S2EE is meant to be the successor. S2EE contains hundreds of bugfixes, as well as numerous gameplay enhancements such as redesigned balance, quality-of-life improvements, and cosmetic changes. Enemies are more challenging, quests are more rewarding, and items are more varied, unique, and useful. This mod also features AI-Upscaled Textures that will work if the Elite Textures are installed. These all-new HD textures will be used for the DLC and expansion content which never received any official elite textures. S2EE is designed for the player to install a single CORE module that contains the bulk of the changes. The player can then install some optional add-on modules: Alternate Spells - Swap out several vanilla combat arts with new custom ones. Challenge Mode - Significantly increased enemydifficulty. SuperSpawn - Increases enemy spawn count by 2-3x. Enhanced Music - A game-wide expansion pack for all regional background music. Portrait Overhaul - Revamps all the NPC and enemy icons with new artistic portraits with more character and personality. Free-For-All Quests - Makes all quests available in all game modes, and allows all bosses to respawn each game session. Classic Icons - Restores the aspect background and combat art icons to vanilla. Classic Icons for Alt. Spells - Change the aspect background and combat art icons to the "classic" style. Download the Mod: Sacred 2 Enhanced Edition. Mirror: Sacred 2 Nexus Total Changes and Fixes: Download Enhanced Edition Manual This mod is built from and requires the Community Patch 1.60 Currently supported languages: CORE Module: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Hungarian. Alternate Spells: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish.
Hi guys Almost a year ago I managed to find the infamous s2rw tool to edit the global.res file. I managed to use it at that time but now, after replacing my old pc with a new one and reinstalling sacred 2, all I get is the "no sacred 2 found" message at launch. How am I supposed to make it work? ps. I apologize in advance if talk about the matter is not allowed. I haven't found anything suggesting it is but all the relevant threads are no longer here so...
Are you ready for a brand new Sacred 2 experience? Presenting a new mod for Sacred 2 CM 1.60: Diablo 2 Fallen Latest update as of March 9, 2023! Download the latest release: Diablo 2 Fallen v.15c Download D2 Music Pack Here The fonts needed for the interface are located in the pak/fonts directory of the mod. Right click each font and click "Install" to install them on your system. Diablo 2 Fallen is on SacredWiki! Get all the in-depth info and details on the mod! Features: 7 completely overhauled character classes with brand new combat arts, runes, skills and voices The worlds of Ancaria and Sanctuary merged - the lore of both games has been combined 6 new deities with new divine gifts, god statues, and quests (see list below) Dozens of new enemy designs, creature overhauls, plus new hero monsters and bosses (read about them in the D2F Creatures Thread) New Diablo-inspired user interface, loading screens, fx, and shrines (read about them HERE) Complete soundtrack and sound effects revamp (see link for D2F Music Pack download above) Gems, jewels, and charms integrated into gameplay New items: Necromancer Shrunken Heads, Amazon Trophies, Throwing Axes, Magic Wands, and more! Overhaul and rebalance for old item designs and modifiers Download the full Visual Guide to D2F Unique Weapons Read about all items, old and new, in the D2F Items Thread Better quest rewards for bosses and chain quests - find more uniques and special items through questing! See full list of new quest rewards HERE. Optional feature: Inferno Edition difficulty patch for extreme challenge. Read about it HERE. Completely rebalanced gameplay. Fight more powerful and aggressive enemies - with better XP & rewards! Custom version of Wardust's Serious Textures built in. Reduced Fog Mod integrated Rewrites for character class quests - learn more about their personal backstory. All new quests imported from Diablo 1 and 2! New feature: The Hellfire Arena, a series of arena battles pitting you against waves of the strongest monsters and bosses! Meet the Character Classes: The Druid The Barbarian The Necromancer The Sorceress The Amazon The Paladin The Assassin Meet the New Gods: Gods in Diablo 2 Fallen are the Nephalem of Diablo lore, the god-like hybrids of angels and demons who became the progenitors of all the mortal races. They appear in the mod as likenesses of the original Diablo 2 character classes. Fiacla-Géar - The First Druid Rathma - The First Necromancer Helgrotha - The First Amazon Esu - The First Sorceress Bul-Kathos - The First Barbarian Philios - The First Paladin Meet the New Monsters: Old enemies have been redesigned, and all kinds of new enemies will appear across the map. Look out for the new bosses and "super-unique" elite enemies that will have special abilities. Read about all the enemies in the Diablo 2 Fallen Creatures Thread. D2F Strategies and Tips Debuffs, Part 1 List of New Quest Rewards Visual Guide to Unique Weapons Debuffs, Part 2 List of New Bosses & Superuniques Druid Shapeshifting Guide Debuffs, Part 3 Map of New Bosses & Superuniques
- 1,076 replies
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Version 3.2a
Sacred 2 Enhanced Edition by Flix Sacred 2 Enhanced Edition (S2EE) is the continuation of my work on older mods such as Enhanced Spells and the Community Patch, of which S2EE is meant to be the successor. S2EE contains hundreds of bugfixes, as well as numerous gameplay enhancements such as redesigned balance, quality-of-life improvements, and cosmetic changes. Enemies are more challenging, quests are more rewarding, and items are more varied, unique, and useful. This mod also features AI-Upscaled Textures that will work if the Elite Textures are installed. These all-new HD textures will be used for the DLC and expansion content which never received any official elite textures. S2EE is designed for the player to install the CORE module, then they may install some optional add-on modules. See the "Sacred 2 EE Manual.pdf" for full list of modules and features. Currently supported languages: CORE module: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Hungarian. Alternate Spells: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish. Optional Modules: Alternate Spells - Swap out several vanilla combat arts with new custom ones. Challenge Mode - Significantly increased difficulty. SuperSpawn - Increases enemy spawn count by 2-3x. Enhanced Music - A game-wide expansion pack for all regional background music. Portrait Overhaul - Revamps all the NPC and enemy icons with new artistic portraits with more character and personality. Free-For-All Quests - Makes all quests available in all game modes, and allows all bosses to respawn each game session. Classic Icons - Restores the aspect background and combat art icons to vanilla. Classic Icons for Alt. Spells - Change the aspect background and combat art icons to the "classic" style. ================================================= Installation: If upgrading from vanilla or EE 3.0 and below: I HIGHLY advise NEW CHARACTERS or you may have broken spells & quests, re-rolled bonuses on gear, or other odd behavior. Download the Generic Mod Enabler (GME) and install it to your Sacred 2 root folder. Mod Enabler is available at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml For Steam the root folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sacred 2 Gold For GOG or disk version, the root folder is wherever you installed the game, for example C:\Sacred 2 Gold After running the GME once, it will make a folder called "MODS" there. Extract/copy/move the contents of the compressed zip file into the "MODS" folder. There should be 9 folders (the Docs folder need not be placed in the MODS folder). S2EE contains one CORE module and eight optional add-on modules. You must install "Sacred 2 CORE EE 3.2 - Required" at the very least. Run the GME and enable the CORE module. The GME will back up your clean files and will allow to you to easily enable/disable the mod as you wish. - Optional - add-on modules should be installed afterward. Do not install any of the add-on modules without the CORE module installed first. Overwrite warnings are to be expected when you install the optional modules. ================================================== Compatibility: This mod requires Sacred 2 + Ice & Blood expansion with the latest patch (2.65.02) installed (or simply Sacred 2 Gold). This mod additionally requires that Community Patch 1.60 be installed. No previous versions or components of the old Enhanced Edition should be installed. No mods that alter scripts will be compatible with S2EE. This includes: Diablo 2 Fallen, Boss Arena, Age of Heroes, Survival Mod, Llama's Mod, Wardust's Mods, Dimitrius's Patch Addendum Mods that are known to be compatible: Music Mods, Interface Mods, Main Menu Mods, Reduced Fog, Elite Textures (either official or the unofficial "trimmed" version), and simple texture mods like Eye mod or Grass mod. ================================================= Development (Enhanced Spells module): For detailed list of changes to combat arts (and Alternate Spells) , and for pictures and videos, and development info, visit this thread: ================================================= Known Issues: Not all properties of a Combat Art update dynamically in the CA tooltip text. This is a pre-existing issue in the vanilla game as well. However rest assured that all properties of Combat Arts should be clearly described in the CA description text and will appear (if applicable) in the Sigma bonus overview and/or character overview. Dragon's Wrath cannot go into a combo. No known solution. If you find bugs, exploits, or other issues, don't forget to let me know so I can address them. ================================================= Credits: Flix - Main author, scripts, game texts, textures, sounds, icons. Dimitrius154 - programming, scripting, advice, asset importing. Pesmontis - new model importing, text encoding tools. desm - French translation. Shadowflare85 - German translation. KrystianCzach243r - Polish translation. Nikoleagle and LordKomar - Russian translation. Deivix - Spanish translation. Pokolfajzat - Hungarian translation. Loromir - Italian translation. Lindor - reworked Ancient Bark FX. Ysendra - new Daemon textures. SX255 - new Deathly Spears icon. Luthal - helped work out how to handle summoned minions. Caledor - ideas on adjusting balance, skill effects, and the interface. Charon117 - tools for cleaning & optimizing scripts. Everyone who played the mod and posted feedback. Gogoblender and Schot - hosting this mod on DarkMatters. Llama - making his CM Patch Mod and showing me the way into modding Sacred 2 spells.- 78 comments
- 25 reviews
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- combat arts
- items
- (and 5 more)
Version v15c
Diablo 2 Fallen v15c Hotfix Patch for "Opponent's Armor -X%" modifier not spawning on weapons. Introduction: Diablo 2 Fallen is a semi-conversion mod for Sacred 2 that transforms the game world, character classes, items, enemies, and many more aspects into those of Diablo 2. Relevant Links: D2F Development Thread D2F Release Thread D2F on SacredWiki The Hellfire Arena Please read the following! This mod requires the latest version of the Community Patch (1.60) to be installed beforehand. Do not to have any other mods installed if you're going to play D2F. None. This is a huge mod and compatibility is very limited. Custom versions of many popular mods are already integrated. The Music Pack is a separate download available HERE. The music pack is required, otherwise you will experience some regions with no music at all. Leave "commentary" to NEVER in the options menu. If you don't turn commentary off you will hear a weird mix of vanilla and D2F character voices. Leave "Number of Speakers" to STEREO in the options menu. If you try to use 5.1 audio then the music and many sound effects will not play. The fonts needed for the interface are located in the "pak/fonts" directory of the mod. They are three .ttf files. Right-click each one and select "Install" to install them on your system. Detailed Install Instructions (New Users): Download the Generic Mod Enabler (GME) and install it to your Sacred 2 root folder. Mod Enabler is available at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml Root folder for Steam is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sacred 2 Gold Root folder for GOG or disk version may be as simple as C:\Sacred 2 Gold After running the GME once, it will make a folder called "MODS" there. Extract the contents of the D2F .zip file into the "MODS" folder. There should be four folders: "Diablo 2 Fallen v15", "D2F Inferno Patch", "D2F SuperSpawn, and "D2F Docs." The Docs folder is just for information and is not necessary to play. Extract the D2F music pack contents ("music" folder) into the "pak" folder of the mod. So the structure will look like: [Diablo 2 Fallen v15/pak/music]. Run the GME and enable Diablo 2 Fallen v15. It may take a long time to install. The GME will back up your clean files and will allow to you to easily enable/disable the mod as you wish. -Optional- "Inferno Edition" and/or "SuperSpawn" should be enabled after enabling the main mod. Overwrite warnings are to be expected. Disable before disabling the main mod. The fonts needed for the interface are located in the "pak/fonts" directory of the mod. They are three .ttf files. Right-click each one and select "Install" to install them on your system. Play with NEW characters only. Previous Users: Disable the old version of D2F with the GME (important!) Remove the old D2F folder from your "MODS" folder. Place the new "Diablo 2 Fallen v15" folder into the "MODS" folder. Enable as usual. -Optional- "Inferno Edition" and/or "SuperSpawn" should be enabled after enabling the main mod. Disable before disabling the main mod. Use old characters at your own risk. Legacy characters may have re-rolled bonuses on random items or odd/broken behavior for in-progress quests. Thanks to: Pesmontis for all his ideas and insight, and helping me import countless new monster and item designs. dimitrius154 for invaluable advice, contributing new models and textures, and coding. Silver Fox for scripting advice, and his work on textures, making new items, god statues, and the Druid's quest. Vampire and desm for making the French version. Wardust for hundreds of ideas on changing textures of the landscape, enemies, and the characters. steinerrr for ideas on how to increase the power and challenge of monsters. Caledor for ideas on adjusting balance, skill effects and the inventory interface. Ysendra for some Daemon textures. Jordan0422 and Tharkun who did testing and provided lots of valuable feedback. Charon117 who made tools for cleaning & optimizing scripts. Lindor for some script-sorting tools and Lua advice. The CM Patch team and all the modders who came before me, made modding tools, and showed me the way. Everyone who played the mod, posted feedback, and gave support. This mod is very much a product of the entire Sacred 2 community at DarkMatters. Thank you! -
Version 3.0.0
>> Skip, if you like, until 'Here': << I played Sacred 2 for about half a year and found it entertaining as well as flawed. The world is huge, contains a little humor here and there. There is a good effort in this game. But 'pacing' is a big issue. If you are unfamiliar with the term, it comes from movies and basically means the speed at which the movie unfolds. At times it felt like playing the extendended cut with bloopers I.e. you do not need 5 difficulty levels. Character developement ist also troublesome. They often are uninteresting. But there's a remedy, that is why I post this: I reworked some of the skills for my enjoyment and maybe yours too! To get it out right now. I started out as an Inquisitor and the champ is just useless. Sorry mate. I also had a look at the dragon mage just recently and found him uninteresting too. His skill where a dragon flys over you and spits a fireball that leaves a burning ground effect often ends up in the surrounding terrain and not where you want it. Which brings me to my second character, which I played all the way in the vanilla version of the game (before ranged weapons got castrated). The Shadow Warrior. Why? For people familiar with the game the reasons are simple: Ranged weapons were fantastic because they worked well with melee skills (maybe too well). Ready access to the skill 'Blacksmithing'. Well rounded buffs and short-termed powerful powerups. Utility in addition to prowess with a stealthbuff (and movespeed) which allowed to skip forward at a good pace. Basically he was the best version of all the other characters combined. So lets start there with suggestions for builds: All the descriptions for the skills ingame are not accurate anymore where my builds are concerned. Also it doesnt matter how you improve the skills only that you improve them. All Divination-Powers are doing the same thing now. Tesla was the best in the vanilla version. It basically killed everything and kept you alive every other Boss-fight. All the other powers are just defensive or strange. So the new divination powers do just what Tesla did: a complete wipeout every 450 seconds (I halfed the duration in favour of one of my builds). The Difficulty-Level 'Bronze' was never necessary. I changed it a little so that it goes to level 200 but the mobs are still bronze (general stats are low). Start with difficulty 'Silver' if you are familiar with the game, which should now be equivalent to niobium and also goes to level 200. Please note, that melee characters will have trouble in silver due to the much much higher defense values of mobs. The Fog-Boss at the south-western end of the swamp now spawns several bosses to farm items. >> Contents of the .zip << Before that: There's a .zip-file with the content that has to go into the gamefolder. I use the full game with extension + the CM-Patch. Balance.txt is slightly modified for 2x more xp in Solo-play and only champions or bosses drop loot. The right kind too. creatureinfo.txt is slightly modified for more movespeed of all the champs and their pets. The information on how to do that I got in this forum. spells.txt contains most of the modifications. creatures.txt and questscripts.txt have possibly been altered by me. I think because I could link some gamecrashes to missing or incomplete skills. So I include them just to be on the safe side. Also all the portals are now accessible which improves the pacing. >> 'Here': Summary << You need the files in the zip-file in the right gamefolders. Start with difficulty 'Silver' if you are familiar with the game, else bronze. Champions and Bosses grant loot. The ingame description for skills is in many cases not accurate anymore. >> Builds << Shadow Warrior: "Returned from the dead, the shadow warrior is not only a formible fighter but also borrows some powers from the cold place beyond the living realms. Woe to the one who make him their enemy." ! Careful: the starting zone for the shadow warrior is a little buggy. You can use the portal - after you had a chat to start the campaign, killed the first enemy, and the quest-pointer marks the exit ! > 'Lich' Strong magic user. I thought the lich-theme fits a champ back from the dead. The signature 'Kohort'-buff is slightly stronger and we have some utility. All the champs profit immensly from +skill and +combat art gear, this applies also to the Lich. - Spectral Hand: (read: warrior cry) Cone Effekt, Main Damage - Skeletal Fortification + Rallied Souls: Defensive and offensive utility - Reflective Emanation: Buff (add 'Grim Resilience' later) Start 'Astral Lord Lore', just 1 point in 'Combat Discipline' for a 10% cooldown-reduction. Blacksmithing 3rd. Ancient Magic 4th. All the skill runes you find go into 'Spectral Hand' and 'Rallied Souls'. What you can spare into 'Kohort'. ! Careful: the starting zone for the shadow warrior is a little buggy. You can use the portal - after you had a chat to start the campaign, killed the first enemy, and the quest-pointer marks the exit ! > 'Old School Warja' Strong melee fighter. I would recommend the 'Kohort'-buff, because now it still deals actual damage beyond level 150, even to bosses. You can skip them though and win another slot for a skill but I consider it a signature skill. 'Ruinous Onslaught' is my take on a taunt-skill, though the mechanics of the game do not really have something that does that (there are relics in there that suggests that the developers at some point thought about it). - Scything Sweep + Demonic Blow: Good clear (add Frenzied Rampage, when you added the skill 'Combat Discipline') - Skeletal Fortification: Utility - Kohort: Buff (add 'Grim Resilience' and 'Reflective Emanation' later) Start 'Astral Lord Focus', just 1 point in 'Combat Discipline' for a 10% cooldown-reduction. 'Tactics Lore', 'Death Warrior Focus' and 'Malevolent Champion Focus' next. Put all the extra skill runes into 'kohort' and 'skeletal fortification', keep 'Astral Lord Focus' on your level and this champ mows through the game. Even in vanilla almost every skill fitted the bill of a warrior, and there is plenty of utility skills ('Shadow Veil' for extra movement speed and invisibility). This was my most fun character in the game. Dryad: "Dryads are famous for their skill with the bow and their familiarity and use of nature itself to delay and kill enemies. Poisons won from plants and animals make even a small injurie life-threatening. It is also rumoured that they use pagan rituals and black magic to overcome their adversaries." > 'Controller' Coming from a pvp-game I found this game lacked the need for a champ with control-skills and also the champ to do it. Short-timed 'Roots' and 'Stuns' and 'Fears' that this champ now has help mitigate damage. I didnt yet mess with mob density but if you want the game to be more challenging (and maybe play in a party too) this champ provides good support, damage and damage mitigation. There are entries in this forum on how to make things more challenging. - Edaphic Lances + Tangled Vine: Point blank area of effect with crowd control, dps - Viperish desease: with a lot of investment can wipe maps (but very much later in the game) - Twisted Torment: Boss - Acute Mind: Utility - Ancient Bark + Moribund Animus: Buffs Start 'Nature Weaver Lore', just 1 point in 'Combat Discipline' for a 10% cooldown-reduction. Concentration for the 2nd buff. 'Cabalistic Vodoo Lore' 4th. After that the respective -focus. Combine 'Edaphic Lances' with 'Viperish desease' in a combo and 'Tangled Vine' with 'Viperish Desease' - There are immunity timers on mobs and they cannot be controlled by a type for a bit. 'Black Curse' is now a fear, because fear suited the skill line 'Cabalistic Vodoo' better. It is also pretty deadly to the undead. 'Malicious Totem' confuses all mobs to attack each other. All the skills are useful, maybe you need to switch them up a bit. > 'Undying Treehugger' Playing a tanky champ and also do damage to crowds and bosses? Well, you do not have to look any further because all you need is here in a neat, compostable package. - Viperish Desease + Ravaged Impact: clear, dps - Twisted Torment + Ravaged Impact: bosses, dps - Sinister Predator: Buff Start 'Capricious Hunter Focus', 'Cabalistic Vodoo Focus' 2nd. Sword Mastery 3rd as you need to be able to hit stuff. The way it works is that you equip a 'Ouroboros' Advent' (set item - a ring - that came with the cm patch), but really any item that reduces cooldown per hit works, and apply several instances of the spells to enemies. Then something funny happens: The 'Viperish Desease'-spell starts to apply to monsters in a huge radius. All the rest of the skills can be defensive (you need to watch your spell resist though). Seraphim: "The enforcers of good utilize melee skills and cleansing magic. The most devout ones are said to have the ability to borrow divine powers. Seraphims actively seek out sources of evil - sometimes even draw them in - in order to eradicate them." > 'Gabriel' Many times I chose 1 skill to make up the whole character. In the vanilla version of the game I never knew where to put skill runes because that also interfered with the cooldown rates of the skill. With this build the choice is clear: - Radiant Pillar: Main dps, the dazzling light pulls evil in - Hallowed Restoration: Utility - Instill Belief, Cleansing Brilliance: Buff (Later on also Battle Stance) Start 'Celestial Magic Lore', just 1 point in 'Combat Discipline' for a 10% cooldown-reduction. Ancient Magic 3rd. 'Celestial Magic Focus' 4th. I recommend Battle stance as buff later on - for that it makes also sense to pick up 'Exalted Warrior Focus'. > 'Holy Maiden' I messed around with this skilltree when I played vanilla. I found the 'Doom'-Reference in the beeefgee-buff funny. But ultimately it is a boring skilltree so ... enter the holy maiden: - Archangels Wrath: Big Clear, dot - Flaring Nova: for bosses - Hallowed Restoration: Utility - Divine Protection, Warding Energy, BeeEffGee: Buffs Start 'Revered Technology Lore', just 1 point in 'Combat Discipline' for a 10% cooldown-reduction. Concentration for the 2nd buff. Ancient Magic 3rd. 'Revered Technology Focus' 4th. All buffs reduce the cooldown of this skilltree, the most important being 'BeeEffGee'. 'Divination' 5th - because it fits thematically. With enough investment (and the cut-in-half on the cooldown) you can use a screenwide wipe like every 30 seconds. The Holy Maiden has a slow build up, do not put more skill runes than 1 in the damaging skills until your cooldowns are agreeable (also watch your gear with + skills). > 'Winona Earp' A fun build using a one-handed ranged weapon, 'Sand Eagle' if you can find it. To avoid running from mob to mob, you let the champ do the targetting and with some investment you pretty much execute everything. Also: girls and guns, guys. - Assailing Sommersault + Pelting Strike + Soul Hammer: dps - Hallowed Restoration: Utility - Battle Stance: Buff (Later also Instill Belief, Cleansing Brilliance) Start 'Exalted Warrior Focus', just 1 point in 'Combat Discipline' for a 10% cooldown-reduction. 'Ranged Weapons' and 'Tactics Lore' next. 'Celestial Magic Focus' for the buffs and utility along with concentration. Stay physical damage and slot and/or blacksmith a few 'Silala's Rings' into your gear. The chance to 'disregard armor' and the 'critical chance' on it are fantastic. Temple Guardian: "Guardians of the old are familiar with all forms of combat, but are most feared for their ability to control and manipulate the powers of elements. This ability and their hardy bodies make them formidable opponents an the battlefield." > 'Dog of the elements' What a weird champ this was, right after the Inquisitor. Some skills had an immense windup. The complete 2nd skill tree is useless but for the laser. Well now he is not a weird one anymore. This dog has elemental powers galore. - Fiery Ember + Icy Evanescene + Charged Grid: Main Dps - Primal Mutation: Archimedes-Beam - a laser, additional dps - Combat Alert: Utility - Untouchable Force + T-Energy Shroud: Buff Start 'Source Warden Lore'. Concentration 2nd. 'Devout Guardian Focus' 3rd (and skillups in Combat Alert!). 'Source Warden Focus' 4th. 'Combat Discipline' to 75 so you can, with enough cooldown run all three dps spells. You can convert the damage of combat abilities with your battery and for damage I recommend fire (socket a 'chunk of lava'). It has a laser (Rocket Raccoon who?!)! High Elf: "Manipulators of fire and ice the high elf are undoubtly tuned in to their chosen elements. The party to a battle which calls itself allied to such a powerful mage is usual the side which wins. Strange tales one hears also of powerful deviant magicians, capable in combat and magic." > 'Firestarter' + 'Snowflake' These champs are pretty much their original versions, only that I have updated their skills a bit. The 'Mystic Stormite Arts' has been my choice after the cm-patch and the 'ranged weapons'-nerf. It had (and has) good clear and good single target. Since this skilltree does not lack I added something fun: now 'Frost Flare' has become a huge area of effect on a high cooldown which I would call 'Ice Age' - a complete freeze of everything, with temperatures so low that life ceases to exist. The 'Arrant Pyromancer Lore' received some more attention, the vanilla fireball is now a dot comparable to the dryads 'desease'-spell and can wipe maps with a lot of investment (and/or combination with 'Delphic Arts', see build 'Quicksilver' below). The rest of the skills in this line feel also like they are more impactful now. - pick a skilltree, Arrant Pyromancer (fire) or Mystic Stormite (ice) Do not forget the 'Grand Invigoration'-buff and 'Delphic Arts Focus' to improve it. > 'Deviant' The Delphic Arcania was always somewhat overlooked. I updated it with a pretty unique mechanic - you will have to attack as a caster to do damage. So you need to be able to land a hit on an enemy. 'Expulse Magic' is a area of effect spell with a high cooldown, whereas 'Magic Coup' is an attack that reduces the cooldown. Put them in a combo in that order and you can pretty much spam it. - Expulse Magic + Magic Coup: Main Dps - Cobalt Strike: additional Dps (or just use this and you will be a straight caster) - Expulse Magic: Utility - Grand Invigoration: Buff Start 'Delphic Arts Lore'. 'Magic Staff' 2nd (!). 'Delphic Arts Focus' 3rd and 'Ancient Magic' 4th. 'Combat Discipline' and 'Concentration' (just the one buff) are not really required but make sure to get some defensive skills and maybe also put some points in dexterity. 'Magic Coup' has no cooldown but does not do a lot of damage either (unless it is a champion or a boss), its main function is to bring the cooldowns of other skills down. You can also play the 'Deviant' as tank/support as 'expulse magic' benefits also teammembers and make everyone very tanky. > 'Quicksilver' I kind of liked the idea of combining attacks and magic, so I made a variant to the 'Deviant'. Take the magic staff 'the Lost' and add a few rings named 'Ouroboros' Advent' (both set items that came with the cm patch). With those and using 'magic coup' you can get the 'Ice Age' (my name for it - in the game it will still be under 'Frost Flare') to a very low cooldown... great experience. - Frost Flare: Huge clear - Magic Coup: Cooldown Reduction, bosses - Expulse Magic: Utility - Crystal Skin + Grand Invigoration: Buffs Start 'Mystic Stormite Lore'. 'Magic Staff' 2nd (!). 'Mystic Stormite Focus' 3rd. 'Delphic Arts Lore' and 'Concentration' 4th and 5th. Armor, Shield, Combat Discipline and two other skills of your choosing. Inquisitor + Dragon mage: "These puny worms are not worth any attention at all." Both champs are a disjointed mess. Combat arts are a mishmash, look bad and dont feel impactful. I mentioned that my first champ in vanilla was the Inquisitor but I found out early on, that melee skills could be used with a ranged weapon and turned to the far more powerful shadow warrior. The Dragonmage received a ludicrous buff named 'Familiar' which gives a huge amount of willpower and intelligence which amounts to 'Ancient Magic' and 'Spell Resistance' in one buff. Plus he can take those skills too! This is a cheap way to make the otherwise unattractive champ seem to be less unattractive. Without a lot of explanation on the character developement (and no respec in vanilla) I find a clear champ very much more helpful, thank you! - Shadow Warrior suggests melee prowess, and delivers it (I did almost a 500.000 crit in niobium with the original skills, the cm-patch and the gear you can drop in the game - and you can propably do more) - High Elf could have been named better 'Mage', but once you start the character it becomes clear enough - Dryad is the usual Archer, but two thirds of the skills were already funny. - Seraphim is melee, but also funny. - The rest of the champs are just all over the map. Items: There are two items who again and again have been highly useful to me. The 'Nlovae's Mystery'-magic staff and the 'Kira's Protection'-shield. For melee characters take 'Eugene's Axe', it is superior to the prior 'Officer's Saber'. Also each class has now an item set providing good base stats but also has 4 crafting slots per item, ranging from bronze-gold. With the 'blacksmithing' skill you can make some really powerful gear. My shadow warrior has a 100% 'chance to disregard armor' with 4 rings crafted into gold-slots (where its stats are slightly improved upon) making a niobium-boss as resilient as a bronze-kobold. Also I never invest more than 100 skillpoints into a single skill because with crafted gear I get every skill over 200 and at that point your returns will diminuish. I stop investing skill-runes at about the same number. Version 2, Last Version 3 Hej hej, I have smoothed out the start of some of the builds I suggested. Take the whole thing not as coming from an accomplshed modder but coming from someone who likes playing the game. Here is hoping that you might enjoy it. Have anice week, Thilenium -
Thileniums_wonderful_adventures_in_Sacred2, slightly altered skill-sets on many champ to make them entertaining View File >> Skip, if you like, until 'Here': << I played Sacred 2 for about half a year and found it entertaining as well as flawed. The world is huge, contains a little humor here and there. There is a good effort in this game. But 'pacing' is a big issue. If you are unfamiliar with the term, it comes from movies and basically means the speed at which the movie unfolds. At times it felt like playing the extendended cut with bloopers I.e. you do not need 5 difficulty levels. Character developement ist also troublesome. They often are uninteresting. But there's a remedy, that is why I post this: I reworked some of the skills for my enjoyment and maybe yours too! To get it out right now. I started out as an Inquisitor and the champ is just useless. Sorry mate. I also had a look at the dragon mage just recently and found him uninteresting too. His skill where a dragon flys over you and spits a fireball that leaves a burning ground effect often ends up in the surrounding terrain and not where you want it. Which brings me to my second character, which I played all the way in the vanilla version of the game (before ranged weapons got castrated). The Shadow Warrior. Why? For people familiar with the game the reasons are simple: Ranged weapons were fantastic because they worked well with melee skills (maybe too well). Ready access to the skill 'Blacksmithing'. Well rounded buffs and short-termed powerful powerups. Utility in addition to prowess with a stealthbuff (and movespeed) which allowed to skip forward at a good pace. Basically he was the best version of all the other characters combined. So lets start there with suggestions for builds: All the descriptions for the skills ingame are not accurate anymore where my builds are concerned. Also it doesnt matter how you improve the skills only that you improve them. All Divination-Powers are doing the same thing now. Tesla was the best in the vanilla version. It basically killed everything and kept you alive every other Boss-fight. All the other powers are just defensive or strange. So the new divination powers do just what Tesla did: a complete wipeout every 450 seconds (I halfed the duration in favour of one of my builds). The Difficulty-Level 'Bronze' was never necessary. I changed it a little so that it goes to level 200 but the mobs are still bronze (general stats are low). Start with difficulty 'Silver' if you are familiar with the game, which should now be equivalent to niobium and also goes to level 200. Please note, that melee characters will have trouble in silver due to the much much higher defense values of mobs. The Fog-Boss at the south-western end of the swamp now spawns several bosses to farm items. >> Contents of the .zip << Before that: There's a .zip-file with the content that has to go into the gamefolder. I use the full game with extension + the CM-Patch. Balance.txt is slightly modified for 2x more xp in Solo-play and only champions or bosses drop loot. The right kind too. creatureinfo.txt is slightly modified for more movespeed of all the champs and their pets. The information on how to do that I got in this forum. spells.txt contains most of the modifications. creatures.txt and questscripts.txt have possibly been altered by me. I think because I could link some gamecrashes to missing or incomplete skills. So I include them just to be on the safe side. Also all the portals are now accessible which improves the pacing. >> 'Here': Summary << You need the files in the zip-file in the right gamefolders. Start with difficulty 'Silver' if you are familiar with the game, else bronze. Champions and Bosses grant loot. The ingame description for skills is in many cases not accurate anymore. >> Builds << Shadow Warrior: "Returned from the dead, the shadow warrior is not only a formible fighter but also borrows some powers from the cold place beyond the living realms. Woe to the one who make him their enemy." ! Careful: the starting zone for the shadow warrior is a little buggy. You can use the portal - after you had a chat to start the campaign, killed the first enemy, and the quest-pointer marks the exit ! > 'Lich' Strong magic user. I thought the lich-theme fits a champ back from the dead. The signature 'Kohort'-buff is slightly stronger and we have some utility. All the champs profit immensly from +skill and +combat art gear, this applies also to the Lich. - Spectral Hand: (read: warrior cry) Cone Effekt, Main Damage - Skeletal Fortification + Rallied Souls: Defensive and offensive utility - Reflective Emanation: Buff (add 'Grim Resilience' later) Start 'Astral Lord Lore', just 1 point in 'Combat Discipline' for a 10% cooldown-reduction. Blacksmithing 3rd. Ancient Magic 4th. All the skill runes you find go into 'Spectral Hand' and 'Rallied Souls'. What you can spare into 'Kohort'. ! Careful: the starting zone for the shadow warrior is a little buggy. You can use the portal - after you had a chat to start the campaign, killed the first enemy, and the quest-pointer marks the exit ! > 'Old School Warja' Strong melee fighter. I would recommend the 'Kohort'-buff, because now it still deals actual damage beyond level 150, even to bosses. You can skip them though and win another slot for a skill but I consider it a signature skill. 'Ruinous Onslaught' is my take on a taunt-skill, though the mechanics of the game do not really have something that does that (there are relics in there that suggests that the developers at some point thought about it). - Scything Sweep + Demonic Blow: Good clear (add Frenzied Rampage, when you added the skill 'Combat Discipline') - Skeletal Fortification: Utility - Kohort: Buff (add 'Grim Resilience' and 'Reflective Emanation' later) Start 'Astral Lord Focus', just 1 point in 'Combat Discipline' for a 10% cooldown-reduction. 'Tactics Lore', 'Death Warrior Focus' and 'Malevolent Champion Focus' next. Put all the extra skill runes into 'kohort' and 'skeletal fortification', keep 'Astral Lord Focus' on your level and this champ mows through the game. Even in vanilla almost every skill fitted the bill of a warrior, and there is plenty of utility skills ('Shadow Veil' for extra movement speed and invisibility). This was my most fun character in the game. Dryad: "Dryads are famous for their skill with the bow and their familiarity and use of nature itself to delay and kill enemies. Poisons won from plants and animals make even a small injurie life-threatening. It is also rumoured that they use pagan rituals and black magic to overcome their adversaries." > 'Controller' Coming from a pvp-game I found this game lacked the need for a champ with control-skills and also the champ to do it. Short-timed 'Roots' and 'Stuns' and 'Fears' that this champ now has help mitigate damage. I didnt yet mess with mob density but if you want the game to be more challenging (and maybe play in a party too) this champ provides good support, damage and damage mitigation. There are entries in this forum on how to make things more challenging. - Edaphic Lances + Tangled Vine: Point blank area of effect with crowd control, dps - Viperish desease: with a lot of investment can wipe maps (but very much later in the game) - Twisted Torment: Boss - Acute Mind: Utility - Ancient Bark + Moribund Animus: Buffs Start 'Nature Weaver Lore', just 1 point in 'Combat Discipline' for a 10% cooldown-reduction. Concentration for the 2nd buff. 'Cabalistic Vodoo Lore' 4th. After that the respective -focus. Combine 'Edaphic Lances' with 'Viperish desease' in a combo and 'Tangled Vine' with 'Viperish Desease' - There are immunity timers on mobs and they cannot be controlled by a type for a bit. 'Black Curse' is now a fear, because fear suited the skill line 'Cabalistic Vodoo' better. It is also pretty deadly to the undead. 'Malicious Totem' confuses all mobs to attack each other. All the skills are useful, maybe you need to switch them up a bit. > 'Undying Treehugger' Playing a tanky champ and also do damage to crowds and bosses? Well, you do not have to look any further because all you need is here in a neat, compostable package. - Viperish Desease + Ravaged Impact: clear, dps - Twisted Torment + Ravaged Impact: bosses, dps - Sinister Predator: Buff Start 'Capricious Hunter Focus', 'Cabalistic Vodoo Focus' 2nd. Sword Mastery 3rd as you need to be able to hit stuff. The way it works is that you equip a 'Ouroboros' Advent' (set item - a ring - that came with the cm patch), but really any item that reduces cooldown per hit works, and apply several instances of the spells to enemies. Then something funny happens: The 'Viperish Desease'-spell starts to apply to monsters in a huge radius. All the rest of the skills can be defensive (you need to watch your spell resist though). Seraphim: "The enforcers of good utilize melee skills and cleansing magic. The most devout ones are said to have the ability to borrow divine powers. Seraphims actively seek out sources of evil - sometimes even draw them in - in order to eradicate them." > 'Gabriel' Many times I chose 1 skill to make up the whole character. In the vanilla version of the game I never knew where to put skill runes because that also interfered with the cooldown rates of the skill. With this build the choice is clear: - Radiant Pillar: Main dps, the dazzling light pulls evil in - Hallowed Restoration: Utility - Instill Belief, Cleansing Brilliance: Buff (Later on also Battle Stance) Start 'Celestial Magic Lore', just 1 point in 'Combat Discipline' for a 10% cooldown-reduction. Ancient Magic 3rd. 'Celestial Magic Focus' 4th. I recommend Battle stance as buff later on - for that it makes also sense to pick up 'Exalted Warrior Focus'. > 'Holy Maiden' I messed around with this skilltree when I played vanilla. I found the 'Doom'-Reference in the beeefgee-buff funny. But ultimately it is a boring skilltree so ... enter the holy maiden: - Archangels Wrath: Big Clear, dot - Flaring Nova: for bosses - Hallowed Restoration: Utility - Divine Protection, Warding Energy, BeeEffGee: Buffs Start 'Revered Technology Lore', just 1 point in 'Combat Discipline' for a 10% cooldown-reduction. Concentration for the 2nd buff. Ancient Magic 3rd. 'Revered Technology Focus' 4th. All buffs reduce the cooldown of this skilltree, the most important being 'BeeEffGee'. 'Divination' 5th - because it fits thematically. With enough investment (and the cut-in-half on the cooldown) you can use a screenwide wipe like every 30 seconds. The Holy Maiden has a slow build up, do not put more skill runes than 1 in the damaging skills until your cooldowns are agreeable (also watch your gear with + skills). > 'Winona Earp' A fun build using a one-handed ranged weapon, 'Sand Eagle' if you can find it. To avoid running from mob to mob, you let the champ do the targetting and with some investment you pretty much execute everything. Also: girls and guns, guys. - Assailing Sommersault + Pelting Strike + Soul Hammer: dps - Hallowed Restoration: Utility - Battle Stance: Buff (Later also Instill Belief, Cleansing Brilliance) Start 'Exalted Warrior Focus', just 1 point in 'Combat Discipline' for a 10% cooldown-reduction. 'Ranged Weapons' and 'Tactics Lore' next. 'Celestial Magic Focus' for the buffs and utility along with concentration. Stay physical damage and slot and/or blacksmith a few 'Silala's Rings' into your gear. The chance to 'disregard armor' and the 'critical chance' on it are fantastic. Temple Guardian: "Guardians of the old are familiar with all forms of combat, but are most feared for their ability to control and manipulate the powers of elements. This ability and their hardy bodies make them formidable opponents an the battlefield." > 'Dog of the elements' What a weird champ this was, right after the Inquisitor. Some skills had an immense windup. The complete 2nd skill tree is useless but for the laser. Well now he is not a weird one anymore. This dog has elemental powers galore. - Fiery Ember + Icy Evanescene + Charged Grid: Main Dps - Primal Mutation: Archimedes-Beam - a laser, additional dps - Combat Alert: Utility - Untouchable Force + T-Energy Shroud: Buff Start 'Source Warden Lore'. Concentration 2nd. 'Devout Guardian Focus' 3rd (and skillups in Combat Alert!). 'Source Warden Focus' 4th. 'Combat Discipline' to 75 so you can, with enough cooldown run all three dps spells. You can convert the damage of combat abilities with your battery and for damage I recommend fire (socket a 'chunk of lava'). It has a laser (Rocket Raccoon who?!)! High Elf: "Manipulators of fire and ice the high elf are undoubtly tuned in to their chosen elements. The party to a battle which calls itself allied to such a powerful mage is usual the side which wins. Strange tales one hears also of powerful deviant magicians, capable in combat and magic." > 'Firestarter' + 'Snowflake' These champs are pretty much their original versions, only that I have updated their skills a bit. The 'Mystic Stormite Arts' has been my choice after the cm-patch and the 'ranged weapons'-nerf. It had (and has) good clear and good single target. Since this skilltree does not lack I added something fun: now 'Frost Flare' has become a huge area of effect on a high cooldown which I would call 'Ice Age' - a complete freeze of everything, with temperatures so low that life ceases to exist. The 'Arrant Pyromancer Lore' received some more attention, the vanilla fireball is now a dot comparable to the dryads 'desease'-spell and can wipe maps with a lot of investment (and/or combination with 'Delphic Arts', see build 'Quicksilver' below). The rest of the skills in this line feel also like they are more impactful now. - pick a skilltree, Arrant Pyromancer (fire) or Mystic Stormite (ice) Do not forget the 'Grand Invigoration'-buff and 'Delphic Arts Focus' to improve it. > 'Deviant' The Delphic Arcania was always somewhat overlooked. I updated it with a pretty unique mechanic - you will have to attack as a caster to do damage. So you need to be able to land a hit on an enemy. 'Expulse Magic' is a area of effect spell with a high cooldown, whereas 'Magic Coup' is an attack that reduces the cooldown. Put them in a combo in that order and you can pretty much spam it. - Expulse Magic + Magic Coup: Main Dps - Cobalt Strike: additional Dps (or just use this and you will be a straight caster) - Expulse Magic: Utility - Grand Invigoration: Buff Start 'Delphic Arts Lore'. 'Magic Staff' 2nd (!). 'Delphic Arts Focus' 3rd and 'Ancient Magic' 4th. 'Combat Discipline' and 'Concentration' (just the one buff) are not really required but make sure to get some defensive skills and maybe also put some points in dexterity. 'Magic Coup' has no cooldown but does not do a lot of damage either (unless it is a champion or a boss), its main function is to bring the cooldowns of other skills down. You can also play the 'Deviant' as tank/support as 'expulse magic' benefits also teammembers and make everyone very tanky. > 'Quicksilver' I kind of liked the idea of combining attacks and magic, so I made a variant to the 'Deviant'. Take the magic staff 'the Lost' and add a few rings named 'Ouroboros' Advent' (both set items that came with the cm patch). With those and using 'magic coup' you can get the 'Ice Age' (my name for it - in the game it will still be under 'Frost Flare') to a very low cooldown... great experience. - Frost Flare: Huge clear - Magic Coup: Cooldown Reduction, bosses - Expulse Magic: Utility - Crystal Skin + Grand Invigoration: Buffs Start 'Mystic Stormite Lore'. 'Magic Staff' 2nd (!). 'Mystic Stormite Focus' 3rd. 'Delphic Arts Lore' and 'Concentration' 4th and 5th. Armor, Shield, Combat Discipline and two other skills of your choosing. Inquisitor + Dragon mage: "These puny worms are not worth any attention at all." Both champs are a disjointed mess. Combat arts are a mishmash, look bad and dont feel impactful. I mentioned that my first champ in vanilla was the Inquisitor but I found out early on, that melee skills could be used with a ranged weapon and turned to the far more powerful shadow warrior. The Dragonmage received a ludicrous buff named 'Familiar' which gives a huge amount of willpower and intelligence which amounts to 'Ancient Magic' and 'Spell Resistance' in one buff. Plus he can take those skills too! This is a cheap way to make the otherwise unattractive champ seem to be less unattractive. Without a lot of explanation on the character developement (and no respec in vanilla) I find a clear champ very much more helpful, thank you! - Shadow Warrior suggests melee prowess, and delivers it (I did almost a 500.000 crit in niobium with the original skills, the cm-patch and the gear you can drop in the game - and you can propably do more) - High Elf could have been named better 'Mage', but once you start the character it becomes clear enough - Dryad is the usual Archer, but two thirds of the skills were already funny. - Seraphim is melee, but also funny. - The rest of the champs are just all over the map. Items: There are two items who again and again have been highly useful to me. The 'Nlovae's Mystery'-magic staff and the 'Kira's Protection'-shield. For melee characters take 'Eugene's Axe', it is superior to the prior 'Officer's Saber'. Also each class has now an item set providing good base stats but also has 4 crafting slots per item, ranging from bronze-gold. With the 'blacksmithing' skill you can make some really powerful gear. My shadow warrior has a 100% 'chance to disregard armor' with 4 rings crafted into gold-slots (where its stats are slightly improved upon) making a niobium-boss as resilient as a bronze-kobold. Also I never invest more than 100 skillpoints into a single skill because with crafted gear I get every skill over 200 and at that point your returns will diminuish. I stop investing skill-runes at about the same number. 31.10.2023 Hej Guys, I have playtested every build I proposed and made some minor changes to ensure a smooth start and the overall feel. Also I will list below, how 'good' each build is, rating them from 'easy to handle', 'progressing well', over to 'bossing'. Please keep in mind, that you need the changes in the downloadable .zip to make these champions here work: > 'Lich' easy to handle: very well progressing well: very well bossing: with kohort-buff > 'Old School Warja' easy to handle: very well progressing well: good bossing: very well > 'Controller' easy to handle: very well progressing well: good bossing: very well > 'Undying Treehugger' easy to handle: very well progressing well: good bossing: very well > 'Gabriel' easy to handle: very progressing well: good bossing: very > 'Holy Maiden' easy to handle: medium progressing well: good bossing: good > 'Winona Earp' easy to handle: very well progressing well: medium bossing: good > 'Dog of the elements' easy to handle: medium progressing well: very well bossing: very well > 'Firestarter' + 'Snowflake' easy to handle: very well progressing well: very well bossing: very well > 'Deviant' easy to handle: medium progressing well: good bossing: good > 'Quicksilver' easy to handle: medium progressing well: very well bossing: very well + I gave some of the permanent pets some more meaningful spells. Especially the kohorts are now fun to watch at higher levels. bye, Thilenium Submitter thilenium Submitted 10/10/2023 Category Download Sacred 2 Gold
Finally, the mod is ready for test. Named It High Elf Reborn as it's literally what it is. High Elf Reborn is a quick rework for High Elf CA because it wasn't well balanced and it need some gameplay improvement. THE problem : Glacial Thorns is the only spell needed to finish the game. Why using the other when you can only use 1 spell to clean all mobs packs and erase boss at the same time. It scale to well, it have big Area of Effect AND good single target, along Shadow Step, Crystal Skin and Grand Invigoration. That's 11 spells that have no purpose. THE change : Glacial Thorns nerf/rework as a single target nuke. Crystal / Incandescent Skin rework to make the 2 sides of the same spell. review of most of the spell. work in progress for Raging Nimbus changed into a Nova like spell work in progress for Fire Demon to make it a tank pet (when selecting the good mod) The mod can be found here : Google Drive Google doc for a list of change, will be added as file for v1. Zip version to put into MODS. standalone version for those who just want to look at the change. ---------------------------------------------------------- When playing with some CA, I may have add too many zero. edit : it was a limit test of "et_missile_adapt" with a value of 30k using spellClass = "cSpellSeSchwertfeuer" (Seraphim Archangel's Wraith). If I'm not wrong, it should around 66 projectiles. If I have keep the originale Glacial Thorns, it would have been 300+ projectiles (or a crash). (image remove because of size limits)
Presenting another set created from Dmitrius154's models! This one is also themed around Heroes of Might and Magic. This set is heavy armor and has numerous defensive bonuses. Children of Asha Asha is the primordial dragon, creator of the world of Ashan, sister of Urgash and mother of the six elemental dragons: Elrath, Malassa, Sylanna, Arkath, Ylath and Shalassa. While she is well-known as the "Dragon of Order", Asha appears in many different forms. Asha and Urgash fought against each other in the Genesis, during which Asha banished Urgash into the heart of her world. However, she was wounded in that battle, and hid in the moon in order to heal herself. Asha renders the fate of all mortal beings—she spins forth their destiny upon their birth, measures it throughout their time in the physical world, and then embraces their life force upon death. Helmet: Elrath's Luminosity Elrath is the Dragon of Light and patron of Angels. Elrath himself is usually not depicted as a dragon at all in the art of the Empire, being thought as an abstract "Holy Light". He has golden scales and feather wings. He attacks not by breath but by light beams fired from his eyes. Arms: Malassa's Secret The black Dragon of Darkness is the Faceless foe, the Slithering Shadow with a hundred faces and a thousand whispers. She is the most intelligent dragon and is also called: "Keeper of the deadly secrets". She may spare a life one moment, only to snuff it out in the next. She may offer comfort to one weary traveler, while cruelly destroying another. Malassa is a fickle and dangerous mistress and perhaps the most dangerous of Asha's children. Legs: Sylanna's Contemplation Sylanna is the Dragon of Earth and patron-deity of the Elves. Worshipped by druids, rangers, hunters, farmers and herders, she is peaceful and cautious compared to her volatile siblings. The Dragon of Earth is the stolid, slow, even-tempered one among the Elemental Dragons. Peaceful and cautious, Earth acts only after long deliberation and study. Gloves: Arkath's Vehemence Arkath is the Dragon of Fire, and has always been worshipped by the Dwarves. He is rash, hasty, and ill-tempered. The Dragon of Fire is ruled by his passions and impulses, rather than by logic and cool discourse; these traits make him a terrifying force in battle. Boots: Ylath's Scrutiny Ylath, sometimes also called Sylath, is the silvery-white Dragon of Air. Young and impetuous, the dragon of Air is the seeker of hazardous knowledge, of crafts that are handed down by the shortlived humans from father to child, of myriad facts about the world which he views from on high. Like the wind, he travels everywhere to collect all the sights and sounds he can pick on his way. Belt: Shalassa's Sagacity The blue Dragon of Water is humble, quiet and secretive. She is the serene mystic, wisest of the dragons, and her knowledge is only second to her sister Malassa, the Dragon of Shadow, for her watery realm is ripe with forgotten lore and treasure. In all things, she values diplomacy, versatility and adaptability. Yet, if she decides to act, she is swift and indomitable. Torso: Sar-Elam's Oblation When the war against Urgash's and Asha's creations began, Sar-Elam, the first of the Wizards, became the first and only mortal to touch Asha's conscience and became a creature with the powers and abilities of a Dragon-God. He used his new power to banish the demons into their infernal prison of Sheogh, sacrificing himself in the process. For his deeds, Sar-Elam became known as the Seventh Dragon. Stats are from Gold difficulty, item level 120.
Version 1
Reduced Fog Mod for Sacred 2 This is a simple mod that makes the fog in the game more transparent, allowing you to see further into the distance. Installation: If you don't have the Generic Mod Enabler (GME), download it at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml Install the GME to your Sacred 2 installation folder and run it once. It will make a folder there called "MODS". Place the "Reduced Fog Mod" folder into the "MODS" folder. Run the GME again and you can now enable/disable the mod as you wish. Compatibility: This mod should be compatible with any other mod. It is already included with my mod "Diablo 2 Fallen". It does not require the CM Patch. It was tested with the Ice and Blood expansion, but it would probably work with the base game Fallen Angel as well. Known Issues: Depending on your camera settings and positioning, you may notice some "pop-in" of distant objects like trees and buildings. If you have a slow computer or elite graphics turned on you may notice a slight performance hit when running. -
This is my personal collection of songs I use for playing Sacred 2. After I played Sacred 2 for a while, I got very tired of always hearing the same 30 second loop of battle music over and over again. I had "listener fatigue." So I did the trick where you disable the fight music in options.txt. This was a little better, but I again noticed I was only hearing about 5 minutes of background music for each region, repeated over and over again. Furthermore, these tracks were too peaceful and ambient, which makes sense because they were meant to be heard out of combat only. Rather than just load up a playlist in a media player every time I played Sacred 2, I decided to actually integrate new songs into the game. I learned from Wardust's great music mod that all that is necessary is converting an audio track to .ogg format, giving it the correct file name, and placing in the game's pak directory in a subfolder called "music." This is the result: Flix's Music Mod. I didn't alter the battle music, since I don't use it anymore. Instead, I think most of the tracks have enough energy and interesting parts to suit battles and town visits alike. I like most of the original regional background music, so most of it is not gone. Instead, it's supplemented with a much wider range of music. So not only will you hear new and different songs, you'll actually be hearing about 150% more music total. In Sacred 2, day time lasts about 45 minutes, night lasts about 15. There is usually enough night music to fill up the entire time without any looping, and the day time music might loop two or three times at most (assuming you don't change regions or go into a dungeon). Download: *Using Enhanced Edition? Music Mod is now packaged as part of EE! Use the version included with that mod instead.* Enhanced Music for EE (Standalone) OR Flix's Sacred 2 Music Mod (Old) Install Instructions Download the Generic Mod Enabler (GME) and install it to your Sacred 2 root folder. Mod Enabler is available at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml For Steam the root folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sacred 2 Gold For GOG or disk version, the root folder is wherever you installed the game, for example C:\Sacred 2 Gold After running the GME once, it will make a folder called "MODS" there. Extract/copy/move the folder titled "Flix's Music Mod" from the zip file you downloaded into the "MODS" folder. Run the GME and enable "Flix's Music Mod." The GME will allow to you to easily enable/disable the mod as you wish. Recommended: Disable the battle music in options.txt, located in the following folder: C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Search for the line "volume_group02" and change the value to 0. This will let you hear more of the new music instead of the repetitive battle music. Compatibility: This mod only works with the game's audio set to stereo - it will not work if audio is set to 5.1. This mod has no other requirements and will work with any version of the game. Should be compatible with any other mod that doesn't explicitly add audio tracks. About the music: Basically I picked interesting tunes that I never really get tired of hearing, which was the whole point. Most of the original music is still present in some form too. I tried to stick to the general tone of each region. Night music is usually more peaceful, although in the Swamp, the Blood Forest, and Nor Plat it is more menacing than day music. Dungeon music is mostly unchanged, but in some places it is more ominous. Full Tracklist: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IFao4qkufCtYk6y2F1ewqTsISZIK6h6L/view Tyr Lysia's music is generally enchanted and peaceful. There are plucked strings and harps, elf-like woodwinds, mysterious and wistful themes, keyboards, harpsichords, even some whistling and chanting. The dungeon music is generally more intense and oppressive. Artamark's music is folksy and medieval sounding, like a gathering of minstrels. During the day the tunes are mostly in the Celtic and Western European folk vein, while at night warm strings tend to dominate. There are also a few more epic, grandiose themes intertwined in this region. Nor Plat's music is all-out warfare. Intense battle music with percussion, winds, brass, strings. Seraphim Island is way more solemn and forlorn. Almost every track has male or female chanting vocals of some kind, in sort of soaring, hymn-like reverie. It's designed to really evoke how far the Seraphim have fallen but also their majesty and grace. The Dragon Caves now have an additional song that makes me think of wandering sweltering lava caves with crazed cultists. Swamp daytime music is now much more pleasant. In fact it probably has some of my favorite tunes. In the daytime it is generally melancholy and solemn, with some rhythmic cult-like chanting. The night music is quite ominous and fearful and will make you look over your shoulder. The music of the Bengaresh Desert is much more entrancing now. Daytime music evokes the hot sun, scorching wind, and some various Egyptian themes, while at night you'll hear some pulsing music that may make you think of sultry Arabian Nights. The Jungle and Dyr-Lain are marked by tracks with more intense jungle drums and melodic percussion along with tribal flutes and nature sounds that enhance the ambience. Crystal Plane has more icy ambient music that evokes the frozen gems of the region. In addition to the beauty of the region, there is also the slight sense of something unnatural and eerie, like maybe the Seraphim shouldn't have made such a place. So now that's reflected in the music as well. The Blood Forest now has some music that evokes being lost in the woods in addition to the original spooky horror-movie type music. Some of the music matches the weird beauty of the Blood Forest. The Wastelands now has some more epic and heroic themes intertwined with the lonely and sparse default music. This is the lead-up to the final battle and you see skirmishes between the forces of light and shadow all around, so some more rousing music was in order. The entirety of the Great Machine plays the Nameless Guardian boss music because it's a longer track and it's appropriately intense for the final stretch of the campaign. The music for Northland/Christmasland has cold wintry songs that walk the line between gothic and playful. Just as the region is one of holiday delights, it is also one with deadly dangers lurking in the snow. Multiplayer Island music is unchanged. If you choose to leave the battle music enabled there is some new fight music for the Gar'Colossus and the Grand Inquisitor, but nothing too special. Enjoy!
Almost every week I get the question on the forums or in private messages: how do I make a specific unique or legendary drop for me? This is a guide to how you can mod the scripts to get any item you want to drop as a quest reward. The key is making the item(s) the reward for a quest that is very easy to solve: in this case, it is the multiplayer "start quest" which only requires you to enter a LAN game and either go through the portal or climb on your mount. Detailed instructions are as follows: You should use a good text editor like Notepad++ for investigating and editing the game's text files. 1) First identify the blueprint ID for the item or items that you want to get. Do this by looking in blueprint.txt. It's located in the scripts/server folder of the game install folder. There is no master list of all the ID's and proper item names, but you can figure it out by some trial and error. For the CM Patch items at least, the items mostly have the proper names commented in the entry. Here's an example: newBlueprint = { id = 4143, name = "sword01set02_desertrose", palettebits = "1111111111111111", dmgvariation = 100, minconstraints = {40,13,0}, lvljump = 10, usability = 0, allotment_pmfpi = {700,0,0,0,300}, uniquename = "", specialuseonly = 0, bonusgroup0 = {895,1200,10,9,0}, -- Serious Open Wounds bonusgroup1 = {878,1250,10,9,0}, -- Freeze bonusgroup2 = {893,1300,10,9,0}, -- Opponents Defense bonusgroup3 = {894,800,10,9,0}, -- Opponents chance to reflect melee bonusgroup4 = {751,1000,10,9,0}, -- Gold Slot itemtypes = {13511,}, wearergroups = {'WEARGROUP_DEFAULT',}, } mgr.createBlueprint(4143, newBlueprint); This is the blueprint for the sword Desert Rose. You can see that the ID is 4143. 2) Next step is to enter that blueprint ID as a quest reward for the multiplayer quest in quest.txt (also located in scripts/server folder). Search "multiplayer" in quest.txt and it will take you to the proper quest entry (there is only one instance of the word). Add a new line defining a quest reward just above the line that says "report_required = 0," Add this text: rewards = { {4143,0}, }, The number 4143 can be replaced with any other blueprint ID. If you want multiple items, just add them underneath the previous ones like so: rewards = { {4143,0}, {4144,0}, {4145,0}, }, Save quest.txt (back it up first!). Now on to step 3. 3) Now you can go get the item in-game. To start with, select "Multiplayer" and then "LAN" at the start screen (don't worry, you can take your normal singleplayer characters into a LAN game, then return to singleplayer games with nothing changed). Create a new game, remembering that higher difficulties will yield better versions of the item. When you start the game, you'll be on Multiplayer Island. Then all you need to do is either enter a portal or just climb on your mount, the "quest" will complete and the item(s) will drop to the ground!
With only 6 sets (7 with CM Patch), the Dragon Mage has far fewer sets than the other characters of Sacred 2. This mod aims to give him some much needed attention with 3 new unique full armor sets: Draco's Garments of Mutation Chaoskampf Auspicious Powers Bonus Mini-Sets: Eternal Return Tooth and Nail NOTE: This mod was included in and superseded by the Community Items Mod, which has itself been included as part of the Community Patch 1.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chaoskampf Throughout the most ancient myths and legends of the West and the Near East, the motif of a hero struggling against a chaos monster appears again and again. More often than not, this monster is depicted as a dragon, the mightest of creatures. The Germans have a word for this eternal battle: Chaoskampf. This set honors those worthy foes by harnessing their chaotic power. Chaoskampf boosts the Combat Arts of the Dragon Magic aspect, and also provides several offensive bonuses designed to enhance the attacks of a Dragon Mage fighting with melee or ranged weapons. Spellcaster Dragon Mages of all kinds will also likely find value in most set pieces. Full Set Bonuses: +% Chance to Burn (3 Pieces) +All Skills (5 Pieces) + All Armor Types (7 Pieces) +% All Damage (Full Set) Available sockets: 8 Silver slots 8 Gold slots Set Pieces: (Head) Lotan's Unbreakable Skull +Dragon Berserk +Strength +Toughness Lotan is the seven-headed draconic aspect of Yw, the primordial chaos god. He lives in an underwater palace in the dark abyss and his nemesis is the great god Baal. Baal kills Lotan by cracking his skull, yet the dragon lord heals and is resurrected and kills Baal in turn. This cycle is continued through all time. (Shoulders) Ladon's Vigilance +Dragon Strike +% Spell Resistance +% Chance to Evade Attack Ladon was the serpent-like dragon that twined and twisted around the tree in the Garden of the Hesperides. Ladon guarded the immortality-giving golden apples that grew there, and had a hundred heads that never slept. Hercules was able to steal the golden apples only by tricking Atlas, who was permitted in the garden, into gathering them for him. In some versions of the tale Hercules must battle and defeat Ladon himself and take the apples. (Chest) Leviathan's Hardened Scales +Dragon Form +Chance to reflect Close Combat +Hitpoints +Defense "Can you pull in the Leviathan with a fishhook or tie down his tongue with a rope? Can you fill his hide with harpoons or his head with fishing spears? If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Any hope of subduing him is false; the mere sight of him is overpowering. Who can strip off his outer coat? Who would approach him with a bridle? Who dares open the doors of his mouth, ringed about with his fearsome teeth? His back has rows of shields tightly sealed together; They are joined fast to one another; they cling together and cannot be parted. His snorting throws out flashes of light; his eyes are like the rays of dawn. His breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from his mouth. His chest is hard as rock, hard as a lower millstone. When he rises up, the mighty are terrified; they retreat before his thrashing. The sword that reaches him has no effect, nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin. Iron he treats like straw and bronze like rotten wood. Arrows do not make him flee, sling stones are like chaff to him. A club seems to him but a piece of straw, he laughs at the rattling of the lance. Nothing on earth is his equala creature without fear." - Job 41:1-34 (Waist) Illuyanka's Guile +Dragon Familiar +% Spell Intensity +Ancient Magic Illuyanka was an ancient Hittite Dragon God. This serpentine monster was the nemesis of Teshub, the Sky God. When the two first fought, Illuyanka threw down Teshub and was victorious. Teshub was forced to scheme and enlist a goddess's help to entice Illuyanka and fill him with food and drink. Only then could the drunken Dragon be bound and defeated. Even in this state, it took the combined effort all the gods to overcome him. (Arms) Jörmungandr's Venom +Destroyer +% Chance Opponent Cannot Evade Attack Opponent Level for Deathblow Jörmungandr is the offspring of Loki, God of Trickery, and Angrboða, the Grief-Giant. When Jörmungandr was born, Odin took the small wriggling snake and cast it into the sea, where it grew in the boundless depths of the ocean until it was so large it completely encircled the world. For this reason it was known as the Midgard Snake or the World Serpent. He is the recurring enemy of Thor. The last meeting between the World Serpent and Thor is predicted to occur at Ragnarök, when Jörmungandr will come out of the ocean and poison the sky. Thor will battle and kill Jörmungandr and then walk nine paces before falling dead, having been poisoned by the serpent's venom. (Gloves) Vritra's Tenacity +Offensive Skills Damage of Enraged Players +% Chance for Critical Hit Vritra was the first-born of Dragons, a serpent beast who was the personification of drought. He blocked the rivers and kept all the water of the world captive in his 99 Fortresses. It took the might of the God Indra hurling lightning bolts and throwing down the great Dragon over and over again to defeat him. Every time Vritra was thrown down, he rose again, charging, unstoppable, even as lightning blasted his limbs from his body, he never ceased his onslaught, breaking both of Indra's jaws before he was finally rent apart by the God's lightning attacks. (Legs) Fafnir's Burning Blood +Eternal Fire +% Fire Damage +Attack Fafnir was a powerful and fearless Dwarf prince who was turned into a terrifying dragon by his own greed and lust for treasure. He poisoned the land around his cave with his toxic breath to guard his wealth. The hero Sigurd is able to face Fafnir only by using Odin's advice to dig deep trenches to divert the dragon's fiery blood when he is wounded. Sigurd eats part of Fafnir's heart to gain his power. (Boots) Hydra's Regeneration +% HP Regeneration -% Combat Arts Regeneration +% Run Speed The Lernaean Hydra was a great cthonic serpent with more heads than could ever be painted by artists. It had poisonous breath and blood so virulent even its tracks were deadly. So long as it retained just one head, it was invincible. And where one head was cut off, two more grew back in its place. Even when the demi-god Hercules cut off the Hydra's last immortal head, it remained alive and writhing until at last Hera placed it into the dark blue vault of the sky as a constellation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auspicious Powers Dragons of the East are regarded as powerful guardians, and beings of luck and fate. These creatures exert considerable power over water, rainfall, hurricane, and floods. This set taps into their strength and mystical powers. Auspicious Powers is a heavily defensive set, and boosts select Combat Arts from both the Mentalism and Elemental Magic aspects. Weapon-using Dragon Mages may find some value in the set as well, in particular Magic Staff users. Full Set Bonuses: -% Regeneration Penalty From Buffs (3 Pieces) +All Skills (5 Pieces) -% Combat Arts Regeneration (7 Pieces) +% Damage Mitigation: All (Full Set) Available sockets: 8 Silver slots 8 Gold slots Set Pieces: (Head) Mei Long's Slumber Mei Long is known as the Sleeping Dragon. Fossils of this ancient dinosaur were found in China perfectly preserved in three-dimensional detail, with the snout nestled beneath one of the forelimbs and the legs neatly folded beneath the body. Mei Long was buried instantly in volcanic ash without even stirring from its sleep. +Combat Trance +Intelligence +Defensive Skills (Shoulders) Watatsumi's Protection Watatsumi is a great water god, a spirit dragon of the oceans and a divine protector. He has an underwater palace called RyÅ«gÅ«-jÅ at the bottom of the sea. He allowed his daughter's human husband to live with them in this sanctuary for 3 years. He is lord of all fish, sharks and crocodiles in the sea, and can command them to see humans to safety across long distances. Ancient Japanese emperors claimed lineage from Watatsumi. +Runes of Protection -% Detrimental Magic Effects +% Block Chance: Spell (Chest) Bashe's Voracity Bashe was an enormous giant reptile with a legendary insatiable appetite. His very name means 'inordinately greedy.' It is said that he could carry bears on his back and swallowed elephants whole. His skin was covered in scales that rattled and he had thick bristles like a boar's. The bones of his progeny or even the bones of the elephants who passed through him had mystical healing powers - people who made medicines from these bones lived long lives free of ailments. +% Combat Art Range +% Leech Life from Opponents +Chance to find Valuables +% Damage Over Time Reduction All (Waist) Qing Long's Everlasting Spring Qing Long, known as the Azure Dragon, is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. It represents the East and the Spring season. It is also known as the Green Dragon and the Avalon Dragon. In China it is said that it is periodically reincarnated and possesses great heroes of the dynasties. In Japan it is one of the four guardian spirits of cities. Before the entrance of the Kiyomizu Temple there is a statue of the Azure Dragon which is said to drink from the waterfall within the temple complex at nighttime. +Stamina -% Opponent's Chance to Wound etc. +% HP Regeneration (Arms) Shesha's Paean Shesha is the king of all Nagas (serpent deities), one of the primal beings of creation, and an avatar of the Supreme God. Shesha holds all the planets of the Universe on his hoods and he constantly sings the glories of Vishnu from all his mouths. Shesha is depicted with a massive form that floats coiled in space, or on the ocean of milk, to form the bed on which Vishnu lies. It is said that when Shesa uncoils, time moves forward and creation takes place. When he coils back, the universe ceases to exist. His name means "that which remains", because when the world is destroyed at the end of the aeons, Shesha remains as he is. +Gust of Wind +Combat Art Skills +% Cast Speed (Gloves) Kaliya's Promise Kaliya was a great water naga that had retreated from his ancient home to find a place of safety in a river. However, his essence was of poison that threatened people wherever he went. No animals or plants could grow around where he lived. One day Krishna approached the pond, and when he saw how afraid the people were of Kaliya he fell upon the Dragon with all the weight of the universe. Kaliya's serpent wives then prayed with joined palms that Kaliya be spared, so Krishna allowed him to continue on, so long as he vowed to find a new home and to never to harass anyone again. +Mind Strike +Willpower +Concentration (Legs) Druk's Thunder Druk is the "Thunder Dragon" of Bhutanese mythology and a national symbol of Bhutan. A Druk appears on the Bhutanese flag, holding four jewels to represent wealth and the security and protection of its people. The ancient founder of the Drukpa lineage once witnessed the Namgyiphu valley glowing with rainbow and light. Considering this an auspicious sign, he entered the valley to choose a site for the construction of a monastery, whereupon he heard three peals of thunder the sound produced by the Druk. In their own language, Bhutan is called Druk Yul, or Land of Druk, and Bhutanese leaders are called Druk Gyalpo, the Dragon Kings. +Tornado +Magic Staffs +% Chance to Reflect Stun (Boots) Mizuchi's Deep Waters Mizuchi was a hornless yellow dragon, that dwelled in water and would breathe or spew out its venom, poisoning and killing many passersby. He had a large tribe of his kin that lived in deep vast underwater caves, where none dared to dive. He could also shapeshift into the form of a human or a swift deer. In ancient times human sacrifices were made to this ancient river-god. +Maelstrom +% Run Speed +% Chance to Evade Attack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Draco's Garments of Mutation As of the last official release of Sacred 2 Ice and Blood, the original 6 characters had "Mutation" sets partially finished but they were not completed or implemented. The Community Patch team completed the sets and implemented them into the game. However, the new character added to Sacred 2 in the Ice and Blood expansion, the Dragon Mage, was left without such a set. This armor set is designed to be a "Mutation" armor set for the Dragon Mage. The pieces have few innate bonuses but a very high number of sockets by which to "mutate" the armor to adapt to whatever playstyle the player wishes. Full Set Bonuses: Visibility Range +% (3 Pieces) Armor +% (5 Pieces) Max Hitpoints +X (Full Set) Available sockets: 10 of Bronze 11 of Silver 11 of Gold Set Pieces: (Head) Draco's Crown Block Chance: Root +% (Shoulders) Draco's Conveyance Damage over time: Physical -% Damage over time: Magic -% Damage over time: Fire -% Damage over time: Poison -% Damage over time: Ice -% (Torso) Draco's Frame Damage mitigation: Physical +% Damage mitigation: Magic +% Damage mitigation: Fire +% Damage mitigation: Poison +% Damage mitigation: Ice +% (Waist) Draco's Cincture Chance to Find Valuables +% (Arms) Draco's Reach Damage +% (Gloves) Draco's Paw Chance for Critical Hits +% (Legs) Draco's Endurance Chance to Evade +% (Boots) Draco's Tread Run Speed +% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Set: Eternal Return This is a mini-set composed of two rings. It is dragon-themed, and available to all classes. It is based on the concept of an eternally recurring universe, a neverending cycle of time, often symbolized by the image of a great serpent biting its own tail, forming a circle or ring. Two Egyptian creatures invoke the cyclical nature of time: Apep and Ouroboros. Full Set Bonus: +% Survival Bonus Set Pieces: Apep's Eclipse (Ring) Apep was the god of chaos and darkness, eternal enemy of light and truth. This dragon was known as "the serpent of the Nile" and "the world encircler". He was said to be miles long, and he lurked just below the horizon, waiting to swallow the sun every day. In his lust for darkness and hatred of light he also sometimes managed to swallow the sun during the day, causing the eclipse. He is quickly cut open and killed by Ra's followers, but returns when night falls. +% Chance to cause secondary effects + Life Leeched per Hit Ouroboros' Advent (Ring) Ouroboros is the dragon with its tail in its mouth, devouring while being devoured. It both destroys and regenerates itself at once. In the Egyptian book of the netherworld, it twines around the final union of Ra and Osiris, gods of life and the afterlife. Symbol of Gnostics and Alchemists, it represents self creation and perpetuation, existence without end. It is the cycle of months, seasons, years, of all time. It is the infinite dawn. Detrimental magic effects -X% Regeneration Per Hit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Set: Tooth and Nail This two-piece set comprises a ring and an amulet. It features certain rare components ripped from foul creatures with unclean supernatural powers. Full Set Bonus: +% Leech Life Set Pieces: Lycanthrope Claw (Ring) +% Chance to cause Deep Wounds +% Chance to fear opponents away "What is Lycanthropy? The change of man or woman into the form of a wolf, either through magical means, so as to enable him or her to gratify the taste for human flesh, or through judgment of the gods in punishment for some great offence." - Sabine Baring-Gould, The Book of Were-Wolfes "It is a certain thing, and within the knowledge of all, that many a christened man has suffered this change, and ran wild in woods, as a Were-Wolf. The Were-Wolf is a fearsome beast. He lurks within the thick forest, mad and horrible to see. All the evil that he may, he does. He goeth to and fro, about the solitary place, seeking man, in order to devour him." - Marie de France, Bisclavret (Lais of the Werewolf) "In vain he attempted to speak; from that very instant His jaws were bespluttered with foam, and only he thirsted For blood, as he raged amongst flocks and panted for slaughter. His vesture was changed into hair, his limbs became crooked; A wolf,--he retains yet large trace of his ancient expression, Hoary he is as afore, his countenance rabid, His eyes glitter savagely still, the picture of fury." - Ovid, Metamorphoses Nosferatu Fang (Amulet) +% Chance to cause Open Wounds +% Chance to Poison When all was ready, Van Helsing said, "Before we do anything, let me tell you this. There are such beings as vampires, some of us have evidence that they exist. Even had we not the proof of our own unhappy experience, the teachings and the records of the past give proof enough for sane peoples. It is out of the lore and experience of the ancients and of all those who have studied the powers of the Un-Dead. When they become such, there comes with the change the curse of immortality. They cannot die, but must go on age after age adding new victims and multiplying the evils of the world. And so the circle goes on ever widening, like as the ripples from a stone thrown in the water. The nosferatu do not die like the bee when he sting once. He is only stronger, and being stronger, have yet more power to work evil. This vampire which is amongst us is of himself so strong in person as twenty men, he is of cunning more than mortal, for his cunning be the growth of ages, he have still the aids of necromancy, which is, as his etymology imply, the divination by the dead, and all the dead that he can come nigh to are for him at command, he is brute, and more than brute, he is devil in callous, and the heart of him is not, he can, within his range, direct the elements, the storm, the fog, the thunder, he can command all the meaner things, the rat, and the owl, and the bat, the moth, and the fox, and the wolf, he can grow and become small, and he can at times vanish and come unknown." - Bram Stoker, Dracula
Version v1.2b
Community Items Mod v1.2b The Community Items Mod 1.2 is now integrated into the Community Patch 1.50. This download is a small mod that is designed to be installed on top of Sacred 2 Gold + CM Patch 1.50. ================================ Features: 1) The mod restores some item designs that were present in the CM Items Mod 1.2 but were removed for copyright reasons (which are now resolved) when the mod was integrated into the CM Patch. This mod restores their unique designs. Without this mod the items will use generic item models from Sacred 2 (but will still function). The items with changed appearances are: a) Torch of Light b) Axe-Bot 2525 c) Forgotten Technology d) Spear of the Dryads e) The Catalyst f) The Iron Knight g) Earthshaker h) Soulflay Fork 2) The mod also contains a hotfix for an issue with the leg armor of the new Frozen Gems set, which flash and glow due to a script error. The error is corrected with this mod. 3) 1.2b introduces a couple fixes for the Children of Asha Set (left boot mesh spike fix, double cape mesh fix) and a fix for the Doom Guard Set (better cape weights). Updated 2/6/2017. ================================ Installation: 1) It's always best to install Sacred 2 mods with the Generic Mod Enabler (GME). It can save a lot of headaches and frustration. Get it free at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml 2) Install the GME into your Sacred 2 root folder and run it once. 3) Place the "Item Mod 1.2b" folder into the MODS folder created by the GME. 4) Use the GME to activate this mod. If updating from v1.2a: Simply disable the old version with the mod enabler, delete the old folder, then enable the new 1.2b version. Install order is the same. Compatibility with other mods is the same. This mod REQUIRES Sacred 2 Ice and Blood with the latest official patch ( or plus the latest Community Patch (1.50). ================================ Development threads and more info: New Dragon Mage Sets in Development New Uniques and Legendaries Brainstorming ================================ Thanks to my CM Items Mod team: Silver Fox for overseeing and handling the development of v1.2. Also for his scripting, mastery of the game files, insight into item balancing and planning, attention to detail, encouragement, and his work on textures and reviewing bonuses. His modding expertise and dedication helped to make every little piece of this mod as good as it could possibly be. Pesmontis for his crucial knowledge and tireless efforts in helping to get this project off the ground and completed, and for all his hard work editing textures and models, his kindness and endless patience, and wonderful item contributions. It would not have been possible without him. Special thanks to: Dimitrius154 and LazyTomcat for contributing their amazing work to the mod. Other volunteer testers (Gilberticus, Dragon Brother, SX255). People who offered up suggestions and requests, and contributed ideas and work to the mod: (Dragon Brother, Thorin Oakenshield, Chattius, Giberticus, SX255, Dave-O, Moonpaw). Czevak and Dragon Brother for getting me going with starter tips on what files to edit. LazyTomcat, Wardust, and others who made mods before me so I could follow their example. Gogoblender and Schot for hosting this mod on Darkmatters.org Everyone at Darkmatters who has followed the development of this mod and offered support and encouragement (especially Yoshio). Marcus and Czevak for adding the mod to the Community Patch.- 7 comments
- 10 reviews
Version 1
Somewhere in the world of Ancaria there is a priest who was destined to serve Gods in a remote location. He stays in his half-forgotten temple and rarely sees people except for hunters and travelling merchants who stop once in a while to make offerings to the Gods. This priest spends his free time breeding and training exotic creatures. Those rare times when he goes out of the temple, his pets usually follow him. He thinks that animals make good companions to lone travelers like him... and like you. This mod adds new special mounts for all 7 characters. They can be purchased from a new special mount dealer deep in the Jungle. Detailed information on all the variations in mount appearance and stats can be read about in this thread on DarkMatters forums. Each character gets 4 new special mounts, with the exception of the High Elf, who gets 7 new mounts. This mod requires the Ice and Blood expansion (or Sacred 2 Gold) and the latest Community Patch (1.50) to be installed beforehand. The CM Items Mod (optional) should be installed after the Community Patch but before anything else. Supported languages: English, French, German, Polish, Russian, and Spanish (Spanish requires download of an additional language patch). Installation (with no other mods installed): Download the Jonesoft Generic Mod Enabler (GME) and install it to your Sacred 2 root folder (the main folder where Sacred 2 is installed). Mod Enabler is available HERE After running the GME once, it will make a folder called "MODS" there. Extract the contents of the rar file and copy the "Elite Mounts v1.10" folder into the "MODS" folder. Run the GME and enable Elite Mounts v1.10. It may take a moment to install. The GME will back up your clean files and will allow to you to easily enable/disable the mod as you wish. The mod also comes with compatibility patches for some of the more popular Sacred 2 mods. Use the Generic Mod Enabler to activate them in the order described below. Installation order if using other mods: Elite Mounts Mod Wardust's Serious Textures Mod (must be version from Sacred 2 Nexus) (ignore compatibility patch) Enhanced Spells Mod (+ optional Challenge Mode) or Survival Mod or Llama's CM Patch Mod (choose one, these three mods are not compatible with each other) Compatibility Patch for whichever mod you chose to install at step #3 (Llama Mod or Survival Mod ONLY, Enhanced Spells 1.3+ has built-in compatibility so no patch necessary). This mod is NOT compatible with: Sacred 2 undressed Mod 2016 (compatibility patch is available with the undressed Mod) Diablo 2 Fallen (mounts are already integrated) Any older mod not updated for CM Patch 1.50 This mod should work just fine with Fleet's undressed Skins, Reduced Fog, Przemba's Visual Mods, and any music/sound mod.- 1 comment
- 5 reviews
- ice & blood
- mounts
(and 2 more)
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I don't know if this topic or question has been asked and discussed or not in this exact form, but none the less I want to make it. So my question is if there is any known, "unknown" or derelict mod or attempt of a mod for making potions stack in Sacred Gold or Underworld? Are there any mods for multiple tabs or a shared tab (for loot sharing)? I played Sacred extensively back in the days and I picked it up again recently and it made me remember the absolute "clusterfrak" of an inventory I had and I have now. Also, the unorthodox method which one has to go through every single time if one wants to share loot between his/her various characters. It just bugs me that so many talented people are out there playing or have played this wonderful game and yet I couldn't find anything on google concerning these issues. The mods I did find are basically useless as most of them are for cheating, which I despise, especially if comes to Sacred, which is a ridiculously easy RPG game. Seriously you have to be like ( and I do not kid you) an R-word to die in this game. Maybe that is because I only played vanilla or up to platinum and gold difficulty speaking, but honestly, if you die before platinum you are a noob. No kidding.
This is a modded scripts folder build and is meant to be extracted/copied/and,or pasted as such. With that said please make a back-up of your original Sacred2 Fallen Angel scripts folder before over writing with any modded 1st thank you. and yes they all attack. Basically graphed a Skeleton Warrior sk_kohorte Nether Allegiance buff spell to the end of a lot of circa Area buff spells. I left BFG, Vudu, Doppleganger buffs mostly alone for gameplay sake, with that said I strongly recommend against a permanent doppleganger as he will spawn a lot more minions; as you do; If you do try it, then you can always click on the buff bubble to destroy, & or re-summon. I modded script/.txt files: balance, creatures, spells. Camera shake is off; because every time for 4 Dragon pets would walk they would ground shake each1, which was making the game un-playable, and I have shrunk the Dragons also to 0.300000 to fit up to 4 onscreen. Enjoy>!... ps. make sure you download the closest version of SKWARVUDU.zip to your version of the game also, tyvm; in advance.; I have two now; One for v2.12 & one for v2.40 of the game. pss. I did not modify all of the scripts in the scripts folder; but a lil here & there in a bunch; so I just made sure, and atm, in 2014 seemed like the easy way to go; they are .zip folders so just make sure u save your current script folder from the game somewhere else in case you don't like; but I do very much; & I bet you will too; if you download, paste & copy?> I just saved mine to a different game save folder under documents in windows.> sacred2 saves, or something. psss. and if all of you like then kudos to my team; on that 4 month off season/ laid off season; put to good use.>?! The sakura demon; god power; inbred game spell I am also looking at modifying for the future; I have a couple of ideas of how to tame him; in my mind's eye?!>... 4 months; my brother & I put into the original modification of this Pet mod Acquisition!.> testing, checking; dbl. checking then re-checking again; triple checking; the script; & I even found a few mistakes in; mostly typos & un needed spaces. from the original that I corrected!.> Testing was the fun part; all parties; enjoyed!!!... so; I think you will too if you give it a free; try?!...>- 8 comments
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Looking at the new Area of Effect composal.. Would you like to tell me, how do you add Area of Effect to a Spell? I looked at an existing Area of Effect Spell entry1 = {"et_range_area", 200, 0, 0, 4 }, so I added an entry to a spell that I want to have Area of Effect on: entry8 = {"et_range_area", 200, 1, 0, 4 }, However that doesn't seem to work (the previous entry is 7) and it's a Debuff Spell. I tested vs normal sized mobs. What am I doing wrong?
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Version 1.0.0
This mod enables the High Elf and Seraphim to have Silver Hair. Installation: Use the Generic Mod Enabler to install this mod (free at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml). It's a few extra steps at the outset, but it saves headaches and frustration in the long run. Download the GME, install it to your Sacred 2 root folder and run it.* Place the "High Elf & Seraphim Silver Hair Mod" into the new MODS folder generated in the Sacred 2 root folder by the GME. Activate the mod with the GME. To uninstall use the GME to deactivate it.- 1 comment
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SERAPHIM BLACK ARCANNA View File Seraphim was my first character and she did not disappoint. The smooth Attack animation, the sci-fi powers and need I say the heels ... running in sand without sinking an inch and landing upright from a somersault down a cliff. Hence, I've decided to give her a little makeover starting with the boots, then the stockings which garters seem to always show. Pre-selected files for those with alternatives are included in the main file BLACK ARCANNA. The other zip files are the compilations of color or design options I had but also include the presets for completion. My retexture for her is rather basic but still meets my preference. Her black footwear and longer gloves inspired by The Witcher 3's Yennefer. The gold accents were my personal touch to make her look a little more exquisite. As for the powers, I wanted to go for something reminiscent of DC Comics' Raven. Black colored laser beams should look cool but nigh impossible so I settled with Violet Arcane magic. Similar to the Daemon from my previous post, I gave her eyes, brows and lips this time from Yennefer, removing the regular war paint in the process. I also lowered her hairline and gave her three hair colors -- black, auburn and white -- with different colored hair ties since I'm indecisive. I have also accidentally discovered a bug which erases the pigtails and included it in the zip file. Above are three of her less popular buffs. Light Shield with astrological signs since I wanted to keep it simple but rune-ish. Strength of Faith which I turned into an ankh -- Egyptian symbol of life. Light uses the same texture as Rotating Blades of Light but since I use the latter more often I had to turn the former to a light pink to make the other one violet. Usually preferred damaging spells RBoL and Lightning Bolt both turned violet. My boss killer, Celestial Light, with the in-game screenshot as the preset and the ones on the right -- 12 Zodiacs and Hallows -- as alternatives compiled into one zip. I am unsure of the potential of Energy Bolts since I don't use it but because it looks nice and reminds me of Starfire's star bolts from the DC Comics' Teen Titans cartoon I've recolored it as well. Last but not least, magical BFG shots to keep things consistent with the witchy theme. Violet Arcane and Storm magic along with the original Blue ones they came from; topmost as preset but everything found in the zip. NOTE: You might observe that several glowing objects in-game such as lamp posts may be recolored light pink because of this mod. If you find that this ruins the mood, skipping 5 TGA files starting with "PARTICLE" should fix it. This, however, reverts some of the skills to their original color. INSTALLATION. Unzip the file/s of your choosing and paste them within the PAK folder from where you installed Sacred. Enjoy! Submitter Ysendra Submitted 10/25/2019 Category Sacred Mods
SERAPHIM TEAL SORCERESS View File Big fan of Diablo 2's Sorceress. I've lost count of the years I spent on & off playing with her destructive Area of Effect magic. I considered then to make a reskin for the Seraphim based on her color scheme -- Teal or Dark Green with a shade of Red for hair. Other notable characters comes into mind with this such as the alternate outfit of Triss Merigold from the Witcher 3 (made more popular by cosplayers and at times intrusive ads on the web), Mera, love interest to Aquaman, from DC Comics ... and then there's Little Mermaid. I have included zip compilations of design options for Celestial Light and BFG in addition to the TEAL SORCERESS presets. D2's sorceress has a middle Eastern vibe to her visuals so I gave her a tan, facial features -- one being eyes a little rounder than those I used on the black version -- and I also removed the war paint and lowered her hair line. Outfit is just a teal recolor of the black one. SKILLS. Same as the Black reskin with Violet powers, changing skills to Teal would yield a range of colors such as mint, cyan, teal and blue brighter than the original. Twelve Zodiac signs as Celestial Light preset to make it look like a spell circle but not too intricate to become pixelated and Diablo's pentagram and a Yin & Yang symbol as alternative designs. Teal Storm Magic as the pre-selected BFG bullets with Arcane energy balls as an alternative as well as my hybrid sorceress' main attack spell, scorching Fireballs. Having tried other mods while in the process of making my personalized version, I have deduced that the BFG, and other skills such as the Daemon and BM fire spells for this matter, smoothly cycles through several textures to produce a pulsating effect. With this knowledge I have made Rainbow Disco Lights. NOTE: Recoloring particles for this texture mod may affect other objects in-game which use the same files. If you find it intrusive you may skip copying TGA files with names starting with "PARTICLE." This would turn the glow on lamp posts, etc. and some of the skills back to their regular hue. INSTALLATION. Paste selected unzipped files inside the PAK folder of your Sacred Install Directory. Enjoy! Submitter Ysendra Submitted 10/25/2019 Category Sacred Mods
Version 1.0.0
Big fan of Diablo 2's Sorceress. I've lost count of the years I spent on & off playing with her destructive Area of Effect magic. I considered then to make a reskin for the Seraphim based on her color scheme -- Teal or Dark Green with a shade of Red for hair. Other notable characters comes into mind with this such as the alternate outfit of Triss Merigold from the Witcher 3 (made more popular by cosplayers and at times intrusive ads on the web), Mera, love interest to Aquaman, from DC Comics ... and then there's Little Mermaid. I have included zip compilations of design options for Celestial Light and BFG in addition to the TEAL SORCERESS presets. D2's sorceress has a middle Eastern vibe to her visuals so I gave her a tan, facial features -- one being eyes a little rounder than those I used on the black version -- and I also removed the war paint and lowered her hair line. Outfit is just a teal recolor of the black one. SKILLS. Same as the Black reskin with Violet powers, changing skills to Teal would yield a range of colors such as mint, cyan, teal and blue brighter than the original. Twelve Zodiac signs as Celestial Light preset to make it look like a spell circle but not too intricate to become pixelated and Diablo's pentagram and a Yin & Yang symbol as alternative designs. Teal Storm Magic as the pre-selected BFG bullets with Arcane energy balls as an alternative as well as my hybrid sorceress' main attack spell, scorching Fireballs. Having tried other mods while in the process of making my personalized version, I have deduced that the BFG, and other skills such as the Daemon and BM fire spells for this matter, smoothly cycles through several textures to produce a pulsating effect. With this knowledge I have made Rainbow Disco Lights. NOTE: Recoloring particles for this texture mod may affect other objects in-game which use the same files. If you find it intrusive you may skip copying TGA files with names starting with "PARTICLE." This would turn the glow on lamp posts, etc. and some of the skills back to their regular hue. INSTALLATION. Paste selected unzipped files inside the PAK folder of your Sacred Install Directory. Enjoy! -
Version 1.0.0
Seraphim was my first character and she did not disappoint. The smooth Attack animation, the sci-fi powers and need I say the heels ... running in sand without sinking an inch and landing upright from a somersault down a cliff. Hence, I've decided to give her a little makeover starting with the boots, then the stockings which garters seem to always show. Pre-selected files for those with alternatives are included in the main file BLACK ARCANNA. The other zip files are the compilations of color or design options I had but also include the presets for completion. My retexture for her is rather basic but still meets my preference. Her black footwear and longer gloves inspired by The Witcher 3's Yennefer. The gold accents were my personal touch to make her look a little more exquisite. As for the powers, I wanted to go for something reminiscent of DC Comics' Raven. Black colored laser beams should look cool but nigh impossible so I settled with Violet Arcane magic. Similar to the Daemon from my previous post, I gave her eyes, brows and lips this time from Yennefer, removing the regular war paint in the process. I also lowered her hairline and gave her three hair colors -- black, auburn and white -- with different colored hair ties since I'm indecisive. I have also accidentally discovered a bug which erases the pigtails and included it in the zip file. Above are three of her less popular buffs. Light Shield with astrological signs since I wanted to keep it simple but rune-ish. Strength of Faith which I turned into an ankh -- Egyptian symbol of life. Light uses the same texture as Rotating Blades of Light but since I use the latter more often I had to turn the former to a light pink to make the other one violet. Usually preferred damaging spells RBoL and Lightning Bolt both turned violet. My boss killer, Celestial Light, with the in-game screenshot as the preset and the ones on the right -- 12 Zodiacs and Hallows -- as alternatives compiled into one zip. I am unsure of the potential of Energy Bolts since I don't use it but because it looks nice and reminds me of Starfire's star bolts from the DC Comics' Teen Titans cartoon I've recolored it as well. Last but not least, magical BFG shots to keep things consistent with the witchy theme. Violet Arcane and Storm magic along with the original Blue ones they came from; topmost as preset but everything found in the zip. NOTE: You might observe that several glowing objects in-game such as lamp posts may be recolored light pink because of this mod. If you find that this ruins the mood, skipping 5 TGA files starting with "PARTICLE" should fix it. This, however, reverts some of the skills to their original color. INSTALLATION. Unzip the file/s of your choosing and paste them within the PAK folder from where you installed Sacred. Enjoy! -
This is yet another idea I've had brewing in my head for a very long time. I found some time over the weekend to actually flesh it out enough to be able to share some of my ideas. I want to make a mod that adds new bosses and enemies. In addition to working with a few really cool monster types from Sacred 2, I also had this idea of "Wild Mounts." Why aren't there more tigers or lizards running around Ancaria? Most of the mounts have ecological niches where they would fit in, and it would be interesting to face revamped versions of them as foes (like the little Hell Hounds/big Hell Hound boss in the Blood Forest). Right now what I'm showing you is a boss roll-call. I've done just the barebones work here, creating the creatures, placing them on the map, and sketching out a basic quest-line for them. It's a looooong way from being finished, and since I've never made a quest before, it may not even be possible to do them. But, it's fun anyway, so, here's my ideas in rough campaign quest order: Radismus & Lucidius - Burning and Crystal Skeletons Two Elven sorcerers consumed and corrupted by a lust for power and magic, the twin brothers Radismus and Lucidius turned to dark magic to acheive their aims. They made their lair in the depths of the abandoned prison island off the coast of Thylysium. The remnants of corpses and evil psychic emanations of the sprawling stone dungeons was the perfect environment for the two necromancers to practice their craft. Evidently they acheived their goal of immortality, though in the most gruesome way. They remain as skeletons, shackled to a single room in the deepest level. Radismus remains consumed by his fiery hatred, and Lucidius frozen inside his icy misery. Their bodies are ruined but their magical power remains lethal. Shengis - Mountain Troll Shaman Deep in the mountains of Nor Plat, you find an injured allied Orc soldier. For days, the Orc has been tracking a particularly powerful Troll Shaman named Shengis. The Orc is unable to continue the hunt, but as a new member of the clan, you decide to finish the job. Shengis is brutally strong and possesses an arsenal of spells. Bast - Dragon Berserk On west Dragon Sea Island, a fearful dragon cultist approaches you and frantically tells you that one of the neophytes, Bast, has been attempting dragon magic way beyond his skills. Most recently he has foolishly dabbled with the Dragon Berserk spell, and lost all control after the transformation. He is now rampaging across the island. As a Dragon Berserk, Bast can use Lacerate and Blood Frenzy, and should be approached with the utmost caution. Father Dagon - Unique Monster After entering the Swamp through the magical portal, you meet a few members of an elven archaeological expedition hiding among the stone ruins of Khatuz. They tell you that they unearthed some ancient manuscripts in Bengaresh, then followed the signs north to the Hissil'Ta swamp, and in their searching awoke something terrible. Creatures that should lay in a deep dreamless sleep are now returning to life and corrupting the marshes. Something is gathering and controlling the Olm, normally mindless swamp creatures, and organzing them into fanatical legions. You decide to track down this unearthly being in the northern swamps. Mother Hydra After defeating Father Dagon, sinister clues point to an even more terrible and powerful creature in the drowned bogs of the southern swamps. Fighting down fear, you resolve to track down the ultimate source of the evil and put an end to it once and for all. Kumonga - Shroud Spider Kumonga is an enormous solitary Shroud Spider that lives in the vast wastes of the Bengaresh Desert. There are no settlements or structures near his territory. It is a desolate, barren place shunned by all. Kumonga comes from the ancient Du'Rach word for "spider," and there is evidence that its presence was known even in ancient times pre-dating the first human and elf settlements. Tekeli - Monitor Lizard The village of Eloeth Sun is split between a town on the Dyr-Lain mainland and a small island settlement, connected by a long wooden bridge. On the mainland, near one end of the bridge, you see a Dryad lizard trainer, visibly upset. She tells you her oldest Battle Monitor, Tekeli, has gone rogue the previous day. Half-blind and half-mad, the huge lizard went berserk and broke free while being saddled, fatally biting one Dryad rider and crippling another with a lash of her tail before retreating to the beach. The other Dryads were forced to abandon the small island village until someone is able to subdue the beast. I had a terrible time trying to un-saddle the Sabertooth Tiger and getting the fur effect to show up. It kept crashing my game, so my idea to make a Sabertooth boss in the Temple of Tears may or may not be created. I may put something else in that location, since it seems like the perfect place for a boss. I would probably integrate this with the Enhanced Spells Mod and/or the CM Items Mod, just so there aren't too many overlapping mods creating confusion and installation woes. That's all for now. Any thoughts on what might make a good boss, location, or quest storyline?
Hy! Prepare for mi bad english! jejeje I've always believed that the colors of the NPCs and heroes were too ridiculous Heroes with red, cyan and yellow at the same time! The purpose of the mod it's to convert Sacred2 in a game a little more serious. Here some pics and the download links http://sacred2mod.blogspot.com.es/ Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us