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Death Blow Updated for Ice and Blood - Now Works Only for Ranged and Melee

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Talk about a very serious nerf.

Death Blow, the +all skills rings... what's next?


This version of the game is looking to be much tougher than what we had to play with.


Scary times coming in HC ^^






p.s. Chrona, do you know specifically which spell Combat Arts they left to work with Death Blow? How about Archangel's Wrath for the Seraphim, That's a weapon based CA right... would something like that be affected by this?


p.s.s. As well, is there a patch list that came with your game? Maybe we can get a translation in English with google? I"m wondering what other kinds of surprises are on their way.:o

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no patchnotes :Just_Cuz_21:

but here are the german readme:






Stand: 03.08.2009

Version 2.64.0






1. Allgemeines

2. Neuerungen

3. Änderungen gegenüber dem Handbuch

4. Version History

5. Bekannte Probleme

6. Systemvoraussetzungen

7. Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ)

8. Technische Hinweise

9. Treiberhilfe

10. Kundenservice



1. Allgemeines



Herzlich willkommen in der Welt von Ancaria!


Bitte lies Dir die folgenden Abschnitte aufmerksam durch.



2. Neuerungen



In der aktuell vorliegenden Version von Sacred 2 - Ice & Blood wurden

neben einer ganzen Reihe von Bugfixes auch folgende Neuerungen

("Features") implementiert:




Bei der Erstellung eines neuen Charakters kann der Spieler allen Helden, mit Ausnahme des Tempelwächters, die Hautfarbe anpassen.

Bei den weiblichen Charakteren kann der Spieler aus mehreren Frisuren eine wählen.

Der Kistenträger kann ebenfalls farblich an das Aussehen des Helden angepasst werden.





Alle Spieler haben nun in jedem Spielmodus Zugriff auf den Kistenträger.



Magisches Geschoss:


Jede Charakterklasse, die über die Fertigkeit „Zauberstabkunde“ verfügt, kann jetzt mit Zauberstäben magische Geschosse abfeuern.

Somit bekommen Zauberer eine perfekte Fernkampfmöglichkeit, die auch durch die Intelligenz verstärkt wird.

Die Art des magischen Geschosses wird durch den Schadenskanal des Stabes bestimmt. Gegen Gegner in Nahkampfreichweite setzt der Charakter den Stab automatisch wieder als effektive Schlagwaffe ein.



Jederzeit teleportieren:


Über die Weltkarte (Standardbelegung „M“) hat der Spieler nun von jedem Ort aus die Möglichkeit, sich zu allen bereits aufgedeckten Portalen und zum aktiven Seelenstein zu teleportieren.

Einfach mit „M“ die Karte öffnen und auf den gewünschten Zielort klicken. Lästige Laufwege, insbesondere der Weg von einem abgelegenen Dungeon zurück zu Stadt, entfallen.



Neue Reittiere:


Mit dem Addon „Ice & Blood“ erhält der Spieler auch Zugriff auf neue Reittiere wie Einhörner und das Flammenpferd.

Zusätzlich gibt es jetzt von allen Special Mounts einzigartige Varianten.



5 Waffen- und 5 Kampfkunstslots:


Um die Flexibilität im Kampf zu erhöhen, wurde die Anzahl der Slots für aktive Waffen und Kampfkünste jeweils auf 5 angehoben.



Zauber sofort ausführen:


Mit dieser Spielweise wird eine Kampfkunst über das Tastaturkürzel des entsprechenden Kampfkunstslots sofort ausgeführt.

Falls die Kampfkunst ein Ziel benötigt, wird dafür die aktuelle Mausposition verwendet. Dies ermöglicht einen schnellen und flexiblen Kampf mit dem vorbereiteten Set an Kampfkünsten.

Diese Spielweise ist in den Optionen aktivierbar.





Bei der Charaktererstellung kann gewählt werden, ob die Kampfkunstregeneration wie bisher die Kampfkünste des jeweiligen Aspekts belastet oder neu: alle Kampfkünste werden belastet, dafür aber weniger stark.



Charakterexport aus dem Closed.net:


Charaktere aus dem Closed.net können auf den eigenen Computer exportiert werden. Damit lässt sich dieser Charakter auch offline oder im LAN spielen.



Neue Items:


Neben den komplett neuen Items für den Drachenmagier gibt es viele neue Items für die alten Charaktere im Spiel.



Neue Kamera:


Statt der bisherigen Kameramodi wird es in im Addon „Ice & Blood„ eine frei parametrierbare Kamera geben, die sich der Spieler frei nach seinen Wünschen zusammenstellen kann.








4. Version History




Seit der ersten Veröffentlichung von Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel haben wir

eine Reihe neuer Features implementiert sowie viele Probleme gelöst, um

das Gameplay weiter zu verbessern. Die wichtigen Features sind:


03.08.2009; Version 2.64.0:




* Es gibt nun zwei neue Gebiete, Kristallregion und Blutwald, die mit Kapitänen

über die Reisekarte angesteuert werden können


* Es gibt nun zwei neue Pferdehändler mit speziellen Reittieren. Sie befinden

sich in der Region Blutwald




* Questbegleiter, die nicht in den Kampf eingreifen, bleiben nun dichter beim Helden


* Ein Problem bei der KI des „Herr des Eises“ wurde gefixt


* Questziele im Questlog haben nun alle Vorschaubilder


* Alle Minibosse geben nun sowohl durch die Miniquest als auch den Sieg XP-Belohnung




* Die Kampfkünste der Gegner skalieren nun korrekt auf den höheren

Schwierigkeitsstufen. Dadurch wird der Kampf anspruchsvoller


* Der Nahkampfschaden auf den höheren Schwierigkeitsstufen wurde reduziert


* Viele Champions und Bosse haben nun einen Bonus, der die Reflektion des Helden



* Zauberstabkunde ermöglicht nun das Schießen von Projektilen mit den Zauberstäben


* Seraphim und Dryade haben nun ebenfalls Zauberstabkunde


* Synchronität im Multiplayer wurde verbessert. Bisher wurden buffs teilweise auf

manchen Clients nicht dargestellt


* Verteidigungshaltung durch [umschalttaste] gibt nun einen höheren



* Inquisitor Kampfkunst „Doppelgänger“ funktioniert nun nachvollziehbarer:

der Doppelgänger kann nur die Kampfkünste nutzen, die auch der Held beherrscht


* Tempelwächter Kampfkunst „T-Schock“ Mod „Selbstreparatur“ wurde gefixt


* Schattenkrieger Kampfkunst „Befreiungsschlag“ Mod „Wut“ funktioniert nun auch mit



* Schattenkrieger Kampfkunst „Attacke“ erzeugt nun mehrere Projektile im Fernkampf


* Seraphim Kampfkunst „Seelenhammer“ Mod „Zerstören“ funktioniert nun auch im



* Seraphim Kampfkunst „Schlaghagel“ Mod „Beschädigen“ funktioniert nun auch im



* Heilzauber und boosts gehen nun nicht mehr auf das Pferd oder den Kistenträger,

wenn in einer Kombo


* Kampfkünste mit Wirkung auf Teammitglieder wurden deutlich verbessert. Die

Wirkung auf die Teammitglieder war falsch berechnet worden


* Der Bodenkreis bei Feinden hat nun mehr Zwischenstufen zwischen Gelb und Rot.

Außerdem wurde eine weitere Farbe, Lila, eingeführt. Sie markiert Feinde, die

sehr weit über dem Level des Helden sind


* Geisterkrieger der Garema wurden abgeändert. Sie sind nun auch in Geistform

angreifbar, unabhängig ob der Held „Geschärfte Sinne“ geskillt hat


* Rechtsklick auf eine Leiche löst nun die ausgewählte Kampfkunst aus, anstatt den

Helden zur Leiche laufen zu lassen


* Der Bonus „Feinde zurückstoßen“ funktioniert nun korrekt. Bisher konnten Feinde

in die falsche Richtung gestoßen werden




* Neue Hintergrundbilder erscheinen während das Spiel lädt


* Erweiterte Kameraeinstellungen


* Während das Spiel lädt werden hilfreiche Hinweise zum Spiel eingeblendet


* Dem Spieler stehen nun ab Level 20 5 Waffen- und Kampfkunstslots zur Verfügung.

Dadurch haben sich die Tastenbelegungen etwas geändert


* Es ist nun möglich zu jeder Zeit über die Weltkarte zu allen bisher

freigeschalteten Portalen oder zum aktivierten Seelenstein zu springen


* Kamerawackeln kann ausgeschaltet werden, wenn eine „optionscustom.txt“ im Ordner

angelegt wird, in dem auch die „options.txt“ liegt mit folgendem Inhalt:

camera.cameraShake = 0


* Diverse kleinere Fixe für den Pausemodus. So ist es zum Beispiel nicht mehr

möglich, Pause zu aktivieren solange die Weltkarte offen ist




* Ringe und Amulette mit +x auf Skills wurden etwas abgeschwächt


* Neue Items für alle Helden


* Neue Items für den Drachenmagier


* Zauberstäbe und Wurfwaffen droppen nun auch in besserer Qualität




* Kampfmusik kann ausgeschaltet werden, wenn eine „optionscustom.txt“ im Ordner

angelegt wird, in dem auch die „options.txt“ liegt mit folgendem Inhalt:

sound.volume_group02 = 0


* Tempelwächter Kampfkunst „Projektil“ hatte einen Soundfehler. Dies wurde behoben


* Schattenkrieger Kampfkunst „Knochenturm“ hatte einen Soundfehler. Dies wurde





* Bei der Charaktergenerierung stehen nun deutlich mehr Optionen zur Auswahl:

Hautfarbe, Frisuren, Haarfarbe, Regenerationsmodus, Hautfarbe des Kistenträgers


* Der Kistenträger steht nun in allen Modi für alle Spieler zur Verfügung


* Mehrere Achievements wurden gefixt: Veredler kann nun nicht mehr nur durch

Einlegen eines Items in den Schmiedeslot erreicht werden , Gruppenkuscheln sollte

nun mit einem vollen „Freies Spiel“ Server erreicht werden können, bei Dungeon

Master wurde ein Fehler beim Zählen der Dungeons behoben, Handlungsreisender kann

nicht mehr durch bestimmte Quest-NPCs abgekürzt werden (Achievements können nicht

rückwirkend angerechnet werden)


* Die Installation untersucht jetzt verlässlicher, ob genügend Platz auf der

Festplatte ist

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Google Translation for the rest of us non german speakers. :Just_Cuz_21:






Stand: 03.08.2009

Version 2.64.0






1. General

2. Changes

3. Amendments to the Manual

4. Version History

5. Known Issues

6. System

7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

8. Tech Tips

9. Drivers Help

10. Customer Service



1. General



Welcome to the world of Ancaria!


Please you read the following sections carefully.



2. Changes



Were present in the current version of Sacred 2 - Ice & Blood

alongside a number of bug fixes including the following new features

( "Features") implemented:




When creating a new character, the player all the heroes can adjust with the exception of the Temple Guardian, the skin color.

In the female characters, the player can choose one of several hairstyles.

The box makers can also be color matched to the appearance of the hero.





All players now have in any game mode access to the box makers.



Magic bullet:


Each character class that has the skill Zauberstabkunde ", can now fire with wands magic bullets.

Thus Wizards get a perfect Fernkampfmöglichkeit, which is also reinforced by the intelligence.

The kind of magic bullet is determined by the loss of the rod channel. Against enemies in melee range, the character automatically sets the bar again as an effective weapon.



At any time to teleport:


About the World Map (standard occupancy "M") has now teleport the player from any location, the possibility has already been turned on all the portals and the active soul stone.

Simply with "M" open the map and click on the desired destination. Annoying running paths, especially the way from a remote dungeon back to town, be omitted.



New mounts:


With the add-on "Ice & Blood", the player also has access to new mounts like unicorns and the flaming horse.

In addition, there are now from all the special mounts unique variants.



5 Martial arts weapons and 5 slots:


To increase flexibility in combat, was the number of slots for active weapons and martial arts increased respectively to 5.



Magic execute immediately:


Playing in this way a martial art using the keyboard shortcut of the corresponding slots martial art is executed immediately.

If the martial arts requires a target, is used for the current mouse position. This enables a fast and flexible fighting with the prepared set of martial arts.

This gameplay is activated in the options.



Master Hand:


At character creation you can choose whether the martial art regeneration as before the martial arts aspect of each charge or re: all martial arts will be charged, but less strongly.



Character Export from the Closed.net:


Characters from the Closed.net can be exported to your own computer. This enables this character to play offline or in LAN.



New Items:


In addition to the all-new items for the dragon mage, there are many new items for the old characters in the game.



New camera:


Instead of the camera modes, it is in the addon "Ice & Blood" give a parameterizable camera, allowing the player to assemble freely according to his wishes.








4. Version History




Since the first release of Sacred 2 - Fallen Angel, we have

A number of new features implemented and solved many problems to

further improve the gameplay. The important features are:


03/08/2009, Version 2.64.0:




* There are now two new areas, crystal forest region, and blood, the captains

can be controlled via the travel card


* There are now two new horse traders with special mounts. You are

in the forest region of blood




* Quest guide, not interfere in the struggle, now stay closer to the heroes


* A problem with the AI of the "Lord of the ice has been fixed"


* Quest objectives in quest log now have all thumbnails


* All mini-bosses will now give both the mini-quest and the win XP rewards




* The martial arts of the enemy now scale correctly at higher

Difficulty. Thus the battle is more demanding


* The melee damage on the higher difficulty has been reduced


* Many champions and bosses now have a bonus, the reflection of the hero



* Zauberstabkunde now allows the firing of projectiles with the wands


* Seraphim, and Dryad have now also Zauberstabkunde


* Sync in multiplayer has been improved. To date, partly due to buffs

Some clients are not represented


* Defensive Stance by [shift] and is now a higher

Defense Value


* Inquisitor martial art "Doppelganger" now works comprehensible:

The doppelganger can only use the martial arts, which also dominates the hero


* Temple Guardian Martial Arts "T-shock" Mod "self-repair has been fixed"


* Shadow Warrior Martial Art "liberation" Mod "Fury" now also works with



* Shadow Warrior Martial Art "attack" now generates multiple projectiles in Ranged


* Seraphim martial soul Hammer "Mod" destruction "now also works in



* Seraphim martial art "Flurry" Mod "damaging" now also works in



* Boosts healing spells and now no longer go on the horse or the box-makers,

when in a combo


* Martial Arts with effect on team members have been significantly improved. The

Effect on the team members had been incorrectly calculated


* The ground circuit when the enemy now has more shades between yellow and red

In addition, another color, purple has been introduced. It marks enemies,

are very far above the level of the hero


* Ghost warriors Garema have been modified. You are now in spirit form

vulnerable, regardless of whether the hero has geskillt "Senses"


* Right-click on a corpse now raises the chosen martial art, rather than the

To run on the hero's body


* The bonus repel "enemies" now works correctly. So far, the enemy could

be pushed in the wrong direction




* New background images are displayed while the game loads


* Advanced Camera Settings


* While loading the game helpful hints will be displayed to the Game


* The player now available from level 20 5 weapons and martial arts slots.

This has led to the key bindings changed something


* It is now possible at any time on the world map with all existing

unlocked or enabled portals Soulstone jump


* Camera shake can be eliminated if a "optionscustom.txt" in the folder

is created in which the "options.txt" lies with the following contents:

camera.cameraShake = 0


* Various minor fixe in pause mode. It is, for example, no longer

possible to enable pause while the world map is open




* Rings and amulets with + x to skills were somewhat diminished


* New items for all the heroes


* New Items for the Dragon Mage


* Wands and throwing weapons will now drop in higher quality




* Combat music can be turned off if a "optionscustom.txt" in the folder

is created in which the "options.txt" lies with the following contents:

sound.volume_group02 = 0


* Temple Guardian Martial Arts "projectile" had a sound error. This has been fixed


* Shadow Warrior Martial Art "Bone Tower" had a sound error. This was





* At the character creation are now many more options to choose from:

Skin color, hairstyles, hair color, regeneration mode, the skin color of the box beam


* The box is now available in all modes support for all players available


* Multiple Achievements were fixed: refiner can no longer characterized by

Inserting an item to be achieved in the Schmiedeslot, Gruppenkuscheln should

Now with a full "Free Game" Servers can be reached at Dungeon

Master Fixed an error when counting the dungeons, a traveling salesman may

can not be shortened by certain Quest NPCs (not Achievements

retroactively be counted)


* The installation is now investigating more reliable, if there is enough space on the

Is hard

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Now I do like that list of fixes and added stuff, they added Scott's purple underlay things! Garema's are no longer invincible...Bosses made harder... and at the same time nerfed stuff... this is going to get tough...

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We tested some chars (try to test the others next days):

TG thx Dima

Devout Gardian ----> Deathly Spears ----> Deathblow don't work on it

Lost Fusion ----> Deathblow don't work on it

Source warden- ----> Deathblow don't work on it


seraphim thx to cabac

Exalted Warrior ---->

Celestial Magic ----> Deathblow don't work on it

Revered Technology ---->BFG and AW works


Dryad thx to Nlovae

Capricious Hunter ---->DustDevil ----> Deathblow don't work on it

Cabalistic Voodoo ----> Deathblow don't work on it

Nature Weaver ----> Flaring Nova ----> Deathblow don't work on it


HE thx to St.Anna/Slevin

Arrant Pyromancer ----> Deathblow don't work on it

Mystic Stormite ----> Deathblow don't work on it

Delphic Arcania ---->Cobalt Strike ----> Deathblow don't work on it



Death Warrior ----> not tested

Malevolent Champion ----> not tested

Astral Lord ----> Skeletal Fortification ----> Deathblow don't work on it



Gruesome Inquisition ----> not tested

Astute Supremacy ----> not tested

Nefarious Netherworld ----> not tested

Edited by Chrona
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When creating a new character, the player all the heroes can adjust with the exception of the Temple Guardian, the skin color.

In the female characters, the player can choose one of several hairstyles.

The box makers can also be color matched to the appearance of the hero.





All players now have in any game mode access to the box makers.



What are this crate-makers / box makers? Anyone knows?




Chareos Rantras

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What are this crate-makers / box makers? Anyone knows?



It's the imps (lol, google :o)...everyone gets one now with the addon!




And Chrona, this is fantastic work you and your team are putting together with the Dblow research. I very much appreciate this, please pass along hugs and smileys from us.


Thank you





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Well... That IS a serious issue. + all skills nerf will crap up a lot of builds, but that deathblow nerf will utterly destroy them.


If this goes as it is, I'm gonna remove my pure caster Inquisitor build from this site, as it will be VERY, VERY misleading. All of its standpoints - + all skills, %deathblow, + all ca have been utterly nerfed, which will make the build a hell to play.


I wonder whether the BFG will be affected by deathblow, since it's a weapon (although it's gained from a CA). Chrona says revered doesn't work with it, but heck... it's a weapon...

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I was thinking about this actually, how much the builds have changed.


What we can do is add game patch versions into the guides. I'm thinking if there are peeps who won't get the expansion, the guides are still useful.


Yikes, the wiki's gonna need some overhauling too






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I wonder whether the BFG will be affected by deathblow, since it's a weapon (although it's gained from a CA). Chrona says revered doesn't work with it, but heck... it's a weapon...



cabac made more tests now

BFG and AW works


sry :Just_Cuz_21:

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I was thinking about this actually, how much the builds have changed.


You are absolutely right. A lot of builds that were fun and easy to play will become a pain in platinum and niobium. For all I see, if I get the expansion at all later on, I will have to delete a few chars because of those changes. Pinpoint builds with perfect balance will become obsolete, because it will take a lot of time to regain that balance...


I wish the game designers would have chosen a different path to make the game harder. This makes a lot of builds obsolete, since they will have tough time in niobium. For example, the caster Inquisitor could beat a boss at high levels in 10 minutes BECAUSE of deathblow. Now that time will be close to 20 minutes. Well... That's enough to discourage a person from playing this build.


Since AW works, then soldats' caster build is still valid. Thanks God, I really, really enjoy it. However, now I will be forced to play with lower CA levels because of the new balance...


For all I see, the well-known and over-powered builds will rule the servers once again, whilst the tough builds will be washed away. A lot of + all skills allowed for a higher CA level for these builds (who generally suffered because of the skill and ca setup), and with that gone, they will inflict less damage. With deathblow gone for most of the aspects, they will deal even less damage. Well... GG.

Edited by Dobri
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Unlike +all skills nerf, I actually like this one. Melee chars are a lot harder to play, so this will bring some balance. But I wish it worked for dryad and BFG seraphim as well (machinegun bow and 2 hit boss killer, this needs serious nerf)

Edited by Zonc1
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if anyone was ever debating the usefulness of combat discipline, I hope this nerf/rebalancing convinces everyone of its importance.



however, I have one grief:

if db is taken away from all non weapon based spells, don't you think it prudent that all characters should have access to ancient magic? I asked this some time ago when building my technobabe...why she didn't have access to this skill when all of her spells are fire/magic. so a pure caster seraphim limited. there are other cases for arguing for am for other classes, but since I don't have any knowledge, I won't comment...




just another thought...do you think that db was nerfed from all non combat spells because cd gives a full dmg bonus to non combat spells? because weapon based spells do NOT benefit directly from cd...they get to keep db. a better fix would have been to give all spells[regardless of weapon or non weapon based] a base dmg, from which consequent lvls of Combat Arts would apply a % dmg bonus, in essence, make the dmg bonus of cd apply to ALL Combat Arts like they currently affect weapon based Combat Arts...and then we would get to keep db for all.


but honestly, I doubt the devs thought that far ahead and this is all wishful thinking.


and for people who say that melee is harder/more difficult than casters? lol. you don't have enough experience with both yet to make such a blanket statement. they may level faster, but that does not determine difficulty. any caster can mop up 30+ trash mobs in one ca, but if you're leveling faster because of killing trash mobs, that doesn't make it any more or less difficult. go level against harder enemies like the melee builds have to...to compensate for the ability to erase a whole screen of enemies, they have to choose higher quality/yield enemies to keep up with casters.


how do I know this? I've played my fair share of caster/Area of Effect/melee/whathaveyou builds all to 150

Edited by soldats
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if anyone was ever debating the usefulness of combat discipline, I hope this nerf/rebalancing convinces everyone of its importance.



however, I have one grief:

if db is taken away from all non weapon based spells, don't you think it prudent that all characters should have access to ancient magic? I asked this some time ago when building my technobabe...why she didn't have access to this skill when all of her spells are fire/magic. so a pure caster seraphim limited. there are other cases for arguing for am for other classes, but since I don't have any knowledge, I won't comment...




just another thought...do you think that db was nerfed from all non combat spells because cd gives a full dmg bonus to non combat spells? because weapon based spells do NOT benefit directly from cd...they get to keep db. a better fix would have been to give all spells[regardless of weapon or non weapon based] a base dmg, from which consequent lvls of Combat Arts would apply a % dmg bonus, in essence, make the dmg bonus of cd apply to ALL Combat Arts like they currently affect weapon based Combat Arts...and then we would get to keep db for all.


but honestly, I doubt the devs thought that far ahead and this is all wishful thinking.


and for people who say that melee is harder/more difficult than casters? lol. you don't have enough experience with both yet to make such a blanket statement. they may level faster, but that does not determine difficulty. any caster can mop up 30+ trash mobs in one ca, but if you're leveling faster because of killing trash mobs, that doesn't make it any more or less difficult. go level against harder enemies like the melee builds have to...to compensate for the ability to erase a whole screen of enemies, they have to choose higher quality/yield enemies to keep up with casters.


how do I know this? I've played my fair share of caster/Area of Effect/melee/whathaveyou builds all to 150



Seraphim can take a DB mod on pillar.


It was up for serious debate adding Ancient Magic to the seraphim, and removing it from the SW. I think the main devs were going to do it, however things may have closed down before it came into fruitition.

Edited by r00ster
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Of course melee is harder... why there are only 6 Inqusitors in top 100 hc eu? (and 4 on us) becouse he has no access to overpowered healing/invisibility/warding energy/shields/etc and his gear seems worse than SWs' in terms of armor&mitigation. Requires caution and careful planning. This is what true "melee" means.

Edited by Zonc1
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you don't have to play Inquisitor as melee, the 'difficulty' as you so put it, is created at your own volition




I would also remind you that gr00 made quite a successful hybrid caster/melee that did not take hits from anything.



I wager I could make any pure melee that would spank any other of the same class.

here's a snippet of a theory I've been working on that I doubt anyone else has yet:

melee characters with an Area of Effect weapon based ca equipped with a spear unlockable 'chance to hit multiple opponents' and spear mastery unlocking chance for double hits.


think about that for a minute. Area of Effect + double hits and further 'range' with additional opponents.


or even this:

Area of Effect weapon ca + gold modifier 'increases ca radius' with double hit chance




if you consider melee underpowered, think outside of the box before attempting to deride them or compare them as inferior to casters or other classes.



d--- typos

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that's true, but only one example


I mean in general, what the hell were they thinking by removing db from spells?




Be glad that's all it was.... originally they wanted no modifiers from any gear on any spells.... yeah. For real. Only from ca mods etc. Like when I said I was taking a break from all the nerfage, and you haven't seen me on, and I'm back in TQ totally, there really was a reason :)

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