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Which is the easiest character to pick for Sacred 2?

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WOOOOOT just hit level 16 on my Shadow Warrior...I ws wondering if any od you super sacred gurus could answer me a question....which is the easiest char to pick I dont wanna have a hard char to play as for my first char



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Moved to Sacred 2 General Discussion

Regarding Topic... for out of the box, I would think it's BFG. Super powerful, and a great way to get a handle on the game's dynamics.





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Hmm...seraphim can be a bit squishy if you're new to the game...I killed off a few before really getting a toon. SW tho...so easy to make him survive. All his buffs, minibuffs add up to make him an easy first choice I reckon.

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I would gogo, actually advise agaisnt BFG seraphim for beginners, as it gives off some quirky gamelplay elements that shouldn't become habit;




Eating as many BFG runes as possible. If you try to do this with other characters, you're quickly going to have to 'restart' every character that ISN'T BFG.


It can be incredibly stale gameplay-wise, and may detract from people enjoying and exploring the game after the initial build, if they think omg this is IT?


It can be fun, but I wouldn't advise it to newcomers. That's just my take though.

It's like I now regret helping my RL friend start with a shadow viel shadow warrior. He thinks the games an absolute bore-fest now.



Much more appropriate for them to learn enemy attacks etc with a character that allows it, like SW with his generous defensive abilities etc. And will also allow skills like EP, which increase the fun factor big time.

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I have to agree with r00 here, even though I am a fervent seraphim player :D


The SW is just easier to get better off the right foot. You have plenty of useful buffs to go around. He also has no weak build as long as you have them around and is harder to mess up.


It's simply that simple:

Wanna play 3 aspect or 3-buff? Be my guest!

Wanna play tough char? Be my guest!

Wanna play a finder/smith? Be my guest!

Wanna play all of the above in the same char? Oh, be my guest by all means :P

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I found the Dryad really easy to play with on my first runs through Bronze and Silver. I used a Capricious Hunter turret build and pretty much obliterated everything before it even got near me. Was the odd area I had to ease off a bit but for the most part it roled through the game with ease.

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I found the Dryad really easy to play with on my first runs through Bronze and Silver. I used a Capricious Hunter turret build and pretty much obliterated everything before it even got near me. Was the odd area I had to ease off a bit but for the most part it roled through the game with ease.


The dryad with Capricious Hunter CAs, malicious totem and ancient bark gets near invincible pretty quickly with the right mods. I've found her and the shadow warrior the two biggest killing machines for someone just starting out. The inquisitor dual wielding fire and ice uniques also gets off to a good start but requires care with his CAs and mods to keep him a killing machine and alive down the road as he doesn't have any real shield/defense skills. Just my three cents (inflation).

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How's the LL% on that BFG? :)


BFG builds 'cap' out rather quickly.

Depends on what your after though. A BFG seraphim can make a great EP/Trader, as it leaves many skill choices free.


The damage seems very high initially, as one can just eat a billion runes and one shot everything. But if the goal is the 'long haul' you will definitely start to see shortcomings as enemies hp etc begins to ramp up, while the damage from BFG remains somewhat constant. There is also the lack of Area of Effect, boss kill ability (compared to LL%) etc.


Tis all aboot what you want out of your toon.


Though if we're talking pure powa! then well.... Shadow Veil > All. But it's horribly broken, and pretty much kills any challenge the game has. Useful for a 'utility' character though.

My forger can farm the guardians with absolutely zero threat... well, anything really lol.


I won't lie though, it's horribly, horribly boring leveling him. The 'fight' music never even turns on...


I'm on a different page now though. Back to S1 roots... MF!

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I dunno guys


I think my smokin girl kix any SW's build down flat and hard


And that noise when she fires...










Hows the BFG go if either you cant see the SW most of your hits get reflected gogo?

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Good question Cyco! My answer would be all of 'em, reason is, this Site has so many good guides for each Class and you can experiment with each one as you see fit and find out which Character best suits your play style! Anyway, if I had to pick 1 for you, Shadow Warrior! Good Luck man, you'll need it, the world of Ancaria on the PC is a harsh place because the bosses are alot tougher on Ice & Blood from what I hear!

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It's a very subjective question.


If you've played ARPG's before, and you prefer a certain type of class (mage/melee/ranged) you will be able to find each of those in Sacred 2 (high elf/SW/dryad, respectively). Alternatively, if you like a combination of those styles that can be done too (eg. inquisitors make a good mage/melee mix).


I'd probably go SW though, the standard hack/slash high HP melee character is generally a good starting point for any RPG. It can be very useful for working out the style of enemies you will come across, along with their attacks. I do agree that a veiled SW is a bad choice, it has a tendency to drain the fun out of the game.


That said, I started with a BFG seraphim and played her until 100+ on 360. Gave me the ability to explore the countryside without much concern for her well being.

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I would vote for the elf. We designed the shield maiden for our daughter just for this reason. Able to play melee and caster,...


Even more flexible if exchanging ice lore for combat discipline and using fire monkey as third buff to give casting speed for ice and fire lore.

Edited by chattius
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I found the SW to be the ultimate killing machine. With Shadow Veil modded as a buff and using Skeletal Fortification and Spectral Hand as my CAs, I got to level 151 without wearing any armour or even carrying a weapon. And once my Shadow Veil was buffed, I WAS NEVER HIT EVEN ONCE!


How much easier can it possibly get?


Check out my Podgie the Bearbarian (Invisible Mass Killer) guide, then tell me which character is easiest for a newbie.

Edited by podgie_bear
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OK.. OK.. Here's my 2 cents worth - High Elf with Pyro and Delphic Arcana. Done right, she's quite easy to get through the bulk of the game - especially if you dump a bunch of points into Arrant Pyromancer Focus and Delphic Focus to keep the regens real short. Hook her up with a nice lifeleech bow and she's good to go. Mass quantities of damage to mobs..


Just look at what Woody did with his HE shopper... Pay attention to the pics toward the end..



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thanks for all the briliant advice, I chose a shadow warrior, and several time I have messed up......now I have a good build so far, but thats going off one of the guides on here.......but now im stuck.......I have been reallly lucky apparently as I have two different peices of set armour.....im really enjoying this game even tho im in the low levels.......


if anyone could help me with my SW build....I would be very gratefull....

here are my stats.....


Tactices lore - 15

Armour Lore - 5

Duel Wield - 15

Death Warrior Focus - 7

Concentration - 1

Malevolent Champion Focus - 7


Ive been putting all my stat points into strength......


I have pretty much all the skills I use fully modded...

Level 1 - FR - Double Attack, Double Strike, Vampire

Level 1 - SS - ( Currently No Mods )

Level 1 - DB - Wounding, Poisening, Trauma

level 7 - GR - ( I only have the one mod for this combat art) Rejuvination

Level 2 - RE - ( I only have the one mod for this combat art) Backlash


But this is all I have....I dont know what would be the best way to distopute my skills points for further levels, the CA are fine, Just the skill points im strugeling with....


could anyone share some guru info :)


many thanks

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I would vote for the elf. We designed the shield maiden for our daughter just for this reason. Able to play melee and caster,...


Even more flexible if exchanging ice lore for combat discipline and using fire monkey as third buff to give casting speed for ice and fire lore.


Hey Chattius, I understand where you're coming from saying to use a High Elf, They are great Powerful builds but they're a little tricky for beginners! I've been playing this game for ages and I'm still experimenting with High Elves trying to figure out what works and what doesn't!

Edited by Skylar Cb
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Here is a 'template' for SW's I posted a loooong time ago on the official sacred 2 forums;


Tactics Lore

Malevolent Focus

Death Focus

Weapon Lore - you've chosen dual. NEVER take two lores.


Armor Lore



-option 1: Toughness

-option 2: forge

-option 3: EP

-option 4: Damage Lore

-option 5/6: Combat Reflex/Spell Resistance




The last three are really up to you.


Damage lore is very nice in the expansion, as are many other underated skills.


For how to allocate, just get them to mastery, then if you're still playing the toon from there (it's a long road to master them all) you will be able to easily decide for yourself, as you will have a LOT of playing time under your belt.


If you only plan 2 buffs, Grim resillience and Reflective emanation, it is ok to leave concentration very low, mine is like 5 points base. It is not needed to master.


Lastly, some of the most MASSIVE advice I can give; DO NOT spec into Shadow Viel. DO NOT. It is the most horribly broken skill in the game, and completely and utterly destroys any and all challenge. That may sound cool, but once you do it you quickly realize that it kills all fun. Nothing attacks you, the 'fight' music never even comes on.... If there was one thing I could go back and change about my SW, which is a utility toon (forger) would be taking this into a buff.

It has completely destroyed any amount of fun he was to play. The ONLY reason I have not deleted this pathetic excuse for a character, is he's 75 and is my forger. You need a forging character.

I have simply filled every slot with XP on him now, so that I can level him as fast as possible and spend as little time playing him as well. Completely and utterly ruined the 'fun' of the character with this most broken of Combat Arts.

Like someone else said, they didn't even need weapons or armors, or anything because of how ridiculously broken it is. DO NOT DO IT!



Edited by r00ster
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I have to agree with r00 on Shadow Veil


I have one up to level 140 to be used as my mapper/explorer. Once you've killed a few bosses without ever worrying about damage or have explored every nook and cranny this build gets boring very quickly. I cannot bear to play him for more than a few minutes. Only use now to visit and/or boost player count for other players experience. So unless you're only wanting to make an explorer and nothing else, do not make this a perm buff, you will regret it :)

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reallllly dont know what to do now im level 20 lol


Simple....start over and follow r00's advice. :)

No really......you asked to know the "easiest character to pick for Sacred 2" and r00's advice certainly fills that requirement.

You are only level 20 so restarting is not a big deal considering how long it will take to get you above 100 level.


Now.....if you wanted to know the easiest character to pick for online HC and you have horrid lag issues............. that I could possibly help with. :)

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Depending on how you define easy to play: I did 2 characters for a friend of my daughter who suffers from epilepsie. They were designed for autotargetting combat arts. So if easy = I am no mouse acrobat, I am blind as a mule, ... these would be the characters I would choose.

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