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Diablo IV Time to Play! Clan Name: DarkMattters -> Clan Tag: DarK

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23 hours ago, gogoblender said:


That woudl be incredible... I could play with a lot of our family this way, specially my nephew!




Exactly right.  My two nephews are XBOX guys and I do Playstation.  We all play D3, but can't hook up.  With D4, I should be able to play with you guys on PC and them on XBOX.

1 hour ago, lujate said:

Exactly right.  My two nephews are XBOX guys and I do Playstation.  We all play D3, but can't hook up.  With D4, I should be able to play with you guys on PC and them on XBOX.

there was so much talk about xplay...but I rarely found really good games that we could do it with... here's to D4 getting it all right out of the gate



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  • 1 month later...

It really looks like they're going back to what made Diablo I & 2 great. An actual skill tree....I cannot possibly express how disappointed I was that D3 didn't have it...none of my builds/characters felt unique, nothing special to them. Even my flawed builds had something special about them that made them mine in D2. Look like D4 will have repsec (at a cost). That was something I  initially was against until I played Grim Dawn and used it a few times when I selected a skill that didn't work as I expected.



  • 1 year later...

that scares me... that we wont be able to flat up front *acquire* a game...but instead have to be subscribed to it ?  I totally get both models, and I always thought it was cool that blizzard ran both both types... if blizzard is selling out for selling pay to win for their mobile I hope at least Diablo 4 will remain as a wholly purchasable concept.




16 hours ago, gogoblender said:

that scares me... that we wont be able to flat up front *acquire* a game...but instead have to be subscribed to it ?  I totally get both models, and I always thought it was cool that blizzard ran both both types... if blizzard is selling out for selling pay to win for their mobile I hope at least Diablo 4 will remain as a wholly purchasable concept.




Hopefully, the micro-transactions will be for bling items that don't have a tangible effect on game-play.

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And... we get confirmation that D4 is gonna only be cosmetics with micro transactions?

if so... yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! 


https://www.ausgamers.com/news/read/3640547/diablo-4-microtransactions-limited-to-optional-cosmetics-and-story-expansions#:~:text=Blizzard Confirms Diablo 4 Microtransactions,and Story Expansions - AusGamers.com&text=Diablo 4 is coming in,biggest releases of the year

And, heres more news from rod fergusson on twitch from Blizzards... good news :thumbsup:



Rod Fergusson


To be clear, D4 is a full price game built for PC/PS/Xbox audiences. We are committed to delivering an incredible breadth of content after launch, for years to come, anchored around optional cosmetic items & full story driven expansions. More details soon. Necro blog tomorrow!


And if the cross platform is up to par, this is shaping up to look find.

i see... DRUID





This is the druid killing it... :drool:



I was actually going through all the classes... this is exciting again, release next year? This is a HUGE AAA game.. and one review i was watching  had blizzard pretty much BOASTING how powerful its cross platform tech is going to be... is this even possible?






Final Fantasy 14 has seamless cross-platform for PC and PS4 (originally PS3).  FF14 is years old, so I imagine Blizzard can pull it off.

  • Like! 1

And...THATS what i wanted to hear ... that a AAA game is already performing this seamlessly.

  • 6 months later...
2 hours ago, lujate said:

Lujate I am in!,

Will you be playing with your nephew? Do you really believe that it’s actually going to be crossed compatible against gaming platforms and the PC if so clan dark back together!

2 hours ago, gogoblender said:

Lujate I am in!,

Will you be playing with your nephew? Do you really believe that it’s actually going to be crossed compatible against gaming platforms and the PC if so clan dark back together!

Blizzard still says cross-platform, so we'll all be one big happy family.


My nephew always asks what's new with D4 when I see him.  I know he's going to ask at Christmas, which is why I checked in on it this week.  I'm sure we'll play some, but getting together is tougher now that he's an adult with responsibilities (e.g. job, GF).

2 hours ago, lujate said:

Blizzard still says cross-platform, so we'll all be one big happy family.


My nephew always asks what's new with D4 when I see him.  I know he's going to ask at Christmas, which is why I checked in on it this week.  I'm sure we'll play some, but getting together is tougher now that he's an adult with responsibilities (e.g. job, GF).

Last time I upgraded my computer was for Diablo 3... im feeling the timings right! my cuz, schot and nephew will prob be in and well see who we can rope in from darkmatters



On 12/23/2022 at 7:23 PM, gogoblender said:

Last time I upgraded my computer was for Diablo 3... im feeling the timings right! my cuz, schot and nephew will prob be in and well see who we can rope in from darkmatters



IIRC D3 (and GW2) both came out in 2012, so you'll probably want a pc upgrade. My pc is from the same time, which is one of the reasons I'm going ps4.


Hopefully D4 will be more popular here than D3 was. It seemed that most people had already abandoned D3 before I even made it to Diablo.

  • Like! 1
  • 4 weeks later...

So I really wanted to get a new pc this year for D4, but sadly it looks like I'll be stuck on the same system I'm running now. Trying to spend my money elsewhere at the moment. I allowed myself a budget of around 500 euros to update it as much as makes sense. So I bought a second hand screen (27 inch 1440p 144hz G-SYNC/FreeSync compatible) and a second hand graphics card (GTX 1080) and I'm hoping this will suffice to enjoy the game when it comes out. I have NOT looked at any information on D4 so I have no idea what the game is going to be like, but I've played the hell out of D2 and enjoyed D3 even with it's flaws, so I'm hoping D4 will be a good experience as well. Plus, reading that the necro is back in the main selection pretty much seals the deal for me. I hated that it was an expansion character in D3.

What are the chances this will make it to an official [D.a.r.k] clan game?

3 hours ago, Timotheus said:

So I really wanted to get a new pc this year for D4, but sadly it looks like I'll be stuck on the same system I'm running now. Trying to spend my money elsewhere at the moment. I allowed myself a budget of around 500 euros to update it as much as makes sense. So I bought a second hand screen (27 inch 1440p 144hz G-SYNC/FreeSync compatible) and a second hand graphics card (GTX 1080) and I'm hoping this will suffice to enjoy the game when it comes out. I have NOT looked at any information on D4 so I have no idea what the game is going to be like, but I've played the hell out of D2 and enjoyed D3 even with it's flaws, so I'm hoping D4 will be a good experience as well. Plus, reading that the necro is back in the main selection pretty much seals the deal for me. I hated that it was an expansion character in D3.

What are the chances this will make it to an official [D.a.r.k] clan game?

There's going to be at least me and Lujate playing, with my nephew, cuz and maybe even Schot ... this game has a lot of world exploring... so yes... we will have our Clan D.a.r.k. tags ingame just like in d3!

yeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw..  

I hear ya on the scrimmaging for parts Timo, they have gotten so expensive... i lucked out with getting the game for Christmas, and hope to get the PC in at cheaper cost...but who knows.. maybe a console is a "value" way of getting this game up and going?

It would have to be attached to my TV in the living room though, and Im kinda in love with gaming with my PC and monitors in my own room




  • 1 month later...
9 hours ago, lujate said:

Diablo IV Open Beta in March.



Personally, I'm probably just going to wait for release.  I think that will be easier than playing for a few hours, and then having to wait 2+ months to play some more.

I'm with you Amigo!! I also need to get a new PC to play this beauty.. so being patient till June suites me okay... and vacay in three days, gotta get some more money into the piggy




Are you guys planning to take some time off upon release? The 6th Will be a difficult one for me but I'm feeling tempted to arrange a long weekend - fri/sat/sun/mon.

  • Like! 1

oooh! i didnt think about that!!!

let me check my schedule..i think i pulled a week off end of june, july!



On 2/21/2023 at 1:17 PM, lujate said:

Personally, I'm probably just going to wait for release.

But, but.. what if playing beta gives you something special, exclusive even. Like a funny hat, or a medal, or a super-rare weapon.

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