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Breakfast...Yay or Nay?

Guest gogoblender

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Guest gogoblender

It used to be a big Yay...but now it's become a big Nay


I don't know what ever happenned to this little favorite of mine. The yummy meals of bacon, eggs, toast with marmelade, freshly roasted coffee et al seem to have been forgotten in the ever expanding hunger for time that me and everyone I know seems to be involved in. I'm just curious as to how gamers deal with the morning matins. Do you even bother anymore? When was the last time you really sat down to a set of over easy's to enjoy the morning with. Or has it been transformed? Do you now suck it back in a polished Starbucks anodized alumininum two liter coffee cup/(pot! ;)) hurriedly filled while riding on your way to work? Or maybe is it just a bite of last night's leftovers stuffed between gulps as you run out the door?


does anyone here even remember what an egg looks like?





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Ahh breakfast....bah I hate it...I really hate it....only rarely and I mean really rarely like if I stay over at a freinds or they stay here will I have any and then they have to talk me into it or make me feel mean for not making any :4rofl: . Ofc I have to make breakfast for my kids but for me....a coffee or 4 and a cigarette in the garden...yes even if it's raining ;)


But now you mention it GoGo...maybe I'll have something now....because I know when I wake up I won't even want to look at food...and I know I'll have to make yucky porridge for the young un ;)

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Guest gogoblender


Claire is that what the kids get fer breakfast then?


Do they ever raise their hands and go on strike and say...

Today's an eggs and BAcon day!

And then stop their feet?




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I rarely bother with breakfast... I never really have.

Most mornings breakfast consists of... nothing. I might eat around 11 or noon... or simply wait until about 8-9+pm to finally eat something. I may have some beverages in the interim.


I do enjoy breakfast (I'm not a huge fan of eggs though, which limits my meal options at restaurants), but will rarely partake, especially if there's any particular effort involved for me or a host. I will occasionally cook up a pound of bacon though :4rofl:

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Mmmmm breakfast!


Oh I was a breakfast addict for soooo many years. I totally lived off of Lucky Charms and other various sugary coated oh so yummy cereals. MmmmmmmmMmm! ;) Whew... Is it hot in here? Gosh. I think I need to have a bowl right now.


I haven't had cereal in many years now though. My fave breakfast nowadays is bacon, eggs, some mixed vegies, bagel&cream cheese, banana and a mmm mm good glass of milk. I usually do like Ankhanu mentioned and bust open a huge pack of bacon. Cut it up, fry it up. Smash a half dozen or so of eggs and nukcrify them. Then nukrify some frozen vegies and I'm good for 3 or 4 days of easy breakfasting.


All this talk of breakfast now though... I think I'm gonna go out and buy a box of me Lucky Charms! Yum!


Oh and cinnamon & brown sugar porridge is dah best! Come ooooon erialc. Just one widdle bite. Here comes tha plane! ;)


Wow. I don't think I've ever been so enthusiastic about food before. Might have something to do with having quit smoking for 4 days now... :4rofl:

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Depends on whether I'm trying to lose weight - if I am then I must have at least a small something to get the metabolisim running. If I'm not I usually just skip it.


I absolutely love bacon & eggs, but am woefully unable to cook eggs the way I like them (over medium, yolks all liquid but not a bit of liquid in the whites or they nauseate me). I'm also picky about my bacon (it must be completely crispy - no floppy fatty bits or I can't eat it), but I can usually get that the way I like it.


Heh, the best eggs & bacon I ever had were the ones my Grandma cooked. She make the eggs and the bacon perfect for my tastes. The best part is back when I first started college I was living with them and working midnights at a gas station. Being the old fashioned sort, she cooked eggs & bacon (& toast or waffles) for my Grandfather every morning, which was conveniently the time I got home from work. Mmmmmmmmmm, perfect bacon and eggs for dinner 5 days a week for over a year - it was heavenly :D

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Mmmmm, breakfast. I neeeeed to have breakfast in the morning. Usually it is bread-based. Mini-muffins or a bagel and cream cheese are the norm M-F. On weekends I go out and get Dunkin' Donuts, or make Pillsbury Grands Cinnamon Rolls (with Philly Cream Cheese icing) :D or waffles. When I am doing a long weekend run (6+ miles), I have a M-F breakfast before running, sometimes a tiger's milk bar if I am running 10+, and GU every 40 minutes. When I get back I have second breakfast. :)


Sometimes I do french toast and bacon, or scrambled eggs and . . . uh . . . bacon. Mmmm, BACON! One of the cats is a little bacon-piggy. He'll scarf down as much as I'll let him have, which usually isn't too much. Musten't spoil the little dear too much. :D

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Guest gogoblender

good god, Ike...I got almost half depressed seeing an almost meatless breakfast goin by and then just in time you had the bacon zing in for both you AND your cat

*high fives*

God bless the piggy







p.s. *ducks Tim's badly timed swing*

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I never really eat breakfast at home... usually it's rock paper scissors between me and my wife of who's gonna get up and make :thumbsup:


I'll get a pie or russian roll on days when I fill up my car, or when hunger strikes, I'll stop by McDs and get a sossage & egg McMuffin with orange juice :drinks: for my trip to work...


This week my wife decided that we're detoxing :bow: , so I've had my hearbal tea and watermelon. Tomorrow it's banana day :):sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick:


But, fridge permitting, on Saturdays I loooove bacon and eggs around 11am :woot:

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Well I have been making the effort to eat brekky lately.....but I am not very good at it. I was gonna try and make it the main meal of the day but somehow that never works out. I never have enough time and I just dont feel like eatin much in the morning.


Toast and of course :P is the best I can do!!


That being said, after a big nite I love a big fry up!! But not Maccas. Never again. Incend and I went there one morning when we were feeling a lil off colour and I got a bacon and egg mcmuffin.....


And something made me look inside and :o


The egg was green :sick: GREEN!


When I took it back to the counter the guy working there said oh they mustve left it on the grill for too long.


Yesss...because eggs go greeen when you cook them to long.... :)


He asked if he could make me another one.....I just politely asked for my money back :rolleyes:


:4rofl: Never ever again.


I am so sorry if I have put you off McDonalds forever..... :P



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The egg was green :sick: GREEN!


When I took it back to the counter the guy working there said oh they mustve left it on the grill for too long.


Yesss...because eggs go greeen when you cook them to long.... :)


He asked if he could make me another one.....I just politely asked for my money back :rolleyes:


:4rofl: Never ever again.


I am so sorry if I have put you off McDonalds forever..... :P





I'll have to keep an eye on those eggs ! I hope and pray it never happens to me !! Fortunately with all these stories I've heard and read I try and make a point of insisting on 'no gerkin' and then they have to make a brand new burger !

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I never used to eat breakfast... it used to make me feel sick, but lately, like, uh.... every morning.. :P I go past a Maccas on the way to work so it's not really MY fault... lol although I only ever get hashbrowns and coke.. :o I've had a bad bacon and egg experience too... rofl and while I was driving too! The egg was somehow still really really runny :) thankfully I didn't get anything on me.. just all over my car and it smelt rank too ;) so no more muffins from Maccas. OH! and I can't forget the 4 or 5 :P 's before I even start getting ready :sick: ooo and pancakes. I can eat pancakes in the mornings :sick: when Luke makes them for me... :4rofl:

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:yay: !!


I eat breakfast all the time. cereal, toast, milk (lately I just buy them at the store....I don't buy the 4 litres pack anymore since every time I have to rush to work I have no time to eat)..Lately, my new craving is oatmeal that replaces breakfast rush cause I can pre-cook it and eat it at work! :cool:


Breakfast is one of the important meal of the day. I NEED IT! I EAT TONS! I NEED TO GORGE! I NEED TO START MY DAY AS A PIG :P


sorry for the caps :):4rofl: I just need to show you how much energy I need during the morning! a ton! since I am like a skinny tall dude... with high metabolism :bounce: I plan my daily meal accordingly-


Breakfast huge meal (a bit of fat)

Snack- toast with peanut butter (fat but yummy)

Lunch- high on carbs, proteins and tons of greens (yum) (very lean, 0% fat)

snack- a shake.

snack again :P anything I can find - just not empty calories

dinner same as lunch :( yuck! but good food

snack again ... anything I can find... :blink:



PLus all this energy is used toward going to gym and spending it accordingly to the daily activities :trans: so


Well now that you know I guess you know that breakfast is a big YAY! :D:(:pirate: llol :mafia:

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Guest gogoblender

green egg?

a green egg:)



holey Geebus Aur...that's worse than the time I bought some chicken mcnuggets and, in a fit of porcine gluttony, salivated over whilst waiting in line, bit into, chewed-upon, tasted and swallowed the entire nugget before realizing the flesh was pink and the meat was raw!






p.s. hey...waht's with this "macas" thingy you downundeys got goin...

is there some correct way of pronouncing that?


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Yeah green eggs? not healthy.... or maybe? lol


I had a problem with Hungry jacks (burgerking). I was enjoying my whopper with no onions, had a few fries and low and behold there was a cigarette but in my mouth from the fries!




Have never liked the chips since.



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Guest gogoblender

and now aur's nightmare has found it's final resting place amonst this thread of...






I need to get up earlier in the morning more often





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:BlobRed: "Green eggs and SPAM" I loved that book when I was a kid :) (Well the ham one..lol)


Ewww the Maccas stories are endless..... :BlobRed:


Yeah Gogo Maccas is just our nickname for the delightful place :Just_Cuz_21:

Now how do I explain a pronounciation here...


hmmn it rhymes with hackers....that make sense?




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  • 4 months later...

Big YAY. Cereal, bacon & egg and black pudding, bread & marmelade. YAY. Not that I can take that anymore. :whistle:


Don't you nutters know that it is the most important meal of the day?

Next a meal at midday, and as little as poss. in the evening. Specially for you Caroline for that slinky svelt figure. Can't work on a cup of instant.


Don't know how half of you survive! :3lmao:

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