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Sacred 2 blueprint.txt function overhaul

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Sacred 2 blueprint.txt function overhaul

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Sacred 2 Blueprint.txt Function Overhaul



  • All items sorted into one separate file for each item 'class' to increase overview
  • Automated bonusgroup generation for items with non-fixed boni
  • Automated bonus color generation from bonus tier
  • No more bonus IDs/bonusgroup IDs. Instead, boni and single-bonus-bonusgroups are called from a unique name: "prefix%type$spez$spez2$basedonskill". You know exactly what bonus/bonusgroup it is with just one look!
  • Does not change the (average) balance of your mod - just transforms it into an more overviewable and easier modifyable state
  • The most powerful file ever created: balance.lua opens up with unique and powerful ways to quickly fit the balance of your mod how you like it in one go!
  • Commentary over all scripts - everything is explained!
  • Comes with an unused/duplicated token finding tool - only works after enabling.
  • Basically never have to edit blueprint.txt again - everything can be done from the modules/modding folder!
  • Automated adjustment of creature.txt's creature bonus intensity balance according to your settings - you can do everything from inside balance.lua / bonusTypeBalance.lua !!
  • Does not adjust spells.txt balance (and won't in the future, because the balance there is somewhat hardcoded and intransparent)



Your mod needs to have included BEFORE enabling:

  •     server/blueprint.txt
  •     server/creatures.txt
  •     shared/itemtypes.txt
  •     shared/spells.txt
  •     shared/typification.txt
  •     JSGME (generic mod enabler)
  • And you must be on windows operating system!
    (For the .exes to not screw up. But after running Disable.exe, your mod is completely Vanilla-style again, ready for upload for all operating systems.)



  • @Flix to answer my one million questions.
  • @dimitrius154 to answer my other million questions.
  • @Schot, @gogoblender and all other supporting members and admins of DarkMatters,org making hosting this file possible!
  • Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, I used his srlua to compile all the standalone .exe files. VERY useful!!!


Discuss here:



  • Respect! 1
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  • Added explanation to README.txt why enemies give no experience at first after enabling and why this won't be changed in future versions
  • Added instructions to README.txt how to 'fix' the enemies-give-no-experience
    Hopefully this is enough to set you up with how things work, and how you can add other balancing issue fixes like that (e.g. max life energy when mounted)

Here is a list of all boni which don't have scaling scripted upon enabling with EE:



Some of those don't have difficultyvalueranges for a rason, some other like BONUS_EXPERIENCE or BONUS_SPELLDAMAGERANGE need balance scripting.

I realize that this might be a lot of unwanted work, so I will set up and share a balance script for these boni which you can use as a template. Again, there's good reason to not just extract them from blueprint.txt: The numbers can't be trusted, and I need to make sure that everyone who uses this mod is aware of that.

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13 hours ago, Lindor said:

I realize that this might be a lot of unwanted work, so I will set up and share a balance script for these boni which you can use as a template.

As Sauron Lord of gift I have gift for u:

do bonusTypeBalance["BONUS_CA_WEAPONDMG_MULTIPLIER"] = {
    difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,1000,1000},
    difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,1000,1000},
    difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,1000,1000},
    difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,1000,1000},
    difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,1000,1000},
} end
do bonusTypeBalance["BONUS_DROPCHANCE"] = {
    difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,100,150},
    difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,100,200},
    difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,125,250},
    difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,150,300},
    difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,175,375},
} end
do bonusTypeBalance["BONUS_EXPERIENCE"] = {
    difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,50,5000},
    difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,70,7000},
    difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,90,9000},
    difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,110,11000},
    difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,130,13000},
} end
do bonusTypeBalance["BONUS_FACTION_MODIFIER"] = {
    difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,250,250},
    difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,250,250},
    difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,250,250},
    difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,250,250},
    difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,250,250},
} end
do bonusTypeBalance["BONUS_INVISIBLE"] = {
    difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,2500,5000},
    difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,2500,5000},
    difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,2500,5000},
    difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,2500,5000},
    difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,2500,5000},
} end
do bonusTypeBalance["BONUS_LEVEL_ALL_CA"] = {
    difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,100,4000},
    difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,125,5000},
    difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,150,6000},
    difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,175,7000},
    difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,200,8000},
} end
do bonusTypeBalance["BONUS_LIFE_REL_MOUNTED"] = {
    difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,200,400},
    difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,200,400},
    difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,200,400},
    difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,200,400},
    difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,200,400},
} end
do bonusTypeBalance["BONUS_NOFLEE"] = {
    difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,1000,1000},
    difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,1000,1000},
    difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,1000,1000},
    difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,1000,1000},
    difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,1000,1000},
} end
do bonusTypeBalance["BONUS_PRONETOCHANNEL"] = {
    difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,1000,1000},
    difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,875,875},
    difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,750,750},
    difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,625,625},
    difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,500,500},
} end
do bonusTypeBalance["BONUS_SHIELD"] = {
    difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,20,100},
    difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,30,150},
    difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,40,200},
    difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,50,250},
    difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,60,300},
} end
do bonusTypeBalance["BONUS_SHIELD_REGENERATION"] = {
    difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,200,500},
    difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,250,600},
    difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,300,700},
    difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,350,850},
    difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,400,1000},
} end
do bonusTypeBalance["BONUS_SPELLDAMAGERANGE"] = {
    difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,25,275},
    difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,27,294},
    difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,28,330},
    difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,30,370},
    difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,33,430},
} end


U can use this as template to insert into your BonusTypeBalance.lua and work from there.
These are the bonustyles which I think have hardcoded scaling:



Both alphabetically sorted


the mod game automatically detects wether something is a consumable by wether it has the word "potion" or the word "boost" in its blueprint name. This is necessary because the devs didn't give consumables boni the correc prefix, so I need to give them all "cs".

Unfortunately, the ogre knuckles created by Flix in EE are called "forge_boost_phys" and "*_unique", both having the word "boost" in it, despite not being consumables. I recommend renaming them inside modules/modding/items/pgf.lua when using this mod and, if necessary, to give the boni of those items the correct prefix, which would be "sb".

Edited by Lindor
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On 8/2/2022 at 7:34 AM, Lindor said:

And you must be on windows operating system!

By the way in case you're worried about that line: You must be on windows operating system in order for the exes to work, but there is an exe, namely Disable.exe, which converts all scripts back into Vanilla style and removes all modules and exe files except itself and lua54.dll, making your mod ready for publish for all operating systems.

As stated in the README, Disable.exe is NOT a setback to original state. The changes coming with Enable.exe are permanent which is why you should backup your mod before enabling.

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  • 9 months later...

Unless someone can provide a way to unwrap the utf-8 lua script off of a srlua wrapped execuable (@dimitrius154?), the source code of this massive project's exes is lost.

There's a very very thin, slight chance. Maybe a Hex-Editor or ollydbg could work. Don't know, not skilled/experienced enough yet.

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2 hours ago, Lindor said:

unwrap the utf-8 lua script off of a srlua wrapped execuable

It takes veritable years(a good acquaitance of mine had to devote 10 years to full Diablo I source code discovery) to get it done. Very different from the pin-point changes I do.

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Lucky news, the wrapper doesn't compile the script into bytecode, instead it just glues the whole script at the end of an interpreter's bytecode. It can be done with a simple Hex Editor and it's easy to do. A full recovery is to be expected. There can be future user friendliness updates for this modding tool.

23 hours ago, dimitrius154 said:

Very different from the pin-point changes I do

Still impressive. One day I want to accomplish the same skills. Specifically the damage calculation function fixes, the enter-dungeon-with-mount fixes, the %LL functionality change and the possibility of opening up previously weapon damage based item modifiers to spell damage from addendum all sound very appealing to me.

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  • 8 months later...
27 minutes ago, Vishanka said:

I showed a friend this site and I can screenshot his reaction :sweating:

As long as everyone is creating their own thing in their own little corner it will always mainly be something that you do for yourself.

lol, sorry but i yeeked at that reaction... :O ... was wondering if you saw you could change the theme at the bottom of forum? I think you can change it to default..its got no images then, and runs quicker I think :bounce: ... you'd be out of the Ancarian snow storm and into mostly pure words ...basically wont feel very darkmattersy 



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25 minutes ago, gogoblender said:

was wondering if you saw you could change the theme at the bottom of forum? I think you can change it to default..its got no images then, and runs quicker I think :bounce: ... you'd be out of the Ancarian snow storm and into mostly pure words ...basically wont feel very darkmattersy 

Haha, yes, I changed it, but I was getting help from my friend and linked him to some postings that he should read as he tried to find another way to import gr2 models back into the game (without success) and he was greeted with a lot of adds and this design. There is nothing to be sorry for, but if I didn't know the page, I'd also have the feeling that when I click somewhere it might install some virus.
It's just one thing, it takes some negotiation to look through that.

I mainly find information here on darkmatters through google, reading through old postings and trying to make sense of everything that I find.

For example we could do a new official collection of tools and ways how to edit the textures like guides with images.

I use GIMP and DXT BMP, someone else might have a different way. To edit the N I need the help of my friend with some photoshop plugin and then I need to invert green in gimp. It took us hours to find out how to even work with those files.

There are some collections and guides here, but many have dead links, or require tools that you don't just get open source. All of that makes it really difficult to join in.

  • Appreciation 1
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2 hours ago, Vishanka said:

Haha, yes, I changed it, but I was getting help from my friend and linked him to some postings that he should read as he tried to find another way to import gr2 models back into the game (without success) and he was greeted with a lot of adds and this design. There is nothing to be sorry for, but if I didn't know the page, I'd also have the feeling that when I click somewhere it might install some virus.
It's just one thing, it takes some negotiation to look through that.

I mainly find information here on darkmatters through google, reading through old postings and trying to make sense of everything that I find.

For example we could do a new official collection of tools and ways how to edit the textures like guides with images.

I use GIMP and DXT BMP, someone else might have a different way. To edit the N I need the help of my friend with some photoshop plugin and then I need to invert green in gimp. It took us hours to find out how to even work with those files.

There are some collections and guides here, but many have dead links, or require tools that you don't just get open source. All of that makes it really difficult to join in.

Lol that screenshot you took of your friend commenting on our artwork made me burst into laughter .. I’ll show schot when he finishes  work 😀


thats us :D

at least till Wintertyde is over



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Uhmm.. I have jewelry with ome bonusgroups containing all kinds of boni. I go ingame and notice that all rings the combomaster sells have the same bonus. To make matters worse, some have more boni than the blueprint has bonusgroups.

I don't know what is happening. I prepare a darkmatters post. Then I notice bonusgroups can be put on stuff through typification.txt. I thought that I had thought about this and the overhaul would redirect every existent ID to the new ID. CLF_RING has bonusgroupID = 261. ID is non existent pre-overhaul, but got taken post-overhaul. The redirection failed because of this, so all rings get a new bonusgroup.


Notice to anyone using this tool: check typification.txt for leftover bonusgroup IDs after enabling.

The game is trolling me.

  • Appreciation 1
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21 hours ago, Lindor said:


Stop it, all of you!
We lie to ourselfs and close our eyes in front of the reality! Here:

No. One. Cares.
Live with it!

I am sorry. I did not want to say. But all those mentioned community related failures, we all experienced more or less over the years, should have teached us some lessons. Yet, we refuse to see. Maybe because we love Sacred to the point of insanity. Listen. Stop that social media cr^p! It's just a sh*!tload of work, with no positive outcome. There are not enough people here to constantly hold up the flag for years in the social media channels. Also, check the remaining forums. Zombs, all of them! Wasted time, wasted energy.
Instead I'd suggest: Gentle cryo sleep mode and slow buildup of mods. For both games. We can discuss what can be done, got a nice and practicable idea already, work together a bit, but without pressure. If we got enough stuff for a year or so together, let's see how we pass it on to the community so that we got a constant flow of mods over a certain time. Lets monitor the outcome, then we shall decide if and how to continue. For me, it is the most reasonable aproach. I tell you: I do not want to loose any more modders. Not one. Including you!

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As far as modding goes, there is one big hurdle for the game in my opinion. And that is the fact that there is a ton of hardcoded stuff that it nigh impossible to touch. Hidden in the .dll and .exe files, which require a very high degree of extremely specific knowledge to even attempt doing. And sadly, the answer to "Is this possible?" more often than not is "No" because of that reason. Things like:

- Removing the limitation of rarity tier 15 items (Legendaries) only dropping from enemies with dangerclass 9 and 10

- Making ranged weapons fire 2 projectiles when using the ATTACKX animation.

- Changing monster AI. Like for example, make the Garganthropod not get stuck doing the idle animation constantly when you attack him from range. Or there seem to be a ton of behaviors defined in behavior.txt which never get used/don't work etc.

- Or something as simple as knowing exactly what Enhanced Perception does at the code level. Why are there 2 values at Mastery level? Which one does what? Do they stack? The code in scripts would suggest that it only increases the rarity tiers from lootable objects etc.


That being said, a lot of stuff IS moddable. I'm more into the gameplay and mechanics related parts of the game. Visual modding is possible, but not really my area. I'm pretty purist when it comes to any game's visuals (rarely even play remasters/remakes for that reason) and even if I wanted to change something, my artistic aptitude is.... not good :P

Documenting at least what's possible would probably be a good idea, as most of the info is randomly scattered throughout various threads on these forums.

  • Thanks! 1
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On 2/12/2024 at 6:24 PM, Flix said:

Sure thing, I can help with that. I'll start writing up some stuff this week and see what I can publish.

Sweet! Ben if you have issue logging into wiki for your guide please post. Brad's going through some settings and were trying to see how much functions we can get Wiki going for and were trying to balance a skating family party the same time this weekend :lol:

If anyone has challenges getting in, just tell us and we'll look at it


On 2/12/2024 at 7:02 PM, Lindor said:


The game is trolling me.

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.... :eek: :D :eek: 



Use if needed Lindor!



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  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)

Maybe lots of you don't know, but I had a major turning point in life about 2 years ago right after I finished the work on this modding tool.
As a result there was a very abrupt ending of my amateur programming for quite some time, but it was also the beginning of me doing professional programming.

As a result I never extensively tested this tool. Well I did now.
Most of it works, I'd do lots of things differently today but that's okay. But there's one thing which I never caught until recently.
It turned out that the overhaul broke special mount traders because of the uniquename property of blueprints.
Back in the day I didn't think this property was of any importance, but now I know better.
Here is some data about this property:

-- General Syntax --

- case matters, this is case sensitive
- comments begin with --

-- Uniquenames --


-- The Following has a whitespace at the end which breaks it




Rostiges Schwert
broken bow
pig skin
amulet quest

-- Open Questions --

- Why do trade and tradeitem exist? What's the difference?
- Why do some questitems have single appearance uniquenames and some don't?
- Why do not all legendary items have legendary uniquename property?



xmas    xmas_npc_reindeer_antlers
xmas    xmas_sw_belt
xmas    xmas_dr_chest
xmas    xmas_sw_boot
xmas    xmas_he_chest
xmas    xmas_tg_crown
xmas    xmas_tg_shoulder
xmas    xmas_dr_crown
xmas    xmas_sw_crown
xmas    xmas_he_gloves
xmas    xmas_he_crown
xmas    XMAS_Inq_santa_cap
xmas    xmas_sw_hand
xmas    xmas_dr_shoulder
xmas    XMAS_DR_santa_cap
xmas    XMAS_HE_santa_cap
xmas    xmas_tg_arms
xmas    xmas_sw_legs
xmas    XMAS_SW_santa_cap
xmas    xmas_dr_arms
xmas    xmas_tg_legs
xmas    XMAS_TG_santa_cap
xmas    xmas_he_arm
xmas    xmas_dr_legs
xmas    xmas_npc_santa_trouser
xmas    xmas_tg_belt
xmas    xmas_he_legs
xmas    xmas_dr_belt
xmas    xmas_inqui_arm
xmas    xmas_sera_shoulder
xmas    xmas_sera_santacap
xmas    xmas_he_belt
xmas    xmas_inqui_chest
xmas    xmas_sera_crown
xmas    xmas_tg_boots
xmas    xmas_inqui_leg
xmas    xmas_se_arms
xmas    xmas_sw_shoulder
xmas    xmas_sera_belt
xmas    xmas_sera_legs
xmas    xmas_dr_boots
xmas    xmas_inqui_shoulder
xmas    xmas_npc_santa_shoes
xmas    xmas_sera_wings
xmas    xmas_he_boots
xmas    xmas_sw_arm
xmas    xmas_tg_chest
xmas    xmas_inqui_crown
broken bow    Qis_broken_bow
set    set_sera_technik_chest
set    set_shadowwarrior_redstorm_shoulder
set    set_sw_pvp_hardcombat_helmet
set    set_sera_kampf_hand
set    set_inqui_macht_hand
set    set_sera_kampf_wings
set    set_sw_pvp_hardcombat_boot
set    set_sw_pvp_hardcombat_shoulder
set    set_sw_pvp_hardcombat_legs
set    set_sw_pvp_hardcombat_hand
set    set_sw_pvp_hardcombat_chest
set    set_sw_pvp_hardcombat_belt
set    set_sw_pvp_hardcombat_arms
set    set_shadowwarrior_redstorm_boot
set    set_shadowwarrior_redstorm_belt
set    set_shadowwarrior_redstorm_arm
set    set_shadowwarrior_redstorm_chest
set    set_shadowwarrior_redstorm_leg
set    set_shadowwarrior_redstorm_helmet
set    set_weapon_sera_angeldust_shield
set    set_sera_angeldust_sword_01
set    set_helve_storm_leg
set    set_helve_storm_helmet
set    set_helve_storm_boot
set    set_dryad_jagd_boot
set    set_helve_storm_belt
set    set_helve_storm_chest
set    set_helve_storm_hand
set    set_helve_storm_arm
set    set_sera_himmel_shoulder
set    set_sera_himmel_wings
set    set_sera_himmel_leg
set    set_sera_kampf_leg
set    set_sera_kampf_shoulder
set    set_sera_technik_wings
set    set_sera_technik_shoulder
set    set_sera_technik_leg
set    set_shadowwarrior_redstorm_hand
set    set_dryad_jagd_shoulder
set    set_dryad_jagd_leg
set    set_dryad_jagd_helmet
set    set_dryad_jagd_belt
set    set_dryad_jagd_arm
set    set_dryad_natur_arm
set    set_dryad_natur_belt
set    set_dryad_natur_boot
set    set_dryad_natur_chest
set    set_dryad_natur_helmet
set    set_helve_arcan_arm
set    set_helve_arcan_belt
set    set_helve_arcan_boot
set    set_helve_arcan_hand
set    set_helve_arcan_helmet
set    set_helve_arcan_leg
set    set_dryade_voodoo_arm
set    set_dryade_voodoo_belt
set    set_dryade_voodoo_chest
set    set_dryade_voodoo_helmet
set    set_dryade_voodoo_leg
set    set_dryade_voodoo_shoulder
set    set_dryade_voodoo_boot
set    set_helve_inferno_boot
set    set_helve_inferno_hand
set    set_helve_inferno_helmet
set    set_helve_inferno_leg
set    set_helve_inferno_arm
set    set_helve_inferno_belt
set    set_helve_inferno_chest
set    set_inqui_unterwelt_helmet
set    set_inqui_unterwelt_leg
set    set_inqui_unterwelt_shoulder
set    set_shadowwarrior_tactics_boot
set    set_shadowwarrior_tactics_leg
set    set_shadowwarrior_tactics_belt
set    set_shadowwarrior_tactics_hand
set    set_shadowwarrior_tactics_arm
set    set_helve_arcan_chest
set    set_sera_ancient_spear
set    set_dryad_jagd_chest
set    set_dryad_natur_legs
set    set_dryad_natur_shoulder
set    set_inqui_unterwelt_chest
set    set_inqui_unterwelt_boot
set    set_inqui_unterwelt_belt
set    set_inqui_unterwelt_arm
set    set_inqui_unterwelt_hand
set    set_sera_himmel_helmet
set    set_sera_himmel_chest
set    set_sera_himmel_arm
set    set_sera_himmel_hand
set    set_sera_himmel_belt
set    set_sera_himmel_boot
set    set_sera_kampf_boot
set    set_sera_kampf_arm
set    set_sera_kampf_belt
set    set_sera_kampf_chest
set    set_sera_kampf_helmet
set    set_sera_technik_helmet
set    set_sera_technik_hand
set    set_sera_technik_boot
set    set_sera_technik_belt
set    set_sera_technik_arm
set    set_shadowwarrior_astral_helmet
set    set_shadowwarrior_astral_shoulder
set    set_shadowwarrior_astral_chest
set    set_shadowwarrior_astral_arm
set    set_shadowwarrior_astral_hand
set    set_shadowwarrior_astral_belt
set    set_shadowwarrior_astral_leg
set    set_shadowwarrior_astral_boot
set    set_shadowwarrior_hardcombat_arm
set    set_shadowwarrior_hardcombat_belt
set    set_shadowwarrior_hardcombat_boot
set    set_shadowwarrior_hardcombat_chest
set    set_shadowwarrior_hardcombat_hand
set    set_shadowwarrior_hardcombat_helmet
set    set_shadowwarrior_hardcombat_leg
set    set_shadowwarrior_hardcombat_shoulder
set    set_shadowwarrior_tactics_chest
set    set_shadowwarrior_tactics_shoulder
set    set_shadowwarrior_tactics_helmet
set    set_sera_tugend_belt
set    set_sera_tugend_arm
set    set_sera_tugend_boot
set    set_sera_tugend_hand
set    set_sera_tugend_shoulder
set    set_sera_tugend_leg
set    set_sera_tugend_chest
set    set_sera_tugend_wings
set    set_sera_tugend_sword_01
set    set_weapon_sera_tugend_shield
set    set_sera_tugend_helmet
set    set_sera_failitia_belt
set    set_sera_failitia_arm
set    set_sera_failitia_boot
set    set_sera_failitia_hand
set    set_sera_failitia_shoulder
set    set_sera_failitia_leg
set    set_sera_failitia_chest
set    set_sera_failitia_wings
set    set_sera_failitia_sword_01
set    set_weapon_sera_failitia_shield
set    set_sera_failitia_helmet
set    set_sera_sopor_helmet
set    set_sera_sopor_wings
set    set_sera_sopor_hand
set    set_sera_sopor_chest
set    set_sera_sopor_shoulder
set    set_sera_sopor_boot
set    set_sera_sopor_leg
set    set_sera_sopor_belt
set    set_sera_sopor_arm
set    set_helve_ninehells_helmet
set    set_helve_ninehells_chest
set    set_helve_ninehells_belt
set    set_helve_ninehells_arm
set    set_helve_ninehells_hand
set    set_helve_ninehells_boot
set    set_helve_ninehells_leg
set    set_shadowwarrior_lordaeron_arm
set    set_shadowwarrior_lordaeron_boot
set    set_shadowwarrior_lordaeron_chest
set    set_shadowwarrior_lordaeron_hand
set    set_shadowwarrior_lordaeron_helmet
set    set_shadowwarrior_lordaeron_leg
set    set_shadowwarrior_lordaeron_shoulder
set    set_shadowwarrior_lordaeron_belt
set    set_shadowwarrior_lordaeron_sword
set    set_sera_genesis_helmet
set    set_sera_genesis_chest
set    set_sera_genesis_belt
set    set_sera_genesis_hand
set    set_sera_genesis_boot
set    set_sera_genesis_wings
set    set_helve_spectrum_ring
set    set_shadowwarrior_doomguard_arm
set    set_shadowwarrior_doomguard_boot
set    set_shadowwarrior_doomguard_chest
set    set_shadowwarrior_doomguard_hand
set    set_shadowwarrior_doomguard_helmet
set    set_shadowwarrior_doomguard_leg
set    set_shadowwarrior_doomguard_belt
set    set_shadowwarrior_doomguard_shoulder
set    set_helve_asha_arm
set    set_helve_asha_boot
set    set_helve_asha_chest
set    set_helve_asha_hand
set    set_helve_asha_helmet
set    set_helve_asha_leg
set    set_helve_asha_belt
set    set_inqui_judi_hand
set    set_inqui_gods_hand
set    set_helve_lara_helmet
set    set_helve_lara_chest
set    set_helve_lara_belt
set    set_helve_lara_leg
set    set_helve_lara_arm
set    set_helve_lara_boot
set    set_helve_lara_hand
set    set_sera_sophia_wings
set    set_sera_sophia_belt
set    set_sera_sophia_chest
set    set_sera_sophia_boot
set    set_sera_sophia_arm
set    set_sera_sophia_shoulder
set    set_sera_sophia_helmet
set    set_sera_sophia_leg
set    set_helve_ice_arm
set    set_helve_ice_boot
set    set_helve_ice_chest
set    set_helve_ice_hand
set    set_helve_ice_helmet
set    set_helve_ice_leg
set    set_helve_ice_belt
set    set_helve_spectrum_arm
set    set_helve_spectrum_boot
set    set_helve_spectrum_chest
set    set_helve_spectrum_hand
set    set_helve_spectrum_helmet
set    set_helve_spectrum_leg
set    set_helve_spectrum_belt
set    set_dryad_wildcat_helmet
set    set_dryad_wildcat_shoulder
set    set_dryad_wildcat_chest
set    set_dryad_wildcat_boot
set    set_dryad_wildcat_arm
set    set_dryad_wildcat_leg
set    set_dryad_wildcat_belt
set    set_demonshield_smokescreen
set    set_demonsword_magic
set    set_demon_amulet
set    haenir_skullshield
set    energy_soldier_shield
Rostiges Schwert    startweapon_sw
uniueq    miniset_tg_peiniger_leg
book    book_religions_gaia
book    book_religions_testa
book    book_religions_forens
book    book_religions_lumen
book    book_religions_kuan
book    book_religions_kali
book    book_weapons_swords
book    book_weapons_archery
book    book_weapons_twohanded
book    book_weapons_ingeneral
book    book_weapons_dualwield
book    book_weapons_tenergy
book    book_guide_dwarf
book    book_food_orcish
book    book_lostdiary_elohinir1
book    book_food_tablemanners
book    book_food_successfulfeast
book    book_magic_fire
book    book_magic_ice
book    book_magic_poisen
book    book_magic_forbidden
book    book_lostdiary_elohinir2
book    book_lostdiary_elohinir3
book    book_magic_tenergy
book    book_magic_intro
book    book_monsters_dragons
book    book_monsters_trolls
book    book_monsters_undeads
book    book_guide_gambling
book    book_guide_orcish
book    book_guide_prince
book    book_guide_princess
book    book_food_hunting
book    book_food_traps
book    book_food_fishing
book    book_herbs_introduction
book    book_herbs_healing
book    book_herbs_poisen
book    book_travel_book1
book    book_travel_book2
book    book_travel_book3
book    book_travel_book4
book    book_travel_book5
book    book_food_dryad
book    book_anatomy_ingeneral
book    book_anatomy_orcs
book    book_food_drinking
book    book_food_ancientreciepes
book    book_guide_orcish1
book    book_addon_krypta
book    book_addon_diaanja
book    book_addon_idea
book    book_addon_zombie
book    book_addon_jaegerin
book    book_anatomy_kaldur
book    book_anatomy_journal1
book    book_anatomy_journal2
book    book_anatomy_journal3
book    book_anatomy_journal4
book    book_anatomy_portals
unqiue    unqiue_1h_axe_nadjii
unqiue    unique_club_1h_methedrin
unqiue    miniset_inqui_laeuterung_chest
unqiue    adminonly_ring_sicht
unqiue    miniset_he_sturm_ring
unqiue    miniset_sw_grab_head
unqiue    miniset_sw_stille_ring
unqiue    set_tg_tenergy_chest
unqiue    miniset_inqui_furcht_shoulder
unqiue    legendary_nitaos_amulet
unqiue    miniset_sw_grab_hand
unqiue    miniset_inqui_unheil_head
unqiue    miniset_sw_qual_shoulder
unqiue    legendary_donnerschlag_amulet
unqiue    legendary_kira_shield
unqiue    legendary_ring_ring_1
unqiue    legendary_charos_ring_1
unqiue    unique_amulett_hunt_questonly
unqiue    legendary_kira_ring
unqiue    legendary_charos_ring_2
unqiue    legendary_ring_ring_2
unqiue    miniset_sw_henker_head
unqiue    uniuqe_boot_he_berghutzen
unqiue    miniset_inqui_kuan_shoulder
unqiue    miniset_tg_schatten_chest
unqiue    miniset_sw_henker_leg
unqiue    miniset_tg_lumen_chest
unqiue    miniset_tg_schatten_boot
unqiue    unique_ring_nebel
unqiue    unique_ring_thorwyns
unqiue    unique_ring_myst
unqiue    unique_ring_verlockung
unqiue    unique_ring_ysekias
unqiue    unique_ring_hohepriester
unqiue    unique_amulet_Clepidides
unqiue    unique_axe_1h_fluch
unqiue    unique_amulet_tanit
unqiue    unique_club_1h_zepter
unqiue    unique_magestaff_1h_nlovaes
unqiue    unique_throwstar_gift
unqiue    unique_shortbow_Dyasheas
unqiue    potion_heal_middle2
unqiue    unique_shield_westen
unqiue    rune_dm_dm_ewigesfeuer
unqiue    rune_dm_me_Energiebrand
unqiue    rune_dm_me_kampftrance
unqiue    tradeitem_undeadhorse_v2
unqiue    set_dm_dm_belt
unqiue    set_dm_dm_boots
unqiue    set_tg_technik_belt
unqiue    set_mielikki_amulet
unqiue    set_amulet_tooth
unqiue    unique_club_bone
unqiue    unique_halberd_cult
unqiue    unique_halberd_rocks
unqiue    longinus_lance
unqiue    abaris_wand
unqiue    ogre_snowstaff
unqiue    unique_scythe_harvester
unqiue    unique_finstaff
unqiue    unique_blooddryad_staff
unqiue    unique_cobra_staff
unqiue    unique_lost_staff
unqiue    unique_orc_staff
unqiue    unique_withered_staff
unqiue    unique_staff_wayfarer
unqiue    unique_staff_delior
unqiue    unique_staff_devil
unqiue    unique_elemental_staff
unqiue    set_amulet_regis
unqiue    set_amulet_tengu
unqiue    amulet_glaurung_left
unqiue    set_amulet_undead
unqiue    set_amulet_artifacts
unqiue    unique_axe_1h_axebot
unqiue    unique_axe_1h_gearwheel
unqiue    unique_spear_dryad
buch    quest_book
forge    forge_gem
forge    forge_wolfteeth
forge    forge_lava_rock
forge    forge_ice_crystal
forge    forge_material_weapon
forge    forge_material_magic
forge    forge_material_armour
forge    forge_gem_unique
forge    forge_wolfteeth_unique
forge    forge_lava_rock_unique
forge    forge_ice_crystal_unique
forge    forge_boost_physical
forge    forge_boost_physical_unique
shrink    shrinkhead_animal
shrink    shrinkhead_barbarian
shrink    shrinkhead_dragon
shrink    shrinkhead_dryad
shrink    shrinkhead_highelf
shrink    shrinkhead_human
shrink    shrinkhead_tmutation
shrink    shrinkhead_invertebrate
shrink    shrinkhead_monster
shrink    shrinkhead_orc
shrink    shrinkhead_undead
we    bonustest
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlewaran
tradeitem    tradeitem_hellhound
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v1_c1
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v1_c12
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v1_c9
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v2_c10
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v2_c12
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v2_c7
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v2_c9
tradeitem    tradeitem_frosttiger
tradeitem    tradeitem_hippocamus
tradeitem    tradeitem_hippocamus_arcane
tradeitem    tradeitem_hippocamus_inferno
tradeitem    tradeitem_hippocamus_storm
tradeitem    tradeitem_lighthorse
tradeitem    tradeitem_mediumhorse
tradeitem    tradeitem_monowheel
tradeitem    tradeitem_spider
tradeitem    traderitem_battlehorse_v1_c14
tradeitem    traderitem_battlehorse_v2_c13
tradeitem    traderitem_battlehorse_v2_c15
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v1_c2
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v1_c10
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v1_c11
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v1_c3
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v1_c4
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v1_c5
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v1_c6
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v1_c7
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v1_c8
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v2_c1
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v2_c11
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v2_c2
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v2_c3
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v2_c4
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v2_c5
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v2_c6
tradeitem    tradeitem_battlehorse_v2_c8
tradeitem    traderitem_battlehorse_v1_c13
tradeitem    traderitem_battlehorse_v1_c15
tradeitem    traderitem_battlehorse_v2_c14
tradeitem    Saddle_tradeitem_hippocamus_storm
tradeitem    Saddle_tradeitem_hippocamus_inferno
tradeitem    Saddle_tradeitem_hippocamus_arcane
tradeitem    Saddle_tradeitem_battlehorse_v1_c8
tradeitem    Saddle_tradeitem_battlehorse_v1_c9
tradeitem    Saddle_tradeitem_battlehorse_v2_c7
tradeitem    Saddle_tradeitem_battlehorse_v2_c8
tradeitem    tradeitem_dragon_pyro
tradeitem    tradeitem_dragon_storm
tradeitem    tradeitem_dragon_arcane
tradeitem    tradeitem_dragon_aspectless
tradeitem    tradeitem_buzzsaw_devout
tradeitem    tradeitem_buzzsaw_fusion
tradeitem    tradeitem_buzzsaw_source
tradeitem    tradeitem_buzzsaw_aspectless
tradeitem    tradeitem_cybertiger_warrior
tradeitem    tradeitem_cybertiger_tech
tradeitem    tradeitem_cybertiger_magic
tradeitem    tradeitem_cybertiger_aspectless
tradeitem    tradeitem_hellhound_warrior
tradeitem    tradeitem_hellhound_champion
tradeitem    tradeitem_hellhound_astral
tradeitem    tradeitem_hellhound_aspectless
tradeitem    tradeitem_draconicon_dragonmagic
tradeitem    tradeitem_draconicon_mental
tradeitem    tradeitem_draconicon_elemental
tradeitem    tradeitem_draconicon_aspectless
tradeitem    tradeitem_armored_spider_inquisition
tradeitem    tradeitem_armored_spider_supremacy
tradeitem    tradeitem_armored_spider_netherworld
tradeitem    tradeitem__armored_spider_aspectless
tradeitem    tradeitem_lizard_hunt
tradeitem    tradeitem_lizard_nature
tradeitem    tradeitem_lizard_voodoo
tradeitem    tradeitem_lizard_aspectless
tradeitem    tradeitem_lonely_hippocampus
tradeitem    tradeitem_armored_hippocampus
tradeitem    tradeitem_armored_hippocampus2
unqien    miniset_inqui_unheil_chest
artefact    artefact_single_magic_epic
artefact    artefact_single_ice_magic
artefact    artefact_single_ice_rare
artefact    artefact_single_magic_magic
artefact    artefact_single_magic_rare
artefact    artefact_single_poison_normal
artefact    artefact_single_poison_rare
artefact    artefact_single_poison_epic
artefact    artefact_single_fire_unique
artefact    artefact_single_fire_epic
artefact    artefact_single_ice_epic
artefact    artefact_single_fire_normal
artefact    artefact_single_magic_normal
artefact    artefact_single_poison_unique
artefact    artefact_single_fire_magic
artefact    artefact_single_fire_rare
artefact    artefact_single_poison_magic
artefact    artefact_single_ice_normal
artefact    artefact_single_ice_unique
artefact    artefact_single_magic_unique
artefact    sigil_Al
artefact    sigil_Ata
artefact    sigil_Atu
artefact    sigil_Ber
artefact    sigil_Dai
artefact    sigil_Del
artefact    sigil_Dis
artefact    sigil_Em
artefact    sigil_Im
artefact    sigil_Ith
artefact    sigil_Kilth
artefact    sigil_Kla
artefact    sigil_Luv
artefact    sigil_Mar
artefact    sigil_Mor
artefact    sigil_Nik
artefact    sigil_Ory
artefact    sigil_Payn
artefact    sigil_Sin
artefact    sigil_Tel
artefact    sigil_Ter
artefact    sigil_Tom
artefact    sigil_Truk
artefact    sigil_Tuh
artefact    sigil_Ver
artefact    sigil_Vun
artefact    sigil_Wol
artefact    sigil_Xion
artefact    sigil_Yer
Legendary    legendary_legende_axe_2h
amulet quest    amulet_quest_dragon
unlock    unlock_sword_2h_krollslaw
unlock    unlock_longbow_ettolrahc
123    Bonustest
uniaue    unique_wings_darkeagle
boost    boost_skull
boost    boost_t_energy
boost    boost_trollteethchain
boost    boost_branch
boost    boost_flesh
boost    boost_clover
boost    boost_talisman_feather
boost    boost_cobold_hat
boost    boost_templeguardian_bp
boost    boost_demonteeth
boost    boost_earthlumb
boost    boost_harpy_feather
boost    boost_templeguardian_batterycore
boost    potion_green_big
boost    potion_green_middle
boost    potion_green_small
Unique    unique_contest_hammer_2h_lars
Unique    quest_jadgmesser
pig skin    Qis_pigskin
gold    Drop_Gold_junk00
gold    Drop_Gold_normal01
gold    Drop_Gold_rare09
gold    Drop_Gold_unique13
gold    Drop_Gold_magic05
u    miniset_dm_1_2
u    miniset_dm_1_1
u    miniset_dm_2_4
u    miniset_dm_2_3
u    miniset_dm_2_2
u    miniset_dm_2_1
u    miniset_dm_3_4
u    miniset_dm_3_3
u    miniset_dm_3_2
u    miniset_dm_3_1
uniue    unique_contest_uk_tervon
set     set_inqui_inquisition_boot
UNIQUE    tradeitem_unicorn_v1
Questitem    Qis_potion_of_emptyness_c3
unique    set_tg_technik_boot
unique    unique_energy_weapon_2h_donnerstab
unique    unique_sword_2h_roger
unique    miniset_se_seraish_helmet
unique    xbox_set_sw_colossus_shoulder
unique    XMAS_1h_snowball
unique    unique_axe_1h_Kaldur
unique    legendary_martha_amulet
unique    miniset_dr_wald_helmet
unique    miniset_he_sturm_leg
unique    miniset_tg_lumen_head
unique    xbox_set_sw_colossus_chest
unique    pvp_eqr
unique    XMAS_1h_candycane
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unique    miniset_se_seraish_chest
unique    miniset_se_seraish_wings
unique    miniset_se_himmel_shoulder
unique    armor_unique_he_in_06
unique    armor_unique_le_he_22
unique    legendary_khral_amulet
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unique    miniset_he_unschuld_leg
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unique    legendary_gruma_club_new
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unique    miniset_he_velaria_arm
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unique    unlock_amulet_faye
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unique    unique_contest_hammer_2h_shugrok
unique    unlock_ring_megann
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unique    unlock_ring_taliamels
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unique    legendary_bergonix_axe_2h
unique    legendary_bergonix_ring
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unique    miniset_se_himmel_helmet
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unique    legendary_arnum_bow_new
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unique    set_inqui_judi_boot
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unique    set_inqui_gods_arm
unique    lugerp38
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unique    shield_amazon
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unique    unique_axe_snake
unique    undead_warrior_shield
unique    undead_archer_sword
unique    undead_centurio_sword
unique    rebellion_sword
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unique    dm_dragonscale_boots
unique    dm_dragonscale_gloves
unique    dm_dragonscale_helmet
unique    dm_dragonscale_legs
unique    dm_dragonscale_shoulders
unique    dm_dragonscale_pelvis
unique    dm_dragonscale_torso
unique    torch_unique
unique    unique_staff_firedemon
unique    2hbladeweapon01
unique    unique_claw_shard
unique    unique_staff_blitz
unique    unique_claw_knight
unique    unique_sw_viking_helmet
unique    unique_tg_egyptian_helmet
unique    unique_sera_valkyrie_helmet
unique    unique_spear_earthshaker
unique    unique_spear_soulflay
unique    father_sword
unique    unique_spear_trident
unique    NPC_axe_Kaldur
unique    Ogre_staff_blitz
unique    shield_thorny_npc
unique    shield_minotaur_npc
unique    npc_sword_1h_schlangenzunge
unique    npc_sword_1h_flammenschlag
unique    npc_tech_sword
unique    kernforce_cutlass_npc
uniuqe    miniset_tg_peiniger_head
uniuqe    unique_sword_1h_excalibran
start    startequip_sw_chest
start    startweapon_dr
rune    rune_in_po_doppelgaenger
rune    rune_he_in_Feuerhaut
rune    rune_he_in_Feuersturm
rune    rune_he_in_Meteor
rune    rune_he_st_Eissplitter
rune    rune_he_st_Frostschlag
rune    rune_he_st_Kristallhaut
rune    rune_he_st_Nebelform
rune    rune_he_st_Schneesturm
rune    rune_se_cm_bekehrung
rune    rune_se_cm_blitz
rune    rune_se_co_kampfhaltung
rune    rune_se_cm_lichtsaeule
rune    rune_se_cm_lichtaura
rune    rune_se_te_energieschild
rune    rune_se_te_notschild
rune    rune_se_te_schockwelle
rune    rune_se_te_schwertfeuer
rune    rune_in_in_kasteiung
rune    rune_in_in_Pranger
rune    rune_in_in_verstuemmelung
rune    rune_in_po_Faecherblitz
rune    rune_in_po_Machtsog
rune    rune_in_po_Machtstoss
rune    rune_in_po_Vergeltung
rune    rune_in_uw_Entsetzen
rune    rune_in_uw_Schaendung
rune    rune_in_uw_Seelenfaenger
rune    rune_in_uw_seelenraub
rune    rune_in_uw_Versklavung
rune    rune_in_in_Eifer
rune    rune_tw_cc_kampfarm
rune    rune_tw_cc_kampfaura
rune    rune_tw_cc_schoepfungsschlag
rune    rune_tw_cc_tkampfschild
rune    rune_tw_cc_todesspiesse
rune    rune_tw_en_eiseskaelte
rune    rune_tw_en_energienetz
rune    rune_tw_en_gluthitze
rune    rune_tw_en_mutieren
rune    rune_tw_en_schockpulse
rune    rune_tw_te_archimedisstrahl
rune    rune_tw_te_flammenwerfer
rune    rune_tw_te_projektil
rune    rune_sk_hc_befreiungsschlag
rune    rune_sk_hc_harterschlag
rune    rune_sk_hc_kampfruf
rune    rune_sk_hc_rammstoss
rune    rune_sk_hc_willensstaerke
rune    rune_sk_tc_attacke
rune    rune_sk_tc_sprung
rune    rune_sk_tc_standarte
rune    rune_sk_tc_umlenkung
rune    rune_sk_tc_kampfrausch
rune    rune_sk_ap_geistform
rune    rune_sk_ap_geisterhand
rune    rune_tw_te_levitieren
rune    rune_dr_hu_angriffsserie
rune    rune_dr_hu_konzentrierterangriff
rune    rune_dr_hu_projektilfocus
rune    rune_dr_hu_sprint
rune    rune_dr_hu_wirbeln
rune    rune_dr_nm_bodenspiesse
rune    rune_dr_nm_handauflegen
rune    rune_dr_nm_rindenhaut
rune    rune_dr_nm_wacherverstand
rune    rune_dr_nm_wucherwurzel
rune    rune_dr_vo_krankheit
rune    rune_dr_vo_quaelen
rune    rune_dr_vo_verderbensfluch
rune    rune_dr_vo_zombie
rune    rune_dr_vo_totem
rune    rune_he_ar_Bannkreis
rune    rune_he_ar_energieblitz
rune    rune_he_ar_magischerschlag
rune    rune_he_ar_regenerationskraft
rune    rune_he_ar_teleport
rune    rune_he_in_Feuerball
rune    rune_he_in_Feuerdaemon
rune    rune_se_cm_heilen
rune    rune_se_co_befluegeln
rune    rune_se_co_schlaghagel
rune    rune_se_co_seelenhammer
rune    rune_se_co_wirbelsprung
rune    rune_se_te_beeeffgee
rune    rune_in_in_hinrichtung
rune    rune_tw_te_tschock
rune    rune_sk_ap_kampfbefehl
rune    rune_sk_ap_kohorte
rune    rune_sk_ap_unterstuetzung
unqiu    unique_dagger_1h_1
uninque    unique_blowgun_blowmaster
tset    tset_inq_legs
tset    tset_se_arm
tset    tset_sw_legs
tset    tset_dr_arm
tset    tset_he_legs
tset    tset_inq_boots
tset    tset_se_legs
tset    tset_sw_hands
tset    tset_tg_arm
tset    tset_dr_boots
tset    tset_dr_legs
tset    tset_he_gloves
tset    tset_sw_pelvis
tset    tset_se_boots
tset    tset_se_gloves
tset    tset_se_pelvis
tset    tset_tg_legs
tset    tset_dr_belt
tset    tset_inq_gloves
tset    tset_sw_shoulder
tset    tset_tg_boots
tset    tset_he_boots
tset    tset_he_chest
tset    tset_se_shoulder
tset    tset_sw_helmet
tset    tset_inq_belt
tset    tset_dr_shoulder
tset    tset_he_helmet
tset    tset_dr_chest
tset    tset_he_pelvis
tset    tset_se_helmet
tset    tset_sw_boots
tset    tset_tg_shoulder
tset    tset_se_wing
tset    tset_dr_helmet
tset    tset_se_chest
tset    tset_tg_chest
tset    tset_inq_arm
tset    tset_inq_shoulder
tset    tset_sw_arm
tset    tset_sw_chest
tset    tset_tg_helmet
tset    tset_he_arm
tset    tset_inq_chest
tset    tset_inq_head
tset    tset_tg_battery
tset    tset_tg_belt
tset    tset_dm_chest
tset    tset_dm_helmet
tset    tset_dm_boots
tset    tset_dm_legs
tset    tset_dm_pelvis
tset    tset_dm_arms
tset    tset_dm_gloves
tset    tset_dm_shoulders
trade    traderitem_battlewaran_v2
trade    traderitem_battlewaran_v3
trade    traderitem_frosttiger_v1
trade    traderitem_frosttiger_v3
trade    traderitem_hellhound_v1
trade    traderitem_hellhound_v2
trade    traderitem_hellhound_v3
trade    traderitem_monowheel_v1
trade    traderitem_monowheel_v2
trade    traderitem_monowheel_v3
trade    traderitem_spider_v2
trade    traderitem_spider_v3
trade    traderitem_frosttiger_v2
trade    Saddle_traderitem_spider_v3
trade    Saddle_traderitem_spider_v2
trade    Saddle_traderitem_monowheel_v3
trade    Saddle_traderitem_monowheel_v2
trade    Saddle_traderitem_hellhound_v3
trade    Saddle_traderitem_hellhound_v2
trade    Saddle_traderitem_hellhound_v1
trade    Saddle_traderitem_monowheel_v1
trade    Saddle_traderitem_frosttiger_v3
trade    Saddle_traderitem_frosttiger_v2
trade    Saddle_traderitem_frosttiger_v1
trade    Saddle_traderitem_battlewaran_v3
trade    Saddle_traderitem_battlewaran_v2
questitem    Qis_icicle

I don't know wether I'll ever fix the overhaul properly. I'd rather redo it in a different programming language which would be a lot of work. It's mainly a tool for modders, and given that there aren't many modders, it wouldn't be really worth the effort.

I'd rather use my findings to fix what this bug did with my (yet unreleased) mod without fixing the tool itself. But just in case you want to use this, be aware that you have to give the blueprints their uniquename property after updating each time.

Edited by Lindor
  • Appreciation 1
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5 hours ago, Lindor said:

Maybe lots of you don't know, but I had a major turning point in life about 2 years ago right after I finished the work on this modding tool.
As a result there was a very abrupt ending of my amateur programming for quite some time, but it was also the beginning of me doing professional programming.

As a result I never extensively tested this tool. Well I did now.
Most of it works, I'd do lots of things differently today but that's okay. But there's one thing which I never caught until recently.
It turned out that the overhaul broke special mount traders because of the uniquename property of blueprints.
Back in the day I didn't think this property was of any importance, but now I know better.
Here is some data about this property:

  Hide contents
-- General Syntax --

- case matters, this is case sensitive
- comments begin with --

-- Uniquenames --


-- The Following has a whitespace at the end which breaks it




Rostiges Schwert
broken bow
pig skin
amulet quest

-- Open Questions --

- Why do trade and tradeitem exist? What's the difference?
- Why do some questitems have single appearance uniquenames and some don't?
- Why do not all legendary items have legendary uniquename property?


  Reveal hidden contents

I don't know wether I'll ever fix the overhaul properly. I'd rather redo it in a different programming language which would be a lot of work. It's mainly a tool for modders, and given that there aren't many modders, it wouldn't be really worth the effort.

I'd rather use my findings to fix what this bug did with my (yet unreleased) mod without fixing the tool itself. But just in case you want to use this, be aware that you have to give the blueprints their uniquename property after updating each time.

Hey! Good seeing you Lindor, hope your summer is going well AND... dang sir... Congratz on the professional programming job!! :hooyaah:

I love hearing how your self-considered *amateur" status become a revenue-bearing gig... 

Hats off to your success... please dont forget us here in the Sacred Univers...yer a part of the DNA, well always be looking for you at the DarkMatters parties, mah fwend!



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