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  1. I had a look at the logic.dll in addendum. The change to the crosscheck in the addendum basically does nothing. The crosscheck function takes two integers a,b and looks like this in the base game: If (a+b>0) : return a/(a+b)*1000 else : return 500 The condition is the "correct" one in order to not divide by zero. In the addendum one has: If (a≠b) : return a/(a+b)*1000 else : return 500 But both functions clearly yield the same result for (positive) integers. I think the confusion comes from a misinterpretation of the JE assembly command, which actually just checks the zero flag and does not need to follow after a CMP or test command. Why the combat reflexes skill curve value is mistakenly replaced by the level difference in the formula given above is a mystery to me.
    4 points
  2. While we are at server names, the servers you supply have longer names than can be shown in the lobby. For example the PFP christmas server ends at "chr..." and there is no way to see the full name in the lobby overview. It might make sense to put the Server Name/ the full information contained in it, into the Description. I mean EE + Su... is probably superspawn but the description doesn't say so and we also don't know if there's another "+..." behind that one. Which brings me to the next topic. I just tested the Realm with an EE client. -I can create my own server, though I doubt someone else could connect to it. Nothing special here. -I can slam my EE Alternate Spells character into the supplied EE server, that says it only needs the core mod in the description. I guess this would crash along the way as the "shared" data wouldn't match. -I get a disconnect error when trying to Squeeze myself into a supplied PFP or CMPatch server. Wrong error message, but at least I can't join, therefore it's working as it is supposed to The alternate spellls one is the only oddity among this stuff. The scripts for sacred 2 are sorted into 4 folders. Client, Particle, Server and Shared. Client and Particle are probably purely clientside so if those differ from the server it will look odd and not match what's actually happening, but other than that it shouldn't matter at all. Server scripts are probably only run by the server meaning they just overrule whatever one might have locally. So differences here should also not matter at all. But what happens with the Shared scripts. I would have expected they need to be identical between client and server, but it seems there is at least no check for that, as I could join EE with alternate spells... So either this causes horrible crashes or those are actually also temporarily overridden by the serverside versions? I did not try an altered CA yet... Edit while still not posted I tested an alternate spell and it just reverts to the original, so I guess Shared is overruled by the server side as well. That is probably also the reason why I am allowed to join, as there is no real version mismatch anymore. I get all the wrong local stuff like the alternate skill descriptions, but interestingly I did get the correct Archangel's wrath animation and not that sonic thing... So as a coclusion Alternate spells characters might actually be compatible with normal EE servers, but I still wouldn't recommend that. Challenge mode and Superspawn however really shouldn't matter at all. They are fully server side only changing balance.txt and spawn.txt. @xrystal, do you have any insight on version stuff beyond that? Am I wrong with some of those assumptions? Otherwise I would argue for a set of premade EE 3.2a Alternate Spells Challenge Mode Superspawn Free Play servers as they would be compatible with ric's already existing characters and add the most stuff to kill and loot, but also some challenge. That set would not need to include a bronze server as those are just a total waste anyway, so that way we can spare some xrystal resources. Any objections to this idea?
    3 points
  3. Sure, I mean, you are also allowed to use more optimistic or heroic names, but that's up to you... I have not seen more than 5 players at once on a server so far, but that's the technical limit for campaigns only, free play mode allows for a maxiumum of 8 players (how have you done those 9 in your screenshot? :D). How stable that is probably depends a lot on the CAs spammed and the stability of Sacred2 itself... ;) You need all to have the exact same gamefiles/mods active to play together. If your gamefiles differ from those on the server, you'll have issues joining the servers (usually wrong mods crash on join) and probably all kind of undefined behaviour even if not. So you kind of are forced to decide on which mod you want to play, sorry By default, the servers have no passwords, but yes, can be configured - if you have a specific configuration in mind I can either add that one to the preconfigured list with a password for you or you could of course also startup a server via the s2gs.exe and register it to the lobby. The later requires setting up port forwarding/firewall, tho. Just wanted to clarify that even if it's a bit of a hassle to setup in general anyone is able to register any kind of server against the lobby.
    3 points
  4. Thank you for explaining it, now I finally see the real picture and it's obviously a nice halloween choice for gandalf. Wow, I always wondered what that "deformed dog" was supposed to be. A perfect example for what my eyesight makes of such things. The "dog" faces to the bottom right, Gandalf is basically its nose, the balrog is it's right eye and the dark part in the top left corner is where the right ear is. That happens when you don't have proper colour vision. You see a dog instead of a movie scene...
    3 points
  5. Rommel, that's just a nasty ol' Balrog. I had to keep him from crossing a footbridge once upon a time. Of course I didn't make a demon. Too many evil, misguided folks make one of themselves already.
    3 points
  6. My dark elf wanted to do some ice elf cosplay: https://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred:Magic_Saber_of_Light
    3 points
  7. Recently I have been informed that you can disarm some set items from two dark elves in Zhurag-Nar, and these items are legit set items, not fake set items like the ones in Cave of Heroes. Also I have found that the probability of disarming with Whirlwind increases with the level of the spell, and a max level Whirlwind can disarm any enemy in 1-2 seconds, so I have been running aroung disarming anything in my way. I have even found some enemies that I didn't know can be disarmed for unique items. I'm going to post a list of things you may be want to disarm, tell me if I'm missing something interesting. Set pieces: - Bahamut helmet and chest from Shalinor in Zhurag-Nar. - Khrag helmet and chest from a priestess in Zhurag-Nar. - X-MAS sword (gladiator) in Garema Forest. Fake set pieces: - Multiple pieces in cave of Heroes. - Fake Feac items in Undead Gladiator. - Fake Bahamut helmet from Smirnak in The Forgotten Swamps of Azschabrag. Unique items: - Elohinir's Shiny Tower Shield can be disarmed in at least three different locations: a sworman in the cave west of Bellevue, two swordmands in the cave of Robert of the Forest, two skelletons in the mines of Kahari. - Golden Shield of the Gods, from the three Captain of the Ice Elves in Tyr-Haddar. - Prothal's Protector from a skelleton in the mines of Kahari. - Suev'Evell's Wooden Buckler can be disarmed in at least two different locations: from a mercenary in the cave east of Bellevue and from a orc ghost at the entrance of a cave east of Wolfdale.. Exclusive models: - The hammer of Neophystis. - The medusa staff from Karissall. - A sword that is grabbed from the tip instead of the handle, in the cave east of Bellevue. - DO NOT USE, the BeeEffGee model, droped by ice elves priestesses and by one enemy in Cave of Heroes. Miscellaneous: - Light sabers and magic whips. - The weapon of HRunga'zz, although it shares model with Tree Rage. - Small torch, the skelletons and mummies that start spamming at the third act of the Ancarian campaign use them at night (this is a smaller version of the starting torch). - Oversized weapons from giants, ogres and shadow guards. - Armor pieces that no one can use, like goblin armors or ogre armors (why would you want that?).
    3 points
  8. Oh interesting... I guess dis arm is one of yours?
    3 points
  9. I was so angry that I was singing in the public... A former firefighter died aged 101 in a senior home at the district capitol where his daughter lived. I drove to the burial and: no chorus, no music, ... Seems he wasn't in the records any longer. No one from town was there and this to a person who got the live saving medal three times. Actually I was the youngest and only still active firefighter there. Paid town firefighters were created after he had retired. And he wasn't in their records too, no honor guard... I spoke to the pastor and he said that he would wait till I would return with a guitar from the twins from my van. Not many songs I can play good enough on guitar. The firefighter last farewell and the german burial version of cohen's Hallejulah. 'In deep sadness we are standing here and are thankful for the times with you. We want to accompany you on your last way. And even if we feel great pain- the memories cure our heart. And the lord is our comforter, hallejulah,...' I even wrote an article about him for the newspaper, he deserved it.
    3 points
  10. I had to do it, I wrote some of that info in the first place and I found that at least one person was confused by it. That happens when multiple articles have similar or related information, I open all of them, then I wrote something and I copy-paste sentences to the others, I change some names and values if necessary and finally I save all of them with a short difference of time.
    3 points
  11. Exactly. Sadly you can't split bosses, but some of these items are used but unique enemies that aren't bosses. Added "small torch" to the list.
    3 points
  12. Cheers @SLD I'm glad you like it. Loving the Hallows avatars folks! Spooooooooky. Beautiful drawing Flix! What a wonderful gift from your mother. Big time respect for the time and craft she gifted you with. Enjoy the new default avatar all you un-avatered! Made mine for work recently and getting lotsa giggles.
    3 points
  13. yes, and this time, rightfully so. NO! He splits the enemy and then disarms both. Thats why he gets 2 of everything those enemies got. You would also get loot from both the original and the split creature afaik. And the xp of course, which is what split is usually used for. But beyond that split does nothing. It splits enemies not items. ----> got it?
    3 points
  14. Yes. The chance is given by: SI/(SI+SR)*(1000+ALC+AMC)/(1000+SRC), where SI:=SpellIntensity:= Intelligence*(1000+Bonus)/1000 SR:=SpellResistance:=Willpower*(1000+Bonus)/1000 ALC is the skill curve value of the spells aspect lore skill (resp. tactics lore) AMC is the skill curve value of the ancient magic skill and SRC is the skill curve value of the spell resistance skill. Here Bonus comes from items, CA's or creature bonuses, but not the spell resistance skill. As can be seen in the formula, it is applied in a separate multiplication. For NPCs the values for SI and SR are further modified by the appropriate values in balance.txt. The skill curve value formula seems to be known to you. One funny thing about the spell resistance skill is that I do not think it reduces the crit chance of enemy spells at all. Looking at the code it seems that combat reflexes reduces the crit chance for both attacks and spells. But I am unsure whether I overlooked something here. This could also be interesting to test. Edit: I am also unsure whether the values SpellAttackFactorMT and SpellDefenseFactorMT are checked correctly.
    3 points
  15. Thank you. I implicitly assumed the integers to be positive in my above post (and clarified that now). If one would be able to produce negative attack/spell intensity/damage, the addendum version should just crash in the case a=-b (at least the following FDIVP should give a floating-point zero-divide exception). But the whole formula really only makes sense for positive numbers.
    3 points
  16. It's a relief on two fronts. One, that all other mods were not suffering for lack of that change, and two, that D2F v16 is not suffering for its inclusion of that change.
    3 points
  17. Mmm I see what you mean now. There are two sets of portraits for each player character. One is used when the character talks. You'll see this sometimes in course of the main quest and class quests. The structure used there is the same for all other NPC's and enemies, and is what you'll see changed in the portrait overhaul. If you're wanting to alter the avatar in the health bar section of the UI, in the upper left corner, those icons are in a different place. You'd want to place them in pak\data\Party\ . EE also changes these, but as part of the Core mod.
    3 points
  18. OK, this is another update, this time it should be a helpful one, I think.. So first, I've done all the required changes, together with editing helmet entries into rings as @Maneussuggested, and it's all good, my 'current' Sera looks like this now, with the full complement of gear: Of course there's some clipping with the boots but oh well.. nothing I can do about it right now.. For whoever might be interested in the 'turning the armor invisible' bit, so as to not have to sift through the whole thread and have all the info in one place, the idea is to replace the model entries for the various pieces of armor with the corresponding body part of the model, which are normally found under (...)\pak\models\heroes\seraphim(or highelve)\default.. in the case of the above Neith model that would be 'D:\(...)\pak\models\heroes\seraphim\default\c_sera-default-torso.gr2' (the files themselves are packed in the graphics05.zip' for default characters) for the chestpieces, of course, you'd first need to place the corresponding files in their folders if you're using custom models, which this thread is all about, if your not, you can still read on if you're interested in making armor 'invisible'. The next step would be to edit 'itemtype.txt'.. in such a way that the various armor pieces would not be displayed: The file itself is located under '(...)\scripts\shared\itemtype.txt'.. open it with whichever text editor you prefer (Notepad, Notepad ++, etc, though I've read somewhere that Word messes the document up) and edit the 'name' entry for each individual piece of a given type with that of the body part.. an example for a random chestpiece: Note that the name entry now points to the body part model instead of the one for the chestplate. For each individual armor category the line should say: name = "models/heroes/seraphim/default/c_sera-default-torso.gr2" - for Chest plate name = "models/heroes/seraphim/default/c_sera-default-pelvis.gr2" - for belts or skirts name = "models/items/rings/n_ring-16.GR2", - for helmets and crowns - why does it say 'ring' because, in fact, we have replaced the model of the helmet with that of a ring Now you may have noticed that there are no examples for say.. gloves, boots and the like, that's because I myself have kept those in order for the character to still allow a certain degree of customization (plus the model for Neith didn't have such 'separate parts', but that's a different story). Now in theory you can do this even with vanilla characters, not just custom models, if you enjoy the default body of your character that much. Needless to say your character doesn't have to be a Seraphim, the examples above are for illustrative purposes. Doing so would allow the character to look like she (or he) doesn't have the armor on, while in fact she(/he) does, and benefits from every possible attribute of that hidden piece.
    3 points
  19. That is not true. I think gogo put it best. Now the helmet is visualized as "hair", and because the FLAG_DISABLEHAIR is missing, the character's natural hair is also there. Replacing the helmet model with hair probably won't work as expected (or at all). Instead, try using a ring. At least, that is the "best" solution so far...
    3 points
  20. Please dont refrain from sharing! This is why this place has ended up with so much delight to share. People love to edit their work and we have modders and artists from all over Ancaria.. (in fact the world ) who knows where the imaginative process of an artist can lead to or what or whom it will inspire...just the fact of recording your work allows you to look back and think out your angles. DarkMatters has been here for almost 20 years We're all going to get to where we're supposed to be. In fact your work may lead you to our own Sacred Mod? Maybe were in fact due for another gogo
    3 points
  21. Medusa weapon (staff-lore + one handed) is not so bad in vanilla, its stats are getting re-rolled as soon as you start a new game. Also it is quickly to come by. By farming a little you can get a nice, useful item. Never found one with sockets, though. In Reborn the item is cheap trash, compared to other unique staffs. Forest-Boss weapon (axe-lore + one handed) is a wonderful axe with up to 4 sockets and that's cool. It deals either massive physical, or poison damage and grants an absolutely insane bonus do magical spell damage. With a little farming, additional spell regeneration is granted, which makes it even more deadly. Remember that Sera & Demoness are double-wield characters. They can pack two forest-boss weapons simultanously! The good news are that the stats of the weapon are getting re-rolled every time you enter the forest-boss lair. Just save before you step on the altar and you are good to go.
    3 points
  22. Here you go Alf, I have Déjá vu from the screenshot game. (Why are you looking for him? I never got anything useful from that stupid chest, it isn't worth all the trouble!)
    3 points
  23. @Maneus thanks for starting to put all of your great science into the wiki. The only sad thing is that on the player contributed guides page, there is nothing that makes your work stand out. It looks like everything else on that page. I think you should at least always link the source on the forum on how these things were discovered. I mean currently the wiki still claims on the Sacred 2:Tokens page: "et_physical_to_poison 1-1/(1+(x+y*calvl)/10) percent of physical damage converted to poison damage" which you have proven wrong. But statements like these that don't say where they come from are abundant on the wiki and right now your "correct" information on all things sacred 2 looks just the same. The source forum thread is currently the only thing that can tell us the difference between high quality peer-reviewed Sacred 2 science and something someone pulled out of their butt... I just love your work too much to see it sink into the mud of the wiki. I've joined this forum more than 6 years ago but until june I had written only 18 posts here. Then your science suddenly pulled me into this forum... Now I'm writing post nr 292... That's like 3 per day since your arrival. You must have been a hell of an inspiration... holy power-cow So, Professor Maneus should fill a teaching position now as well? I don't think he'd like that, he's been quite unhappy with that unteachable skeleton over in his classroom. And other than him, noone here is qualified to teach that degree. And he's probably learned it from the "architect" of the Great Machine himself. After all he understands the "Blueprints(.txt)" and he also knows the "Floorplan": "AttributeBaseDamage = FLOOR(FLOOR(WeaponDamage * (1 + SumPercentageBonuses / 1000)) * (CombatArtMultiplier / 1000))" "DamageReduction = FLOOR3(Damage / (FinalArmor + Damage))" Compared to his work all I ever said was moo...
    3 points
  24. @Maneus whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Nice work on adding first into non-canon via Player contributed and then... adding links to Canon... its a great walk through for readers looking to become experts at Sacred Mechanics... too bad there's no degrees given out for this yet I think you could add links at the bottom of your player contributed guide page https://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:How_is_a_character's_unarmed_damage_calculated%3F to your discovery work here: so that players could follow your work to the forum where they can hunt you down and ask you more questions something like at the bottom of Dobri's guide here: https://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:How_to_Become_a_Demi-God_in_Sacred_ or a link with your own description Its beautiful work, hope you've indulged with a glass ( or two) of some delicious wing or... lets get festive.. who's in for a Double Jagger gogo
    3 points
  25. That PFP server was pretty much for myself I should probably add more difficulties for it. But yeah, the list has grown over time and it was always a back- and forth between keeping it short but supporting the mods wanted. And last week while trying to get running everything again I copied my serverlist from one file format to another and added even more errors to it. With the old server, I had less control about the ressource usage of single game servers which made some processes use more ressources than actually needed. On the current one, I can assign precise limits for cpu and memory which allow me to put up more game servers within the same amount of ressources as I can be sure that memleaking processes will now just restart if they hit a memory limit. For the higher player numbers servers however we'll probably have to test how much ressources they actually need under load to not restrict them too much. Especially considering superspawn probably causes more load the different configurations of game servers should probably also be treated different in terms of ressource assignment. Also: It's okay, I don't mind input, it's helpful. And technically, with everything new and fresh, now is a very good time for changing things. I also still miss some major mods... About the server names, I am still a bit torn about how much abbreviation would be good: It's not that rare players actually stumble upon the game servers without any outside knowledge. So they would have no reference of the abbreviations in the titles, try to join at random and consquently fail. That being said, not seeing the full title displayed also is no help to them, hmm... Sure. You'll have to verify tho whether they are working or not as I currently don't have a matching clientside EE setup to do so myself. I'll add the file for CM later today to my images and post again once adjusted (currently, the servers should now run in various difficulties for EE Alternate Spells but still without CM).
    2 points
  26. Woooooooooooooooo...u got the spirit! I dug up a few pix of online play with the gang from the old days.. Schot used to organize The Kamikaze of Evil! once a week: a few months later this is a big group split into small commando groups... Zinsho took point on this one, he tanked it while the rest of us just laid back, ate popcorn, kept out of the way, got the shared exp... WOOOOOOOOOOOOO... and shared our buffs gogo
    2 points
  27. While I am not sure whether I want it that complicated (like, also for me, I currently don't even have a working build environment to do changes on the lobby side of code ^^) I do like the idea of tying the ability to create servers in the hosted environment to something ingame-related. Maybe just using the same credentials as for the lobby would already suffice as a decent barrier, I'll have to test that.
    2 points
  28. And here comes the probably final part of my self found SP HC BFG Sera playthrough diary: Ther Road so far: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 4.5 Part 5 A video playlist of the character orc caving in platinum And now Part 6: I've finally finished the niobium campaign! I reached lvl 108, the enemies at the end were ~136 some only 134. Overall it took me ~73.5 hours which makes the Niobium campaign by far the fastest, taking only ~5.5 hours. Stat wise nothing interesting changed. It would have certainly been a lot easier if I had put in some time of orc caving, but it was doable without. The most annoying problems in niobium were overleveled enemies doing a lot of damage to my shield, so I had to wait often to regenerate it and at one point even had to use the divine protection to stay safe. Well, had to might not be true, but it's hardcore after all so I did not want to find out wether I can survive anything with a depleted shield. The most notable annoyances that could make it through the shield were fen fires, plants(dot) and demons/TGs in the desolation could do quite some damage as well probably because of the high enemy level in the desolation areas. So bosses turned out to be the easiest part in the end, as for those I could use divine protection if needed. (I recorded the Facetteleon, Nimonuil and Guardian fights and a longer one showing all the gear and character details I could come up with, but it's in a german client...) I will add the finished character file to the download section soon... Edit: She's downloadable here now. Video footage from all the recorded bosskills, etc. might end up on youtube at some point. I will link to it here, when it is ready. So this concludes my diary, and kinda proves at least for the BFG Sera that my guide may not be the best or fastest way there, but it gets you all the way through niobium without taking unneccessary defensive skills Even in self found hardcore pure campaign insanity without the utilization of +xp gear, +mf gear ep, the blacksmith skill, bargaining... It is possible without anything. The cow is happy
    2 points
  29. I do like making perfect character builds There is a reason why I never reached level 200. At some point the game gets boring, repetitive and there is almost no more change on the character. As long as something changes I like farming loot etc. In that case it's mostly bosses though, which my rules for this playthrough won't allow. I left out dragons etc. because it takes so long to get to all those bosses and it's not worth it. I left out grinding the forest guardian because I considered that thing a bug and wanted a run as legit as possible. That resulted in Orc cave being the only spot for xp and loot. I spent almost all my time with this character there and I'm burnt out, which is also why I'm now finishing the niobium campaign without a levelling phase. I usually don't play Sacred 2 all the time. So what I do like is making a theoretical character, proving my theory in game by satisfyingly demolishing everything with it and then moving on to doing something else Sometimes I just want to break a certain game mechanic like trying to stack as much mf as possible to see what the loot looks like at that point. I guess I just like pushing boundaries and seeing things no moo has seen before
    2 points
  30. Yeah I know that crap all too well, believe me! I've done tons of orccaving, as that is my activity I do under watching sport events in a window. (But it's still way better than what can happen to your horse in Sacred 1 if it gets poisoned in some strange way. It can get slowed down permanently, at least I haven't been able to find a solution for the problem. Quitting, starting a new difficulty level, exporting-importing, going into caves-coming out again to see if it recovered, drinking antidote poitions, going to the stable to click heal, nothing works. Neither have I been able to uncover the mistery of how the poisoning actually happened.. . I had to sell the poor beast. Sad things, these...) And of course this wasn't the most proper reply here, as noone (apart from me) was writing about Sacred 1, but by now, I think you have become used to this. My offtopic behaviour. Other than that, thanks for the items upgrade! I'll look into it tomorrow! And although at a much slower pace, but your lightsaber build have succesfully made it to gold today, the guardians were a complete joke. And I even saw the temple guardians rushing out of the "temple guardian ingress portals" too ! (I learned the proper name for those sliceable circles around the guardians from Gandalf himself!)
    2 points
  31. I levelled her up by destroying mobs of foes. I don't use my YouTube account any longer, not since they require my phone number. I refuse to share information, such as that, which I deem "personal." I should not be blamed for desiring a modicum of privacy. I believe that they are properly designated, "Temple Guardian Ingress Portals."
    2 points
  32. Yes, sadly I only have three arms. Oops, what is this link? https://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred:Disarmable_Items
    2 points
  33. I would guess so. I tried the same CA with an ordinary bow and it is the same, just slower. Throwing stars, darts, rocks are even slower, but works the same. And they're nowhere as cool. I'm moving along in Silver now, levelling from 15 to 25 went real quick and felt like a breeze.
    2 points
  34. Yes, but in the end the lvl 10 weapon he showed will probably be stronger In EE? I would guess no. But the level at which you can get a third socket is probably quite high, or it would be super rare to get a low level one with 3. And so we are clear, the two weapons he showed have only one socket each, the other thing is the damage converter slot.
    2 points
  35. As @Eru suggested, there appears to be a common formula that is used by (almost) all skills to determine a single SkillValue. This SkillValue is then used in other formulas, each specific to the type of bonus. I believe the common formula is this one: For pre-mastery skill levels: MeanValue = mean_value AdjustedSkillLevel = SkillLevel For post-mastery skill levels: MeanValue = advance_mean_value AdjustedSkillLevel = SkillLevel - FLOOR((advance_level + 1) / 2.222) Then: SkillValue = FLOOR(20 * MeanValue * (AdjustedSkillLevel + SkillPivotPoint * 0.015) / (AdjustedSkillLevel + SkillPivotPoint)) Where: - SkillLevel - total skill points in the skill. - SkillPivotPoint - from balance.txt. Default value is 100. - mean_value - from the skill definition in creatures.txt. - advance_level - from the skill definition in creatures.txt. - advance_mean_value - from the skill definition in creatures.txt. For the skill Combat Reflexes For the bonus Evade Chance +X% For pre-mastery skill levels: IntermediateValue = SkillValue / 3 For post-mastery skill levels: IntermediateValue = (SkillValue + 1000) / 3 Then: EvadeChance = 1000 * IntermediateValue / (1000 + IntermediateValue) TooltipValue = EvadeChance / 10 For the bonus Chance Against Critical Weapon Hits -X% EvadeCritical = 1000 * SkillValue / (1000 + SkillValue) TooltipValue = -1 * EvadeCritical / 10 I have figured out the formulas for almost all skill bonuses. But it would take me too much time to list them all here and the post would become way too big. If anyone is interested in a particular skill, I could make another post. The plan is to slowly make individual wiki pages over time. The bonuses that I haven't figured out yet are the Armor Lore Regeneration Time bonus, the item level without penalty bonuses and the bargaining bonuses - I'll first need to understand the specific game mechanic they are related to. The skill Constitution is an exception and works in its own way as described here.
    2 points
  36. For normal loot this can potentially happen just by luck. It is also possible that some bug might make the chances of this happening a bit higher. If the split guy drops loot normally however, that should not be the same loot as the "other half" of him drops. Loot should be random as always. It's just that when you clone a cow with a bardiche you get another cow with a bardiche. Ah, the thornbush build. Some day you'll be ready for it
    2 points
  37. yep! It's easy for you guys, you actually think when playing. But I don't. There was absolutely no thoughtprocess involved so far in this case, in like two decades: Two items that look the same! "Wow what a cool game this is! I got two instead of one!" Or something like that. Maybe not even that. No questions emerged. No connections were drawn... Nothing. I just picked them up and used them or sold one of them... That's why it's so interesting for me to ask questions from you guys! I'm learning. Slowly but steadily...
    2 points
  38. Good work SLD... the mnemonic that set it all off... ! Malekith check out this link ...does this help ? I remember now Flix working on this years ago, and all the images he was putting together during that time very exciting... when all the portraiits drawn together like that that... 2 +2 is definitely more than four something about all those many faces captured like that is absolutely fascinating @Flix
    2 points
  39. LOL... sorry but..just the way you worded this... "I might try Przemba's edits" ... lol sounds like something a burgeoning wizard would say right from a jack vance novel direct from Dying Earth... ... THE creator and basic A-Progenitor of all of Dungeons and Dragons !! Pure Fire Malketh gogo
    2 points
  40. Just in case noone comes by who can answer this question... I don't know the answer, but you already know how to find out more, just look at what files such a mod replaces. Maybe that investigation could lead to your answer.
    2 points
  41. (TLDR Warning!) Hey everyone, I'm new here, and I have little to no modding experience (as in for making mods, I've been using mods for any and all of my games for more than a decade, and I have made a couple of mods for personal use, for other games, but nothing impressive), but I really wanted something else to improve my Sacred 2 experience so I started using such mods as the Character Editor and an Item Editor for a number of years now but recently I needed more.. so I figured there have to be some awesome mods out there for me to use to edit the appearance of the Characters I like, did some searching and came across Pesmontis' Eye Candy thread.. which presented some amazing models for people to use, but these were not packed as mods, and the shared location he posted was no longer available.. so I came out of lurking so I could ask for them... Only to find that the author hasn't been active for quite a while.. Now Hooyah, like a true hero that he is, was kind enough to provide some (if not all) of these files to me so I can try them out... So I installed the files for Neith as Seraphim and the model looked great, had the right animations and everything.. but as soon as I gave her the first armor pieces things went a bit sideways.. I've loaded some of my other Seraphim toons to see if they experienced the same issue, and they most definitely did, like in the first image or the one in the second image, which is even worse. Now you can't really play Sacred 2 for long with no armor on your character, and you can't play a character who looks like it got assembled by Dr. Frankenstein's retarded lab assistant (actually some might, but that's besides the point) so I figured the easiest way for me to 'solve' this problem would be to turn the armor invisible, you actually had a mod for that in Sacred 1 but alas, there is no such mod for Sacred 2.. So I did some digging and came across a comment by Flix in another thread offering an 'invisible' texture, so I thought I could apply that to the pieces and armor and that's that.. the model is clothed with no armor on, so no problem.. Only there is a problem.. here's the character with the invisible texture applied to the torso piece:
    2 points
  42. Thanks for clarifying that one. I'll go and track down all the other spots I can find where I suggested the wrong value. chances are bad... But proving "any effect at all" sounds like a reasonable attempt. Thanks for following the nose
    2 points
  43. It's not about the recovery from leech. By the time you're in niobium you should be able to watch a horde of angry orcs dull their axes on you... You have enough regen in combat without constitution or leech. The leech is most powerful against bosses anyway. Maybe on some future character you'll "risk" playing without it. There is still hope As long as I'm not getting bored (or killed?) I'll keep updating my progress above on my totally regen and constitution free hardcore seraphim. Maybe it'll inspire you
    2 points
  44. That summary is spot on. I know I said that it is the "full" formula, but I didn't have enough time yesterday to test the other parameters from balance.txt. And I forgot to replace that ROUNDDOWN operation with an instruction to go to the second floor. I have scheduled a meeting for later today with my new acquaintance - Mr. Gar'Colossus. I'll post the results in the other thread.
    2 points
  45. For once I completely agree with you I have absolutely no clue how the offensive and defensive values interact to lead to a hit chance. Well this just changed. We can always rely on Maneus: From this post: https://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/18511-how-is-sacred-2-weapon-damage-calculated/page/8/#comment-7146261 There is more info over there in the posts directly before and after the linked one. So what does this complicated formula tell us? There are three things happening here. -First a value is calculated based on comparing attack and defense value which is more or less: [Attack/(Attack+Defense] and results in a nice sensible percentage. -Then the ChanceThatOpponentsCannotEvadeAttacks bonus from items etc is added to that. -And in the third step we multiply all of that with a value that compares the enemies "+%chance to evade" bonuses and our "-%oponent's chance to evade" bonuses. This comparison is basically [1 - (%chance to evade)] / [1-(%opponent's chance to evade)] So as an example the first step comparing attack and defense creates a base percentage like: Attack=Defense => 50% hitchance Attack=2*Defense =>66% hitchance Attack=3*Defense =>75% hitchance Attack=Defense/2 =>33% hitchance Attack=Defense/9 => still 10% hitchance To that we add the "ChanceThatOpponentsCannotEvadeAttacks" that we can get later in the game from higher quality items. This stacks additively from multiple sources so if we get like 4 rings with +5.5% each we get +22% added to the result of the first step. For example if we had the last line "Attack=Defense/9 => still 10% hitchance" and added 22% we would almost be at the second to last line's result "Attack=Defense/2 =>33% hitchance". So in cases where our attack value is really low compared to the enemies defense value this stat can have a huge impact, in this example's case more than a factor of 4 for the mere 22% of this stat. Now to the third step: We compare the enemies "+%chance to evade" modifier with our "-%opponent's chance to evade modifier". First of all multiple sources of these 2 modifiers are not additive, but have diminishing returns, so two rings with +15% each will result in less than 30%. The total amount from your gear is calculated for you shown under the sigma sign in your inventory, that lists all your stats. Some example values for this "comparison" as listed above: [1 - (%chance to evade)]/[1-(%opponent's chance to evade)] generally results in: (%opponent's chance to evade) = (%chance to evade) => 1 (%opponent's chance to evade) > (%chance to evade) => >1 (%opponent's chance to evade) < (%chance to evade) => <1 So when both mods are equal you get the hitchance from step 2. If your mod is higher you multiply step 2 by something larger than 1. If your mod is lower you multiply step 2 by something smaller than 1. For example if the enemy has 50% evade chance and you have no -%evade mod you get only half of step 2. if the enemy has 25% evade chance and you have no -%evade mod you get 75% of step 2. if the enemy has 25% evade chance and you have -20% opponent's chance to evade you get 93.75% of step 2. if the enemy has 25% evade chance and you have -50% opponent's chance to evade you get 150% of step 2. And if the enemy has no chance to evade mod but you have -50% opponent's chance to evade you get twice the value from step 2. Especially the last example is interesting here as many enemies probably don't have the evade chance mod at all or only at low amounts, you can easily multiply your value from Step 2 to crazy levels. So the lessons to learn are basically, that -the step 1 attack value can give a lot of base if the enemy doesn't have a lot of defense -the step 2 mod is more valuable when the enemy has lots of defense -the step 3 mod acts as a beneficial multiplier that can increase everything from step 1 and 2 if you got more than the enemy has. This also means it's absolutely crucial to have this mod if the enemy has +%evade chance because otherwise you'll always have crappy hitchance. Some other thing to note would be that if you for whatever reason had 100% or more of the step 2 mod you could only miss enemies that have a higher step 3 mod than you. Also if you don't have 100% or more hitchance against an enemy all three ways "+% or +attack value", "+% chance opponents cannot evade" and "-% opponent's chance to evade", will help in increasing this value. Which one does how much however, depends on how much of it you already have and what kind of values(defense, +%evade) the enemy has. So if you need to hit with your character get something from all three values. Remember however that you always have some attack value anyway and that later when using purely combat arts, those usually have a "hidden" attack value bonus as well(scaling with CA level). But combat arts aren't taken into account on the "last enemy" hit chance information. @Sethi22, man that took some time to first understand the results from Maneus and then make them more accessible. I hope I succeeded in both
    2 points
  46. I supposed an overflow bug at the Burgfräulein D2F paladin build of my daughter. Sadly I had no time to investigate any further. Thanks for clarification.
    2 points
  47. So I guess it's time to listen to the Force-cow and meditate on its wisdom SACRED 2 IT IS A PERIOD OF UNCIVILIZED SLAUGHTER. REBEL SHADOW WARRIORS, STRIKING FROM A HIDDEN ATTRIBUTE BASE, HAVE WON THEIR FIRST VICTORY AGAINST THE EVIL ANCARIAN INQUISITION. DURING THE BATTLE, REBEL SHADOW WARRIORS MANAGED TO STEAL THE SECRET PLANS TO THE INQUISITION'S ULTIMATE WEAPON, THE LIGHTSABER BUILD, A COMMUNITY PATCH CHANGE WITH ENOUGH POWER TO DESTROY AN ENTIRE GAME'S BALANCE. Or something like that At least that's how "Episode IV" would have started in the Ancarian movie theaters. I mean they have cars and a submarine so there must be some T-Energy powered movie theaters around, right? A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... ... the members of the community patch team's high council thought it was a wise decision to change the lightsaber's bonus damage attribute to "willpower". Thematically that may have made sense, the game balance of Sacred 2 however was not ready for this change. In Sacred 2 all weapon attack get bonus damage from an attribute. Most melee and ranged weapons either use strength or dexterity for this bonus. Magic Staves get bonus damage from intelligence and post CM-Patch lighsabers get bonus damage from willpower. There was never an easy way to get a lot of strength and dexterity, there was a temporary dryad buff giving a lot of intelligence and a permanent dragon mage buff also granting a lot of intelligence. So technically the problem of a high attribute bonus creating an overpowered attack build already existed, but playing around a temporary buff sucks and attacking with a dragon mage that has no attack based combat arts sucked as well. On top of that, magic staves are just not cool enough to be used and from the CM-Patch onwards are even permanently screwed with their clunky projectile attack to fix a bug with them being able to melee hit everything on and beyond the screen So staves where never that great then op bugged and now kinda unusable. Having the potential to get high intelligence for staves always came at that cost. But what about Willpower? The original game design had no reason to limit access to this attribute as no weapons would be gaining any bonus damage from it and its other effects(Spell Resist and Energy shield amount) are rather pathetic, especially on characters that don't have an energy shield. Both the dragon mage's "Familiar" and the shadow warrior's "Grim Resilience" are permanent buffs that give 15 points of willpower per CA level. That is huge. The Familiar has the downside of making you a dragon mage again, just like the staff situation before, but the "Grim Resilience" is for shadow warriors and shadow warriors actually know how to use a weapon and have combat arts to use with them. And that's why we now have Lightsaber Shadow Warriors. It's not just that lightsabers look cool, or that they are "an elegant weapon for a more civilized age", they are also the one weapon type that can get its bonus damage from an attribute that can be easily scaled to far higher values than you normally would have access to, while still being usable with combat arts like any other more "crude" one handed melee weapon. This elegant weapon is therefore also only specifically interesting in the more civilized age of the CM-Patch and onward through EE and D2F, but while the willpower link remains in the Addendum, Dimitrius has aimed for a "balance in the force" and significantly reduced the buff willpower bonuses there, so it is no longer worth building around the lightsaber. I did not find any indication on what the Purist Fix Pack did about Lightsabers so I guess for purity reasons this "disturbance in the force" never made it in and they aren't aligned to willpower there. Also, while D2F may have willpower lightsabers and willpower granting buffs it does not have a Shadow Warrior. So while the same thoughts may apply to a Barbarian there, this build was not specifically written for the case of the Barbarian. getting a lightsaber: There are many ways of getting a lightsaber post CM-Patch. There are also two handed lightsabers now which are usually far more common/easier to get, but I would not recommend building around using one of those as they don't have the potential to spawn with %leech and therefore are not worth sacreificing the option of dual wielding or a using a shield. One handed Lightsabers are extremely rare. They originally could only be bought with bargaining and even then only with sick levels of that skill. Luckily there are other ways to get them as well. The simplest one being the quest: "A simple case of Nerves". It is Light Campaign exclusive. As there is no wiki description yet, I will quote an explanation by Hooyaah made here: https://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/23099-mandatory-quests/#comment-6994124 "The quest giver is downstairs in the same building as Tribal Elder Nubbutz the quest giver of the main (Light) quest Among_Orcs who asks you to kill trolls and bring him their teeth as proof so that he can make a necklace out of them. A case of nerves has you escorting the tribal leader's son as you encounter enemies, thereby battle-hardening him. Accepting the quest grants a special light-saber." The "special lightsaber" is just a random rare lightsaber on current character level. The important part here, is that the quest does not need to be finished, just accepted and for a light campaign character there are also no hostile orcs between the "Entruag" Portal and the quest giver. It is a sidequest infinitely repeatable in multiplayer and gives a random lightsaber each time, so if you don't want to create some crazy bargaining character, but you want a good lightsaber, this is the way to get it. The fact that this quest creates a lightsaber at your exact character level also makes it very easy to create a lightsaber on a specific level. My guide on attribute damage found here: https://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/72710-an-easy-character-for-a-returning-sacred-2-player/#comment-7145889 explains why we want a low level weapon with lots of sockets. Lightsabers below level 10 are really bad so the sweet spot lies at level 10 where 2 socketed lightsabers become available. Every level above this will make the weapon worse. So to get these level 10 lightsabers you have to get a level 10 Light Campaign character to the Entruag portal. Remember that this does not necessarily have to be the shadow warrior you want to play, as the shared stash is a thing. To get to the entruag portal your level 10 light campaign character of choice would go into a multiplayer free play game, chose the correct portal in the starting islands portal cave(I think it's the first or second one on the left, the one with the totem poles ) and then close your eyes and pray, I mean run east, run! Health potions are your friend here. I am not certain if the lightsabers can already spawn with 2 sockets on bronze difficulty, so to be "safe" I would do it on silver. WIth a fully equipped level 10 character especially if you chose to do it with a shadow warrior that already has some levels in Grim Resilience this should not be hard. Alternatively, if you happen to have a higher level character that has the portal you can just open two game clients, multiplayer with yourself, use the portal on the higher level char and teleport onto this "friend" by I think it's Ctrl+left click on their portrait. Once you have used that quest to farm a 2 socketed lightsaber, blade colour doesn't matter(other than for the looks of course), socket colour gold is preferred, silver is good, bronze is bad but still not the end of the world, you will never again have to replace that weapon. This level 10 double socketed lightsaber is all you need and will always outclass any higher level lightsaber you could find. You also only need one of them even for dual wield builds unless the aesthetics are more important to you than the actual strength of your character, of course In that case also remember that real men(like Samuel L. Jackson) want a purple lightsaber. attribute choices: "Attack rating" from "Strength", "Attack and Defense" from "Dexterity" and "nothing" from "Intelligence" all don't sound worth spending points on. Vitality's effect is smaller in relation as Grim Resilience already comes with a large bonus to your hitpoints. Stamina's value is also lessened by the fact that melee characters can use "regen per hit" so they are not that dependent on lowering their regen times via attributes. Which leaves Willpower, of which we are already getting more than 2000 extra points from Grim Resilience, so again it seems inefficient to put our points into that. Assuming your baseline(modified by SB) and buff get you to more than 3K willpower already the tiny (401+quest points again modified by SB) amount of attribute points we can spend would increase the Willpower by 20% or less. Willpower is the source of most but not exactly all our base damage so the effect on overall damage would be around that as well. Is 20% damage increase worth it? (Willpower) Do we rather lower regen times by a bit so we don't need as much regen per hit? (Stamina) Or do we go for a chunk of extra life pool?(Vitality) I'm probably one of those people who'd have all attribute points still unspent when I reach level 200 just because I couldn't decide. If I can't decide for myself I better leave this decision open for you. My thoughts here are just: Stamina can become useless if the endgame regen times aren't changed enough that at least a single roll of regen per hit can be removed from gear as a result. So while this may help a lot in early game it might do nothing in the end. Vitality might become quite useless once 100% damage mitigation is reached, only giving an unnecessary extra health pool against the occasional leech damage or enemies that cause vulnerability/ have ancient magic mastery to bypass our immunity. Willpower basically would only become completely useless when we oneshot absolutely everything. (Technically it's a bit more complicated as it only has an effect when it lowers the number of hits we need to kill something...) But the oneshotting "problem" especially on bosses, is not a thing that is gonna happen and the enemies hp are different enough that the damage bonus might not change the amount of hits one specific monster needs, it will change it on another. So willpower is probably the only thing with a "guaranteed" value in endgame. The choice is yours. skill choices: Lightsaber shadow warriors want willpower from grim resilience, therefore we need "Death Warrior Focus". We want "Toughness" for mitigation and "Armor Lore" for regen times, resist, but mostly for getting rid of the movespeed penalty and unlocking mitigation mods linked to "Armor Lore Mastery". Technically the most minimalistic approach might be doable with only those 3 skills chosen. Reasonable additions would be: -either "Dual Wield" or "Shield Lore", obviously never both. -"Tactics Lore" to increase your damage and get more CA mod points, obviously never a bad choice. When you choose "Dual WIeld" you need an "offensive skill" on the left side anyway and this one would be the only one there that makes sense. -"Concentration" to allow for the use of a second buff. The regen time reduction is also welcome. Though I always say melee chars can use "regen per hit" to solve regen problems that is meant for the point where you end up with like 5 seconds instead of 0.2 or something like that. You don't want your char ending up with 40 seconds regen times being forced into using one of these with a nicely displaced decimal point: https://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Signet_Of_Thunder So you don't need all the regen you can get but having some is still a good idea. -"Malevolent Champion Focus" to support the "Reflective Emanation" buff and for builds that want to use "Frenzied Rampage" as their main attack combat art. -"Astral Lord Focus" for making an invisible build variant via Shadow Veil or for using "Spectral Hand" as main attack combat art. I wouldn't recommend going into this aspect, but if I mention one I have to mention the other Now there are still a few skillslots left and many things to choose from. I already wrote detailed thoughts on most available skills in my BFG-Sera guide here: https://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/72710-an-easy-character-for-a-returning-sacred-2-player/page/2/#comment-7146200 Most of the reasoning will stay the same here: Combat Art Skills: Astral Lord Lore? Only for using "Spectral Hand" which I would not recommend. Ancient Magic? No, we don't use spells. Combat Discipline? Regen time and damage effect are small and not really worth it. Offensive Skills: There are no Hafted, Polearm or Ranged Lightsabers. When you are going with dual wield Hafted and Sword would only matter for unlocking mods on the offhand weapon and the lightsaber you use. The latter should not have a mod worth unlocking and for the former, I have never seen any mod worth unlocking either. I wouldn't recommend choosing one of those. When you don't choose dual wield the Sword Weapons skill can be used to increase attack speed. [ I think that the attack speed penalty for an overleveled weapon would not take effect as you wear a low level sword and the socketed rings should not slow it down further but while I'm writing this I start doubting my memory so I'll call that a theory for now ] Speed Lore? Too weak. See Sera. Damage Lore? Wouldn't recommend it. Reasoning should be same as with Sera. Defensive Skills: Pacifism? I don't play pvp. Do you? Spell Resist? Probably not worth it, check Sera for details. Combat Reflexes? Probably not worth it, check Sera for details. Constitution? Probably even worse than for Sera as we already have great hp pool and regen from Grim Resilience Shield Lore? I already mentioned it as a potential dual wield alternative. The main point here is that going with a shield allows us to get extra %mitigation from a "Glacial Defender" or "KIra's Wall". But when we do so our attacks will be slowed by overleveled shields which only this skill can fix. The other benefit of this skill is unlocking the huge linked block modifiers on shields that can allow us to avoid annoying side effects from getting hit like "stuns" and "damage" and "leech" etc. Especially the mastery effect of Shield Lore is, according to the wiki, added melee block chance and thereby able to reach 100% melee block. Against melee hits that would be even more OP than 100% mitigation as there is nothing that lowers block chances and it would also work against leech etc. The obvious downside of going with a shield is that you lose the dual wield potential of wearing a weapon in your off hand that can give %leech and the benefits dual wield has with the used attack combat arts like Demonic Blow striking twice and Frenzied Rampage getting a lot more hits in as well(and a more efficient animation). General Skills: Divine Devotion? This is still crap, believe me. Riding? Just as it is for Sera but this time the regen benefits aren't important either so I guess this makes it even worse. Blacksmith? Shadow Warriors are really great for smithing because their only other way of reaching EP, Alchemy or Bargaining is by picking one of the first three skills and as Riding and Divine Devotion are not that great and you need a smith anyway chosing it on a Shadow Warrior solves both problems at once. Enhanced Perception? MF is always nice. Details on Sera. Bargaining? CM patch allows the Shadow Warrior to choose it. Details on Sera. Alchemy? Again not that great without duping. Maybe there are more details on Sera. It makes sense to break with the outline again and pull the variants up here: different variants pure death warrior/ death warrior and malevolent/ death warrior and astral? Every Lightsaber Shadow Warrior already needs Death Warrior Focus for the Grim Resilience buff. Death Warrior also already comes with two potentially usable attack skills, Demonic Blow and Scything Sweep. Scything Sweep can hit multiple things, but you are melee and Scything Sweep has knockback. That sucks. Demonic Blow can be modded for area damage and swings twice when dual wielding. Remember even though it doesn't look like that you hit twice with your mainhand weapon not once with each weapon. Demonic Blow is a good solid choice for an attack skill and allows for the most minimalistic build choice, going with only one aspect. Adding a second aspect to the build can help a lot. Adding Malevolent Champion Focus and concentration would allow us to use Reflective Emanation as a second buff. Reflective Emanation is a great random chance defense skill that basically gives reflect chance against everything, attacks and spells. It will still retain defensive benefits even if you reach 100% mitigation as it will still work against leech and other side effects of spells and attacks, potentially(though untested) even giving a chance to not be effected by an enemy debuff skill. As such a skill would always strip Grim Resilience reducing the chance for that to happen might be worth it on its own, but all the annoying stun and root effects or the time in the game where you are not at 100% mitigation make this buff worth it no matter what, so when you add this aspect you absolutely should add Reflective Emanation as well. Malevolent Champion also provides us with the Frenzied Rampage skill. An alternate option for the main attack CA especially nice with Dual Wield. It cant do area damage but it hits often and has quite some "range" at acquiring new targets when the first one dies. Against bosses it can however be a bad idea as it locks you into a longer attack animation, so if there still is something you might need to dodge I wouldn't recommend using this skill. Later in the game this shouldn't be a problem, especially in EE with the speed caps raised to 450... Malevolent Champion and Death Warrior are an especially superb and efficient aspect combo as with tactics lore they share the same lore skill for modification points and damage bonuses. Adding Astral Lord Focus and concentration allows the use of Shadow Veil. Becoming completely invisible this would technically remove the need for the toughness skill and any other defense. You can however still be hit by accident when an enemy casts a skill or ranged attack on a third entity. There is also the possibility that the CM-Patch or EE add or change some monsters to be able to see or even reveal you. As far as I know the base game does not have any of these dangers and I know of no such instances in these mods either. I just want to warn you about the possibility as I haven't tested an invisible character in these mods. The Astral Lord aspect also has an attack skill, Spectral Hand. That one however would scale it's damage with Astral Lord Lore instead of Tactics Lore and also suck when dual wielding as it will make a longer dual attack animation but still only hit once. I wouldn't recommend using an invisible shadow warrior, you can be quite a tank when visible and going invisible can cause all kinds of problems from escort quests to guardians not wanting to become damageable and who knows what else in between. Should you go the invisible route anyway, remember not to ever use a basic left click attack as with melee weapons that would make you visible again. Using combat arts is fine no matter which one you choose to use. As I don't recommend invisibility I also don't recommend using Spectral Hand. It is enourmously inefficient, basically needing both Astral Focus and Lore, having to go with a shield and kinda still wanting tactics lore for grim resilience's hp and hp regen bonuses and wanting the MC Focus for Refelctive Emanation as now you are visible... Too many skills no real value other than that spectral hand has range. Triple aspect options are just too inefficient to make sense, so just don't make invisible shadow warriors with frenzied rampage or visible ones with spectral hand. While there are many options here, I would recommend using a Death Warrior/Malevolent Champion combo. That allows for both Demonic Blow and Frenzied Rampage to be used whenever you like, gives the most solid buff combo and all that with the most efficient skill slot usage in the game as you still only need one Lore skill. I also don't think that the defensive benefit's from a shield lore version would be necessary for normal CM-Patch gameplay. So that would make the recommended version DW Focus Tactics Lore Dual Wield Concentration for second buff Armor Lore MC Focus Toughness Blacksmith Enhanced Perception and whatever you want Order isn't particularly strict. At the start you probably won't have enough points for both Focus skills and you should absolutely start with DW Focus. Putting some points in Tactics Lore can help with getting CA mod points earlier and access to dual wield. Be aware that when going dual wield before you can actually permanently use CAs the left click attacks do alternate weapons so for that short period you would need a second lightsaber to fully utilize the build. On the other hand having dual wield increases the number of hits per combat art helping to get to pure CA usage once you have your first regen per hit item. I didn't want to shove armor Lore too far back etc so this is a reasonable outline but I've also made characters starting with blacksmith->EP so don't worry too much Grim Resilience giving life and life regen, phys mitigation and, as soon as you have your first lightsaber, damage will carry your build for a long time. combat art ugrades: Demonic Blow: Bronze mod: Vehemence for area damage especially as the open wound alternative is useless. Silver mod: Poisoning does very little poison damage, Frailty reduces physical armor, which becomes obsolete in cases of 100% chance to ignore armor or when converting most of your damage away from physical. I would go with Poisoning. Gold mod: Trauma's deep wound lowers enemy max hp. Not good, not bad either. Life Leech gives a nice flat bonus of leech. I would choose Life Leech. Grim Resilience: Bronze mod: Fortify's more Life versus Rejuvenation's higher life regeneration? For a long time Rejuvenation is definitely the better choice. Fortify would basically only make sense if you could otherwise be oneshot. I don't see that happening so I choose Rejuvenation. Higher recovery rate would also help in 100% mitigation endgame against leech... Silver mod: Readiness gives defense. Discipline lowers regen penalty. As we are melee and don't need that much regen I would go for the defense slightly lowering the amount of attack hits getting through. Remember stuff like Ogres can stun with attacks that connect... Annoying even when invulnerable Gold mod: Safeguard gives a massive amount of physical mitigation. Reflex gives evade chance. This is one of the few mods where I recommend taking the option that might later turn obsolete. Safeguard allows for far earlier 100% phys mitigation and basically ensures 100% phys mitigation even with bad or odd gear choices. The mod is strong all the way until full 100% all channel mitigation is reached which might take somewhere between very long and forever. Go Safeguard! Reflective Emanation: Bronze and Silver mod: Backlash and Antimagic based on the assumption that attacks/spells reflected also don't cause stuns/roots and therefore would be kinda covered as well. Otherwise the other 2 mods might be worth it in endgame scenarios where you don't care about the damage taken again assuming that those 2 mods work at all(I wouldn't be so sure of that). Gold mod: Riposte increases the melee reflect chance even though it says something about damage... Idol only affects others. I don't care about others. Do you? Frenzied Rampage: Bronze and Silver mods: Double Attack and Double Strike for more hits with damage and %leech. And because the alternatives give useless open wounds and crit chance. Neither help our damage much as open wounds would get replaced by consecutive hits without doing any damage at all and crits don't affect the attribute bonus damage which is almost all of our damage. Gold mod: Envenom gives low amounts of poison damage, Vampire gives low amounts of flat leech. I would choose the leech as it ignores armour and gives some extra baseline recovery against small enemies. It shouldn't matter much either way. Belligerent Vault: Can be used to get across rivers etc. Mods don't matter much. Shadow Veil: "Creep"-"Fade"-"Sinister Pact" Spectral Hand: "Clout"-"Chill"-"Double Attack" You might have noticed that I left out all temporary buffs like "Rousing Command", "Killing Spree" or "Augmenting Guidon". I don't like temporary buffs and the ones available usually aren't worth using. Basically all three of them only help with hit chances and I'd rather have good hit chances all the time instead of sometimes. If you want to use "Ruinous Onslaught" while mounted for the invincible perma charge go read the wiki page. If you want to use "Skeletal Fortification", "Rallied Souls" or "Neither Allegiance" get out of here before I feed you to my cow! something about gear: Early game level 8+ you should buy a lot of rings from the merchant with the "-%opponents chance to evade" mod, to wear and socket. You'll need a lot of those to get good hit chances. Don't try to raise Dual Wield or a potential Sword Lore to get attack rating bonuses. These skills are only for the attack speed they give you and should only be increased at later levels. Attack rating on items can theoretically help, so can "whet" blacksmith arts. But your main source will be the "-%opponents chance to evade" mod. Late game gear to go for: Weapon 1: still the level 10 lightsaber... Weapon 2: Anything one handed melee with %leech, base game has Kal'dur's Legacy. CM patch adds rare fist weapons and potentially a lot more unique and legendary options. Tom Felde's Thunderous Voice can be created at character level once per character per difficulty via a promo unlock code. Wiki page on unlock items: https://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Unlock_Items The code itself has not been published there or on this forum as there have been quite some quarrels with the devs about that. But nowadays you can google for it. It's out there, believe me How about I link some totally unrelated Sacred GoG Forum stuff now, that would be ok right? https://www.gog.com/forum/sacred_series/unlocks_in_the_game If that isn't ok, I'm sure @gogoblender will make it disappear soon. Shield in shield variants: Glacial Defender < Kira's Wall Armor: To get the most much mitigation you'd go with Akarim's Legacy unique belt Rare mitigation or double mitigation shoulders Double mitigation Chest or Kanka's chest armor For a more offensive approach you go with a full Kanka's set for %leech Jewellery: Get the "Tooth and Nail" set for more %leech. Don't socket it or it won't count for set bonuses. Socketing: Aim for hitchance first via the "-%opponent's chance to evade" and "+%chance opponents cannot evade" mods. Lategame get bonuses to cast speed to get to the cap, especially in EE and or add Unique Jewellery with +%mitigation, chance to ignore armor. In midgame some amulets with high amounts of +armor lore(like "vox principis") or toughness can help with significantly increasing %mitigation values from linked armor pieces and directly, respectively. Early/Midgame you can socket Seraphim runes with +% phys mitigation to reach 100% if you want to. If you are having trouble with dot effects a few sources of -%dot damage from enemies would work nicely. It is however a seperate multiplier to %damage mitigation so both at 50% would reduce dots by 75% not 100%. The Lightsaber should always be socketed with the highest flat damage rings you can get, "Jotun's Maw" is probably the strongest option but generally just bying some phys damage rings every now and then from the merchant should do nicely. As damage converter I would suggest magic, as the weaken effect actually kinda does something useful. Also make sure to get some regen per hit somewhere. That is also the way you get started on a pure CA using version of your build. maybe something on gameplay: Not much to say here, just hit things and watch them die. A nice mechanic is that holding down both right and left click simultaneously will prioritize attacking with the CA but if it isn't available use basic attacks and if no target is there it will move your character. To set this up however the method must start with an attack not a move order. So left or right click an enemy then add the other mouse button while keeping the first one pressed, then keep both pressed and the character should kill that first target and then move around until you cursor hits an enemy again at which point you will automatically go back to attacking. I'm actually not sure if I described that correctly, but it's become such an intuitive way to play the game that I just can't say with certainty what the details are to make it work. Just try and you'll figure it out. It's certainly the most chill way to cruise around with a melee character. I think that is all the outline had planned here, might have missed some important details because it got so enormously long. Let's just say the Force-cow has spoken. And for those that really want to build a tanky shield version because they are afraid of incoming damage, remembe this quote by the wise master Mooda : "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering." Just kidding guys, we'll all be fine, as long as noone gives emergency powers to... the butcher?!?
    2 points
  48. Thanks, I tried 20 times and only once it didn't spawn in one of the three points I already found, I was starting to think that it didn't spawn at all. Why I'm looking fot it? Just out of curiosity, as I couldn't find an exhaustive list of all the spawn points anywhere.
    2 points
  49. I just tried downloading it from Mega and had no issues. I double checked the file against my own and it's the same, byte for byte. Sorry for the late comeback, but yeah that's not the original Trimmed file from the days of CM 1.60. As far as I recall that one is a version that D started working on alongside his Addendum mod, where he started altering some textures on gear perhaps? I think that @Flix should remember this in better detail than me.
    2 points
  50. I have written the easter eggs page and the pages of some important characters like Shaddar, Anducar and Ilith'Bah. I have no plans to write more for the wiki, at least there are no more pages I feel like writing right now.
    2 points
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