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Everything posted by chattius

  1. Sad sad sad for you. no vitamin pills... A former classmate runs a small restaurant specialized in our barbaric local cuisine. At a class reunion this summer he did: a sorbet from red beetroots (added a bit blood orange juice) Small coins cut with a glass from sour dough bread. The coins roasted. Then layed with Sauerkraut, Schmand (or creme fraiche) onions, caraway, cheese. some salt and pepper and the coins and the mix baken again till the cheese melts. The sorbet served as balls on the still warm coins. It tasted way better than it reads I fear.
  2. If I define hobby as something which I doesn''t need to dobut like to do it: Cooking, hunting, family has tobe excluded from being a hobby.... Gliding probably, I did it more or less regilary since I was 16, nearly 3 decades. But when my best friend who used to fly with me for the same time died on cancer it wasn't the same anymore. The song is still in my signature. Currently learning our second daughter to fly. Being in gliding club for free, becausemy grandpa was a founding member and repsired the machines till he died. Even the club has competetion mqchines, I like the old ASK 13 best. Big cabin for a allround look, very tolerant on mistakes when teaching, nice slow speed gliding possible when doing sight seeing. But with 5 kids, it are only 30 hours this year by now.
  3. How many sorts do they have? They use to be from eggsize to pumpkin size. And there areas here which carve turnips like others do pumpkins. You know: halloween approaching, start carving. For turnips you hole the inside and carve just the red outer skin, so no holes in the images. The top is lifted with some toohpicks normally to let exygen for the tea light in. Depending on the sort you use: the stripes carved away from the inside can be used for the sausage salade some posts ago. We aren't producing any waste, aren't we A ceramic tealight burner to place the turnip outside. It is fed with old remains from candles ,wax drops, ... So even no aluminium cups from the tea light as waste.
  4. Anyone of you still use citizen-band radio? I keep ours because in a worst case: a storm may disable the only antenna for mobile phones which coveres our place. Triangulating the location of a mobile phone is also not possible easily because of the single antenna. So I have one in the car and when I walk with the dogs.
  5. I did a spear build once I played without a battery. As soon you had a battery and I double-clicked on a target the TG shot from a distance instead of running to it. So all the spears hit the enpty air. Later I modified the maximum shooting distance of the laser arm to a distance which was in the radius of the spear. It are so minor things which annoy. Or having the source warden area attacks hit several screens. I hoped that the area effect would stop where I click with the mouse... So I could at least the the loot on the screen without searching a whole area.
  6. Muckefrak is german for coffee substitute. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee_substitute Many french presses fail when trying them with substitutes, the substitutes not passing the filters. Lot of people here are used to substitutes and my wife still uses normal filter papers when preparing some in her praxis for the mainly old patients drinking them. Its funny that some search engines seem to think I typo'd a certain insult when typing Muckefrak, do you mean CENSORED...
  7. A failed character is a character which doesn't do what it was planned for. My friend wasn't needling the elf fire spells. So no teamplay. It is like when my mother gives me 8000euro to buy a nice second hand car for her and I buy a Porsche Boxster. The Boxster may be way better than another used car at the same price: faster, better brakes, more agile, has the room she needs as a single person, ... But because it is too low for entering after her hip surgery it would be a failure. For solo playing: My dragon mage Sohei had a better kill rate because his combat art radius was just the size of the radius of the q-pressed loot. So kill, loot and run to next - no searching. I turn of sound at the temple guardian: I am always angry when sets and uniques drop where I can't find them. So better don't know they dropped.
  8. My daughter did a little video how her level 139 max cA-Range meteor build can be used for growd control. Each Meteor is doing 20000 damage, 1.1s reg time, 21 meteors per cast. The character has damage lore at mastery so 1-2 hits are often enough for a normal target. http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/334-booteswmv/ Currently she tries to find a way to quickly change the radius: small for champions and bosses and large for groups. I won't post the maths test I did with her: calculating hit chances at a bigger radius, different sizes of enemies, ... I had this maths she needs for school in mind when I did the challenge with the character.
  9. File Name: Bootes.WMV File Submitter: chattius File Submitted: 10 Oct 2013 File Category: Ice & Blood High Elf Builds Showing a level 139 high elf playing the CM-patch. Full CA-Range enhancing equipment is used. This video is from a test if a meteor only build has area control. Without any ca-range equip the meteors are nice boss killers. Click here to download this file
  10. 206 downloads

    Showing a level 139 high elf playing the CM-patch. Full CA-Range enhancing equipment is used. This video is from a test if a meteor only build has area control. Without any ca-range equip the meteors are nice boss killers.
  11. Normally boredom starts around level 150 with a character who never died. At 150 there is the next decrease in the experience curve coded into the game. So you need way more enemies to kill (or repeat doing high difficulty quests). The sacredwiki page about experience: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Experience Around this level it happens that the enemies are close to theor level caps given you have max survival bonus. So the enemies start to stay at their level while your character still climbs. So the games becomes easier and easier at this points. But this is just my opinion. There are mods to raise the level cap for enemies, but then you reach a point where all the stuff you find is too high for you to use it. Level caps for enemies; http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Enemy_Levels I normally stop a character who isn't a bargainer or smith when I finished niob main quest and did all the quests which have bosses, around level 130 normally.
  12. I think most of us did some characters which didn't work as plamed but were continued. I did a temple guardian in my early sacred2 times which was planed to support the high-elf pyro of a collegue at firefighters. But somehow the character was a total mistake. Sorce Warden Lore Armour Lore Source Warden Focus Combat Discipline Concentration Ancient Magic Smith Tactics Lore Damage Lore Spell Resistance Combat Arts modified in this Order: Fiery Ember, Charged Grid, Untouchable Force, T-Energy Shroud, Primal Mutation, Icy Evanescence The problem was not that he was too weak, but that the enemies dropped dead in a way too big area. A smaller radius would have speeded the looting significantly and even levelling. The character was continued because: It was a smith Everytime he did some forging he first was teleported to some enemies and doing a single combination: Fiery Ember, Charged Grid, Deathly Spears, Primal Mutation. Collecting only the nearby stuff and do the smithing. The items he was using were mainly from other characters. He did this playing with hiis mainly +allSkills gear for Smithing.
  13. Cruciferous, I think we call them Kreuzbluetler, blossoms in a cross shape. Most have mustard oils, at least our turnip roots have it in the skin. So cut the skin away brfore eating raw. I use to do it with the sausage salade with may turnips.
  14. Ahh that is the difference. Our turnip greens are created by placing the seeds so dense that there is no underground fruit developing. The greens are way softer and more tastier this way. We have 5 different turnips not for turnip greens. The difference is mainly if they are planed for early use in year, in summer, for storage over winter, ... And you don't have to be a slave to eat the not so good food. 200 years ago people here sold (or had to give away in times of starving) the good food to towns and used the leftovers for themself being very creative in recipes. In the afterwar years these old recipes got popular again. There was a time when german nobles tried to make Texas a sort of german colony in the 1840ties. So after Alamo but before Texas was a state of the USA and before 1848 germany had its revolution. New Braunfels was founded by settlers from my area in this time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adelsverein And for GoGo a recipe for a party: Sausage Salade with turnips ring of Fleischwurst (600 gramm pork sausage, something like polony, ring bologna) cut in stripes red and green paprica, cut in stripes 6 Mairüben (may turnips, our softest) cut in stripes after removing the skin 3 red onions, cut in stripe bit oil, salt, pepper, vinegar, fine cut herbs Not for vegans, but has all a body needs
  15. We started to bring fruits, vegs , potato to the senior home few years ago. Our oldest jumped two classes at school. So when she had to do a social class at school she was too young (per law, not psychical and physical) to do medical and hygienical work at the senior home. So she should do entertaining. What she did first was interrogations of old peoples and writing down old local slang words and old recipes. Then she asked at home if she could have some fruits to try them out for some recipes at the senior home. It may be different to a senior home in a town where food is deliveted daily, often ready for eating. The one near us has big storage cellars, big kitchens and is able to run even with 2 weeks of snow blocking cars. So they have room for stuffbrought by surrounding farmers and seniors who are fit can do their recipes for the rest. I visited an old teacher at a senior home in a city. He showed me that some things weren't eaten and returned. The problem was that senior home shared same kitchen as the big bureau building nearby. Kiwi, expresso, ...might be nice, but the old people never did that. A little ugly wild apple, some Muckefrak (coffee replacement from the afterwar years), they eat that with fun,... The apples don't look nice, but they look same as they had in their garden or were stealing from neighbours as kids. If you can't eat with fun you get ill. So listening to what the seniors were used too isn't that much time and often cheaper. They weren't used to this expensive food, they grew up on countryside and learned in the afterwar years to use anything and never throw food away.
  16. Can't remember at the moment, which of the females does a poledance when idling and wielding a polearm or two hand staff?
  17. Can it be used for Muckefrak too?
  18. When I said thousands, most of it are the greens Wonder if german emigrants in texas created this southern style...
  19. A full ca-range build using meteors: 1.7 times the radius is around 3 times the area So to hit small enemies in this build - meteor should be modified for more meteors. Enemies will be hit less, so damage lore is an option because instant kills are not likely. Something positive: moving enemies are less likely to evade the now bigger damage zone unharmed. Damage lore willdo its work on small mobs. The radius is bigger : ever fought colussus by standing 4 bridges above him and aiming at your bridge and seeing half of the meteors misssing the bridge and going all the way down to colossus? He can't strike back. Level 120: 200 runes read in each of the buffs and the shower. Even without the regeneration buff the time between a shower is at 1.2s. 21 meteors each doing 15000 damage. Combat discipline mastery: 3s normal is 2.4s in a combination 100% chance for half regen makes this 1.2s
  20. Our 14 year old played a Bärenhüter(in), ranger who looks for the bears. It is the german name for the star sign Bootes which brings a lot of meteroids. It was a small exercise: Only Combat Arts allowed to have more than one rune and to be modified: the two fire buffs and the meteor shower. A single rune, but no modification: fireball and firewave The small exercise was: Play it to niob and you get a bellows for your camera so you can do photos of small insects. Here results: it is playable, currently mid in platinum. It lacks area control but is devasting against bosses. So she works on the area control now. Up to mid gold the single point in firewave proved to be enough for small mobs. She mastered her skills in this order: pyro focus and lore, armour lore, damage lore, ... Using a Lord Wayne Playerkiller sword with socketed poison. So recharging with reg per hit and have a additional poison effect. The fire part of the sword is boosted by 2 buffs and tactics which was chosen to unlock damage lore. http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Lord_Wayne%27s_Player_Killer
  21. We don't have this big forest fires. Also our area is measured, digitalized, ... So in case of a fire Sprengschläuche will be used. It are water hoses full of water which contain ropes of an explosive material. The igniters are computer controlled (area, wind, fire speed, ground...) and ignite just at a certain distance to the fire. They will do a water curtain which stops the fire (hopefully), but exercises worked fine. The last 'fire' we had was a farmer who burned wheat with a fungus disease when a sudden fall wind blowed the sparks hundreads metres away, over the 10m stripe he had plowed. Took 12 minutes from alarm to be there with our scout car and 1 minutes of its high pressure impulse gun to extinguish the fire in the forest. Was the last fire fighting event we had in a forest. Way more often we have to cut people out of cars after a crash. Fire prevention lines in our area which has a lot of fall winds would have to be so big that there wouldn't be a forest anymore The explosive water hoses are used when demolishing high buildings. The dust wave after the crash of the building is stopped by creating water curtains, see the pictures here. http://www.feuerwehrgeschichte.de/spezial/lf_2rsystem.htm The problem with forest fires is: the igniters and the explosives are high tech and under the weapon export stop. So giving them to civil persons, as are firefighters, is a lot of bureaucratzy. Our company works with explosives and is mid in a forest. So in our case the water hoses are stored at the company not at the fire dep. Our computer simulation of a wind power tower and a failure in the gearing causing a fire did sparks in an area of 500m atthe planed height. If these towers are build, they should be build on hills with no forests. But this conflicts with: in our district each of such a hill has a castle on its top
  22. My hard core Mentalist did around 650 quests in niob. And he did most of his experience with killing, level 171. So I doubt that you can go level 200 just with doing quests only a single time.
  23. We have like 200 trees of different sorts: apples, plums, pears, quinces, reneclaude, mirabells, cherries, servus tree,... The apples and pears I gave were old trees. So no quick harvesting from a wagon but long ladders needed. Also there were bats and hornets nesting in the trees. So I waited till they left with the harvest and used the crane from my unimog instead of ladders. The fruits were just a picking here and there while I checked the trees for animals in treeholes, loose branches which would have to be saw away,..I was puzzled when I had 20 big baskets of pears and apples in just an afternoon. I was told that the seniors like the old local sorts they were used too more than the new sorts found in shops so I just drove there and unloaded half of the fruits. It is somehow strange to see classmates from our kids refusing offered apples because they don't look nice. But they just never saw chemicals and were more like wild apples. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/25/Malus-Ananasrenette.jpg
  24. Do you plan to add magic coup to your build?
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