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Guide on how to re-skin a Set

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EDIT: Actual Guide part here.


Well, it seems that lately I've been messing around with skinning items in this game more than actually playing it after getting a taste for it when coming up with a few ideas for the dual wield set suggestion. Anyway, this is what I came up with for a "Dark Seraphim" style Niokastes that I wanted to do, no actual changes to the design, simply the colour scheme, anything else would have been a tad too complex to do on a laptop without a drawing pad or something (plus my skills, or lack thereof, wouldnt have allowed for it). So yeah, I was just posting these pics for people opinions on the looks...Like I said, I was after a darker look (which is why she's holding a red lightsaber in some of the pics...:P), but had trouble making things look too dark without losing details so yeah...what do you guys think about how it turned out? What do you think of the skirt too?


th_dark3.jpg th_dark2.jpg th_dark1.jpg


th_big_0006.jpg th_big_0005.jpg th_big_0004.jpg


th_big_0003.jpg th_big_0002.jpg th_big_0001.jpg



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Oh wow! How exciting for you DB. I'm sooo living vicarious through your experimentation here. I've been wanting to dabble with design editing for a long time. That's an excellent first try. If that's what you start like I wonder how far you can go with this. :drool:


Can you talk a bit about the process of editing? I assume you find the graphics from the game install and edit them but I'm a little in the dark about where those graphics are and what the best way to edit them is. Do you use a paint brush or some kind of recolouring tool? I'm very curious to know!


I hope your topic here will inspire others to dabble as well. :)



Very exciting news DragonBro. Thanx!

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DB, this is just amazing! I'm a little astonished with how much of this game's different parts you've become expert with. I'd come to rely upon your great explanation of sacred's evil game mechanics, was impressed with your work on Wiki quests... and now seeing your venture into modding with this fishnet skirt idea.... Beautiful!


Your write up guide is very well thought out, I think you're going to create some reader follower/fans. Careful we don't get Schot lost in this new skin/modding





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Very nice write up there DB :thumbsup:


Must have taken you a great deal of time indeed!


Thanks...yeah it did, took even longer to post because I couldnt seem to access the forum for some time yesterday.


Informative either way, and I do like the colors you gave for the Seraphim. :)


Thanks :)


DB, this is just amazing! I'm a little astonished with how much of this game's different parts you've become expert with. I'd come to rely upon your great explanation of sacred's evil game mechanics, was impressed with your work on Wiki quests... and now seeing your venture into modding with this fishnet skirt idea.... Beautiful!


Your write up guide is very well thought out, I think you're going to create some reader follower/fans. Careful we don't get Schot lost in this new skin/modding






Haha...well...thanks :blush: Actually...knowing schots graphic skill and panache I would love to see what he could come up with given the time :)

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Ok, here it is...the skirt moves like the skirt normally would, unfortunately the lines kinda of disappear as you zoom out which is exaggerated due to the lower quality of the graphics in the video compared to the game...but zoomed in you can see it.


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This is a great idea, Dreeft. DB, I think this is the first time I've ever seen a video of a mod in action like this in a topic.

The physics on the skirt is pretty good





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  • 1 month later...

I've been meaning to post on this for a long time and finally I get to celebrate in the joy of your experiment DB. The write up you provided, (post #6), is far more than I expected when I asked if you could talk about the process you went through while creating the new armor styles you made. I loved reading it. It's so well written that I imagine most anyone who reads it would feel the sudden urge to create their own styles. I find your guide makes the reader feel as if experience doesn't matter. You describe it so well that I'm sure anyone reading your experience could easily follow in your footsteps.


I'm not sure if you intended your write up as a guide but I certainly think it is guide worthy. Not just guide worthy but inspirational. To that effect, I dub thee pinned. :paladin:

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I've been meaning to post on this for a long time and finally I get to celebrate in the joy of your experiment DB. The write up you provided, (post #6), is far more than I expected when I asked if you could talk about the process you went through while creating the new armor styles you made. I loved reading it. It's so well written that I imagine most anyone who reads it would feel the sudden urge to create their own styles. I find your guide makes the reader feel as if experience doesn't matter. You describe it so well that I'm sure anyone reading your experience could easily follow in your footsteps.


I'm not sure if you intended your write up as a guide but I certainly think it is guide worthy. Not just guide worthy but inspirational. To that effect, I dub thee pinned. :paladin:

Thanks schot :) It probably sounds like you don't need experience because I didnt have any experience doing this when I did it, that may have carried over, but all you really need is a bent for graphics design.

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Congratulations on your Stickie, DB!


The guide you put together is just so impressive. I'm sure others reading it will learn, and maybe have some ideas on how to go forward with their own vision.







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Thanks to your tutorial, I was able to do a lot of work. In the picture I'm submiting you can see Niokaste armor transformed into a plate and chainmail armor, the leather set of the hight elf transformed to tiger and leopard skin and the MageDragon with skin and models changed.


I try to do the game more serious, and I was changing all the "irreal" colors and also I change a lot of sounds and music. 1'5g total :-P





Thanks another time!

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Thanks people!

Perhaps I could share this as a mod, because it's impossible to find anything in the web (except de seraphim nudes xD)


At the moment this is what I have:


The "customoptions" changed to improve the camera (no zoom and any rotate in interiors, far zoom etc)and battlemusic removed.


A lot of music changed to medieval ones

(an example:

), and other as the orc region ones, replaced with "blade of darkness" music. (the region music that change are: Hight Elf, Human, Seraphins, Desert, Orc and all the special enemy battles)


The Seraphin: Darker colors, more metaliced armors, less hotty and more warrior in general :-P

The HightElf: less lingerie things and more chainmailed others, lot of new skins.

TheMageDragon: Changed models and skins. It's more like the centurion but with new armor skins.


Bard sound changed (no more heavy, he plays medieval songs)



textures: 170mgs

Sounds: 30mgs

Music: 53songs(432megs x3(different culities? I don't know)= 1'36Gs (the themes are longer, about 3minuts. Think that I eliminated the interruptions with battle music)


This is what its done :-)

but I don't have any idea on how to transform it in a mod, where I must upload it etc, I'm only a graphical dessigner! :-P


If someone can help me, maybe I will be able to share this with other people.


Edited by Wardust
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