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One of my favourite reads on the weekend is an article that puts the spotlight on people and asks for their answers to the following:


My earliest memory is........

At school I was ......

My first relationship was.....

I don't like talking about.....

My most treasure posession is .....

My father always told me to......

I wish I had.....

I wish I hadn't...

My most humiliating moment was.....

My happiest moment was.....

At home I cook.....

My last meal would be......

My favourite gadget is.....

I'm very bad at.....

When I was a child I wanted to....

The book that changed my life was....

It's not fashionable but I love.....

The song I'd like sung at my funeral is....

My greatest fear is.....

If only I could......

The last big belly laugh I had was......

What I don't find amusing is.....

I'm always being asked.....

Cat or dog.....

At the moment I am listening to....

I often wonder......


Can't wait to read your replies

Edited by Funkilicious
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My earliest memory is........ seeing my Mother cooking in the kitchen

At school I was ...... always being compared to my eldest sister

My first relationship was..... at the age of 5 but his family left the area and I still remember it to this day

I don't like talking about..... the past year

My most treasure posession is ..... my bed, I love sleeping in

My father always told me to...... invest in brick and mortar

I wish I had.....my family closer to me

I wish I hadn't.....received bad news this time last year

My most humiliating moment was..... when I was 7 and forgot I was still wearing my pyjamas under my school uniform

My happiest moment was.....my wedding day

At home I cook.....most nights

My last meal would be......hopefully cooked by someone else

My favourite gadget is.....cell phone

I'm very bad at.....car troubles (that's men's work lol)

When I was a child I wanted to....grow up right there and then

The book that changed my life was....my first reader in primary school

It's not fashionable but I love.....staying at home having an early night

The song I'd like sung at my funeral is....I did it my way

My greatest fear is.....losing someone I love

If only I could......sing

The last big belly laugh I had was......the my last visit home with all the family

What I don't find amusing is.....ignorant people

I'm always being asked.....can you fix this

Cat or dog.....dog definitely

At the moment I am listening to....Vivaldi's Four Seasons as well a fantastic Sydney Thunderstorm

I often wonder......Why?

Edited by Funkilicious
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My earliest memory is........ My cowboy outift

At school I was ...... lazy

My first relationship was..... when I was 10

I don't like talking about..... bad news

My most treasure posession is ..... my pc

My father always told me to...... become an engineer

I wish I had..... career counseling

I wish I hadn't... ever started engineering

My most humiliating moment was..... failing chemistry for the third time and asked to leave engineering

My happiest moment was..... getting married

At home I cook..... half the time

My last meal would be...... meatballs and veggies

My favourite gadget is..... the tv remote

I'm very bad at..... chemistry

When I was a child I wanted to.... fly

The book that changed my life was.... the Bible

It's not fashionable but I love..... Dragon Ball Z

The song I'd like sung at my funeral is.... The Grease theme song

My greatest fear is..... the end of the month

If only I could...... win the lottery

The last big belly laugh I had was...... at my company's year-end function and my boss told a joke...

What I don't find amusing is..... my boss

I'm always being asked..... when you gonna buy a new car ?

Cat or dog..... dog

At the moment I am listening to.... the aircon

I often wonder...... who really gives a damn about what I write here

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My earliest memory is........ My Dad coming home from work smelling like grease


At school I was ...... The Class Clown


My first relationship was..... A total mess


I don't like talking about..... My feelings


My most treasure possession is ..... My Family


My father always told me to...... Make sure your word is like gold


I wish I had..... Went Hunting this year


I wish I hadn't... Ate so much last Night


My most humiliating moment was..... Which one lol. When I Rapelled of my company barracks and landed on the C.O.'s Wife


My happiest moment was..... The Day I married My Wife


At home I cook..... Most of the meals


My last meal would be...... A big T-Bone Steak, Baked Potato, Corn on the Cob, Spinach Green Salad with Blue Cheese and Thousand Island dressing


My favorite gadget is..... My Guitar


I'm very bad at..... Remembering Dates


When I was a child I wanted to.... Be a Army Ranger ( Did that)


The book that changed my life was.... The Bible


It's not fashionable but I love..... I wear Cut off T'shirts and Shorts in the Winter


The song I'd like sung at my funeral is.... Don't Know I don't plan to die any time soon


My greatest fear is..... Loosing My family


If only I could...... Have more time with family


The last big belly laugh I had was...... EveryDay my kids can be funny


What I don't find amusing is..... Racist or sexist jokes


I'm always being asked..... Why from my kids


Cat or dog..... Both


At the moment I am listening to.... My youngest sing some weird song she made up


I often wonder...... Why is today called today

Edited by EvilMale
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My earliest memory is........ my grandmother being angry at me because I made a mess in the kitchen

At school I was ...... the main distributor of homeworks, writing assignments, pre made essays, you name it

My first relationship was..... in kindergarten and lasted until we moved to another country

I don't like talking about..... my feelings

My most treasure posession is ..... my necklace, I havent taken it off since I got it

My father always told me to...... dont know, my father is not very talkative, never gave me big advice on life

I wish I had..... an idea what I want to do after I graduate

I wish I hadn't... had to wake up at 4 am this morning

My most humiliating moment was..... getting very very drunk (…this part I cant remember …) and then my friends giving me a detailed account of the events

My happiest moment was..... not sure I tend to feel any good moment as the happiest

At home I cook..... rarely. My cooking skills are very limited, to say the least

My last meal would be...... some steak

My favourite gadget is..... my good old MP3 player

I'm very bad at..... dealing with kids

When I was a child I wanted to.... be an archeologist

The book that changed my life was.... dont think any book have done that

It's not fashionable but I love..... wearing bands t-shirts

The song I'd like sung at my funeral is.... Dark Angel’s Death is Certain. But they will probably play something like Orion from Metallica. Duh

My greatest fear is..... losing someone close to me. And snakes.

If only I could...... control the weather

The last big belly laugh I had was...... today when a professor told a joke about the Russian political system <-- you know you’re beyond any hope when you actually laugh at these jokes

What I don't find amusing is..... elitist people

I'm always being asked..... „Can you do this for me? It’ll only take you 10 min” yeah right talk about 2 hours instead

Cat or dog..... dog

At the moment I am listening to.... Varathron: Nightly Kingdoms

I often wonder...... if I have forgotten something

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My earliest memory is: Stealing a milkbone from the dog when I was 3-5 The dog chased me and I hid behind my father

At school I was: a loner

My first relationship was: Short

I don't like talking about: I’m the original TMI Guy There is not much that I won’t talk about

My most treasure possession is: Possessions? Renounce your materialistic ways

My father always told me to: Nothing worth while

I wish I had: Taken more chances

I wish I hadn't: Been so shy as a child

My most humiliating moment was: Having a panic attack at work in front of the staff

My happiest moment was: When my children were born

At home I cook: Everything

My last meal would be: Gumbo

My favourite gadget is: my potato ricer

I'm very bad at: Spelling

When I was a child I wanted to: Change the world

The book that changed my life was: The Sword of Shannara—the book that made me want to write

It's not fashionable but I love: Hey, nothing I wear is fashionable

The song I'd like sung at my funeral is: ”The Kill” 30 Seconds To Mars

My greatest fear is: Being alone

If only I could: Fly

The last big belly laugh I had was: It was at work and someone had a last name that was quite naughty if you took the time to think of it My boss, knowing my sense of humor, told me the name

What I don't find amusing is: Anyone’s suffering.

I'm always being asked: Paper or Plastic

Cat or dog: Dog…but sometimes a cat

At the moment I am listening to: My own thoughts

I often wonder: As I stare out the window I wonder what is over the mountains I see

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My earliest memory is........ the gigantic steps in front of our home building (at least it was for a child)


At school I was ...... the guy who hangs out with the chicks


My first relationship was..... weird and deeply confusing, gosh I was what 7?


I don't like talking about..... (a loaded question sort of lol) my feelings


My most treasure posession is ..... my characters


My father always told me to...... get a job, any job


I wish I had..... the gut to chase after empty dreams


I wish I hadn't... done terrible things as an ignorant kid


My most humiliating moment was..... lol where to begin? ok I threw up on someone's carpet :sick:


My happiest moment was..... my childhood, carefree childhood :)


At home I cook..... anything I want to eat


My last meal would be...... instant noodle and egg salad sandwich


My favourite gadget is..... Ipod


I'm very bad at..... math, socializing, sport, etc...


When I was a child I wanted to.... fly


The book that changed my life was.... Bible, in both positive and negative ways


It's not fashionable but I love..... wait, I AM fashionable


The song I'd like sung at my funeral is.... I would be dead, who cares?


My greatest fear is..... losing my memory and dunno who I am


If only I could...... be braver I wouldn't have let myself down


The last big belly laugh I had was...... I can't recall


What I don't find amusing is..... social injustice


I'm always being asked..... how am I doing (coz I'm always sickly)


Cat or dog..... cat


At the moment I am listening to.... my keyboard


I often wonder...... y don't I try harder in life

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My earliest memory is........ I was about 3 at nursery. I made a lego toy the previous day and left it in the box, and someone had taken it apart :sad: Incidently, I can dig up a few memories from those days if I really try, but can't recal a large chunk of my highschool years. A friend tried coaxing it out of me a while back and things got messy :/


At school I was ...... Abrasive, objectionable, largely disliked, and constantly depressed.


My first relationship was..... With a girl who saved my life.

I don't like talking about..... My past.


My most treasured posession is ..... My dignity and self-respect.


My father always told me to...... not study biological sciences.


I wish I had..... a crystal ball.


I wish I hadn't... let people push me around.


My most humiliating moment was..... probably blanked from my memory a long time ago.

My happiest moment was..... The day she said she loved me. (Incidently, my lowest moment was the day she broke my heart)


At home I cook..... When my dad doesn't.


My last meal would be...... Tasty.


My favourite gadget is..... My computer?


I'm very bad at..... Keeping a clear head.


When I was a child I wanted to.... Die.


The book that changed my life was.... Not read by me.


It's not fashionable but I love..... Talking (moaning) about politics.


The song I'd like sung at my funeral is.... InMe - Firefly ("It's all over now, you've killed me")

My greatest fear is..... Being alone (in life, not at any specific moment)


If only I could...... Be above the law and set some things straight.


The last big belly laugh I had was...... Watching QI.


What I don't find amusing is..... People glorifying self-harm and depression.


I'm always being asked..... Why I don't cheer up.


Cat or dog..... Cat.


At the moment I am listening to.... Nothing :sick:


I often wonder...... What things would have been like...

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My earliest memory is........ Eating french fries when my daddy took me to see my newborn baby sister (GGGRRR) I was 3

At school I was ...... picked on alot

My first relationship was..... in high school it was bad

I don't like talking about..... my ex husband

My most treasure posession is ..... my family

My father always told me to...... become a pharmacist

I wish I had..... made it in time to see my grandma before she went into a coma before dieing I was too late she was already deep in sleep when I arrived and died a few hours later

I wish I hadn't... done alot of things

My most humiliating moment was.....when I spilt a coke on myself while talking to a crush of mine in 8th grade

My happiest moment was..... eachtime I gave birth

At home I cook..... when I am off and on holidays

My last meal would be...... fetticine alfredo with chicken and brocoli salad ranch dressing and cheese cake

My favourite gadget is.....me and technology dont always get along

I'm very bad at.....juggling my crazy life yet I manage

When I was a child I wanted to.... be a marine biologist

The book that changed my life was.... You Are Not What You Weigh

It's not fashionable but I love.....fuzzy socks

The song I'd like sung at my funeral is....ummmm something happy I dont want ppl to be sad

My greatest fear is.....something happening to my kids

If only I could......finish college

The last big belly laugh I had was......I have them often with my kids

What I don't find amusing is.....racist people

I'm always being asked..... if I am married LOL

Cat or dog..... both

At the moment I am listening to....my daughter talk gibberish

I often wonder......what is going to happen if

Edited by Seductive_Vampie
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My earliest memory is........A huge thunder storm and running to my Mom and Dad

At school I was ...... Pretty naughty later on

My first relationship was..... not so memorable

I don't like talking about.....my feelings

My most treasure posession is .....my family and friends

My father always told me to......be happy

I wish I had.....I'm not sure what I have wished I had done, probably too much

I wish I hadn't...ahh too much

My most humiliating moment was.....locked away in the recesses somewhere lol

My happiest moment was.....When they rescusitated my eldest sucessfully and then the birth of my sons

At home I cook.....too much

My last meal would be......with people I love

My favourite gadget is.....coffee machine

I'm very bad at.....being to the point

When I was a child I wanted to....be a top show jumper

The book that changed my life was....Don't think one particular one book has

It's not fashionable but I love.....my pyjama's (blokes pj's are the best)

The song I'd like sung at my funeral is....Not thought about that

My greatest fear is.....something happening to my kids

If only I could......have seen my mate one last time before he was killed

The last big belly laugh I had was......not sure, I laugh a lot

What I don't find amusing is..... bullying

I'm always being asked..... what planet am I on lol

Cat or dog..... both, cat possibly

At the moment I am listening to.... my kid munch his cereal whilst the dog whines for some

I often wonder...... why

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My earliest memory is........My big house with apple trees in mississauga

At school I was ...... the tallest, naughtiest, craziest kid!

My first relationship was.....not worth talking about.

I don't like talking about.....my first relationship...hahaha kidding. I do not like talking about politics

My most treasure posession is .....my family. I love you...you can't get rid of me that easily ;)...

My father always told me to......sit straight look up.

I wish I had.....my rabbit dwarf. I miss my lil rabbit. sooooooooooooooooooooo adorable. I gave it away :woot:

I wish I hadn't...waste my time on non concrete studies at school

My most humiliating moment was.....also not worth talking about.

My happiest moment was.....there is not was but always.

At home I cook.....rice

My last meal would be......surrounded with my family.

My favourite gadget is.....laptop...

I'm very bad at.....telling a lie... x_X

When I was a child I wanted to....vagabond around and discover the world.

The book that changed my life was....mon bel oranger written by Jose Mauro de Vasconcelos

It's not fashionable but I love.....slow songs....especially the musicals.

The song I'd like sung at my funeral is....close to you by the carpenters. a bit morbid since the dead would be close to you I know :twitch:

My greatest fear is.....looking down from 50th floor with no safety bars and the wind blowing up my face. my hands are sweating already.

If only I could......be born at a different later century....like when star trek becomes reality

The last big belly laugh I had was......a few days ago

What I don't find amusing is.....when people are too uptight...

I'm always being asked.....how old are you:) why do people have to ask such annoying question:)

Cat or dog.....dog

At the moment I am listening to....japanese anime.

I often wonder......what will I do after I finish my degree...oh yeah I need an internship at a law practice...anyone wanna help out ?

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My earliest memory is........ Sittiing in my cot, watching my dad on his ancient laptop.. (hey it was 1995)

At school I am ...... Bored out of my mind

My first REAL relationship...... hasn't happened yet

I don't like talking about..... The future of this planet....

My most treasure posession is ..... My family, or my climbing gear...

My father always told me to...... Be kind to people

I wish I had..... Short hair (wish will be granted soon :) )

I wish I hadn't... Wasted the past 3 years of my life not learning anything

My most humiliating moment was..... not worth talking about

My happiest moment was..... one of many happiest moments, another will come shortly

At home I cook..... Stir Fry (with noodles)

My last meal would be...... with my family

My favourite gadget is..... ok then... umm... MP3 player

I'm very bad at..... seeing schools good sides

When I was a child I wanted to.... explore the world....

The book that changed my life was.... No book has changed my life, but tolkien changed my reading habits, and 1984 gave me deeper understanding of man's darkside

It's not fashionable but I love..... Heavy metal!!

The song I'd like sung at my funeral is.... Wasted Years - Iron Maiden, probably be appropriate

My greatest fear is..... permanently and badly injuring myself

If only I could...... have been born in england 2500 years ago, or change the world massively...

The last big belly laugh I had was...... on friday

What I don't find amusing is..... cruel idiots who think they're funny

I'm always being asked..... Why do you ahve long hair?

Cat or dog..... Dog

At the moment I am listening to.... I Will Live Again - Arch Enemy

I often wonder...... When humanity will destroy itself (not if)

Call me cynical if you like.. I always have been...



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My earliest memory is........ Hazy.. I have memories... but they all tend to be hazy...


At school I was ...... Smokin in the boys room :P


My first relationship was..... Very very funny.. maybe Ill share sometime if Im tipsy


I don't like talking about..... Private things unless its with someone close to me.


My most treasured possession is ..... My friends.. Ok now that sounds bad cause its not like I really possess them (and I love my son and treasure him with all my heart).. but I would say that in not having any real friends in my life who weren't out to hurt me... the friends I have now are the most precious things in my life. Thanks guys *sniff*


My father always told me to...... in a loud gruff voice, If you want something done right you do it your self.. Yes more trust issues.. I had those all through my life :P


I wish I had..... done many many many things in my life


I wish I hadn't..... done many many many things in my life


My most humiliating moment was..... Um Does Valkommen baksida count:)


My happiest moment was..... My son the day he was born: My little muppet :)


At home I cook..... if anyone wants to eat :) My husband has this fear of cooking... flashbacks from being a Chef!


My last meal would be...... One heck of a party.. and Ill have Aerosmith, and Within Temptation there with lots and lots of great foods and drinks! So everyone can send me off in style!! Oh... a never ending steaks and seafood buffet! haha!


My favorite gadget is..... hmm closest thing it would be is my computer


I'm very bad at..... expressing the right words to others for their sorrow, I can make people laugh though.. at least I can do that :)


When I was a child I wanted to.... be safe


The book that changed my life was.... Oh so many have that have had an impact on me in some way through out my life... well I can say its fiction!


It's not fashionable but I love..... do be myself and Not fit into the crowd!


The song I'd like sung at my funeral is.... as long as its not Sarah by Starship, Im happy!! :P


My greatest fear is..... um.. well I fear everything.. so trying to find a top one... well that would have to be of being unwanted/unloved.


If only I could...... trust more in others.. Im learning though!


The last big belly laugh I had was...... haha Oh last night!.. um every night.. seems on the servers we always almost die of laughter!


What I don't find amusing is..... people who push their personal opinions or views on others, be it political or religious.


I'm always being asked..... Why dont you cut your hair? ahh no?


Cat or dog..... If its soft and fuzzy, I want one for a pet :) Oh reptiles are good too actually.


At the moment I am listening to.... My show is over so listening to WT -Mother Earth.


I often wonder...... What would life had been like if I followed my dreams of being a forensic pathologist or a cgi programmer/designer....




um... ... I reserve the right to alter and change any and all answers stated herein. :P

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My earliest memory is........ hmmm my father reading Donald duck out loud?

At school I am ...... bored by bad teachers and draws huge stickmen figths all over my books

My first relationship was..... short...

I don't like talking about.....my first relationship

My most treasure posession is .....can I only mention 1 :):lol: if it's a item its my computer

My father always tells me to...... clean up my mess

I wish I had..... more contact with all my old friends

I wish I hadn't... lost contact with old friends

My most humiliating moment was..... not ready to tell yet because it happend not long ago :P

My happiest moment was..... havent been yet

At home I cook..... evry tuesday (almoust) :P

My last meal would be.... some fish

My favourite gadget is.....still computer

I'm very bad at..... sleep!

I want to.... grow a little more

The book that changed my life was.... sacred manual?

It's not fashionable but I love..... bare feet's on saturdays :P

The song I'd like sung at my funeral is.... um havent decided yet

My greatest fear is..... dying before my parents

If only I could...... change the world

The last big belly laugh I had was...... at school today

What I don't find amusing is..... [is amusing intresting?] my teachers

I'm always being asked..... can't you be quiet a moment

Cat or dog..... Dog!

At the moment I am listening to.... middle of the nigth so nothing

I often wonder...... how it feels to die and also what will become of me later in life


:P sry for poor english and stupid opinions

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  • 1 month later...

My earliest memory is........

A big inflatable dear that some smartass had placed on my wee toddler's bed that when it slowly began deflating began to look like a monstrous spider with huge creepy crawly legs waving around from all the antlers


At school I was ......

Pierrefonds Comprehensive High School


My first relationship was.....

This Girl in high school (hmm, great eight maybe? hmmm) She was one of the Angels in the high school production of Jesus Christ Superstar


I don't like talking about.....

Other people's problems


My most treasure posession is .....

A cool Silver key


My father always told me to......

Eat everything on your plate or you'll get spanked :D


I wish I had.....

More Bandwidth


I wish I hadn't...

Gone drinking last night


My most humiliating moment was.....

When my parents surprised birthdayed me at Mcdonald's for my twenty first birthday and had me show up in a tie


My happiest moment was.....

Winning the Zone Championships as coach of a Dollar ice hockey team


At home I cook.....

Spaghetti Schlop every week


My last meal would be......

Fish Fries...love those things...specially when they're battered English style.


My favourite gadget is.....

The free Itouch I won at work


I'm very bad at.....



When I was a child I wanted to....

Be an Astronaut.. hey what kid doesn't


The book that changed my life was....



It's not fashionable but I love.....

my Spaghetti Schlop


The song I'd like sung at my funeral is....

Circle of life


My greatest fear is.....

Death in the family


If only I could......

Win another Itouch


The last big belly laugh I had was......

With Claire and Brad early this morning on MSN


What I don't find amusing is.....

Tasteless Jokes


I'm always being asked.....

And when are you planning on growing up?


Cat or dog.....

Dog before...but lately...cat?



At the moment I am listening to....

My computer fan...it's sure loud


I often wonder......

What you guys all sound like





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My earliest memory is........ listening in on a party line at the duplex house I live in when I was 3

At school I was ...... the picked on nerd

My first relationship was..... in college. if his lying cheating butt should ever come in front of my car I dont know as that I will be abel to find the brake pedal in time.... (instead of breaking up with me, he cheated on me after stating he didnt want to break up and THEN broke up with me)

I don't like talking about..... my weight

My most treasure posession is ..... my computer... err my family

My father always told me to...... behave

I wish I had..... had my 2nd child sooner

I wish I hadn't... fought with my grandma about a stupid haircut in the morning and not talked to her again before EMS took her to the hospital where she died of heartfailure (she was battling cancer so heartfailure is the reason on the cert but really it was cancer that took her)

My most humiliating moment was..... I have a few, they are all very humiliating

My happiest moment was..... holding my son for the 1st time

At home I cook..... when DH is too lazy to

My last meal would be...... potato peroghi fried in onions and butter with cabbage and noodles on the side

My favourite gadget is.....my computer or my mp3 player (before it died)

I'm very bad at..... keeping my temper

When I was a child I wanted to.... be an archeologist

The book that changed my life was.... toxic parents

It's not fashionable but I love.....fuzzy socks

The song I'd like sung at my funeral is....not sung but any benny goodman tune...

My greatest fear is.....fatal illness or trauma to my family

If only I could......go back to college or get out of debt

The last big belly laugh I had was......yesterday at work

What I don't find amusing is.....ignorant narrow minded snooty people

I'm always being asked..... if my name is Dawn or DON on the phone *grrr*

Cat or dog..... cats

At the moment I am listening to....my sons nap on the floor

I often wonder...... what life is like in different countries (the culture difference thing and getting a different perspective on things)

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My earliest memory is........being chased by a chinaman with a salt gun

At school I was ......a nerd

My first relationship was.....a clumsy affair

I don't like talking about.....gossip

My most treasure posession is .....my games room

My father always told me to......never become an office worker

I wish I had.....faced up to the bullies at school

I wish I hadn't...broken into peoples car as a teenager

My most humiliating moment was.....being picked as school football captain

My happiest moment was.....my first date with my wife

At home I cook.....a mean mint rissole

My last meal would be......lobster mornay

My favourite gadget is.....my computer

I'm very bad at.....typing

When I was a child I wanted to....be the lead guitarist in a rock band

The book that changed my life was....something that I haven't yet read

It's not fashionable but I love.....money

The song I'd like sung at my funeral is....Don't stop me now......by Queen

My greatest fear is.....losing my family

If only I could......move to a place where its safe to live

The last big belly laugh I had was......yesterday

What I don't find amusing is.....jokes that hurt peoples feelings

I'm always being asked.....to fix things

Cat or dog.....dog, always had a dog

At the moment I am listening to....my wife singing (badly) on the treadmill

I often wonder......how lucky I was to survive an electrocution



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My earliest memory is........ having a local city cop stop by after work every few days and babysit me for an hour. I was 2 years old... and he just did it for no real reason, but when I was that age I was real impressionable I guess, and it's his fault I am the way I am now.

At school I was ...... a BIG BIG BIG idiot. and sometimes smart. but always dedicated to getting into and out of trouble.

My first relationship was..... a mistake. a fun mistake. but a mistake nonetheless.

I don't like talking about..... look up one line. -OR- mistakes I've made that I haven't learned from

My most treasure posession is ..... hmm all things are material... but I'm gonna have to say... my dad's uniform from when he was a Military Policeman

My father always told me to...... not take anything from anyone, to keep my thumb steadying the opposite side of the gun from my trigger finger, to throw hard but accurate and not intentionally hit a batter, anyone who doesn't have fun is a jerk.

I wish I had..... a german shepherd (but my beautiful australian shepherd will satisfy me =D) and a good right shoulder.

I wish I hadn't... look up 7 lines. -AND- done any of my stupid mistakes.

My most humiliating moment was..... Stabbing myself (Long story)

My happiest moment was..... getting the job I have now, graduating high school, starting dating my current girlfriend =D (yes more brownie points! =P_

At home I cook..... EYETALLIAN FOOD! (thats how its pronounced in these here hillbilly parts) I cook lasagna, pizza, pasta, and I make my own red gravy. GOOD FOOD

My last meal would be...... a quesadilla that I microwaved at around 2AM

My favourite gadget is..... Duh, THE TASER!!

I'm very bad at..... a lot of things. golf, guitar, art, singing. to name a few

When I was a child I wanted to.... be a cop. go figure.

The book that changed my life was.... Chipper Jones' biography? idk.

It's not fashionable but I love..... my uniform

The song I'd like sung at my funeral is.... I want a lot sung at the funeral, but Joy to the World is not one of them... I'm gonna have to say... Cat's in the Crade by Harry Chapin, because it's pretty much the story of my life. or (you're gonna hate my long list...) Until the End - Breaking Benjamin. Good Riddance - Green Day. Perfect - Smashing Pumpkins. Lightning Crashes - Live. Who's Got My Back - Creed. Alive - Pearl Jam. I've got a few more but atm those are my top picks =P

My greatest fear is..... losing a friend

If only I could...... not manage to do something dumb today

The last big belly laugh I had was...... prolly about 5 mins ago...

What I don't find amusing is..... idiots.

I'm always being asked..... why do you hate people so much? -OR- Why do you want to be a cop?

Cat or dog..... DOG. cats = satan.

At the moment I am listening to.... Shallow Bay - Breaking Benjamin

I often wonder...... why I want to be a cop.



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