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Everything posted by Dax

  1. Ahm, I dont want to be nosy but, are you Pevil from PevilsPlace? I visited your website more than one time.. (..and am still looking for the Mystdale Golden Warhorse.) Looks like the old guard returns one by one. Good to see you here!
  2. level 50 is the last skill you get. You can use Ufos Hero Editor to change skills if something went wrong somehow. Trading is quite useful, but it is better to create a special trading character, a dwarf for example. He can pick the Trading skill very very early. After your trader bought the necessary gear, swap it in a MP session and give it to your main char. The skill itself lets you generate tons of money which can be useful if you work with the take-gold-instead-of-health modifier. Depending on the amount of points you have put into Trading, the merchants offer better gear, sometimes 1-3 yellow items. Rings and Amulets are your best bet. You cant buy uniques, or set items. There is a special mission that generates two traders that got new gear every time you talk to them. Braverock Castle, right in the middle of the market place. It works in Porto Vallum too, there is an abducted trader in a cave near the river. Just bring him home and talk to him. His counterpart is a few meters to the south.
  3. Outstanding work, Xrystal! Lets see when the first recorded MP sessions arrive on youtube.
  4. Starting skills can be changed by editing the settings.cfg. In a limited way. Picking level restricted skills is not possible. Ufos Hero Editor cant help here. Besides, you will have access to all hero related skills at level 50, that is not that far away. Assigning non-class related skills to your hero, like Vampirism to a Battle Mage, does not makes sense. Ufos tool is useful to test a build quickly, or a certain set, that is true. It is also useful to rescue a screwed up hero. Happens now and then when it is your first run. I suggest to get a guide and to build your hero step by step. After a while you will drop everything and go your own way.
  5. Never heard of such a tool, but Sacredvault.org might be useful. Here, take a look. http://www.sacredvault.org/forum/index.php?action=tpmod;dl You can fool around a bit with Sacreds Settings.cfg too, but make a savety copy of it before you start.
  6. Ok, I got it. What do you think of changing names? Lets say from monsters, or potions for example. It would add a bit more depth to the game. I quickly stitched something together. Healing potions - Small herbal potion - Flask of Tyr-Fasul - Vial of Wyrmblood Antivenom - Flask of beetle juice - Belladonna extract - Silversnake essence Undead Death - Destilled graveyard soil - Nightshade potion - Blood of Kali-Ma Regeneration - Citron water - Cimmerian flask - Warbringer vial Learning - Schoolars potion - Ghostly essence - Flask of Atlantis
  7. Select Cable/ISDN instead of LAN in the options menu. Then try to run a multiplayer session again.
  8. Nice collection indeed. Reborn mod is missing on your list, ok, it is rather virtual than physical. (Let me know if Dragons roughed you up! ) ...and welcome to Darkmatters, btw!
  9. Ah, too much praise. I am a mere scratcher, not a Leonardo. Well, thx for the permission, I will surely find something useful on you site. The journal, I need the pics for, isnt my favorite project to be honest. I am constantly looking for excuses not to work on it. But one day I will
  10. Ah, yes. I watched some of your videos back in the day. I guess you are the only cat owner on earth who never catched a claw. Strong bonds between you and your animals. Pleasant to watch.
  11. Interesting news indeed. The right question is how big the remaining fanbase for the franchise is. There is Red Faction on the list and Jagged Alliance. Big names. Btw, is THQ doing a good job? The last remaster I remember was project redlime, a Syndicate remake. I was after it like crazy. It turned out it was a simple shooter and had nothing to do with the Syndicate franchise.
  12. Every update is a pleasure to watch! Great work! PS Catbit->company Keksbit->daughter?
  13. I can hand a full Faldamar, level 46 + a complete Icon Set over. I guess it would help greatly for the first run. Let me know if you are interested. And welcome to Darkmatters!
  14. Hey Soprano! Here, take a look. http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/23833-network-traffic-probes-for-sacred-2-available/
  15. Yeah, the makers did their homework definitely and learned from the mistakes they made in S1. Despite all odds I would not shove S1 aside that easily. With all the mods that surfaced over the last months and years, the game has a huge replay value and became very enjoyable. I guess mods will continue to roll in for quite a while.
  16. Hello Night.Wolfe! Thanks! I will take a look. Ahm, no. It has nothing to do with the forum, I am working on a GUI reskin for S1, which has grown quite large over the last months. As I said, I am busy with the logbook currently, and that is why I could use some more screenshots. The whole thing can be found here
  17. Hello Night Wolfe! I am on it to replace some textures for S1 currently and I turned a (single) red button blue already. At this very moment the journal is on my to do list and I would like to ask you for permission to snatch some character screenshots from your site. Simply because I am too lazy to collect all possible sets for all heros. Let me know what you think. Btw, your website has already been achieved by Wayback Machine.
  18. Great portrait collection again, Flix! I am a bit jealous. Glad to hear that you get your migraine under control!
  19. I would suggest to collect all runes you can find, since it is your first run. Learn all techniques and spells for your hero only a single time, collect or buy gear with lots of free sockets in the best case it gives you a bonus to certain techniques too, socket your runes there and make a combo. 4x Hard Hit as high as possible will save your hero more than one time. Especially at the beginning. Whats your level by the way?
  20. Hello Asterix! Sorry, I have forgotten to add the link to the download. Here you go. http://www.sacredvault.org/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=lfrehp1uaod652n0h2q90fvf60&action=tpmod;dl=item45 Speaking of gear, maybe I can do some magic. Give me a day or so.
  21. Once more a nice collection. Mmh, I could use some of those portraits myself, but I am too lazy to rework everything. Wow, wait! Send me the hooded guys! I got trouble to find good portraits for the mages in Mystdale Castle.
  22. Hello Asterix! I guess it is your first run. Wolfes Lair is a very good place to take a look at sets and items and to plan the further path for your hero. http://pctalk.info/Games/Sacred2/Wolfes.Lair/index.html Just in case that you want to re-arrange the skills of your hero, simply grab Ufos Hero Editor. You can find it on sacredvault. ..and welcome to Darkmatters, btw!
  23. Same here. I wish you a speedy, and hopefully full recovery. My Father suffered a TIA a few months ago. Do your exercises, never give up. Good luck to you, Spock!
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