Well, being the guy I am I like poking through the game files to see what kinds of things are available for me to mess with. With Sacred 2, there's been no shortage of things. Lately, I've been deeply exploring spells.txt and I came across some cool stuff. I think it's been noted before that there are entries in spells.txt for more Combat Arts than are actually activated in the game. As it turns out, Ascaron must have originally planned for there to be 6, not 5, combat arts in each aspect. This would bring up the total number of combat arts for each character up from 15 to 18. Ah, if only they had had the resources to add them in... The cool thing is these combat arts are all still present in the files, although most are just barebones placeholders with only a name and an aspect assigned. However, SOME are actually mostly completed, with special effects, spell tokens, and even icons. So let's explore them and speculate on what could have been, and what might be (if I make a spells mod ). We'll start small, and work our way up to the really interesting stuff. Since most of these spells have blank fields, I'll just copy the names until we get to the ones that have stuff filled in. Most just have comment-style names in German, and I couldn't find any proper-name English entries in global.res, so I'll just roughly translate the spell name. Seraphim
Exalted Warrior:
Sound Vortex ("xxxse_co_klingenwirbel",) - Going by the name, maybe this could have been something the Sonic Scream of the Jungle boss Kral? I've actually tried out Sonic Scream and it works pretty well for the player. The "invert_armor_phy" effect is a cool debuff that could get some more attention.
Celestial Magic:
Energy Blaze ("xxxse_cm_energiebrand",) - Again all we have is the name, but since it's identical to the entry for the Dragon Mage's Energy Blaze, we could safely assume it would have been something similar to this spell, a magic-damage nova that can be cast at range.
Revered Technology:
Throwing Blade ("xxxse_te_wurfklinge",) - Now this one is really intriguing. Assuming I translated it right, what kind of Combat Art could a "throwing blade" have been? Would it have been something like the Gladiator's Throwing Blades or the Seraphim's famous Hunter-Seeker CA from S1? That would have been very cool to play around with in Sacred 2.
Gruesome Inquisition:
Exorcism ("xxxin_in_exorzismus",) - This name is too vague to speculate on, but it has the "spelldamage" entry ticked so this might have been some kind of debuff rather than another weapon-based attack.
Astute Supremacy:
Dominance ("xxxin_po_dominanz",) - Another vague name, but since this aspect is lacking in any temporary buffs that boost the Inquisitor, we might assume this would have been some kind of power-up of that nature.
Nefarious Netherworld:
Rats ("xxxin_uw_ratten",) - Well, it's not hard for me to imagine why this one got cut. The Inquisitor summons a bunch of plague-bearing rats I guess? Although maybe if it was like the giant fire-breathing rat from the beginning of the game The Bard's Tale it could have worked (that quest is such a hilarious riff on the cliche RPG starter quest "kill the rats in the basement").
High Elf
Arrant Pyromancer:
Dread Flame ("xxxhe_in_furchtflammen",) - Again, no clues other than the name, but it's hard to imagine another flame attack spell. The High Elf's already got the basics - fireball, meteors, Area of Effect tempest, fire summon, flameskin. Chance to Fear Opponents probably would have a component for this spell, so maybe this was a temporary defensive buff of some kind? Another idea is something like the Hell Sphere, a conjured ball of flame that independently attacks enemies for a time.
Mystic Stormite:
Whirlwind ("xxxhe_st_wirbelsturm",) - A combat art with the same name was later given to the Dragon Mage (usually but inconsistently called Tornado in the game), so it's a safe bet the design was something similar to Tornado and/or the classic Whirlwind from S1. Since it was pretty similar to Raging Nimbus, I can see how it got cut. It would have been cool if the Disarm debuff was as cool in Sacred 2 as it was in S1 where you could actually use Whirlwind to knock rare weapons from enemies' hands.
Delphic Arcania:
Familiar ("xxxhe_ar_vertrauter",) - Here's another idea that eventually went to the Dragon Mage, the Familiar. Although I don't imagine she would have gotten a dragon, I imagine instead a sprite or even a wisp-like creature, that buffed the High Elf's spellcasting powers and was invisible to enemies, or maybe attacked with a lightning attack.
Capricious Hunter:
Toxic Shock ("xxxdr_hu_giftschock",) - Hard to say what this could have been other than something involving poison damage, but when I thought about it, I imagined that a hunter would have some traps up her sleeve, so I actually went and created a poison trap spell using this idea and replaced Forest Flight with my new "Venomous Entrapment" spell. However, that's a story for another post, as I've made lots of custom Combat Arts that I'll share at another time.
Cabalistic Voodoo:
Opponents Essence ("xxxdr_vo_gegneressenz",) - This combat art has the distinction of being one of two deactivated combat arts that have completed, unique icons. It's a little voodoo shrunken head, and also in the style of a buff icon. The spells.txt entry doesn't give any other clues, but maybe the original idea was to have the Dryad somehow gain the powers of her enemies based on what kind of shrunken head she had equipped? Like maybe there was a certain set of bonuses that the "essence" of a Dragon shrunken head would grant when this buff was activated. That would have been quite neat.
Nature Weaver:
Spiderling ("xxxdr_nm_spinneling",) - From the name I imagine the Dryad tossing a cocoon at an enemy or summoning one under their feet that bursts and spawns a bunch of little spiders that swarm the enemy, kind of like a throwback to the Wood Elf's Spider Arrow.
Temple Guardian
Don't get too excited about these 3 icons; they are placeholder icons that the devs recycled from Sacred 1. I'm not sure if they have any connection to the idea behind the CA.
Devout Guardian:
Impalement ("xxxtw_cc_pfaehlung",) - Well the icon is the old Battle Mage Shield Wall icon, while the name sounds more like a hard hit attack using the battle arm or maybe some kind of conjured giant mechanical spike.
Lost Fusion:
Permanent Fire ("xxxtw_te_dauerfeuer",) - The icon is one of the old S1 horse CA icons! I'm not sure which one, but I doubt it has any bearing on this CA anyway. I have a hard time imagining another fire ability connected to the Fusion arm cannon.
Source Warden:
Gravitation ("xxxtw_en_gravitation") - I doubt the old Blood Bite icon is relevant, but there it is anyway. The name of this one interests me. I kind of imagine a Clustering Maelstrom-type ability, where the Temple Guardian focuses T-Energy on a target point that draws enemies into it like a black hole, crushing them together under the force.
Shadow Warrior
This is where it gets good. Unlike the other characters, the Shadow Warrior's deactivated combat arts are mostly complete, and I was able to activate all of them, although they're not 100% perfect yet (they still lack icons and a few sound fx), they are surprisingly playable. For these, I'll paste the spells.txt entries as I found them, and comment on what I had to change to get them to work, and show some screenshots and videos.
Death Warrior:
Provoke - This seems to be designed to be an ability like many games have for their tanks and meat shields, the ability to force enemies to attack them, to take the heat off of the casters and rangers and glass cannons.
mgr.defineSpell( "xxxsk_hc_provozieren", {
eiStateName = "cSpellCast",
fxTypeCast = "FX_SK_PROVOZIEREN_C", -- These two fx work fine and cause the orange aura shown below
fxTypeSpell = "FX_SK_PROVOZIEREN",
fxTypeCastSpecial = "",
duration = 10.000000,
animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM04",
animTypeApproach = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",
animTypeRide = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",
animTypeSpecial = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",
causesSpellDamage = 1,
tokens = {
entry0 = {"et_provo_area", 1000, 0, 0, 8 }, -- Provoke enemies into attacking the player. This token is not used anywhere else, but it seems to be valid, as it is defined in blueprint.txt
entry1 = {"et_range_area", 1000, 0, 0, 4 }, -- Increased range for the effect.
entry2 = {"et_minion_blame", 1000, 0, 1, 9 }, -- Force the enemies to target your minions rather than you.
entry3 = {"et_duration_sec", 248, 2, 2, 8 }, -- Increased duration of the effect.
entry4 = {"et_range_area", 600, 5, 3, 4 }, -- Increased range of the effect.
entry5 = {"et_debuff_EVW", 1300, 10, 4, 42 }, -- Debuff the enemy's defense rating.
entry6 = {"et_provo_target", 795, 5, 5, 8 }, -- Similar to the other provoke token above, this seems to be single target rather than Area of Effect.
entry7 = {"et_force_CC", 1000, 0, 6, 8 }, -- Probably designed to force the enemy to choose melee over ranged attacks. This spell token does not actually exist.
fightDistance = 525.000000,
aspect = "EA_SK_HARDCOMBAT",
cooldown = 5.000000,
soundProfile = 0,
cost_level = 100,
cost_base = 200,
focus_skill_name = "skill_SK_heavy_combat_focus",
lore_skill_name = "skill_tactics_lore",
spellClass = "cSpellSkProvozieren", -- This had to be changed to "cSpellSkKampfruf" to get it to function.
spellcontroltype = "eCAtype_a_effect_self",
sorting_rank = 0,
Screenshots of Provoke in Use:
I'm not entirely sure the provoke spell tokens are working, as I had a hard time drawing enemies away from the elf soldiers they were wailing on, as you can see in the pictures. If I can't get the provoke effect to work, this CA may be a dud, though with a cool visual effect that could still be used elsewhere.
Malevolent Champion:
Shield Charge - So basically what I did was mimic the look and feel of a shield bash, while actually what the CA is doing is casting a physical damage spell at a very close range with no visual effects other than a shield bash animation. So the shield armor and weapon damage doesn't actually factor into it, nor does chance to hit or attack rating or anything like that. It will always hit because it's a spell, but it's as close to a shield bash as the game allows.
mgr.defineSpell( "xxxsk_tc_schildstoss", {
eiStateName = "", -- Needed to add "cSpellCast" here
fxTypeCast = "",
fxTypeSpell = "",
fxTypeCastSpecial = "",
duration = 0.000000,
animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM08", -- This is a shield bash style animation, very appropriate.
animTypeApproach = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",
animTypeRide = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",
animTypeSpecial = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",
causesSpellDamage = 1, - This is a spell damage based combat art, in the absence of any way to actually use the shield for damaging
tokens = {
entry0 = {"et_maxangle_cone", 300, 300, 0, 8 }, -- Sets the range of the effect. This is a very wide area as is so I reduced it
entry1 = {"et_spelldamage_physical", 90, 0, 0, 133 },
entry2 = {"et_spelldamage_physical", 300, 300, 1, 133 }, -- This damage boost was far too massive using the windtoss spellclass I settled on
entry3 = {"et_regThisCool", 2500, 10, 2, 8 },
entry4 = {"et_maxangle_cone", 45, 0, 3, 8 },
entry5 = {"et_shield_none", 1, 0, 4, 8 }, -- This is a non-existent spell token that was perhaps intended to bypass an enemy's shield or disarm their shield
entry6 = {"et_chance_stun", 250, 3, 5, 133 },
entry7 = {"et_chance_criticalhit", 98, 2, 6, 5 },
fightDistance = 35.000000,
cooldown = 5.000000,
soundProfile = 0,
cost_level = 150,
cost_base = 300,
focus_skill_name = "skill_SK_heavy_combat_focus",
lore_skill_name = "skill_tactics_lore",
spellClass = "cSpellSMove", -- It was a major headache figuring out what spellClass would work with the cone effect. The only type that actually created the proper instant knockback effect was "cSpellWindstoss".
spellcontroltype = "eCAtype_a_effect_cone",
magicType = "MAGIC_TYPE_ATTACK",
sorting_rank = 0,
I also added a 100% chance for knockback, so with the cone effect, multiple enemies will get knocked back and damaged. The effect is more like Scything Sweep than Gust of Wind.
Screenshots of Shield Charge in Use:
Video of Shield Charge:
Astral Lord:
Death Chill - This CA is designed as a temporary buff that can be upgraded into a permanent buff. There entries for both versions, like Shadow Veil, Combat Alert, etc. It looks like it was intended to debuff and damage enemies and boost minion power.
mgr.defineSpell( "xxxsk_ap_todeskaelte", {
eiStateName = "cSpellCast",
fxTypeCast = "FX_SK_TODESKAELTE_C", -- Unique visual effects that worked fine
fxTypeSpell = "FX_SK_TODESKAELTE",
fxTypeCastSpecial = "",
duration = 10.000000,
animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM16",
animTypeApproach = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",
animTypeRide = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",
animTypeSpecial = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",
causesSpellDamage = 1,
tokens = {
entry0 = {"et_duration_boost", 1000, 0, 0, 8 }, -- Effect lasts longer
entry1 = {"et_slow_enemy_any", 200, 5, 0, 42 }, -- Slowing effect on enemies
entry2 = {"et_range_near", 990, 10, 0, 4 }, -- Affects enemies in melee range
entry3 = {"et_lower_armor", 500, 20, 1, 8 }, -- A very rare spell token, only appears here and in Frosty Lair
entry4 = {"et_minion_boost", 800, 0, 2, 8 }, -- A non-existent spell token, presumably helped to boost minions' levels or stats
entry5 = {"et_chance_reflect_root", 295, 5, 3, 41 }, -- Reflect root effects, another rare token
entry6 = {"et_spelldamage_ice", 250, 250, 4, 133 }, -- Area ice damage in pulses
entry7 = {"et_boost_to_buff", 1, 0, 5, 8 }, -- Transform into permanent buff
entry8 = {"et_friendfactor", 800, 0, 6, 8 }, -- Extend aura to allies
fightDistance = 0.000000,
cooldown = 5.000000,
soundProfile = 0,
cost_level = 150,
cost_base = 300,
focus_skill_name = "SKILL_INVALID",
lore_skill_name = "SKILL_INVALID",
spellClass = "cSpellSkTodeskaelte", -- This had to be changed, so I used "cSpellInqEntsetzen",
spellcontroltype = "eCAtype_b_boost_self",
sorting_rank = 0,
So very little had to be changed here to get this one up and working. The spider boss Shelob already got an altered version of this spell in the CM Patch. I like the visual and practical effects, and I think I'll probably replace Shadow Veil with this one in my setup once I get it all cleaned up and tweaked just right.
Screenshots of Death Chill Aura:
Bonus: Dragon Mage:
Dragon Form: "Jump" ("dm_form_travel_sprung") - This is the other unused CA that has a unique icon. There is already a combat art called "Jump" that allows the Dragon Form to hop rivers and stuff, but it uses a different entry in spells.txt, one marked "dm_form_drgn_teleport", and uses the Teleport icon. Unlike the in-game Jump, the unused one has a big chance to break root spells, and has a "jumpy" icon with the Dragon's feet leaving the ground. So it looks like what was originally two ideas got combined into one spell: the "Jump" mechanic, but with the Teleport icon and entry.
That's all folks! I hope you enjoyed this post. This exploration ate up my whole weekend (it was rainy anyway), but if I have time I'll try to update more later on about all the enemy spells I harnessed and all the custom combat arts I've made for my game over the last several months.