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Kamikaze Sunday - Generation 3!


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I got a few pics. not much but here they are


We're having a little meeting here. not sure what the plan is? Oh yeha go kill somehting,. Got it!




Archeologist getting spanked fro being greedy




Here' Dragon Brother and I battling the Hell hound boss




And looking over his corpse with pride



Edited by locolagarto
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It was really diferent this time I was trying to chase you guys but I couldnt but at least I got to see the new boss Abishai and some other that I wiped the floor cleaned lol, I was so dumb for it and was all my fault try to help schot and the others to kill a bird that was level 40+ and I was level 30 at that time. 1 hit ko but it was worth it.


Now im gonna have to push a new char to level 40 or close 40, tonight I jumped on my seraphin dual wielder and Schot gived me some christmas early presents, thx Schot, now shes just spanking the baddys like a killing machine :P

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Aaaaaand tha server is up!



Why the new counter is at level 1 ?



We all died, so were starting over at level 1 next time :P


rofl. Too funny and nice timing there Spunky. Whoops! @ Me not setting the countdown timer properly. :blush:




Awesome pics man! Thanx for grabbing some. :D Funny thing is that I had my fraps all ready to start recording and I never once started recording anything. Doh!



That was a great time today. Thanx for the run guys! I had an awesome time doing the Cursed Forest chain quest with everyone. I like the way we finally ended up dividing the quest rewards. For those who weren't there today we were 2 parties running the quest together. Unfortunately, only the party that started the quest will be given quest rewards so what we did was the Blue party got to collect all of the first half of the chain quest's rewards and then we unpartied/repartied so that the Yellow team became the Blue team and got to receive the remaining quest rewards for the chain. Of course when I encourage us to play this way it's more for the fun factor first than the drops. All in all I think we found a balance. :)


There were quite a few "cool!" moments as well as "lol" moments though the "lol" moments are mostly ones that I can laugh about only after the event. There were LOTS of full screen battles that I just loved. The huge mobs of Constructs for example and a number of quest related mob spawns that were pretty cool too. The Abishai boss fight was great fun and the HE's in the parties made it super easy for us all. Sorry that you missed it Barristan!


The Kamikaze went on for quite some time today and although during the prime of the event no one died we did have some deaths towards the end. Please don't hate me guys cause I really really am sorry but after reading Nomad's post above about being used as a mop to clear the floor I just can't stop laughing. Add to that Furian's "Kinda Double Death But Not Really" experience I'm actually having a hard time breathing, lol.


It all started with me asking if anyone had portals for the Crystal Region... Funny how often I seem to be around during these unfortunate events, hehe. No one had the portals so I decided to find them all myself. Furian offered to come along for which I happily accepted the company. And then Spunky began a short tale of the dangers that lurk within the Crystallized region. "Mark my words!" He said but not really. Like the narration to an olden story of tragedy and despair Spunky explained the unusual deaths that had occurred in the past. It was about others who had once enjoyed traveling the land and had fallen instantly. Dead on the spot without any explanation or possible reason why. I had heard the story but that's all it could be I thought. "Bah! That won't happen to me." And I was right. Furian on the other hand... "After you!" I said but not really. ^^


No word of a lie. As soon as we crossed that terrible crystal bridge... BAM! Furian? *body twitching on ground* "You ok dude? Yer health is kinda all, uuuuuh, gone?!" *body explodes* Well Furian was gone and just as Spunky had forewarned us, there was absolutely no explanation. He just flat out dropped to the ground. From full health to twitching on tha ground. Granted, one redeeming quality to this strange happenstance is that others who had experienced this actually survived. When they logged out and returned their characters oddly would be alive and waiting in the character selection screen. As luck would have it the same happened to Furian. What a relief to see Furian return and upon which he quickly decided not to go back into the Crystal Region with me. So I told him that once I was out of the suspicious area I would let him know so he could come back to enjoy the some of the Crystal Region. Some time passed and eventually I reached Scaron the giant scarab boss's nest. I figured that was a good point to call Furian back and Nomad came along for the ride too. We took out Scaron easily enough, smashed through the crystal doors and carried on our merry way all the while, BAM! Furian? :P Omg he died again. Or did he? Sure enough he had died and then returned. Back among the living! I believe his first words upon rising from the dead for a second time was, "There is no way I am ever getting used to that." hahaha. Oh man. Your poor heart Furian. You deserved a break after that, hehe.


Eventually I made it to the Phoenix and decided I was going to take it on. I had fought it before and gotten to know how the Phoenix fights very well so after tricking Nomad and Furian to come help telling Nomad and Furian about the boss fight I explained how best to handle the Phoenix. I'm thinking now that I should have started off with something like, "Ok first thing. Don't click on the Phoenix yet." :lol: Reason being was that we were standing almost directly in front of the Phoenix talking about how to fight it, (the Phoenix won't begin attacking until you talk to it btw), when all of the sudden it started to attack. :oooo: Furian and I ran for the exit immediately but think Nomad may have been a lil in shock because as I was running he was standing there in front of the Phoenix while the Phoenix's air assault dragon was heading directly for him. He was off my screen before I saw anything happen but seconds later I saw there in my chatbox that Nomad had left the server. Oh and the flying chunks of blood and body parts was fairly good indication that he had left as well. he returned shortly after. With a different character sadly. Cheers to you Nomad! You stood bravely by at such a low level while your comrads many levels above ran for their lives.


Good fun all!

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I think we all had a great time in this Kami, and I like how you summarized the whole thing Schot.


I'm glad I didn't get the insta-death bug, I didn't have a single crash during the whole time (2 hours and a half), maybe only once when I thought the loading was bugged, so I hit F8 a few times, and got kicked out of the game listening to my seraphim saying things I don't remember.


Can't wait till next Sunday!




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Ya know even if your kinda expecting it, you'll never get used to that bright red flash and death :twitch: . Makes my heart thump so bad. Worst part was the animation. Not only did I flop to the ground but I then started a slow boneless roll down a slight knoll. It was so painful watching myself. :cry:


Then comes the Pheonix, Schot giving us a play by play on how to do it. I remember vividly being told that the Pheonix can not move. If there's trouble run. Ok I got that. Trouble (oh crap) = Run. Then Schot is explaining something about standing under the statue, but we need to destroy them :crazy: So there I am trying to wedge a thong up under one of the statues, when all of a sudden (I use the mouse to move instead of aswd) :explode: the Pheonix is moving and an air raid has been called in. OK OK I remember this part. Trouble = Run :ike: Poor little Nomad, Brave soul. Faced that incoming napalm like a trooper. I'm so sorry dude.


I don't know your hours Nomad but I play every night from 11:00pm till about 2-3am Eastern. I'll help any way I can.

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Nice writing Schot & thx for the pics Loco ! :twitch:

Sorry for your Temple Guardian nomad, if you need help for a new char boosting, call me if you want. :crazy:


About Instant-RIPs in the crystal region, we've a vid about that, a friend & me posted on the sif about this bug here : http://forum.sacredeng.ascaron-net.com/sho...mp;postcount=14

Vid > http://forum.sacredeng.ascaron-net.com/sho...amp;postcount=7


The only explanation we found is a security-system anti-istant-RIP (by bugs), because after this kind of death, it health you. :explode:

Edited by Woody
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insta-rip :explode: yah I know.... im not taking any high level toons to the crystal region.... it is flat out dangerous. It would be very sad if you lost a toon that way... having done nothing wrong.


I had such an encounter with my level 45 DM.... the only thing that I recall is that my mount ripped, and my health was reduced to 0.... my DM survived tho.


A question.... does this happen to toons that have energy shields:) Like seraphim or Temple Guardian... I have only heard and seen this with toons that have no such protection... just an idea...



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Yeah nice RIP but it was entirely my fault I was after Schot as he was level 41 or 44 iirc then when he started the fight the damn bird was purple. My Temple Guardian was so damn slow casting the damn spells that I ate all that airtstrike all by myself. But it seems the game bugs on ppl with 1 hit ko on that especific region. Thats too much I think this really makes ppl avoid certain aspects of the game that just plainlly sucks why dont the devs fix this damn things.

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A question.... does this happen to toons that have energy shields:) Like seraphim or Temple Guardian... I have only heard and seen this with toons that have no such protection... just an idea...


If I well remember, it happened to a german player with a char who use shield.

But I'm not 100% sure..

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Yeah nice RIP but it was entirely my fault I was after Schot as he was level 41 or 44 iirc then when he started the fight the damn bird was purple. My Temple Guardian was so damn slow casting the damn spells that I ate all that airtstrike all by myself. But it seems the game bugs on ppl with 1 hit ko on that especific region. Thats too much I think this really makes ppl avoid certain aspects of the game that just plainlly sucks why dont the devs fix this damn things.


Your RIP against the Phoenix is different from the other ones, as that is nothing that happened out of nowhere as he is supposed to do massive damage atleast when you are such a low level compared to his.

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Ya know even if your kinda expecting it, you'll never get used to that bright red flash and death :) . Makes my heart thump so bad. Worst part was the animation. Not only did I flop to the ground but I then started a slow boneless roll down a slight knoll. It was so painful watching myself. :cry:


Then comes the Pheonix, Schot giving us a play by play on how to do it. I remember vividly being told that the Pheonix can not move. If there's trouble run. Ok I got that. Trouble (oh crap) = Run. Then Schot is explaining something about standing under the statue, but we need to destroy them :) So there I am trying to wedge a thong up under one of the statues, when all of a sudden (I use the mouse to move instead of aswd) :o the Pheonix is moving and an air raid has been called in. OK OK I remember this part. Trouble = Run :ike: Poor little Nomad, Brave soul. Faced that incoming napalm like a trooper. I'm so sorry dude.


I don't know your hours Nomad but I play every night from 11:00pm till about 2-3am Eastern. I'll help any way I can.



lol. Oh man, it was just too funny. I wish I had resorded it all. ^^



Regarding the instant death bug in the Crystal Region, it's very strange. I has not happened to me yet and I've played quite a lot in the Crystal Region. I needed to in order to Map the area, collect all the place names there and collect info about each of the quests there. So you can imagine that I've spent a LOT of time there. I've only played two classes while being in the Crystal Region which are my Shadow Warrior and HE. Someone mentioned something about the possibilty that this might be a problem with classes that have Energy Shields. That's probably a good line of thinking there. Maybe one of the Crystal enemies has the Ignore Shields % mod and it's overpowered?


Thanx for the video Woody! That will help a lot. :)




Next week's Kami will be level 40-50

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Only have encountered the bug one time myself, with a Shadow Warrior in the arena when fighting the boars and I was close to one of the crystals, so I can't say which of them "killed" me.


Well actually I didn't die only my mount and I was stuck with 1 HP left.

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It will be but it's going to be a very quick one for me. I think I'll be on for no more than an hour. I've got my sister coming over to visit which means I gotta clean my mountain of a mess here at home. :bounce:

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See you there guys. It was kind of a busy week so I think I'll change the level to allow 30-50 this week. Next week though it'll be 50-60. :)

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