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You know you're addicted to Sacred 2 when....

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....you get to level 138 and then have to go to work and at work you always think about those two damn levels that separates platinum from niobium....

....you have five minutes before going out and you log in just to see who's online (and maybe kill a monster or two....)

....you start thinking about your next character and you've not even finished with your current one....


just curious about your way to expand this :evil:

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Hehe Cinthiax :evil:


...you go to bed late at night after playing for hours on end and while in bed begin thinking on how you can improve your TG's damage output...

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...you're cycling along and you're replaying the opening speech (in your mind) for your character when you first made it...

Edited by FrostElfGuard
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. . . You say That's it. I've learned. I am never losing another HC toon again. I have it all figured out now.

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Every time you enter a room you mentally divide everyone into two groups:Light Campaign and Dark Campaign.


When you go shopping for clothes you hold a shirt up to what you are wearing and expect to see a comparison pop up.


You see someone fall on the ground and instead of helping them up you keep walking over them, hoping for the ragdoll effect.


You choose the wrong item in a vending machine and spend 20 minutes complaining about respec.

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You actually put in a service request with your local IT department to install Sacred 2 on your computer and then try to get the boss to pay for a new graphic card.

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When you get fireman school moved to a week (mon - friday), not to miss KAMI event.

Instead of 3 weekends KAMI ruined. :)

Edited by D-molisher
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...When you think that you are still playing since the last year with a 20€ game, and games 3 or 4 times more expensive only last for a week...

...When you had made more than 500 sidequests and have failed one, and you say... my life can't be complete after this...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Gogo sorta reminded me of some threads on old games I used to play, and personally, one would be perfect for this game.

So, yeah, simple, finish the sentence.


You know you're addicted to Sacred 2 when :


When shopping, you check how many stars an item has before buying it (Or color...)


You yell "Victory!" whenever you slay the smallest of things, IE, an ant.

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When you go for a walk and see people in the neighborhood you find yourself deciding if they are champions and need a single target hit or if they are mobs and need an Area of Effect attack....

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  • 3 weeks later...

You know you're addicted to Sacred when you buy a laptop just so you can play in the hospital for a week while recovering from surgery :yay:


(just don't try to have Chinese takeout delivered to your room, the nurses hate that )

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You got an eye surgery and the doc said that training eye-coordination with computer games would be a good idea. And now you wonder if you can claim extra costs for health regeneration at your tax sheet because you bought a new graphic card and monitor only to train your eye-coordination :yay:


At least you are back to work earlier cause of the good eye training and so you can work more hours this year to pay more taxes to the state than the computer costed.

Edited by chattius
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