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  1. After over a decade of playing this game, reading all of the wonderful guides (THANK YOU), and gravitating to the same build over and over again, I figured it was time to share it with everyone else, in the hopes that others might 1. Like it 2. Find it useful and/or 3. Help improve it. Credit to @RavenLight for their Dual Wield Build, which this is based off of. You can find that guide here- Overview (How and Why it Works): This build is based on a few key aspects and concepts: Hit them quickly and consistently; make yourself hard to hit- if they do hit you, reduce the realized damage taken to as close to zero as possible as to be zero, and even when we're taking damage, hit them at a rapid clip with Life Leech EVERY HIT to heals us, and worst case (very, very rarely) abuse the heck out of our health potions. Finally, increase the quantity and quality of our loot reliably. It eschews all other aspects of the mechanics and game in the pursuit of efficiency- this beautiful, wonderful game, for all of its intricacies, relies heavily on very, very linear mathematics- and we're going to take a sledgehammer to them. It is possible, given a little patience and planning, to play this build through Niobium without dying even once- I died 5 times, and I can tell you how it happened each time- 1st time: Cat disconnected the HDMI cord, and my console is hooked up through my receiver, and, well, it's not a quick process getting behind there. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th times: Fell asleep. 5th time: Tried running the Orc Cave on Niobium... at level 78, without sufficient +All Skills. Not bright. Downsides to this build: Well, there are a few, most notably the complete lack of crowd control. Ignoring combat arts does give us more skill slots and points to spend on damage and survivability, but a mob of meanies can outstrip your life leech, especially on Niob, and you'll need to watch out for those spinny skull DOT spells (though those are easily enough avoided). Yes, eventually you'll be so unbelievably powerful that it won't matter, but if you, like me, reach the end of Niobium at about level 100, you'll have some touch and go moments on your hands, especially with Temple Guardians at the Great Machine- those death spells (which sound to me like really weak and raspy TARDIS noises) can be murder, and until you start equipping +10 and greater All Skills equipment, spike damage is still a very real threat (at level 100-110). Furthermore, it's kind of boring to play- again due to the complete erasure of combat arts. You're going to be spending a lot of time with your fingers on the A button and hovering over your health potion slot. Lastly, if you're a hoarder, then this is either the best or worst build for you- you're going to have *** equipment coming out your ears before long, but by the end of Platinum, you can easily set your main pickup setting to *** and just glide through without the constant inventory management issues. I. Skill Choices Tactics Lore- (Moar damage!) Keep at your level until 75 Armor Lore-(Get hit less often) Keep at your level until 75 Dual Wield- (Hit them more often and quicker) Keep at your level until 75 Toughness- (Oh, did you hit me? I didn't notice 😁) Get to 75 as quickly as possible Enhanced Perception- (Get that loot boi) get to 75 AFTER toughness Bargaining- (Buy that loot) doesn't need to be mastered, I usually go to about 50. Sword Weapons- (For any weapons we might find with Sword Mastery as a modifier) Get to 75 Combat Reflexes- (Haha you gotta be quicker than that) Get to 75 Constitution- (Boiiii I'm a tank, ya hear?) Get to 75 Exalted Warrior Focus- (I want to jump more often, because when we glitch ourselves into the ocean we don't want to be there for centuries) Get to 75 If you're thinking to yourself "Wait, there's a whole lot of extra points leftover", you're right. This build relies heavily on socketing All Skills+ rings and amulets to raise those skills- we only need to master them for the extra bonuses, and we can ignore Bargaining because the mastery bonus is pointless (or master it, it really doesn't matter). Those extra points can go... pretty much anywhere you want (My choice is for either Toughness [extra unkillable] or Enhanced Perception [IT'S RAINING GEAR]). And because of the extremely overpowered benefits of All Skills+, by the time you reach the end of the game, you should have at least 22 sockets with All Skills+10-20 rings/amulets socketed, which adds another... 220-440 points... TO EVERY SKILL. As an example, my level 100 Seraphim (This build) on Niobium currently has +157 All Skills+... I don't even remember the last time I was close to death- the only thing that does damage to me are ground spells. II. Gear The following gear is non-negotiable, when you find it, no matter whether you like it, it's now your jive. Garment of the Celestial Gown of the Celestial Endijian's Wings What do these all have in common? All channel damage mitigation. If you don't know what that is, an easy way of understanding would be to say that damage mitigation is a modifier that reduces all damage, regardless of source, before all damage calculations have been made. It's a little like saying "Oh you hit me with a bus, good thing I have +300,000 bus armor on, guess I'll go get coffee now". This is the second pillar of our build (the first being DPS focus), and without it this build is trash. Every so often you may find a piece of gear that has better All Channel Mitigation than your set piece- you'll need to weigh whether losing the set bonus is better or worse than the extra Mitigation, or whether you have another workable set piece to swap in (it often is better, honestly, search for explanations of the mechanics behind this and I think you'll agree). A thorough test and discussion of this mechanic written by @Dobri can be found here- Sections III-VI appear to have gone missing, must have made a mistake in a previous edit; it will take some time before I am able to restore them 😭😭😭 VII. On Level Grinding While many guides point out that the swamp, specifically the southeast corner, has the highest spawn rate, I've always disliked it for two reasons- high density of undead and high density of enemies which can stun/freeze/root you. This makes leveling, without a gear set built to protect against those attacks, a chore. Other guides will mention D'Ary, the infamous island of turtles just off the south eastern coast of the Dryad realm- this is a good choice, though I will state that without a gear set with ample +experience% you may find it a chore. I propose two alternatives- the south western desert, with all of its scorpions (no special attacks, high experience but low density), and using the Orc Cave (A link to a guide written by none other than Dobri again is here- http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:A_guide_to_the_Orc_Cave_-_your_easy_way_to_a_ton_of_XP_and_drops! ), After level 100, however, it is in my opinion best to move on to higher density areas, and only use the Orc Cave as a loot grind, when you get bored of doing side boss runs. The swamp is an excellent choice, as is the northern part of the Dryad realm (especially Blood Dryads- quick to kill, and high spawn). VIII. So you've beaten Niobium and have over 100% map revealed, now what? Some options- 1. Use this build to shop for a cooler, more fun to play build. 2. Get to level 200, and hunt down a perfect set of gear. 3. Speed Trial, Every Single Boss Edition 4. Uh, other stuff? This build guide is somewhat incomplete, and if I've left anything out, please feel free to ask in the comments section. Addendum: I've included a picture of my Seraphim which I took literally seconds after beating Niobium- in all honesty, this build can likely beat Niobium 5 levels earlier with a few alterations. Edited for inaccuracies and clarity, will be edited and updated with any relevant information as time allows.
  2. Hi, guys! Using Pelting Strikes sitting on Tiger surprised me - when usually you make 6 strikes with dual weapon, mounted you make only 4. But it will be OK, if not only tiger makes animation of 2 more strikes. In my opinion, idea was that there should be actually 6 hits, and 2 last of them must be doing by tiger, but looks like it was skipped for some reason. Your thoughts? I think it will be nice if someone added those missing strikes to animation of tiger strikes. Thank you :3
  3. Sacred 2 - Seraphim Blue Eyes Mod View File This mod replaces the white glowing Seraphim eyes with slightly glowing blue eyes. Submitter Vishanka Submitted 08/07/2022 Category Ice & Blood Miscellaneous
  4. Version 1.0.1


    This mod replaces the white glowing Seraphim eyes with slightly glowing blue eyes.
  5. As of September 20 I started working on this.You can track my progress here Shadow Warrior Quotes ~90% complete - Last updated 10/31/2014 High Elf Quotes ~17% complete - Last updated 10/26/2014 Seraphim Quotes ~45% complete - Last updated 10/28/2014 Inquisitor Quotes Not started Dryad Quotes Not started Dragon Mage Quotes Not started ======Changelog====== Added Fleeing Enemies This rarely occurs on proper difficulty with base to high survival bonus.Enemies mostly run away from you when their level is lesser than you but some range attackers' hit&run also triggers these lines. Added Stronger Enemies Getting closer to certain enemies,including champions trigger this.It happens quote often with high survival bonus. Added Stepping on T-Energy Bog This section has very limited number of lines and might be removed. Added Inventory Overload Triggers while trying to pick up an item with full inventory Added Near Death This happens when the character is below 10% health Added Attacking ranged unit If I am not wrong,this only happens when melee character gets attacked by physical ranged attacker.Only Seraphim's lines are available this time. November 31 2014 Update Shadow path contains extra lines vs certain enemy types.Added new lines for Humans and Goblins. Replaced Light&Shadow Campaign with ☺☻ unicode symbols to match in-game alignment symbols. Added Boss Encounters Approaching Main Quest Bosses will trigger this. Gar'Colosssus and Octagolamus are confirmed.
  6. Dual Wield Exalted Warrior/Revered Technology Seraphim Hello everyone! For those who still play this game nowadays, in the following lines I will share my personal Sacred 2 guide for one of my favorite characters, the Seraphim. As the title say, we will mainly be using combat arts from the Exalted Warrior aspect and a few from the Revered Technology aspect, mainly the energy shield. So, let's begin! 1. Skill build Level 2 - Tactics Lore (keep this close to your character level) - One of the most important skills for our Seraphim since it increases the damage dealt by weapons and the critical chance as well! (you should put at least 1 point in Tactics Lore per level up or if you want, 2 points every 2 level ups so you can master it at level 75). Level 3 - Exalted Warrior Focus (at least 75 points for mastery) - Probably our second most important skill after Tactics Lore due to the regeneration and penalty decrease for the Exalted Warrior combat arts. Master it at level 75. Level 5 - Armor Lore (keep it around half of your character's level) - Great skill due to the regeneration reduction of our combat arts as well as penalty diminish from the equipment. Try to have the penalty limit around 15-20 levels higher than your character level (for example, a level 60 Seraphim should have no penalty for gear level 75-80). This is because we will mainly be using set or unique items that mostly comes with a way higher level than our character, especially if they're dropped from bosses. Level 8 - Dual Wield (you can keep this at half of your character's level) - Good skill for a bit of attack and attack speed boost. The penalty limit threshold should be the same as Armor Lore's, you should be able to use weapons up to 15-20 levels more than yours without penalties. Level 12 - Revered Technology Focus (at least 75 points for mastery; you can keep it 1/2 of your character's level) - We'll learn the Focus skill first for the regeneration time decrease as well as penalty threshold. Very important skill in our build. Level 18 - Revered Technology Lore (you can keep this 1/3 of your character's level since we will be using Flaring Nova more for crowd control rather than damage and also the energy shield benefits more from Warding Energy Lore rather than from Revered Technology Lore) Level 25 - Constitution (keep it around 1/3 of your level until later levels, when it can be 1/2) - More health is always good to have. Level 35 - Concentration (don't put too many points in this since we are using it mostly for the second buff) - At this point of the game we should be able to have some regeneration reduction equipment (or at least some gear with regeneration reduction from buffs), so the regeneration increase from the second buff shouldn't be a major problem. Level 50 - Warding Energy Lore (put as many points as you need; you can keep the ratio from Constitution as well, 1/3 of your character's level on Silver difficulty and then at higher difficulties you can keep it 1/2 or even 2/3, if you like a more 'tanky' approach) - Improves your energy shield and indirectly, your health, since it strengthens your survivability in battle. Level 65 - Toughness (don't spend too much time on this, just keep it 1/3 of your character's level or even 1/4) - Just for a little more resistance against every damage type. 1.1 Skill mastery order (personal preference) 1st mastery - Tactics Lore (for more critical hit chance) 2nd mastery - Exalted Warrior Focus (for further regeneration and penalty decrease for Pelting Strikes, Dashing Alacrity and Battle Stance buff) 3rd mastery - Revered Technology Focus (for further regeneration and penalty decrease for Flaring Nova and Warding Energy buff) 4th mastery - Dual Wield (to grant the chance to inflict double hits with your weapons) 5th mastery - Armor Lore (for further regeneration penalty decrease) 6th mastery - Warding Energy Lore (for even more faster shield regeneration) 7th mastery - Revered Technology Lore (for more Flaring Nova damage; it improves the energy shield as well) 8th mastery - Constitution (to be able to regenerate health while in combat) 9th mastery - Toughness (for further increased resistance against all damage types) 10th mastery - Concentration (only for 3 active buffs at the same time; we kept Concentration at 10th mastery because we don't have a single point in Celestial Magic aspect Lore or Focus skills so we don't have a third fully modified buff to use) 2. Combat arts and buffs Exalted Warrior Aspect 1. Pelting Strikes - Our main combat art to use. The ideal regeneration time should be around 3 seconds (if you have gear with regeneration per hit bonuses of 1 or 1,5 seconds then you can have a regeneration of even 4,5 seconds). Keep it equal or lower level to the penalty threshold of Exalted Warrior Focus. 2. Dashing Alacrity - Very important combat art due to increased move speed and attack speed bonuses. Use it for long distance runs or before boss fights and watch them shred with Pelting Strikes. 3. Battle Stance (buff) - Our main buff that we'll be using. Provides a decent amount of damage, attack and defense boost. Revered Technology Aspect 1. Flaring Nova - Very good combat art when facing groups of enemies. Don't keep an eye out on the regeneration because we won't gonna be spamming this like Pelting Strikes. A regeneration of under 7-8 seconds should work. 2. Warding Energy (buff) - Our secondary buff after Battle Stance. Don't take it at early levels since it will increase the regeneration of Pelting Strikes and Flaring Nova too much and we won't gonna be using it against rats and brigands anyway. Level 30 should be enough to start read Warding Energy runes. *OPTIONAL* - 3. Divine Protection - You can use it during boss fights after your Warding Energy shield got depleted for some more protection. (be careful because it will deactivate your Warding Energy buff when the duration ends; I don't know if this is now patched or not) Celestial Magic Aspect (Optional) 1. Hallowed Restoration - Just a good healing effect after fights if you want to spare some health potions. 3. Combat arts and buffs modifications Pelting Strikes Succession - chance for double hits (20%) Focus - require less energy (20%) Precision - increases the chance to land critical hits (9.9% + 0,1% per level of Pelting Strikes) Dashing Alacrity Bloodlust - further increases attack speed (10% + 0,3% per level of Dashing Alacrity) Delay - increases the duration of Dashing Alacrity (with 50%) Impatience - reduces the cooldown of Dashing Alacrity (with 33,3%) Battle Stance (buff) Premonition - further increases attack value (12,5% + 2,5% per level of Battle Stance) Drill - reduces the energy cost to maintain Battle Stance (not sure how much to be honest but it's always good to have) Retaliation - small chance to reflect close combat damage (20% chance, increases slightly per level of Battle Stance) Flaring Nova Impulse - sends out 2 pulses, but reduces strength (around 30% damage reduction) Stun - chance to stun enemies within range (19,8% + 0,2% per level of Flaring Nova) Laggard - slows the targets down (25% + 0,5% per level of Flaring Nova) Warding Energy Field Force - strengthens the energy field and absorbs more damage until it is exhausted (50% increase from base value) Field Force - improves the energy field and absorbs more damage until it is exhausted (50% increase from base value) Resource - reduces the energy cost to maintain the shield (50% + 0,5% reduction per level of Warding Energy) Divine Protection Dampen - absorbs more damage (10% + 0,1% per level of Divine Protection) Uplifted Force - improves the energy shield (33,3% increase) Improved Reflection - chance to reflect projectile damage (50% + 1% per level of Divine Protection) 4. Weapons and equipment 4.1 Weapons by the level 50 mark you should have a different slot for each damage type (Physical, Magical, Fire, Ice and Poison) I personally use Poison damage weapons for the main slot (upgraded with Poison Fangs) due to Poison secondary effect (damage over type), which is a personal preference of mine - you can use any damage type as a main, it's pure preferential you can either use swords or hafted weapons, but don't combine them in the same weapon slot (like a dual wielding a sword and an axe) always keep the weapon with the higher damage on your right hand because it's the first hand we attack with and combat arts like Pelting Strikes or Soul Hammer will deal more damage this way best modifiers and effects to use on your weapons: +X% damage to the same damage your weapon has, Regeneration per hit (1-1,5 seconds should be more than enough), Lifeleech, Critical hit chance, Double hit chance, +X% Attack, +X to Attack or +X to Exalted Warrior aspect for greedier players, Experience per kill and Chance to find valuables are good too, but don't imprison yourself just in these or you'll suffer later in the game (tip available for both weapons and equipment) 4.2 Equipment I personally prefer Niokaste's Blade Dance set due to bonuses to Exalted Warrior aspect LATE EDIT: I also find Genesis Siderea set amazingly good due to the % Lifeleech bonus (if you can find both pieces of the Tooth and Nail set you'll have another % Lifeleech bonus) best modifiers and effects you can use on your equipment: +X% or +X Armor, +X% or +X to Defense, Regeneration per hit, Regeneration decrease to Combat Arts or to Exalted Warrior aspect, Lifeleech, +X% shield absorption, Spell resistance or +to all skills jewelry is pure preferential, I personally use +Damage, +Attack, Lifeleech or Regeneration per hit rings and +Armor, +Attack and Defense, +to all skills or Damage mitigation amulets (you can socket some of these modifiers in your weapons and equipment as well) 4.3 Relics use each set of relics for every resistance needed (I personally use the main set with mixed relics and the other ones with Poison resistance relics, Fire resistance relics and Ice resistance relics) unique or set relics (from the Community Patch) are the best ones, so keep every one of these you find until you find better ones 5. Attributes at early levels (1-25), you should put points into both Strength (for some melee damage and attack boost) and Stamina (for some regeneration decrease until we find proper equipment) in a 50-50 ratio (60-40 or 40-60 ratio can work too) after level 25 you can occasionally start putting points into Vitality (for more health) and Willpower (for a little bit more Warding Energy shield power) after level 50, when you will gain 2 attribute points to spend, ONE should always go into Strength and the other one either into Vitality, Willpower or Stamina (into Stamina only if you really need to); if you feel you don't need either Vitality, Willpower or Stamina then you can up both points into Strength after level 150, when you will gain 3 attribute points to spend, TWO should always go into Strength and the other one either into Vitality or Willpower, based on your personal preference; if you feel you don't need either Vitality or Willpower then you can up all three points into Strength 6. Play style Expert Touch option is pure preferential (I personally have it ON since I am using a lot of Regeneration per hit modifiers) control large groups of mobs via Flaring Nova (remember that we send 2 pulses from the modification, so, it's an increased chance to either stun or slow down the annoying enemies) slay champion type enemies with Pelting Strikes (3 or 4 hits should pretty much wipe them) use Dashing Alacrity to chase down fleeing enemies, ranged fighters or mages who tend to run away at distance in battles before entering boss battles, don't forget to switch to the relics set that offer the needed resistance (example, Fire relics against Carnach) cast Dashing Alacrity before boss battles as well and spam Pelting Strikes until they die (Pelting Strikes will hit faster due to increased attack speed from Dashing Alacrity modification) after your Warding Energy shield gets depleted during a boss fight (or you get debuffed by certain bosses like The Harpy Queen or The White Griffin) cast Divine Protection shield to protect yourself best unique mount you can use: Exalted Warrior Sabertooth Tiger (-33,3% regeneration decrease to Exalted Warrior aspect) collect every dropped items from mobs (even the common ones), you will need lots of gold for constantly upgrading our weapons and gear 7. Pros and cons Pros extremely powerful against both single targets and groups fast and easy boss killing huge amounts of damage dealt in small periods of time both offensive and defensive build extremely tanky type of Seraphim Cons some players may find it boring and repetitive low versatility since it requires a certain play style very dependent on Battle Stance and Warding Energy buffs pure melee style can be a bit weak and slow without Dashing Alacrity and Pelting Strikes combat arts As a final word, I really hope this guide will help you in developing a really strong and fun to play type of Seraphim. Good luck and have fun wiping the lands of Ancaria!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This mod enables the High Elf and Seraphim to have Silver Hair. Installation: Use the Generic Mod Enabler to install this mod (free at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml). It's a few extra steps at the outset, but it saves headaches and frustration in the long run. Download the GME, install it to your Sacred 2 root folder and run it.* Place the "High Elf & Seraphim Silver Hair Mod" into the new MODS folder generated in the Sacred 2 root folder by the GME. Activate the mod with the GME. To uninstall use the GME to deactivate it.
  8. SERAPHIM BLACK ARCANNA View File Seraphim was my first character and she did not disappoint. The smooth Attack animation, the sci-fi powers and need I say the heels ... running in sand without sinking an inch and landing upright from a somersault down a cliff. Hence, I've decided to give her a little makeover starting with the boots, then the stockings which garters seem to always show. Pre-selected files for those with alternatives are included in the main file BLACK ARCANNA. The other zip files are the compilations of color or design options I had but also include the presets for completion. My retexture for her is rather basic but still meets my preference. Her black footwear and longer gloves inspired by The Witcher 3's Yennefer. The gold accents were my personal touch to make her look a little more exquisite. As for the powers, I wanted to go for something reminiscent of DC Comics' Raven. Black colored laser beams should look cool but nigh impossible so I settled with Violet Arcane magic. Similar to the Daemon from my previous post, I gave her eyes, brows and lips this time from Yennefer, removing the regular war paint in the process. I also lowered her hairline and gave her three hair colors -- black, auburn and white -- with different colored hair ties since I'm indecisive. I have also accidentally discovered a bug which erases the pigtails and included it in the zip file. Above are three of her less popular buffs. Light Shield with astrological signs since I wanted to keep it simple but rune-ish. Strength of Faith which I turned into an ankh -- Egyptian symbol of life. Light uses the same texture as Rotating Blades of Light but since I use the latter more often I had to turn the former to a light pink to make the other one violet. Usually preferred damaging spells RBoL and Lightning Bolt both turned violet. My boss killer, Celestial Light, with the in-game screenshot as the preset and the ones on the right -- 12 Zodiacs and Hallows -- as alternatives compiled into one zip. I am unsure of the potential of Energy Bolts since I don't use it but because it looks nice and reminds me of Starfire's star bolts from the DC Comics' Teen Titans cartoon I've recolored it as well. Last but not least, magical BFG shots to keep things consistent with the witchy theme. Violet Arcane and Storm magic along with the original Blue ones they came from; topmost as preset but everything found in the zip. NOTE: You might observe that several glowing objects in-game such as lamp posts may be recolored light pink because of this mod. If you find that this ruins the mood, skipping 5 TGA files starting with "PARTICLE" should fix it. This, however, reverts some of the skills to their original color. INSTALLATION. Unzip the file/s of your choosing and paste them within the PAK folder from where you installed Sacred. Enjoy! Submitter Ysendra Submitted 10/25/2019 Category Sacred Mods  
  9. SERAPHIM TEAL SORCERESS View File Big fan of Diablo 2's Sorceress. I've lost count of the years I spent on & off playing with her destructive Area of Effect magic. I considered then to make a reskin for the Seraphim based on her color scheme -- Teal or Dark Green with a shade of Red for hair. Other notable characters comes into mind with this such as the alternate outfit of Triss Merigold from the Witcher 3 (made more popular by cosplayers and at times intrusive ads on the web), Mera, love interest to Aquaman, from DC Comics ... and then there's Little Mermaid. I have included zip compilations of design options for Celestial Light and BFG in addition to the TEAL SORCERESS presets. D2's sorceress has a middle Eastern vibe to her visuals so I gave her a tan, facial features -- one being eyes a little rounder than those I used on the black version -- and I also removed the war paint and lowered her hair line. Outfit is just a teal recolor of the black one. SKILLS. Same as the Black reskin with Violet powers, changing skills to Teal would yield a range of colors such as mint, cyan, teal and blue brighter than the original. Twelve Zodiac signs as Celestial Light preset to make it look like a spell circle but not too intricate to become pixelated and Diablo's pentagram and a Yin & Yang symbol as alternative designs. Teal Storm Magic as the pre-selected BFG bullets with Arcane energy balls as an alternative as well as my hybrid sorceress' main attack spell, scorching Fireballs. Having tried other mods while in the process of making my personalized version, I have deduced that the BFG, and other skills such as the Daemon and BM fire spells for this matter, smoothly cycles through several textures to produce a pulsating effect. With this knowledge I have made Rainbow Disco Lights. NOTE: Recoloring particles for this texture mod may affect other objects in-game which use the same files. If you find it intrusive you may skip copying TGA files with names starting with "PARTICLE." This would turn the glow on lamp posts, etc. and some of the skills back to their regular hue. INSTALLATION. Paste selected unzipped files inside the PAK folder of your Sacred Install Directory. Enjoy! Submitter Ysendra Submitted 10/25/2019 Category Sacred Mods  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Big fan of Diablo 2's Sorceress. I've lost count of the years I spent on & off playing with her destructive Area of Effect magic. I considered then to make a reskin for the Seraphim based on her color scheme -- Teal or Dark Green with a shade of Red for hair. Other notable characters comes into mind with this such as the alternate outfit of Triss Merigold from the Witcher 3 (made more popular by cosplayers and at times intrusive ads on the web), Mera, love interest to Aquaman, from DC Comics ... and then there's Little Mermaid. I have included zip compilations of design options for Celestial Light and BFG in addition to the TEAL SORCERESS presets. D2's sorceress has a middle Eastern vibe to her visuals so I gave her a tan, facial features -- one being eyes a little rounder than those I used on the black version -- and I also removed the war paint and lowered her hair line. Outfit is just a teal recolor of the black one. SKILLS. Same as the Black reskin with Violet powers, changing skills to Teal would yield a range of colors such as mint, cyan, teal and blue brighter than the original. Twelve Zodiac signs as Celestial Light preset to make it look like a spell circle but not too intricate to become pixelated and Diablo's pentagram and a Yin & Yang symbol as alternative designs. Teal Storm Magic as the pre-selected BFG bullets with Arcane energy balls as an alternative as well as my hybrid sorceress' main attack spell, scorching Fireballs. Having tried other mods while in the process of making my personalized version, I have deduced that the BFG, and other skills such as the Daemon and BM fire spells for this matter, smoothly cycles through several textures to produce a pulsating effect. With this knowledge I have made Rainbow Disco Lights. NOTE: Recoloring particles for this texture mod may affect other objects in-game which use the same files. If you find it intrusive you may skip copying TGA files with names starting with "PARTICLE." This would turn the glow on lamp posts, etc. and some of the skills back to their regular hue. INSTALLATION. Paste selected unzipped files inside the PAK folder of your Sacred Install Directory. Enjoy!
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Seraphim was my first character and she did not disappoint. The smooth Attack animation, the sci-fi powers and need I say the heels ... running in sand without sinking an inch and landing upright from a somersault down a cliff. Hence, I've decided to give her a little makeover starting with the boots, then the stockings which garters seem to always show. Pre-selected files for those with alternatives are included in the main file BLACK ARCANNA. The other zip files are the compilations of color or design options I had but also include the presets for completion. My retexture for her is rather basic but still meets my preference. Her black footwear and longer gloves inspired by The Witcher 3's Yennefer. The gold accents were my personal touch to make her look a little more exquisite. As for the powers, I wanted to go for something reminiscent of DC Comics' Raven. Black colored laser beams should look cool but nigh impossible so I settled with Violet Arcane magic. Similar to the Daemon from my previous post, I gave her eyes, brows and lips this time from Yennefer, removing the regular war paint in the process. I also lowered her hairline and gave her three hair colors -- black, auburn and white -- with different colored hair ties since I'm indecisive. I have also accidentally discovered a bug which erases the pigtails and included it in the zip file. Above are three of her less popular buffs. Light Shield with astrological signs since I wanted to keep it simple but rune-ish. Strength of Faith which I turned into an ankh -- Egyptian symbol of life. Light uses the same texture as Rotating Blades of Light but since I use the latter more often I had to turn the former to a light pink to make the other one violet. Usually preferred damaging spells RBoL and Lightning Bolt both turned violet. My boss killer, Celestial Light, with the in-game screenshot as the preset and the ones on the right -- 12 Zodiacs and Hallows -- as alternatives compiled into one zip. I am unsure of the potential of Energy Bolts since I don't use it but because it looks nice and reminds me of Starfire's star bolts from the DC Comics' Teen Titans cartoon I've recolored it as well. Last but not least, magical BFG shots to keep things consistent with the witchy theme. Violet Arcane and Storm magic along with the original Blue ones they came from; topmost as preset but everything found in the zip. NOTE: You might observe that several glowing objects in-game such as lamp posts may be recolored light pink because of this mod. If you find that this ruins the mood, skipping 5 TGA files starting with "PARTICLE" should fix it. This, however, reverts some of the skills to their original color. INSTALLATION. Unzip the file/s of your choosing and paste them within the PAK folder from where you installed Sacred. Enjoy!
  12. Version 1.2.0


    I am still working on the elf, in another file, soon, I will upload the bodypaint and the reduced heads with bright eyes that are seen in these images. Installation: Copy the mq folder to the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Deep Silver\Sacred 2 Gold Edition\pak\mq Requirements:
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Regards, I bring you a version inspired by the Seraphim of the E3 Trailer. Mask slightly modified + Tattoo of Ancaria. Installation: Copy the mq folder to the path C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Deep Silver \ Sacred 2 Gold Edition \ pak Requirements:
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Eye Mod for Sacred 2 This is a simple texture mod that replaces the glowing eyes with normal human eyes for the Seraphim, Shadow Warrior, and Inquisitor. Extract the archive then install with the Generic Mod Enabler available at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml This mod should work with any version of Sacred 2, with or without expansions or Community Patch. It will work on top of other mods - just install it last to be sure it overrides other texture mods. Works with normal or elite textures enabled.
  15. Sacred 2 Eye Mod View File Eye Mod for Sacred 2 This is a simple texture mod that replaces the glowing eyes with normal human eyes for the Seraphim, Shadow Warrior, and Inquisitor. Extract the archive then install with the Generic Mod Enabler available at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml This mod should work with any version of Sacred 2, with or without expansions or Community Patch. It will work on top of other mods - just install it last to be sure it overrides other texture mods. Works with normal or elite textures enabled. Submitter Flix Submitted 08/15/2018 Category Fallen Angel Miscellaneous  
  16. 1,739 downloads

    Name: Virtues of the Seraphim Type: Armor and Weapon Set Class: Seraphim Requirements: Community Patch Set Components: (Helmet) True Faith (Armor) Dedication (Shoulders) Resilience (Wings Honour (Arms) Fairness (Gloves) Protective Hands (Belt) Austerness (Legs) Sense of Duty (Boots) Steadfastness (Sword) Holy Wrath (Shield) Patience of Saints Sockets: Bronze: 1 Silver: 8 Gold: 10 Complete Set Bonus: Survival Bonus +X%(2 items) Chance to disregard armor +X% (3 items) Chance for Secondary Effect +X% (4 items) Combat art range +X% (6 items) Max. Hitpoints +X (7 items) All Skills +X (8 items) For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following links: Wiki Page Item Levels: Silver: 15, 30, 45, 60 Gold: 60, 75, 90, 105 Platinum: 105, 120, 135, 150 Niobium: 150, 165, 180, 195, 210 Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.
  17. Version 1.0.1


    works with CM Patch v0160 + S2EE Visual update for "niokastes bladedancer". There are 4 element-themes so far. This mod uses models of other item sets so dont be surprised, if your other sets look different.
  18. Power Unleashed View File works with CM Patch v0160 + S2EE Visual update for "niokastes bladedancer". There are 4 element-themes so far. This mod uses models of other item sets so dont be surprised, if your other sets look different. Submitter lolli42 Submitted 04/10/2018 Category Ice & Blood Patches and Mods  
  19. Sacred 2 High Elf & Seraphim Silver Hair Mod View File This mod enables the High Elf and Seraphim to have Silver Hair. Installation: Use the Generic Mod Enabler to install this mod (free at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml). It's a few extra steps at the outset, but it saves headaches and frustration in the long run. Download the GME, install it to your Sacred 2 root folder and run it.* Place the "High Elf & Seraphim Silver Hair Mod" into the new MODS folder generated in the Sacred 2 root folder by the GME. Activate the mod with the GME. To uninstall use the GME to deactivate it. Submitter Hooyaah Submitted 03/21/2018 Category Fallen Angel Tools  
  20. 398 downloads

    Name: Genesis Siderea Type: Armor Set Class: Seraphim Requirements: Community Patch 1.50 This CM Patch Seraphim mini-set was made by Pesmontis and is themed around star-formation. Set Components: (Helmet) Vessel of Chaos (Armor) Dawn of Scheherazade (Gloves) Fusion Igniters (Belt) Cradle of Light (Boots) Dark Matter Conduits (Wings) Star Meadows Sockets: Bronze: 0 Silver: 4 Gold: 5 Complete Set Bonus: Chance for Secondary Effect +X% (2) Detrimental Magic Effects -X% (3) All Skills +X (5) Leech Life from Opponents +X% (6) For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following links: Wiki Page Development Thread Item Levels: Silver: 15, 30, 45, 60 Gold: 60, 75, 90, 105 Platinum: 105, 120, 135, 150 Niobium: 150, 165, 180, 195, 210 Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.
  21. Version 7.63 Beta


    All the runes you could want and some expensive goodies....
  22. 1,151 downloads

    These chests contains all Seraphim Uniques present in Sacred 2 with Ice and Blood Add-on. The set items and new items from the Community Patch are NOT included. These chests contain: Helmet of Insanity Scribe Bracers ot Atherton Muadib's Visions Aelfren's Corsage Bodhie's Resistance Aelfren's Girdle Bodhie's Vestment Bodhie's Promise Divine Armor Angel's Wings The Bulwark Blade Breaker The information below applies to all items. Item levels: Silver difficulty: Levels 20, 35, 50 Gold difficulty: Levels 65, 80, 95, Platinum difficulty: Levels 110, 125, 140, Niob difficulty: Levels 155, 170, 185, 200 NOTE: Due to the fact that the chests contain mixed items that have different level jump in game, some items can be of slightly higher levels than listed above. For example level 205 instead of 200. Instructions: The chest files should be extracted from this archive and copied from the respective folders to the savegame folder. Only one of the chests can be installed at the time. The location of the savegame folder is given below. For Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Windows Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing any of these files will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
  23. Version 2.0


    Name: Sopor Aethernis Type: Armor Set Class: Seraphim Requirements: Community Patch Set Components: (Helmet) Starlight (Armor) Creators legacy (Shoulders) Breath of the Firmament (Wings) Eternal breeze (Arms) Bearer of Light (Gloves) Pulse of time (Belt) Sash of Infinity (Legs) Pillars of Millenia (Boots) Striders of aeons Sockets: Bronze: 2 Silver: 8 Gold: 7 Complete Set Bonus: Intelligence (3) Combat Art Skills (4) Chance to find valuables (6) All combat arts (8) For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following links: Wiki Page Item Levels: Silver: 15, 30, 45, 60 Gold: 60, 75, 90, 105 Platinum: 105, 120, 135, 150 Niobium: 150, 165, 180, 195, 210 Instructions: Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest. For XP, it's located in: C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 For Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.
  24. File Name: Rayna the Exalted Warrior File Submitter: Rayna File Submitted: 25 Jun 2017 File Category: Community Patch Seraphim Builds Level 49, Bronze campaign finished, all quests completed, map fully explored(82%); Developed according to pre-established build, use only unique and set items. Click here to download this file
  25. 99 downloads

    Level 49, Bronze campaign finished, all quests completed, map fully explored(82%); Developed according to pre-established build, use only unique and set items.
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