Nihilith 0 Share Posted August 16, 2007 Just because I love it. Dedicated to Gogo not silly, but a big lot of fun to do it niark niark ! Cya Link to comment
Funkilicious 1 Share Posted August 16, 2007 Dont have a pic but we had some weird and wonderful things happen on the server last night, first I had the bats and wolf attached to me on isle, grrrr could have used them on the field but they wouldn't budge. Curtis and I were playing our dwarf twins in Zhurog and only us in the game, and hey presto we are joined by another ghostly dwarf with a huge hammer (we use protos so not even a replica of our characters) and had a players name attached to it, but no one else was in the game. It happened a few times with different peoples names attaching to it, all very whacky and mysterious. Link to comment
erialc 3 Share Posted August 16, 2007 Funki the spirits of the fallen are with you! wooooo...thats pretty spooky! Link to comment
Funkilicious 1 Share Posted August 16, 2007 (edited) LOL yes it felt like it was a haunting, we got a giggle out of it Pity Derek Acorah wasn't playing with us, he could have told us what they wanted Edited August 16, 2007 by Funkilicious Link to comment
erialc 3 Share Posted August 16, 2007 I just choked laughing at that one Funki, he's scarier than any ghost! Link to comment
gogoblender 3,338 Share Posted August 16, 2007 Just because I love it.Dedicated to Gogo not silly, but a big lot of fun to do it niark niark ! Cya Brilliant! lol, the close up of her standing in the tentacles is so..smooshy! gogo Link to comment
Arilaftia 1 Author Share Posted August 24, 2007 Oh we had a couple more! a few night ago, there were some really strange glitches with mom and her horse.. She didn't die but it showed her if she was... and she could run around the isle for about a minute or so like this... and this was just plain funny! It all started with my bunny from Braverock! (I still thank Demonjay for showing me this bunny of total devastation!) Then Curtis and I went and rescued the sheep.. hmm then the cows... then we needed the chicken! haha Here is BBQ feast Ready to travel! Link to comment
ocurtiso 0 Share Posted August 28, 2007 I just had a weird game bug that prompted me to take my first screen shot so I could share the oddness. I was on my dwarf and went to change some runes in but instead of being offered a rune I was offered a gold dragon. I of course tried to accept the dragon after taking the pic but I didnt get him and the game ate my runes for trying, but still I had to give it a shot Link to comment
~Night.Wolfe~ 16 Share Posted August 28, 2007 Wow that one is awesome! ROFLOL I wanna trade for a dragon! LOL. Link to comment
Arilaftia 1 Author Share Posted August 28, 2007 haha Oh me too! Thats just wicked!! Thanks Curtis!! Awesome catch!! Link to comment
Funkilicious 1 Share Posted August 28, 2007 Oh is that what you were trying to tell me about, lol can I have a pet dragon too Link to comment
ocurtiso 0 Share Posted August 29, 2007 here is another pic of game oddity, Ari had to close her game and rejoin but it left her old character where she had been standing when she left. When she rejoined I took a pic of her standing beside her self Link to comment
Arilaftia 1 Author Share Posted August 29, 2007 Wow now that adds a whole new level of gaming! How many of me can party with me?! We did see this again today when Claire joined than lost connection.. Her dwarf stayed on the isle. as well as our overspawning horses. Link to comment
promatolya 5 Share Posted August 29, 2007 I had the funniest thing too today, but I was so confused I totally forgot to take a screenie. but my dwarf allways uses greed, but this time when I activated greed, I swear it just kept firing mortars. So I checked the CA slot, seemed all right. I empty the slot, put greed back in. right click, and Boom. A crater caused by mortar. didnt work a 3th time tough. come to think about it, a screenshot of such a thing would have been precision timing too, so even if I tought of it, prolly wouldnt have gotten one anyway, since the game only did it twice. got me scrathing the back of my head for a moment there tough Link to comment
DaveO 88 Share Posted September 6, 2007 After entering in game for Hardcore, Ari was nice enough to give me a whip from the Dark Elves. Mom started complaining about the merchants, so I decided to bring out my Lightsaber I got earlier with Mom's help and start swinging at the merchants. Apparently they were frightened enough to give Mom good offers on items. Wondering how far I could take this silliness, I decided to recruit my own army of Sith Apprentices via the animals around. I got Fluffy first and renamed him Lord Loads of Laughs to begin his Sith training. I decided to take a brief tour of the Dark Elf region to give the bunny the necessary training and he passed this test with flying colors. Sometimes he looked like he was charging the monsters and attacking with his mighty teeth! A bit later on, I decided to pick up the chicken, sheep, and cows to make my 'circle' of Sith Apprentices complete. After renaming the chicken Lord Feathers of Fun, and the cows and Lords Minions of Moo I got a real good picture of the whole group 'attacking' the Dark Elves. I managed to get two pictures but missed a good one where it looked like the cows were head butting the monsters. I attempted to take the whole group north to the undead cows, but a single cave fish wiped out the whole group except the chicken. Zinsho got possession of the chicken, and my hope is that the remaining exploits of Lord Feathers will be placed in this thread. Minions of Moo! Charge of the Animal Apprentices! P.S. - I did not advance a single level but the amount of mischief and fun I had was well worth the effort. Link to comment
Arilaftia 1 Author Share Posted September 20, 2007 Oh We have Lots of new shots to share! A BIG thank you to momgold for the gift of a Dust bunny! We need to take him up to the ice elves ! Get the little guy to work! We had a strange happening last night on isle.. Mom was busy shopping at bmart While on the isle... hehe I was even able to trade with her twin! A few nights back, another strange event, after stripping ice elves of there precious whips, I was on isle and somehow managed to wield both in one hand! More to come! cause well.. something strange Always happens when Im around!! Link to comment
Schot 419 Share Posted September 20, 2007 Will wonders never cease in Sacred?! Or is it just you Ari, hehehe. Wow, long distance trading. That's handy, lol. Oh and that Saber/whip... I want! Oh if that ever happens again it would be very interesting to know if each of them did damage in a single swing against an enemy. Oh! and maybe dual wield'em. Mwahaha! 4 hits per attack! Link to comment
Arilaftia 1 Author Share Posted September 24, 2007 haha How many dwarfs does it take to shop at bmart:) We all got together to help rebuild Cider Steve, although we didn't seen him come back that night, it did turn into a rather wild night of bar hopping, tag and hide and seek in Braverock! Link to comment
Katran 0 Share Posted September 24, 2007 I guess the 7 dwarfs are missing snow white. But it was a fun night. Link to comment
Arilaftia 1 Author Share Posted September 28, 2007 Another interesting afternoon! Check this out Ive never seen 6 of the same thing drop at the same time ever!! Underworld has been just weird today!! I then found half a dozen uniques and my very own voodoo doll! Link to comment
Schot 419 Share Posted September 28, 2007 haha How many dwarfs does it take to shop at bmart:) Ah the seven dwarves, lol. That was the most difficult battle I ever had. Trying to share the bmart merchant with 6 others, lol. I then found half a dozen uniques and my very own voodoo doll! Oh cool! Love that voodoo doll. It almost killed me last week when used it against a grey enemy, lol. And those drops! What is going on with UW?! I've been hearing that the servers have been a bit wonky this week. Link to comment
Arilaftia 1 Author Share Posted December 13, 2007 You must love those stranger glitches! I present Snow Globe Dwarf!! Just in time for Christmas!! hehe it happened every time warcry was cast! And here are some great shots of some recent splat fests!! >:E Schot You have to come back into game again soon! hahaha Um somehow, Im not quite sure why but the silly pirate cave got a little full... Oh poor Ganto though he just about had a heart attack! from the laughter and the spawnage! This one I only was able to get one pic of because I crashed shortly after! hehehe I do love mobs!! I tend to scare my party members with my mob tactics! Poor Demonjay was Going OMG She DIDNT! He couldn't see his deamon for all the carnage and tentcles. Link to comment
Erling 3 Share Posted December 13, 2007 oh no! I rounied you're last pic with my overtyping again I'm sorry PS: nice pics *hangs dwarf snow globes on the tree* Link to comment
ganto 0 Share Posted December 14, 2007 Great screenshots ari!! Haha..cant belive you dare to take them as you did in pirates cave. Btw, is that me on the minimap hiding in the corner? Lets add to the collection today!! Link to comment