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  1. Today
  2. Hockey => Formula One (I think, that it's clear, that hockey is much more dangerous.)
  3. Yesterday
  4. check -> hockey now... these checks are scaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaary gogo
  5. Not cannibalism. Parasites,. There are a dozen or so caterpillars who are carnivorous. The parasitic ones are the ones in the surroundings of our house. Else where aer some who activly hunt
  6. Not connected to canalisation and lot of rain - we were cleaning our wastewater ponds. Some 'dusky large blue' butterflies around who like muddy surroundings. But did you know they have very interesting caterpillars? They feed on ant larvae in the ant nest.
  7. Hi Maru! Is this a mod for Sacred or Sacred 2? Ive never heard of it... could you tell us a little about it and link us to where you first read about this? Thank you! gogo
  8. choices -> pest and cholera Saying in many languages, it is like choosing between pest and cholera
  9. Last week
  10. As so often, heat was followed by a thermal thunderstorm the next day. 50 litres rain per square metre ib just one hour, Some smaller flooding in neighbour village. For us it was good, enough water in the well now.
  11. traps -> horse owners They often do 'electro' fences .and not massive wooden ones. But many of them are weekend riders only and don't control the fences daily.
  12. wow... crazy temps ... we still got stirring cold weather here, around two to three degrees... would trade out some of it for a great view or weather like yours now...but i can feel it... Summer is coming!2 gogo
  13. parrying dagger -> Sacred Wasnt Parry a skill in the original Sacred Game? loved the history and story Chattius gogo
  14. gauche -> parrying dagger The main gauche is a subtype of the left wielded parrying dagger. Hmm, I am left handed and I wield the rapier left handed when fencing (did modern pentalthlon when highschool). So what is a main gauche for left handed people? The parrying elements don't matter ,but the thumb ring depends on hand. The normal combination, rapier and main gauche
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