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  1. Yesterday
  2. Well the last release of D2F is still sort of hanging on the return of Dmitriy, for a last few polishing issues in the code, so who knows when that will be. I don't plan on going anywhere, that's for sure. I'll check out whatever you release.
  3. There is actually some supe cool information on the wikipedia as this seems to be a well-known problem in computer science: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_common_substring And here I am with my O(min(n, m)^4) solution xD
  4. I have implemented and tested that. While this function works perfectly it is also incredible incredible slow for large strings. For 4054639731 I needed to abort because the comparison took too long. It seems I have to make optimizations. we don't need the exact return value, we just need to know wether the strings are "less equal" than a given threshold.
  5. In theory the repository is complete. In practice two things are lacking: The Analyze Tool A better String Comparison Function I have found that my function which is supposed to return how "alike" two strings are, 0 if they are identical and the higher the number, the less identical, underperforms. But see for yourself if you can spot the issue: Figured out how it works? And see the issue? The latest two are almost identical, yet the function returns 26 which is very large. But I have an idea for a better function. The idea is to find the largest matching run between the two strings, split it and then recursively compare the two left and the two right substrings and add it to the result.
  6. Buy some dogs. They sometimes even clean the dishes before your family starts eating. We had once five slaves, but three left house meanwhile... There is not much more frustating than a dinning table with 3.5*1.5 metres with only 2 people at it the three days a week the twins have fullday school.
  7. Well it's the nature of my current job that I have negligible income but don't need to pay for apartement. It has its pros and its cons, the cons definitely outweighing the pros, as e.g. I cannot choose freely where to live and have to take whatever apartement they give me. The living conditions of the past two years really have not been that great. Which is probably the understatement of the year. But it will not stay like this forever, one more year and I'll (hopefully) be able to live more free and dignified. But it is what it is, and as long as it is this way and I don't have to pay for electricity, buying ingredients and cooking them is simply more economically reasonable than buying cooked food. Pretty boring reason, but in the end it's all about the money. That being said, I do enjoy cooking a lot (actually way more than baking) and I have gotten way better at it in the past two years. If only I could spare washing the dishes Yeah it's like Panna Cotta isn't it? Incredible stuff.
  8. Volkswagen Currywurst -> branding good branding is edible gogo
  9. Curry -> Volkswagen Currywurst Once a Bratwurst with curry sauce sold at restaurants in VW factories to workers it is now sold even in supermarkets.
  10. Didnt know you were a grand cook Lindor...and with Rice as well! .. Thats actually something i dont do...i stir fry most stuff, but ...just never seem to have gotten than of rice...thats Schot's department I love reading about your try out with the silken tofu...ive enjoyed different tofus at times... someone gave me the great advice of frying them up as squares first then tossing them into salad...deeeeeeeeeeeeeeelishus!! gogo
  11. Absolutely nothing wrong with being caring or Kindly, Lindor...thats why DarkMatters is still here If after a week goes by and we dont see him ill venture sending him a Pm telling him wed like to here about his beach time gogo
  12. Last week
  13. I hope that you are right. I'm always assuming the worst, I should stop with that.
  14. I like to go to the "Go Asia" market in the city, it's my no1 place I go to when I want to try something new. Very often my asian dishes cotain rice and it has been claimed that the market has the "best" rice in stock, namely Royal Tiger. I wanted to purchase some but unfortunately it's loose rice and I do not own a rice cooker, so I went for something else instead: mungo beans! The dish I created is named Dal, but I did not know this when I started to cook Never in my life would I have guessed the way it turned out to become, but t worked! It turned out to be a very indian flavour, and I even had spare wraps which kinda fit as a replacement for Naan. I bought Silken Tofu as well, first time and the texture of it was sheer amazing! Initially I wanted it to become some sort of curry, so I bought coconut milk, but I didn't even use it in the end. I wonder wether it would be possible to cook the beans in coconut milk diectly instead of water. I have found that they need their time and heat whereas coconut milk doesn't really like it that intense. But I wonder wether it would be possible, I just didn't dare to try it out yet
  15. Hi Lindor! Everyone takes vacations from hobbies have you tried pming him? Maybe hes got a new game? Its also the beginning of a glorious warm summer... there could be a beach somewhere in your answer gogo
  16. Does anybody know something? I'm getting kinda worried lately. Is he alright?
  17. The reassemble logic to build the decoded global.res as txt from the adds.txt, smallChanges.txt, changes.txt and removes.txt files has been implemented. From here it is only a small step to finishing the project. I think that I will probably be finished by tomorrow evening. What would be nice to have would be an analyzing exe to detect inconsistencies between languages of the same mod, as I have already noticed that for S2EE not all languages share all hashes. E.g. these are the hashes EE removes for russian language, compared to PFP: and these for the english language: The difference is noticeable @Flix I think this project could be valuable for your D2F localization. Are you at least a litte bit interested to try it out before going to your well deserved retirement? And my I ask wether you plan to stay part of the community? Honestly I was kinda hoping for you to be there and try it out when I finally release my mod. I was kinda hoping to aim at the summer vacation for it, but it has been delayed so many times that it could have become a meme by now So I'm not going to set myself a time limit as I know I won't be able to keep it anyways
  18. We have a great weekend here coming on... somewhere in the wonderful states, there must be a delicious sunny bbq somwhere! gogo
  19. Gonna be degrees here in Sunny montreal... up for breakfast with Ammamma and the rest of the day is ours... Own that sun!!
  20. Thank you very much Flix for your master class! So, from your point of view, what would be most easy way to use a Male Elf that can use 2 weapons? I suppose to use an existing character as a base that is male and can use 2 weapons. There are only two, Inquisitor and Shadow Warrior. The inquisitor has armor that is not favorable for a Elf, perhaps the Shadow Warrior is the best option, right? You have commented before: "That's right, we got the High Elf dual wielding (I have yet to release my version of it) but it requires working in the assembly coding language in OllyDBG which is beyond me" Does that mean you're working on a new Mod for Sacred 2?, what are "the idea" that you have in that Mod? Could I get it and try it?
  21. That's right, we got the High Elf dual wielding (I have yet to release my version of it) but it requires working in the assembly coding language in OllyDBG which is beyond me. I can't think of a way it could be feasible, honestly. Even when I've made mods to "replace" characters, I only re-skinned the existing ones, never swapped in a different gender/model. The biggest hurdle is going to be equipment, specifically getting around the "weargroup" restrictions. You will see "weargroup" in itemtype.txt on every item and character. If you replaced the High Elf with the Shadow Warrior model (or any other model), the High Elf equipment would no longer fit, but it would be the only thing you could equip. Therefore you would either have to: 1) make all High Elf armor invisible by erasing all the textures. This way you could continue to equip it but the "base look" would be all you continue to see (good if you want to replace the High Elf with an NPC model that has armor already) or 2) change all the models of High elf armor in itemtype.txt to point to the Shadow Warrior armor instead, also updating any surface entries so that they display correctly. I would never ever do it this way. I advise to leave the zipped graphics files alone, if you need to overwrite something, instead put the new files in loose folders in the "pak" folder that mimic the original folder structure. So for example you could place files in "pak/mq/maps/heroes/driade/default" if you wanted to override those files. You'd still have to rename each file though. An even better way would be to just replace the model reference in itemtype.txt. Let's say you want the High Elf to look like the Dryad, while still keeping the existing Dryad character separate and functional. You would edit the High Elf's itemtype entry: newItemType = { -- standard info renderfamily = "RENDERFAM_CREATURE", family = "FAMILY_CREATURE", subfamily = "SUBFAM_LIFE_HIGHELF", classification = "CLF_DEFAULT", flags = "FLAG_HASHAIR + FLAG_HASBLINKANIM + FLAG_HASSOUND + FLAG_HASPREVIEWIMAGE + FLAG_NO_ANIM_OPTIMIZATION", weargroup = "WEARGROUP_HIGHELVE", -- 3d model + animation info model0Data = { name = "models/heroes/highelve/a_helve.GR2", -- Change this line user = "WEARGROUP_INVALID", }, -- logic bounding box logicBox = { minx=-9.377, miny=-14.977, minz=-0.029, maxx=6.852, maxy=8.3, maxz=68.139, }, dangerclass = 0, } mgr.typeCreate(5, newItemType); The "name" line you would change to this: name = "models/heroes/dryadin/u_dryadin.GR2", You would also need to update the hairstyles in creatureinfo.txt. I always recommend to go the scripting route rather than to overwrite graphics files whenever possible.
  22. Hello and welcome. As for the bindings, it's nothing special for me. W,S - forward/backwards movement Middle mouse - camera control and therefore character turning. Left mouse - normal attack and occasionally character movement (hard terrain or sharp turns which would take longer by just turning the camera) Right mouse - Combat Art 1,2,3,4,5 - Combar Art selection/combos F1,F2,F3,F4,F5 - weapon selection (I don't use it all that often). Space - healing potion F - recovery potion I - inventory C - attributes and skills E - combat arts Q - autocollect
  23. Thank you very much for the information Flix! I think all those changes are too difficult for me.... Did you mention that Dimitri modified a high elf with two weapons? If so, could I follow these modifications to apply them to my game? I think making a Drow in Sacred 2 is going to be more difficult than I thought hehehe Thinking about it, I think it will be easier to make a Drow by modifying the Driad. In this case I think I should start by modifying its appearance. Could I use male elf skins and replace them with the Driad's? I could use the textures of: pak/graphics02/mq/maps/heroes/highelve and pak/graphics02/mq/maps/heroes/highelve/default." and paste them in: "pak/graphics02/mq/maps/heroes/driade and pak/graphics02/mq/maps/heroes/driade/default." It would be correct? If the answer is yes, could you tell me what part of the file I would have to modify?
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