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  1. Today
  2. Thank you, wizard sir, and in my younger days, I also learned a bit of Quenya, so: "Elen síla lúmenn omentielvo!" It may be second breakfast time in Aman, where you live, but here in Middle Earth, it's late night, and I had my fair share of daily juices, so I'm a little bit lightheaded, so to speak. So if I was absent-minded anywhere, it's because of these circumstances. But tomorrow, when I wake up, I'll surely try this wizardry! So thanks again, and about that shining star of yours: "Aiya, Eärendil, elenion ancalima"!
  3. Yesterday
  4. Very well, my good Hobbit friend. Before I begin your lesson, please finish your second breakfast while I puff some pipe-weed. Then, I shall know that you are fully paying attention. Step One: Proceed carefully and at your own risk. You are strongly advised to save a copy of your characters save and stats file and your chest file. I advise, regarding the remainder of your characters to save them all and name the new folder you save them in something like: "Saved Sacred 2 Characters." This is so that you can have a good copy in case you wish to revert later for whatever reason. Now, find the quest file in the game. In the Sacred 2 Gold folder go to and open the scripts folder. Now open server folder and make a copy of the quest folder and rename it "quest original" and save it as a fallback and do not delete it! (Not EVER!) You might want to make a new folder inside the shared folder and after you have named it quest original, put that original quest file inside it. Now the remaining copy of the quest file still in the scripts folder may safely be amended. (I prefer using Notepad++) Go to line number 99 and 100 Change the lines from: local pos_table = {} local pos_named = {} to: local pos_table = [] local pos_named = [] (Please notice the bracket style change.) Now save the quest text file and with your mouse over it right click the file and open Properties. Click the box and set it to "Read Only." BE ADVISED: Next time you open the game, any character you load will not see any available quests. If this is so, then the process is working and the quests will be reset when you reload the game and play that character.* *VERY IMPORTANT: You must delete the amended quest file now, before restarting the game again and reinsert the original quest file in its place.** **Yes, please do this before you play the game again. Then, and only then, you may open Sacred 2 again and: Start the game and load the same character. Navigate your character to where they begin the first quest of the game and you may start over with the first main quest and play through all quests in the game once again. Have fun!
  5. My BFG Sera already beat the Nio guardians, she is ready for any kind of restart. And I love her with a fondness of a father! Oh, please, Mithrandir, share your knowledge with a poor old hobbit! Pretty please?
  6. Ah, then I shall keep this clandestine knowledge to myself. Perhaps this is a fitting analogy: "Why read to someone who is either asleep, apathetic, or uninterested at the time?" One day, when your Niobium character, one which you love with the fondness of a father, has completed the game and you just want to "do it all over again" without having to work so hard to create the perfect toon, this arcane knowledge will be priceless to you, good sir.
  7. Ooooo, arcane knowledge! Exciting! Well, the ones I was thinking about are in Gold, a pure caster inquisitor, and a dragon magic dragon mage who when not transformed and not calling in the dragon strike, uses a lightsaber too. Those are my current projects. I'm open to any secrets! In Nio, I only had my BFG Sera, and my shopper-smith utility Shadow warrior. The rest of them are infants in silver. I don't care much about starting quests again, it's the least I can do for the arcane knowledge!
  8. You are welcome, kind sir. Would you like to start any one of those characters fresh? There is a (secret) way to keep your characters just the way they are, but reset so that none of the quests have been started. This includes resetting main and side quests. Even the percent of the Map Revealed, Inventory, Chest, Character Level, Skills, Combat Arts, and the Survival Bonus would remain unchanged. It's especially appropriate for when you finally get your character at a high Niobium level and you just want to play all the quests over again without starting over from scratch. You would be the first person with whom I have shared this arcane knowledge.
  9. Thanks a lot for the list and the download too! I've never seen this wiki page, but I really should have found it, I think. Recently though, I got use to whining on the forum and asking everything from SLD, as he shows such tremendous patience answering my dumb questions, it's unbelievable! He is my wiki now... (Oh, Armantin too, and Torik for the Dragon mage! Of course! Memories... Yes, they're starting to come back now! I'm the other way around with the Sacreds, 2 is distant memory, 1 is fresh. But I have several chars going in 2 as well, so time to dig them up again! )
  10. You may download this file: There are also certain rare chest armors which have damage mitigation which may be obtained by shopping in addition to unique armors which occasionally drop. Other jewelry, namely Gruma's Talisman and Darwargen's Circlet also possess this modifier. Glacial Defender is not in fact terribly rare; in addition to a generous amount of damage mitigation, it also adds base armor of all types and a nice boot to Combat Art Range.
  11. Very well done, and thank you for your hard work! I'd like to ask about damage mitigation, as I'm really lacking in that department (too...) Is there maybe some list of the uniques that have damage mitigation for all types of damage? I remember the shield Glacial Defender having it for example, but it's kind of rare, I think, I don't remember finding too many items with this mod. And can it be shopped? It has been a while since I played Sacred 2, and my memory is blurry. So can this mod be found on yellow stuff too, or only on uniques? And how do you reach 100% with it? Just throwing in the uniques, or do you actually need toughness to reach it, and maybe some buff, like purifying chastisement with the modification, and the rest from items? Can every character reach it? I've never been even close to 100%, that's for sure. I've played far less Sacred2 than 1, so if you found me nooby in 1, I'm definitely even noobier in 2. Although I've been to Niobium a couple of times, and have a Nio shopper and smith, and have beaten the badguys in the end, as you might expect, I'm generally lacking technical knowledge. (And what little I had, I've mostly forgotten since.) So your work is not wasted at all, and I'm sure if Jacek will ever return, he and anyone else newish to the game reading this will find it very useful indeed! (I would still urge you to copy-paste it all to a separate guide section where it's easier to find, but it's up to you, of course!)
  12. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks... here I am before leaving house for the morning either a two to 3 k run, walk and I'm already thinking about yesterdays break fast detour... must... reeeeeeeeeeeeee ... sist!
  13. Guides are as good as the connection they make with their reader. 🥰 It could have been the tone they wrote it in, their snappy title that reads quickly and is wonderfully alliterative, images they evoked, the way they inspire a player to feel about paying this game. Everyone can make their own guide, and they will have their own troop of followers as well, who for their own unique reasons, will connect with readers Happy to have shared in your path I tried my best to contact the guide creator but the contact info could be out of date ne'er the less people , intentions and sentiments and satisfactions have a way of always making their way back to us, the source Delighted you have found our little corner of the Sacred Universe Here's SLD's favorite cow in celebration Please dont eatit theres bee a lot of use of it lately, and they could be becoming rare species gogo
  14. Ok, some recap where all the other guide stuff I already wrote is located... This is here: https://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/72710-an-easy-character-for-a-returning-sacred-2-player/#comment-7145889 This, amended with a "---character creation" part on top, is here: https://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/72710-an-easy-character-for-a-returning-sacred-2-player/page/2/#comment-7145948 From my earlier outline, I should continue with: Later socket options: From "only smithing arts and maybe runes", you transition to "one ring/amulet + Snithing arts/runes", so the "valuable" jewellery piece can still be recovered, to "basically only jewellery" in endgame. Stats that can be useful to socket are: +all skills +% damage mitigation (there are some unique amulets with this mod) -% dot damage, this is its own multiplier and can easily be stacked to 100% with a bunch of sockets, if you can't reach 100% mitigation yet. Afterwards it's kinda superflous. -% opponent's chance to evade, and +% chance opponents cannot evade, these are for attack based builds to make sure they always hit; mixing both seems to give best results. +%opponent's level for deathblow, and +% chance to disregard armour might be nice for attack based builds +% cast speed, only really useful on EE,D2F,Addendum etc where the action speed cap has been increased to 450 a value you can basically only reach with lots of socketing. +% experience and +% chance to find valuables for when you need nothing else... for casters -% regen -%aspect regen and +% chance for half regen might help, also + specific/all combat arts etc. to utilize the lower increase of regen from bonus combat art levels. In early/midgame runes with "life gain on hit" can be used to help with life recovery on certain builds that otherwise would lack it and the seraphim runes with +% physical damage mitigation can be used to reach full physical immunity early, which can, in the easier parts of the game, nullify almost everything. Also in everything pre addendum, socketed set jewellery doesn't count as "worn" for the set bonus. So don't make that mistake Something on item mods: For the hitchance stuff, spells always hit, attacks can use "attack value"(ok) and the "-% opponent's chance to evade" and "+%opponents cannot evade" mods(better). Havibg a mixture of all the option seems to yield the best results. I wouldn't actively pursue "attack value" as it usually does the least. Attack based combat arts usually come with a built in bonus for attack rating that can't be seen anywhere in game, so your actual hit chance with a combat art will most likely be higher than the one shown on the "last ten enemies"-section of the skill tab. 100%(or more) hit chance is a reasonable goal and every attack based character should aim to reach that asap. "-% opponent's chance to evade" on rings boots, gloves and bracers can appear in stores somewhere around level 5 I think at least by level 8 it should be quite possible to buy. It is a kind of trash level mod so it does not need bargaining at all. Buying a lot of gear/rings and socketing this stuff is the main way for attack based characters to reach good hit chance at early levels. Mitigation and Dot Reduction: Both add with themselves and multiply with each other. Stacking 100% dot reduction will basically negate every damage over time effect on you. Stacking 100% damaage mitigation will do the same and also negate the damage from every hit you take. Sounds super OP? It is. Though there are a few things to remember: Vulnerability(from enemy spells) is the same as -%mitigation so your 100% immunity might turn out far less impressive should a monster have this effect. Also, monsters with "ancient magic mastery" can also penetrate some of that mitigation. Both of these cases are usually super rare and/or require high level enemies. Usually a 100% mitigation character should do quite well. Lifeleech effects from enemies attacks or spells don't do "damage" in the usual way. This special damage can't be mitigated so this can still hurt. It is however only encountered in some areas of the game. The main downside of going 100% mitigation is, that it is really hard to get. There are not that many sources for this mod and reaching 100% can take quite a while depending on what mod/version of the game one is playing. Under normal circumstances you should not expect reaching 100% all channel mitigation before hitting level 100. But even in cases where you can't reach 100%, damage mitigation remains one of if not the most valuable defensive stat in the game. For those that don't or don't yet reach 100% mitgation the dot reduction stat might be a useful way to deal with many of the most damaging annoyances in the game and this stat is far easier to max out, but again is already worth it without reaching max. Lifeleech%: From the most broken defensive stat in the game we move to the most broken offensive stat in the game, that at the same time is also the most broken recovery stat in the game. The %LL bonus, as everything that's cool, only works with attacks(except maybe in the addendum it can apply to spells with a chance...). It takes the % value of the opponents maxmum hitpoints(or current in the addendum) as basis for a massive chunk of extra damage on said opponent and healing for you. Especially on bosses this amount often outscales all other damage you can come up with and heal you by more than your maximum life every time you hit them. As an example, endgame bosses in niobium can have like 4 million hitpoints so a single %lifeleech would add 40k damage and self heal to every hit you do to them. While 40k may sound like an achievable number of damage with a good build, you are not limited to 1%LL and your character can still do normal damage on top. So it should be obvious that this mod is super op and of course it is agein quite limited in the available sources. In the base game you only get it on Two handed melee weapons, throwing stars, and very few unique/legendary one handed melee weapons and one legendary energy staff. On top of that there are some full set bonuses with it and that's basically it. The CM patch and some other mods drastically alter this availability mostly leading to higher maximum values being achievable in the end. Against non boss enemies this mod is of course nowhere near as effective and having a good baseline of "normal" damage is always a good thing, but it still provides good recovery in these situations. LL% is a "must have" for all attack based builds, and if it can't be combined with good normal damage it could at least be stuck in a weapon swap. This odd mod also does its damage per hit, so one should always aim for as many hits per time to shorten the boss shredder process To give an example of where this mod can go, with CM-Patch you can make a shadow warrior with kanka set(should be around 4%LL+), a jewellery set with ~2%LL and dual wielding something like Kal'Dur's legacy or rare fist weapons ~3%each leading to 12%LL+... If you get it to 12.5% or have enough normal damage one use of "frenzied rampage" would kill the boss even without rolling a single "double hit". You could also go with a Khral's sceptre(~4%LL) and shoot 4x10%LL with the same combat art. This would execute a lot faster though you'd have to use it a few times in a row... When you now "upgrade" your game to EE and use the full 450 attack/cast speed cap the question of "how many seconds does it take to kill a boss?" starts to shift more towards "how many bosses can I kill in a second"... That was now all the stuff my original list contained besides the two builds. Especially the mods and socketing stuff may be lacking other important things so if you like socketing something else and wonder why it's not on the list it might just be an oversight. I did not go through a list of all the mods, this is just what I came up with right now. For the mod stuff it's even worse than the socketing half, as here I didn't think at all and just wrote about the stuff I came up with in the original outline. I'm sure there's more that should end up in this category. This turned into quite a lot, so I guess it's time to recharge the power-cow
  15. I read the guide and the linked guide it was based on. I have no clue what the missing sections could have contained, other than a suggestion on what attribute to raise and how to "glitch ourselves into the ocean". He seemingly doesn't use any combat arts except the movement skill, the picture suggests he doesn't even use buffs. For a breakdown of this guide's quality: Mechanics: -"Armor Lore-(Get hit less often)" and -"damage mitigation is a modifier that reduces all damage, regardless of source, before all damage calculations have been made." Should yield about an "F" in "game mechanics"... Just to clarify, armor lore doesn't affect hit rates at all and damage mitigation is a seperate multiplier that doesn't effect anything else therefore saying it comes "before all other damage calculations" is just misleading. It does for example not affect the damage reduction via armor. Content wise: Someone made a dual wield seraphim for whatever reason and this guide suggests adapting that idea by dumping all combat arts... Well someone had fun, so I guess it was worth it?
  16. I just tried to google what you were talking about and found nothing Luckily you said you posted something and via your post history I could find the answer... And yes, that dragon was known back in the day. The problem with the internet is, that for things you want it to forget, it never does, but for things you don't want it to forget its memory quickly turns into swiss cheese. Loosing many Sacred fansites and all official forums just killed a lot of knowledge... Thank you!
  17. Last week
  18. Thanks so much for the kind response! The level of activity on this forum just goes to show how timeless this game is, and how there's really still no comparable replacement out that meets the same level of quality and complexity. Cheers!
  19. Bravo ShapeShyphte, great seeing you here with your first post on the board and seeing you connect to a guide that makes you want to play! Thats an endearing response you've written to this build's creator... and I understand that you'd love to see him create more for the build... There are a good number of other players here who love the game's class mechanics, perhaps someone will have some info that can help you out..I know that feeling when you connect to a guide that excites you and in your heart you can see the movie version of your Toon taking out the evil doers in Ancaria. I'll try and contact this member for you, perhaps he'll respond and will have some more delights to delve into with us? Thanks again for finding us and welcome to DarkMatters! gogo
  20. I know this has sat for a while, so it's unlikely, but I (and likely many others) would love to see the missing sections return. This kind of build is honestly something I find really cool and a fun way to roleplay the Seraphim class.
  21. One of my first posts in this forum was debunking that the dragon hatchling was discovered in 2016, I knew that dragon from the old days, I checked a Spanish forum that I used to visit and there was a post from 2006 that also cited and older source. At that point I realized that there is information that has been lost over time or is simply unknown to people of other languages. And that's my trick, I have been reading in multiple languages (thanks google translate). I decided to check the information in the wiki article because it said "It is impossible for any character to have all four glows at a time" and later there was a screenshot of a Daemoness with all four glows... (in that picture we can see the daemoness is using a Sneaking Ring of the Dead). I got the information about the saddle and these unique items in this Russian article: https://vk.com/page-8640958_25649303 The funny thing is that the Russian article have also wrong information, it states that "If the resistances or damages are numerically equal, then the first one is considered" when none of them is considered, the same article then adds "Ozzy's Ring does not grant a second additional point, it is unclear why" not realizing that error. I ended testing the saddle thing and looking the stats of all the jewelry just in case.
  22. Checked your changes and am very impressed. I never heard of the "saddle" possibility before I knew you were doing a lot on the wiki, but so far never bothered to check its quality. You definitely know your stuff. Thank you for putting in all that work just to share your knowledge with us. On the question of removing an obsolete "guide" page, I'm more on the cautious side, like gogo, keeping the memories intact, but maybe marking the player created guide as "outdated" and linking to the canon page. I don't think we should start giving credit to people on the canon pages. If you want to mention him, do it like a "real" wiki and cite his guide as a "source". Otherwise you might be creating an "I knew it first"-problem on all kinds of content that ends up on the wiki, as you can't really credit two people but you can cite two sources with similar/identical content. Maybe that's just a "me"-problem or a linguistical failure of mine. To me giving credit means building a pedestal for someone and then also crediting someone who copied the first one's work would be like defiling the first one's pedestal, while citing a "corroborating source" basically never directly lifts one "work" up and therefore isn't as harmful when the state is shared with copies of the original work. It probably won't matter at all and I'm overthinking stuff again...
  23. I think we should do a championship of Homerun. Post your meters! (Play fullscreen, (bottom right corner), and you control the guy with the mouse...) I don't remember ever reaching 100m, recently 84m was my best https://www.gameflare.com/online-game/walk-home-drunk/
  24. Thanks Alfhcaval! Myles' guide is actually not canon, theres a box of info there on that page for anyone that wants to put their "guides" up into the wiki before information from it got put into canon I'm thinking that...Myles put his guide up there and then it got "made" into that new canon page, probably by me who created that page from his original work but didn't do a proper page transfer but instead created a new page. Myles should be credited on the better page, alas he's not ...I'll check this carefully this weekend and make sure that page is properly attributed to him as well From the Wiki Index, I would think that as long as a link that purports to be leading to canon leads to what you have referred to as the "better" page then myles' guide could remain (as a player submitted guide) ...but let me look at all the page in context this weekend, and make sure we're leading canon investigators to canon and that player submitted "guides" are in their proper place as non-canon Many of these player guides were original articles that cannon then got derived from... so as long as Myles' guides does not purport to be canon these days (and the disclaimer on that page and all the player sumitted guides make that clear), its a reflection of early research on the game, and is the diaries of players from may years ago. gogo gogo gogo
  25. This link should be deleted: https://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred:Guide_to_Armor_Glow_and_Resistance_Bonuses,_Modified_by_Myles_from_an_old_test_thread_in_Sacred_Official_Forum Because this one said exactly the same (and better formatted): https://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred:Armor_glow And I said "said" because I have made some changes on it, I think it's more understandable now, and the data in the table was not accurate because it did not take into account all the factors.
  26. Some findings about Energy Shields Any character can receive an Energy Shield through the bonus type "BONUS_SHIELD". There are two bonuses in blueprint.txt that have it: The second one appears to be based on the skill Warding Energy Lore, so it probably won't do anything by itself. And the first one has 0 for its values, because they are set by the combat art entries. But if you define a new bonus like so: And give it to a creature or item, then it works. Note: Don't copy-paste code from this site as there is an issue with the symbol encodings. Instead, copy an existing bonus in blueprint.txt and modify it. The value of the bonus isn't a flat amount, but a percentage. The hitpoints of the Energy Shield appear to be based on the character's BaseHitpoints. So a bonus value of 1000 means 100% of the BaseHitpoints. If your character has BaseHitpoints of 12015, then the Energy Shield will also be 12015. If you give this bonus to an item, then the item tooltip will show Max. shield energy +100.0%. Multiple bonuses of this type stack additively. The attribute Willpower increases the energy shield hitpoints just like Vitality increases the regular hitpoints. The formula is the same. While the TotalHitpoints are rounded half-up, the TotalEnergyShieldHitpoints appear to be rounded down. So far, this means that energy shield hitpoints and regular hitpoints share a lot of the parameters from balance.txt. But there are also: The Energy Shield regenerates at a much faster rate, and the reason is the much lower value of balanceShieldRegTime (2000) compared to balanceLifeRegenerationTime (4500). There is also the bonus type "BONUS_SHIELD_REL", which seems like percentage increase to the base "BONUS_SHIELD". WIll have to do some tests. Energy Shields have the property Absorption Warding Energy, which is the percentage of damage that is diverted to the energy shield hitpoints. The blueprint bonus type is "BONUS_SHIELDFACTOR". If the character does not have such a bonus, then the Absorption Warding Energy will be 50%. The first instance of this bonus sets the value - it won't stack with the default value, but rather override it. That is why all energy shield combat arts explicitly set it via a combat art entry. Additional instances of this bonus will stack additively. There are also "BONUS_SHIELDFACTOR_IGNORE" and "BONUS_SHIELDFACTOR_IGNORE_POTENTIAL" which I'll look into later. Energy Shields can also block a flat amount of damage. The bonus type is "BONUS_SHIELDBLOCK". If the character does not have such a bonus, then no damage will be blocked. WIll have to see where does it fit in the overall damage formula. The bonus type "BONUS_SHIELD_REGENERATION" represents flat regeneration rate, which works in and out of combat (just like regular flat hitpoint regeneration). That is what the Temple Guardian uses (the modification of the combat art). I think it was affected by the Tactics Lore/Aspect Lore skill, but I will have to check this. I suspect that the Aspect Lore skill only affects bonuses that come from a combat art, and not when given directly to a creature or item. The bonus type "BONUS_SHIELD_RELOAD_REL" seems to be a percentage bonus to the regeneration rate. I wonder how (or if) it interacts with the flat regeneration bonus. So many things to test... Note: The graphical effect - the blue field of hexagons around the character - comes from the combat arts (buffs).
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